(2007/11) November MTBs

thks lazykat, langlao.

her fever up and down leh .. i abit worried now .... here the doctors advocate letting the baby "fight" whatever virus to build up immunity .... unless very serious case ...

she's not eating/drinking well, mebbe becos of her teething. but still very active. so we continue to monitor her. hope tonite her temp doesn't suddenly shoot up again. that's the most worrisome. my dad lost his hearing on one side due to fever when he's young...so i very paranoid of fever in babies....

langlao, i tink for dentinox, only if u tink A is fussy/uncomfortable becos of her teething ... otherwise i think no need yea ... i bot cos she was cranky and fussy and couldn't sleep well in the nite for a few nites last week. so standby juz in case. but this week she fussy , think becos of the fever so i also don't really try to put the dentinox for her.
gotta trust yr own instincts at time if Kaira is indeed not feeling too good, its impt to keep her fluid intake up with a fever. Take care and hope she recovers fast.

My dentinox is still in its original packaging cos i also dun advocate excessive use of such medicine unless abosloutely necessary. But then again, depends on indiv baby, cos i feel ZY threshold for pain quite high. Jab also never cry.
Hi ladies :i'm using HYLAND'S homeopathic Teething tablets for hayley.It's 100% and works better than the dentinox which i already hv.

sometimes she'll wake up in the middle of the night and cry so this tablet helps a lot.Jut pop one and she doze off to sleep again.only sold in states and cananda....so far i can see.....

yup if fever goes up reaLLY high then admitting to hospital is a must

sharron & others
will be in sin from 1st ~7th then 15th till 22nd or 23rd nov
sharron:i can join u guys on friday yipeeeeee!!!!but hv to rush to catch a flt back to hkg in the afternoon

Happy:come join la

1) Rhythm in Me - Mini Movers 2 (for 12months and above) - 45mins class and costs $35 + GST for trial

Tue and Wed - 10:30am

Fri - 9.30am - Nov 7 - 3 slots left Sharron langlao ,weishy Ok

Sat 2.30pm - Nov 8 - 5 slots left Sharron Ok
Ladies now i hv to change the party venue already.......hubby just resigned from his job so...

Any brillant ideas?How much is HORT PARK charging?and idea?????

Mommies and babies coming to hayley's party

Anybody else?wlll be on 22 nov
no need gifts plssssssssssssssss
ueno, i didnt manage to get a slot at JG. And my leave is also cancelled for that week.

AND Happy birthday to LEroy...send hugs and kisses from Ashlyn and me.


Happy Birthday to Claire...Hugs and kisses to her as well!!!
happy birthday to Claire jie jie & Leroy gor gor!!

happy that kaira has hit another new milestones!

when is the trial class @ forum liao ah?
19Oct? pls help to remind me hor... lately tend to be so.... forgetful! :D

so i will see u another time then. Havve u decided on yr holiday destination? Where r u going to?
Tues I called Hort Park and they told me that 23rd Nov 2008 fruit room is available from 1-5pm, and they will email me the application form.
Then, I waited and waited and didn't receive it and I called again on Thursday. This other lady told me that no one put my name down for that slot, and that the room will not be available until 2.30pm. So, fine, i'll take it from 2.30pm - 6.30pm waited for her to email me the application form. and just now, she called me to apologized that she has overlooked and the fruit room is actually booked from 2-6pm! I'm SO ANGRY! I've already made arrangement for catering, balloons, cakes, cupcakes, agar agar, and photographer for that day! SO ANGRY! Now i'm waiting for her manager to call me.

and opps... Happy Birthday to Claire & Leroy!
*blush* i get a hug too..hee hee
Now headache... the manager called to apologized, offered me a smaller function room (for 25pax). i have 50 guest leh... she ask me go down take a look. Sigh...

Dokie, it's 50/hr for the fruit room (50pax) min 4 hours.
happy birthday to claire & leroy!!!

thank God Kaira's fever seems to have subsided today and she's back to her usual hungry self and juz as active
dreamer, good to hear dat. Its really heatache wen they'r sick.

Anyway everyone have a great week will be away. So catch up soon. Anyone needs anything fr aus?Let me know I see if I can get.
Happy birthday to big brother Leroy & sister Claire too! How time flies.. its been a yr since they were born!

so now gotta fatten Kaira back, hee

the Gymboree trial @ HBF is at 3pm, i wonder how to make my gal stay awake.. hmm
Mummies going to the Gymboree trial - Gentle reminder, its this weekend!!!! haha. =P

Gymboree Trial (Gymboree Harbourfront)
Date: 19th Oct (Sunday)
Time: 3pm

Confimed mummies & babes (daddies are welcome too!):
1. michviv, hubby & Ethan
2. Lazykat, hubby & Zee Yann
3. Poissons & Garreth
4. Kittybride & Chloe
5. Langlao & Ashlee
6. Seashell & Kai Jun

Try your best to come a little earlier than the lesson so you can register and get your children ready & we can introduce ourselves. I can imagine its going to be a fun time for the mummies remembering all the names & nicknames!

Oh, and don't forget to bring a pair of socks for yourselves & your citibank credit card if you have one to get the promotional trial rate! I'll sms you my hp number by the end of today.

Happy Birthday to Claire & Leroy!

Gloomybear: Wah, I feel for you. Can understand how frustrating it is. Strangely enough, when I called to inquire on the fruit room 1 month back, they were very prompt to send me the form leh. Maybe its the person who assisted you. In the end, I decided to give up my reservation & have Ethan's party at my place instead.

Just a quick question for you mummies. How many of you have your baby sleep in the same room as you? Do you use a baby monitor? Or does someone sleep in with the baby?
michviv, my gal has been zzz in her own room since birth. We don't use monitor cos she don't sleep wif aircon and her room is next to ours so we can hear her.
Gymboree Trial
- Okies, just sms-ed all mummies.

Here is the unit number: #03-60/61/62 HarbourFront Centre. Its on the opposite side of the building when you come up via escalator.

thanks for the reminder... i really need one!
ahaha... and pls add in 1 more person; hb coming along.

as for your question, yup my gal sleeps with us... hogging our bed every nite! :D
we used to let her sleep in her own room, but soon after, she also joins us, but sleeps in her own cot. Also gd lah, can save electricity, cos she needs aircon + fan in order to sleep! I also need the unit number
will aim to be there by 2:45pm else it will be hard to do intro.
thanks michviv,
got your sms too! my hubby is coming along and maybe in-laws too (haha!). for those first timers, gymboree is near Mothercare at HBF.

my boy sleeps in the same room as us but on the mattress next to our bed..too lazy to crawl to the next room if he makes nose in the middle of the night :p
poochi:issit????take loooooo hehhehhehehhe

gloomybear:ya man then hv tpo ask ur guests to come at diff timing maybe?????
weishy, ya lor but hope they dun act blur... dun tink I can attend hayley's bd cos 22nd is my birthday so prob goin off to somewhere hee hee

mayb can meet up some other time in Nov/Dec.
Poissons: Wah! In-laws coming along too! =)Looks like we're going to have a mini-Nov mummies party this weekend. haha.

Poochi, kittybride,lazykat & Poissons: thanks for your comments on co-sleeping. My boy has been sleeping in a separate room all this while but has always been accompanied (i.e. with confinement nanny or maid). I used to wake up at night to BF but after I stopped, it has just been my maid looking after him at night. We tried asking her to sleep in her own room and use the baby monitor but he kept on waking up cos he was alone in the room and there isn't any space in my bed cos its only queen size. Am thinking of getting him to sleep on a mattress on my floor but I yet I want him to be independent. Well, main reason for me thinking abt this is becos last night he woke up crying very loudly, think he's teething again or had a stomach-ache and was only consolable when the maid carried him. Broke my heart! He knows who mummy and prefers me in the day but he only finds my maid at night. sigh...am at a dilemma now. maybe I should install the monitor? But last time, he kept on waking up every half an hour cos he wanted someone in the room and I nearly died the next day at work. sigh...
Gloomybear, may be can considered because not everyone comes at the same time.

Ueno, how did u celebrate for Leroy? Hope u have a fun time too. Happy Blessed Birthday to Leroy too!

Michviv, I also don like the idea of baby sleeping with maid. I am afraid that he will get closer to maid than me. So I put him on a mattress in my master bedroom when maid comes over to stay with me from thu to sun. Mon to wed, baby sleeps by himself in one room. the big bro will sleep in another room. I am moving towards letting the boys sleep in a room.
In my opinion, I think it's pretty fine to let him sleep in the same room as you, on a separate bed/mattress of cos. Read that some babies need a sense of security (or shld I say, more sense of security than other bbs) so that he/she can sleep better at night. Maybe Ethan can really sleep thru when you implement this?

For the issue on getting him to be independent, I think it's just a matter of time, eventually he has to sleep in his room, I don't think our kids will want to sleep with us when they are older too, like my niece, she's now 6 and dun allow any of her parents to bunk in her "princess" room at all..haha..

Oh ya, my boy prefers me at night too, will wail loudly when his dad attended to him...broke his daddy heart :p
happy bday claire and leroy! sorry i'm soo late, was SOOO busy today. didn't have time till now. and worse, travis has been giving MIL a bad day today, keeep crying. aiyo.

michviv:: travis sleeps in the same room as us. he will zzz on our bed, we move in back to his cot, but usually he'll join us in the middle of the night. hehe
BTW, u think there'll still be slots for trial on sunday? change of plans so not gg babyjumpergym on sun, so might be able to go if there is slots. i called them but go to voicemail hahaha...

glommybear:: hugs hugs, hope yu get the partyvenue fixed soon! sigh i also have this prob ma. cause tohught of using uncle's condo function room but BOOKED too. so last min then tell me. but in the end, settled for macdonalds la. a bit not so special but grrr. what to do.
thanks for the birthday wishes. We didnt do much today, L had to attend his SM class so after that we just had lunch, came back home to take some pics n took a nap. Simply lazing around hehe..
mummies, can anyone tell me how to collect balloons from k@ye? i posted asking foe her once, but think i missed her.

Sleeping: One of the ways is to gradually move farther from bb. Javier is sleeping with me in a seperate room (Javier's room) and daddy's in another room.
Still wakes up, but I've gotten used to it and accepted it. He has a routine and I guess tat's what is important to me.

How many of u r just celebrating baby's bd at home? I'm doing tthat.
Cindy: Aiya girl, why never say earlier? I just called up Gymboree but they said that they are full already. 1 more outsider called to fill up the last spot. =( Next time perhaps? (unless the mummy who booked is you...)
michviv:: haha i called and left a voicemail ley, asking if got spots, if confirm they should call me back right? hahaha
yap, guess i will see you another time...
We are going club med in the end. Actually went to the agent to book Kota K but when we were there, the prices have increased and no cheaper seats. In the end it was not quite worth it. Next time, i go... i heard there are budget airlines there now. Started a week later after i booked Club Med... =)

Hi K@ye,

Happy birthday to claire (belated)!

Hello all mummies..

Been very busy lately. Sigh.. SO busy with work, ttc for 2nd kid failed for Sept. So stress. This month got to try again . Hope I get it this month.

My baby now is getting harder and harder to handle. Always seek attention and throwing tantrums. Suddenly all his teeth start growing and now he has a total of 8 teeth. He was super duper cranky past few weeks. Really been nightmare for me..
