(2007/11) November MTBs

sharron and other c-section mommies:me too had c-section ,can walk alreayd on the first day(i had the binder straight after i came out of the delivery room as well as my reflex consultant(did this reflex foot massage for a month and it helps a great deal!!!!!!!)

2nd day i can walk to attend those simple baby care talks etc.....and after that no probs at all

when a home i sat on the floor to surf etc hehhehehheh.....didnt wear slippers.....
no confinement lady
my hubby did all the cooking,simple home cook food with loads of ginger thats all....no Dom NO CHICKEN SOUP....

still oki for me(maybe me is :cheen kwa tao (in cantonese kekkekkekekkek)

me wen for my reflex session since 8 months which is too late cos the lady told me reflexology can actually helped to turn the baby..cos hayley is breeched mah(tats why c-section loooooo)

reflex also gives hayley a stronger neck cos its proven!!!!!he can turn from her left side to right side when facing down to sleep

kittybride:: hehe think me will choose date.. hopefully one that is good for travis.
hehe and the new bb too la. siblings must be good and nice to each other. haha!!

sharron:: okay i'm okay with evans
lemme know the date in nov/dec okay!

gelyn and kitty:: me also csect but mine is GA haha i'm the very scared type so i chose GA so i don't know anything and when i woke up, a bit gaga but still okay. hehe!
re: Firstteeth toothpaste
aiyah, seems like so many of u looking for it now... i think juz last wk or wk b4, i posted asking anyone wans to order or not cos i placing order but no one seems keen... so i juz made my order last week niah... i typically get it quite cheap (including overseas shipping)... lazykat and someone else (hehe, can't rem. who) also got it last time...
for the JG trial @ Evans, it can be other days other than Mon rite? What timing do they have besides 11am.. 11am & 3pm happen to be my gal nap time leh
michviv: thanks

Ueno: U still have the JG trial coupon? if not how can i get it? paisei a bit thick skined hor..

sharron, can i join you ladies for the trial in Nov? do update me,. cos i very slow, but the time i saw and react, already over hee..

mambobb, i tried Lucas Papaw Ointment on my bb's neck due to very rough & red skin, and so far so good. comparable to CB calendula cream but not so cheap also ya..
cindy, A's blog: [email protected]

sharron, u can also find the infant swing at Bishan Park. I am interested to try JG, the only thing is Evan's road seems quite out of the way. Anyway keep me posted on the date.

Today is a bad day for A. The teacher told me one boy pushed her and she fell on hard ground and knocked her head. Then at home, she took the wooden base of the tissue box's base and try to "eat" it. She used too much strength and it hit her face. That's not all, few mins later while playing with the bolster, she roll off the bed & hit her head again. My hubby gave me a good scolding when he came home
oh dear... poor A, today really a "bumper" day for her! but dun worry, A's a strong baby!
just give her lots of TLC and XOXOXO, she'll soon forget all her bumpy incidents!

your gynae allow u to do RA for CSect ah?
actually i wanted RA so that HB can also be present to see the birth process but my gynae kept recommending GA; say it's my 1st time may end up too gan cheong, then will affect the stitching, etc.

wah you quite a strong mommy leh.
for me, 1st day asked to sit up and get out of bed liao... super PAINFUL till i teared; felt like i almost died but bo pian, hv to...
by later afternoon,i was slowly moving abt the maternity ward liao. but no binder leh, only start using it in 2nd wk.

ur hb so pandai, can cook confinement food. must be tough coz u hv to take care of hayley while still feeling the pain from the csect wound. really pei fu you...

thanks! yup, once this is over, can close factory liao
dun be too hard on yrself, and as much as we try to prevent all the accidents from happening, its simply inevitable at times. ZY also had a bad fall 2 days back, now left cheek got bad bruise + broken skin.
It will get worse as my MIL warned, with her walking everywhere in the house and not looking at where she is going/stepping on.
Hi Sharron, Kitty, Gelyn, Cindy, and Weishy

Went to see my gynae just now. i can sense tat he is very pro natural. kept saying see how see how. if not too big then go natural. Wa lau.. told him i hve got phobia from last round and asked him to refer to my file.. he said Ya, i suffered tear.. but see how first...!@#$%^&*()_+ I know i can insist on wanting c-sect, but hor my mum told me second one shld be easier to come out. Sigh, no guts still. I remember that my buttock hurt like mad when seated for the first week. must hve been the stitch. And yes, i have had lots of gas/wind in my tummy. And uncontrollable too. Gotta keep sitting down and not stand when relatives come visiting. As sudden standing will make me fart. I was told tat c-sect mummies will hve more gas than natural mummies.
dun be upset bah, actually your gynae is good leh, coz pro-natural.
and to be frank, can try natural coz true to wat ur mom said, 2nd time round will be much easier. this is wat i heard from other frenz who had 2nd or 3rd kids oredi... all say the same thing.
maybe 2nd time lucky for you, smooth delivery?

abt the farting, ya... quite uncontrollable lor and very embarrasing. i remember during confinement my frenz came by to see my baby and we sat on the floor and when i shifted; just farted... wah piang, so paiseh though they din say anything. so malu man... ehee hee...
mummies, kaira finally sprouted her first tooth! heehee....me so excited to see the long-awaited tooth today ... but can see only abit... and then she down with fever today.

not sure if its related to teething ... any one any experience to share? i tot should be before the tooth comes out...but hers already out leh....
pig07:regarding the gas hummmmmm oki le....though i didnt eat alot of ginger :p

i just do the reflexology and even malay lady massage was like one month later
dreamer, hazel had fever wen 2nd tooth was sprouting out. Lasted for 3 days, but she was still eating & behaving quite normal/active, only saw the doc on 3rd day to reassure dat its nothing. Doc says fever shld not last more than 5 days if not need to test urine for infection. Dunno if its coincidental that fever came wif the teeth but most friends saw its common. Jus monitor Kaira.

langlao, hugs for A; beat the naughty boy, tissue box & floor for u!
Hehe langlao, added ash's blog!!

anybody else ha? so far I only have:
# langlao and ashlee
# Jaclyn and joash
# gloomybear and arielle
# cactusnah and eagan
# lazykat and kathleen
# grace and ashlyn
# sally and mischa
# skye skye and Eliza
# Yvonne and Shuen
# Kaye and Claire
# Tinkabel and Matthias
# Cynthia and Chloe

Any other ppl whom i don't have please gimme your blog add okay!!

pig:: hmm i think maybe see later and see how? now have a happy time don't keep thinking of the delivery la.
my gas also okay le. it's bb who got a lot of gas though. HAHA!!

langlao:: give A a hug for me. poor thing.
cindy:my blog www.evilmama.blogspot.com

langlao3:think its oki cos bbs play and they dun do it intentionally
.as long as ash is oki.accidents at home......hayley got loads and she just didnt know the pain sometimes and we pretended its not painful too kekkekekke :p bad mommy but dun wan her to whine and cry all the time ma.unless its really a big one then we'll console and distract her :p
Poochi: Thanks for your PM. Will see if we can find the park one of these days. =)

Teething: My best recommendation to any mummy facing teething issues is DENTINOX! Its truly a life-saver! Just rub a little on the gums to relieve pain. You can use up to 3 times daily. Oh, remember to pass baby lots of teethers so that they can munch away on something. I also use teething rusks from Heinz for Ethan. He really likes them!

C-Sect: Really pei-fu all mummies who had to undergo a C-sect. As I was attached to a gynae during my JC days for work attachment, I witnessed 1st hand to a natural delivery, delivery with epi & emergency C-sect - And I swore I will take the epi when I gave birth. Hope to try next time without epi. See how la...maybe I'll chicken out. =P

Poissons: No prob! Let me know if Planet Fitness is opening a branch around the Queenstown area then I'll go! haha.

Langlao: Poor Ashlee! I'll ask Ethan to "sayang" her when he sees her on Saturday. =)

YIKESSSSSS.... you are soooooo... skinny!!!
OK confirm you cannot JOIN the rest who intend to go slimming centers liao! ahahhaa... :D

heard from weishy, your nanny from mayamar? which agent? good or not? cos thinking of changing my maid, dun mind can share with me, mine is phil and i scare indon not clean and hygiene so thought of using mayamar

can call me at 90925010? thanks
sharron:yup i can tell ur nanny is good le by the way she takes care of ashton(of cso she may be nto flexible etc but till oki le,only few hours of contact but hope my instincts is corretc :p)

kittybride:ya she cant join la.......join then nothign left loooooo
catherine, ya you are indeed very slim. Can you share your secrets. hee...hee...Jovan so cute. Yr hub looks like Adrian Pang in one of the pic.

plim, thank you.
baby dust to mummies who are trying.

weishy, Hayley can really walk quite steadily.
My boy still can't walk yet.

Michiv, Ethan really quite pui pui.
Where is that place where all the giraffes stick out their tongues? Must be fun for yr boy.
mummies, I don't have a blog. I am lazy and no time to do up. Anyway I just post some pics as well but taken when Isaac was 6 months. Now always tired so no time to take more pics. :p



kittybride & weishy,
the 2 of u r so farnie! i can still sign up for slimming sessions lah. Jovan loves to play with my love handles when he drinks his milk!

ok ok i eat more & more! hahaha

he look like Adrian Pang meh? i think Adrian Pang more handsome! =P Issac is SO chubby & cute. ur 2 dogs are so well-behaved!
Rachel C: Thanks! We were able to feed the giraffes at Safari World in Bangkok. =)Ethan was not afraid of the giraffes at all and had a fun time spotting all the animals whilst on safari drive through.

Your photos look great! Isaac looks so cute.
Rachel C:hayley can stand up by her own and walk more than 10 step already.......he kept pratising to stand up 2 days ago and managed hehhehheheh
Catherine / michviv, thank you thank you. One of the dogs belong to my cousin, she went oversea to work, so she is staying with us now. I used to send my dog to school, so he understands commands e.g. sit, stay so easier for photo shoots. The other dog is a copy cat, so no problem for photo shoot

michviv, Isaac is a monster crab now, he has learnt to pinch and scratch pple so trying to break this bad habits of his.
Mummies - JG Trial Class

I just phoned up the Evans Road outlet. They only allow 2 babies for each trial class and the maximum number of kids in the class is 12. It will be playnest programme for our babies as they are for 6months to 18months. Each session is 1.5hrs. We have to call them 2 days before the class to see if there are slots available, meaning we cannot put our names down as reservations. The next available days are

Tue - 3pm,
Wed - 11am
Thu - 3pm
Fri - 11am

So i guess we have to make our own plan to attend this JG trial which will end 15 Nov 2008 as they have some holiday programm till Dec.

If we have a class of 10 babies - we can write in and request for a trial class on our own but that can only happen in Jan'09.....
Happy - I just PM you.

Weishy - Thanks, yes Ashton's nanny is good so far - she is patient and soft spoken although she is not at housework which I dont mind since I have another helper.....

I am planning to bring Ashton to Benjamin for some photos taking for his one year old!

Cakes - Any feedback on Cake Avunue? Just looked at the website and seems not bad...... Am celebrating Ashton's birthday on the 15th....
Mummies - check out this website http://www.gracekids.com.sg/companies.html

I just called them and they have the following classes for our babies :

1) Rhythm in Me - Mini Movers 2 (for 12months and above) - 45mins class and costs $35 + GST for trial

Tue and Wed - 10:30am
Fri - 9.30am
Sat 2.30pm

2) Busy Buddies - 1.5hrs class and costs $45 + GST for trial

Wed - 3.15pm
Thu - 9.15am
Sat - 1.15pm

I am ok for the Sat class. Let me know if you are keen and we go together...?
Mummies - check out this website http://www.gracekids.com.sg/companies.html

I just called them and they have the following classes for our babies :

<font color="ff0000">1) Rhythm in Me - Mini Movers 2 (for 12months and above) - 45mins class and costs $35 + GST for trial</font>

Tue and Wed - 10:30am

Fri - 9.30am - Nov 7 - 3 slots left Sharron Ok

Sat 2.30pm - Nov 8 - 5 slots left Sharron Ok

<font color="ff0000">2) Busy Buddies - 1.5hrs class and costs $45 + GST for trial</font>

Wed - 3.15pm

Thu - 9.15am

Sat - 1.15pm Nov 8 1st class of the term - Sharron Ok
Thanks for all your concerns for A, luckily she slept soundly thru the night &amp; has no bad dreams

Catherine, it's ok even if Jovan pushed her. I am sure, she's been stepping over many babies now that she's walking.

Mummies, anyone keen to go baby fair (http://www.motherhood.com.sg/BabyFair.pdf). There's crawling/baby contest. Since it's in Nov I am not sure which cat our babies can join. Anyway since A started walking, she seldom crawl already.
Mummies - check out this website http://www.gracekids.com.sg/companies.html

I just called them and they have the following classes for our babies :

1) Rhythm in Me - Mini Movers 2 (for 12months and above) - 45mins class and costs $35 + GST for trial

Tue and Wed - 10:30am

Fri - 9.30am - Nov 7 - 3 slots left Sharron langlao Ok

Sat 2.30pm - Nov 8 - 5 slots left Sharron Ok

2) Busy Buddies - 1.5hrs class and costs $45 + GST for trial

Wed - 3.15pm

Thu - 9.15am

Sat - 1.15pm Nov 8 1st class of the term - Sharron Ok
i still have some coupons but they will expire 31oct, according to the mummies here, JG is full till Nov. But if u manage to get a slot do let me know. i can leave it at the centre for u.
langlao, glad that A is well

thanks poochi, will monitor her. i gave her paracetamol in the day and she was ok.... but last nite abt 3 am her fever went to 39.5 (taken underarm), me stressed ah....call PD in sg! (for once, so glad abt the time difference!), doc ask me to give her the suppository which she gave us (before we left sg) and monitor her. she's not having fever now...will monitor and hubbie calling the doctor here now.

dentinox - michviv, i bought liao...but my gal dun even want to open her mouth to let my finger in! anywayz, see how.

cindy, my blog is weisze.blogspot.com
Langlao, me still in SG lah... Will be going to HK on this Sat noon. I tell u lah, u can drop by on Sunday morn to get the items from my hubby.

I just let him know okie.
If not, u still can get it from me today at night.
Kittybride: what is RA (for C-sect)? I only told him that I don’t want to have GA cos I don’t want to be total knock out. Anyway, I can’t feel anything cos my lower half body was numb. I remember when they try to push my son out…the feeling was like you know in the olden days when you wash clothes on the wooden board. I heard my boy 1st cry when he was out. And my gynae continue, I think he is pushing out the placenta…but before he stitch the wound back, I just feel tired and fall asleep. I was on the bed when I awake, waiting for them to push them to my ward.

I think you have to get the binder yourself or as your husband or the nurse. I bought it before I was warded for C-sect.

Cindy: I don’t want that gaga feeling that why I told him I don’t want GA C-sect. Heehee…but like what I mentioned I was tired and I just knock out after I heard my son’s first cry. Haha…

Weishy: you are so steady. I just lie on my bed for the 1st day. I was get up to walk around on the second day. With binder of cos, I bought in with me cos my friend said better get one.

Pig: You and I share the same gynae. Yes, he is pro-natural. But for my case, natural is out but he also keep telling me the same thing…see how first. I agree with kittybride cos I heard from friend that 2nd child onward is easier. *Don’t kill me if it’s not true.
Hi Kitty and Gelyn,

After hearing from doc hor, i got a feel that end day i will go natural. Can only hope that baby wont be big like kiros hence easier to push.

Sigh, really hope its easier. My mum's reasoning is also that Kiros and this 2nd one is like 13months apart nia, so very easy one wo.

She said she took only 1 hour to get me out. (me and my elder sister about 18mths apart) I am the 2nd child in the family.

And she took many many many hours to get my younger bro out as she claimed that she conceived my bro 7 years later after me hence it's almost like first delivery.

RA is what you had, regional anathesia... dats y u can still hear baby cry and felt urself like the washing board! ahaha.. that description is really funny... i thk i will complain if i RA and feel like kena 'washed'... hee heee... but lucky i knocked out, dun knw wat they do to me also... but wat the heck, most impt is get my baby out safe &amp; sound.

aiyoh, no i remember liao, i got the binder on the 2nd day of delivery - the nurse brot one over and say i should get one to hold my tummy/wound but i only use it when i was home. i thk lah... now can't recall liao... SHARKS! braincells degenerating again! :D

dun worry, just try natural 1st. shd be easier this 2nd time round since the gap is not so far apart.
Cindy my blog - littlemshazel.blogspot.com

Catherine- I agree wif kitty &amp; weishy u belong to the petite size la no neeed slimming!

Anyways I so upset wif Qantas they had to change their aircraft and now I have to take a smaller plane at nite! Initiallly was a big plane and in the am. But hopefully its a blessing - cos than I dun need to feed my gal &amp; she can zz. Cross Fingers! Weishy, do u know for susch cases how do they normally compensate?
Kittybride, I use it immediately on the second day. And I think you should, its so much comfortable than to go without. But though with binder, still can feel my jelly-like tummy like bouncing with my every steps...

Pig, go for it. Should pop within seconds before you knew it. that what those with 2nd child said...
Gelyn;wel i'm those active type so.....me cannot lie in bed for long time la :p

poochi;humm no la tehy dun unless there'a delay ~long one like more than 12 hours etc or a night

i dun think teething will cause fever, in ZY's case its due to "fake measles", juz that the timing coincides. But sure will be more fussy so continue to give her lotsa TLC.

for once, i wonder why my name is there.. my gal name is Zee Yann lah.. ha.

we just went zoo this morning, and ZY also had her fun feeding the giraffe. But i think she is too sleepy to take much notice of the other animals.. and she is busy looking at people rather than animals.

This active one fell down and had another cut on her knees now.. bleeding somemore
one accident after another.
