(2007/11) November MTBs

count me in for Hayley's party. I paid $18 for L's haircut at Junior League Parkway,think thats the market rate.

haircut: Javier's first haircut was at Junior's league. it costs me $20. Then, the next time it got too long for comfort, my mum brought him to the neighbourhood shop to cut and he didnt cry at all. Style wise, its not as stylo, but it costs only $5. So, i have no complaints.

Lip balm: I use clarins lip balm now, which is quite good. Another one I've used before is shiseido, which is also good.

Wow, plumsource, ur days sound full. And I just realised that Javier's birthdy is in 2 weeks time. I kept thinking 3 weeks. It's really close now.

I've managed to bake hard cookies and the next step is to do simple icing on them. Will embark on the project tomorrow. Then, I'll post the pictures.

Made the traditional steamed egg cake today, my hubby's fave. Lucky it still turns out fine, the last time I made that was 4 years ago. hahaha...
now ur hubby working at Dempsey House ah? hehe..near my house..will drop by.

HAyley's party @ Dempsey House 22 NOV.12 ~ 3 pm

All are welcome

No gifts pls but blessings

mummies, sorry we din make it to Gymboree on Sunday. Ashlee has a bad cough & running nose. Now she has pass her virus to both me & hubby

Catherine, Ashlee stayed home today & tmr too. Aiyo she seem to fall sick every week now that she goes to infant care

Weishy, count me in for Hayley's BD, will definitley be thr unless she falls sick again...touchwood!!
cos she had her nap 11am+ thru 1:30pm, and its quite impossible to get her sleep outside unless she is absolutely KO! She can tahan at least 5 hours w/o sleep, and after that exercise all the more she wont sleep lor..

i kinda figure out Ashlee muz hv been not feeling well. Hopefully with time her immunity has built up, seems quite a norm for babies to fall sick when they first started out infantcare, same thing happen to my hubby's cousin's baby, lagi worse, cos they start infantcare since 2mth+, first few wks/mths keep falling sick.. but now she is a chubby and happy baby.
i am going to Club Med Bintan. You may want to check it out. They are having some promos.
And yes, my girl seems taller already. she lost so much baby fat so quickly..

HAyley's party @ Dempsey House 22 NOV.12 ~ 3 pm

All are welcome

No gifts pls but blessings

HAyley's party @ Dempsey House 22 NOV.12 ~ 3 pm

All are welcome

No gifts pls but blessings


yeah hayley will hv alot of bb friends coming

langlao:ya usually get sick when they go infant care.....well just treat it as a immune system trainng looooo.......can build up hers mah....

grace:ya already chked out BINTAN....alittle ex le.....with my helper somemore......must we pay our own ferry tixs?????how much in total>??????3 days is enough?????(maybe too boring if more ekkekkekekkekeke)only the 3 of u????if dun bring helper u think they hv nannies there????

Hi all,
I have been MIA for a while. Need to read & read all he posts! So many kiddos can walk! Yay.... K loves to walk too but still need to hang on to our hands. She is vocalizing a whole lot more, imitating almost everything we say
. Nowadays, she calls "Daddy" all the time and very loud on top of it. Daddy is so proud!

I use lipIce. You can find those at Watsons.... cheap and good, plus it changes to pink after application. I use it instead of lip stick!

I am done having kids..... so you can have all my babydust!

~*~*~*~Sprinkle, sprinkle, sprinkle*~*~*~*~
thanks for ur input on where to cut Jovan's hair. aiyor yday evening another auntie mistaken Jovan for a girl again! *pengz*

aiyor. poor ash. *HUGS* i think it's like tat one. esp now there's so many babies there. i think it's getting abit over-crowded. HB says it's like a war zone every monrning. Jovan also kept delaying his pneumonia jab coz he kept having running nose. in the end, he din take his 7th month pneumonia jab at all. but it's one way for them to build up their immunity. PD said all children get the same number of illness/disease/virus/bacteria by the time they reach 5 yrs old. it's just tat our babies get it sooner. u take care too. drinks loads of water.
Lip balm: thanks mummies for all the recommendations. Will go down and take alook.

The FaceShop Masks:
Any mummies using the above? I heard that Korea is selling cheaper than local. I will be grabing some back from there. Any mummies interested?
Weishy: thanks for the invite. I will try to make it for Hayley's party. How many people can you accomodate? The last thing I want is an overcrowded party. =P

HAyley's party @ Dempsey House 22 NOV.12 ~ 3 pm

All are welcome

No gifts pls but blessings


Sharron: I have tried out 1 hour playgym at Gymboree Tanglin. Agree that the classroom there is bigger! Maybe we'll try out a trial when he reaches he next level. =)

Bringing Ethan for his immunization shots now and will see how heavy/tall he is. =) Talk to you gals later.
Catherine: he doesn't look like girl at all leh.. those aunties' eyes really 'da stamp' leh.. haha.. your house got mahjong table arh.. haha.. see liao hands itchy again.. haha
No lar, he doesn't look like girl but can understand with the hair ;). I am glad I have a girl this time and can let the hair grow and grow. I used to cut my boys hair at home.... not an easy task. What I did... if you are interested to know, is I sat him in his bathtub, fill it up with toys to keep him occupied. Then snip here and there. 1st attempt looks like "kena" bitten by rats! hahaha. Subsequently, I think I can cut my boys hair better than most hairshop now ;)

Your eyes so sharp! Like that also can see mahjong table. I play every weekend with the in-laws... hehehe
catherine:yup he dun like girl le those ppl got crossed eyes ar :p

michviv:well dun think its gonna be a small place and u can always be outdoors where there's greenery to play and relax on

but why not a crowded place?party are supposed to be crowded and sometimes messy kkekekkekkek ;p
see you on 22 Nov....then pay u cash for the hairband and bib.

HAyley's party @ Dempsey House 22 NOV.12 ~ 3 pm

All are welcome

No gifts pls but blessings

7)S@L (will bring gift-i dun care
weishy, michviv - House@Dempsey is a huge place
And they have plenty of outdoor space/field

michviv - ashton is having the level 3 at Gymboree Tanglin every Fri at 930am. We can meet there if you want to bring Ethan for a trial. Btw Ethan and I have the same birthday! heehee

High Tea in Nov - Nov 2 or 14 ok? Rose Veranda will be opened by then....yeah....

Weishy - Do you want to bring Hayley for a trial at Gymoboree?

We are doing the Rhythm in Me - Mini Movers 2 (for 12months and above) - 45mins class and costs $35 + GST for trial at Grace Kids Great World City on

Fri - 9.30am - Nov 7 - 3 slots left Sharron langlao ,weishy Ok
weishy, the other time my friends and I went to sebu island in Malaysia. We went a few years back, the deers are let loose in the island and the island is surrounded by sea. And while eating at the cafe, you will enjoy the sea, the sun and breeze. Quite a nice feeling.

If not, you can try Batam, should be cheap and good. If you bring the food there and stay at the resort.
mummies wow so many activities, I wish I can join you mummies for the gathering but currently I am working from home and gynae wants to restrict my movement. Think can only join you mummies during my 3rd trim
HAyley's party @ Dempsey House 22 NOV.12 ~ 3 pm

All are welcome

No gifts pls but blessings

7)S@L (will bring gift-i dun care )
8) Kaye
Weishy, the cup cakes are yummy!!!!

I had emailed u the items my sis wants to get from LA but my sis forgotten to provide me with the size!!! Will let u know once i got the sizes!

Kitty & Catherine, will try to get the stroller mat for u tmr coz i m going to the shopping mall tmr!
u got sharp eyes! yah i got MJ table but it's those lousy type & it's collecting dust. so long neber play MJ. i also hand itchy! i dun mind organising a MJ session at my house. u interested? bukit merah. whose else interested?

wow so u are MJ queen! it's going to be Jovan's BD party in less than 2 weeks' time. i think i'll bring him to pro hair-cut this time round. ur sugguestion is a good idea! i'll try tat the next round. hopefully Jovan cooperates. it sounds fun. hehe

i also dunno y those aunties keep mistaking Jovan for a girl girl. dunno to laugh/cry =P

thanks! yah no need to purposely find. if u never buy, i save money! hahaha
kittybride, ya 2nd tri. Doing amnio soon as above 35 yrs old. So gynae wants to restrict movement.

How are u so far? MS gone already?

Any mummies tried cakes from ai mummy? I ordered a birthday cake from her, saw the design is nice but not sure nice to eat or not?
Rachel C,
i tot aimummy is not be available in Oct and Nov 2008. u managed to order a cake from her? i like her cakes as well, v unique & nice. can let me know the price tat she quote u?
poissons:no la he havent found yet his fren's girlfren works there

S@L:aiya u so funny hehehhehheheh if u insist la :p maybe a pack of yogurt will do la

dun wan pl to be obligated to come mah

sharron :yes yes pls include us for the gymboree trial class

K@ye:hehehhe told u its nice mah hehehheheh.tk god u guys think so too if nt hor.....nto cheap mah
ueno, I was thinking of getting the leapfrog exploration for isaac. Does yr bb like it? Instead I got him a leapfrog touch system.

catherine, we are celebrating isaac's birthday on 16th Nov and she specified in her blog that she is available after 15th Nov. So I tried my luck and she accepted my order.

I asked her to make Elmo or Elmo and friends for the cake.

This is her quote:

Price will differs for more detailed designs and no. of figurines increased.
All servings are estimated as guide only :

6" x 9" = $180 ( estimate serving of 40 servings as guide )


6" x 10" = $220 ( estimate serving of 50 servings as guide )

** Fondant covered cake board need to top up $5
i think he likes it but will lose interest in it after a while n move on to other toys. He has the littletouch pad too.
thanks to all mummies who shared their babies' experience with roseola here. appreciate it

kaira's rashes jus disappeared after 3 days. so she "swee swee" again ... hehehe
Ueno: thanks for the suggestion! Aiyo...the story is so sad...reminds us not to take any normal flu for granted...=(

Any mummies have any feedback on the "learn & groove musical table" by leapfrog?

Lazykat: Haha.the video sure shows how crowded the class was! =) Think the bubbles segment was the most fun part for all of them!

Rachel: you are really lucky! I also wanted to order from aimummy in August but my hubby wasn't convinced abt the pricing so in the end, she's fully booked already. Now I have to go with PG cake. Let me know how the cake goes?
Rachel C, ya u are so lucky. I wanted to get Aimummy too, aft a fren recommended her cake was good. She wasn't fully booked yet BUT she was full of the date i wanted cos she was preparing for a Wedding cake order. HEr designs are good, but nt sure if the price is on the high side?

Anyway i m happy that i finally settled my 3D Hello Kitty cake with another mummy who bakes! hehehe...hope it will turn out pretty pretty
lazykat, i also hope ashlee'll buildup immunity. I am thinking of taking her for flu jab after she recovers. Doc's advise is to take the jab but then he says will still kena, I was like huh?!!

Catherine, pneumonia jab is flu jab?

Sharron, I'll make it for the Grace Kids trial

ueno, Michviv, I intend to give ashlee the exploration set as BD pressie too.
Rachel C,
oic. too bad Jovan's party is on 2Nov. no chance to get aimummy. anyway, thanks for the info. seems like her cake is not tat cheap.

that news is v sad. my heart goes out to the parents.

pneumonia is different from normal flu jab. the doc is right, coz there are so many diff strands of flu virus. even if u take flu jab, it also vaccinates against certain strands.

how much is the leapfrog exploration set? is there a spree/BP going on? my HB intend to get Jovan an ankle bracelet. i dunno wat to get for him yet.
such a sad story!
guess we can't really that things for granted and be thankful for our little ones every day.

OIC, do take care then!

thanks for uploading the vid!
think ur hb managed to captured ZY, Chloe & Ethan (plus michviv's back! ahahaa...)

glad to know your kaira has recovered!
birthday pressie:
i will not be buying anything for my boy since holding a party for him is like a big pressie for him liao. nevertheless, i will deposit a sum of money to his savings a/c as form of angbao to him for his future edu use
S@l: which mummy are you using for the Hello Kitty Cake?

Langlao: I understand what the dr means cos the flu jab is only developed against the most virulent strain during the period. So since the virus can mutate,its not 100% effective...

As for the pneumonia jab, I'm not sure if you're referring to Prevnar/pneumococcal jab. Just gave to Ethan yesterday. If they take after 1 yr old, only need to take 2 shots instead of 3.

Where do you mummies get the Exploration set? Overseas spree issit?
Poissons: haha...you & my hubby think alike...but after talking abt it, like quite poor thing leh, 1st birthday & no birthday present...so we're still thinking what we should get him cos he really has a short attention span for toys these days...
michviv: there is os spree still buying the exploration set. Previously I had asked here to combine the orders from all the mummies. RP selling $149 and we got it at $70+

very practical indeed! ya, the bday party oredi will burn a hole in our pockets hor.
i wanted to get my gal a gold necklace & crucifix (me old fashion bah) but the gold prices so ex... think will have to KIV for now.

actually i have already bought him alot of stuff leh, juz bought him a pair of shoes/socks and his birthday suit also. Dun really like to buy toys for him cos' he seemed to be more interested in remote controls, caps, spoons..etc (give up!)...so i think putting money in his bank is the best..hehe!
