(2007/11) November MTBs

i din buy the personalise banner, anyone know whr to buy the big alphabets to stick onto the wall?

cactus, ya the play gym is a bit warm so i put it under the ceiling fan.

dokie..hehehee me doing spongebob theme for my son
but will be jus a small decor and birthday cake to create the theme! SO fun! i got them mostly online. love the bouquet balloons i bought from the recent BP.
nt sure if its expensive from online, cos cant seem to find them elsewhere locally.

K@ye, u hurt me and Cindy here liao! LOL...we are dolls collector hor! Where got instill wrong values! *sob
....i m a big fan of collectable Barbie okie!? i think i still grow up alright le...kekekeke
1. sharron - 12pm or 3pm also ok
2. S@L - 12-3pm
3. skye skye
4. lazykat - 12pm or 3pm also ok
6. plumsource - 12pm
7. tinkabel
8. dokiesim (after 2pm)
9. ueno (after 2pm)
10. gillian (after 2pm)
11. langlao (3pm)
seems like Lavish is very popular, I may hv to find alternative caterer as those BD celebrations I am going in sept & Oct all use Lavish, dun wan my guests to eat the same stuff all over again. anyone use purple sage or CJS before? Hubby want to have a roast lamb station.
i think we got a problem here. Mummies who indicated the timing AFTER 2PM , i assume u gals prefer the 2nd siting i.e. 3.30-6pm? can confirm so that we can figure out the majority votes?

1. sharron - 12pm or 3pm also ok
2. S@L - 12-3pm
3. skye skye
4. lazykat - 12pm or 3pm also ok
6. plumsource - 12pm
7. tinkabel
<font color="ff0000">8. dokiesim (after 2pm)
9. ueno (after 2pm)
10. gillian (after 2pm)</font>
11. langlao (3pm)

Purple sage is pretty good, and they do make an effort on their presentations too. They are quite a bit more upmarket then your average caterer.
Sharron, helping you a bit here. hope u dun mind.
Mummies who indicated the timing AFTER 2PM , i assume u gals prefer the 2nd siting i.e. 3.30-6pm? can confirm so that we can figure out the majority votes?

1. sharron - 12pm OR 3.30pm
2. S@L - 12pm
3. skye skye
4. lazykat - 12pm OR 3.30pm
6. plumsource - 12pm
7. tinkabel
8. dokiesim - 3.30pm
<font color="ff0000">9. ueno (after 2pm)
10. gillian (after 2pm)</font>
11. langlao -3.30 pm
1. sharron - 12pm OR 3.30pm
2. S@L - 12pm
3. skye skye - 12pm or 3.30pm
4. lazykat - 12pm OR 3.30pm
6. plumsource - 12pm
7. tinkabel
8. dokiesim - 3.30pm
9. ueno (after 2pm)
10. gillian (after 2pm)
11. langlao -3.30 pm

mummies, do yr babies still put things in their mouth? my Eliza will even pick up hair on the floor and 'eat' it. :S when do they stop putting stuff in their mouth?
*Sayang* S@l &amp; Cindy.... Those barbies that are collectors' items are not manufactured to be crass... I mean those for main stream manufacturing... Must steer clear from Claire!!!

Dokie, u can go to the shop and get them to pump for u.
Hi K@ye, I am sorry for the delay. Find it so hard to make decision. emailed u already. thanks so much for coordinating.

S@L, where did u buy the spongebob cake?

Poissons, thanks for your update.
Nov Mummies Spree - Based on emails i received till now.

<font color="aa00aa">Kids Party World
1. S@l - US$10.94
2. Poissons - US$21.25
3. Cindy - US$36.19
4. Lazykat - US$32.04
5. Langlao - US$6.70
6. Kittybride - US$10.40
7. Dokie - US$14.87

Amount left: US$67.61</font>

<font color="ff6000">Balloons
1. Grace - US$6.56
2. Cactus - US$12.35
3. Yany - US$15.90
4. Cindy - US$23.85
5. Lazykat - US$7.28
6. Kaye - US$14.35(still want to buy some more!)
7. Possion - US$7.95

Amount left: US$111.76</font>
morning mummies,
paiseh, i have some qns:
1. whr to get personalised banner?
2. whr to buy the big alphabets to stick onto the wall? (same qn as langlao)
2. how much do i need to pay the bugis shop to pump in hellium gas in the balloons? still wondering if should directly get http://www.grefio.com.sg/ (is this poisson's balloon contact?)

yany / cactusnah,
he downs 1L of milk &amp; 2 full bowls of porridge/cereal everyday. of course pui pui lor. my HB call him 小胖 occasionally. hope he dun become 大胖. hahaha. yah his hair getting abit long &amp; it keeps poking into his ears. i dun dare to trim for him. they r so active now.

J still mouths everything. have to keep telling him "No". he understands but once u look away, he puts it in his mouth &amp; give u a "oh-oh-i-got-caught" look.
i dunno when they'll stop. but i rem my fren's gal stopped mouthing when she was 18months.
Catherine, for the balloons if u dun hv alot, the Bugis shop charges $1.50 (onwards) to pump for one 18" round foil balloon.

RE: Putting everything into the mouth
Based on the infant care centre, at this stage they like to put everything into their mouth as part of exploration.

So the idea is not to say "No" everytime but rather to keep an eye to see what they put.
dokiesim, i hv nt placed order, but most likely settle for ecreative liao. it will be a main cake with cupcakes surrounding it. Cute!

k@ye, ok la...i also grew up playing with mainstream barbies....*LOL..
Langlao, i think Kriston catering alos not bad... Think their price range ard Purple Sage.

Purple Sage famous for weddings rite?

S@l, i also played with mainstream babies. But i hate it when i starts seeing Barbie clothing, shoes etcc.. Its like super overdose. Hello Kitty seems so much cuter even thought it has everything....
Weishy, remember to email me your orders (balloons + stuff) hor!!!

Now, i realised i can go to open a shop liao.. My study room is machiam like a warehouse. Full of balloons + party supplies from my other sprees!
Hey Yany
Your forgot i mentioned SHORT... :p

Mummy Catherine, Your boy looks handsome and well equipped

My boy at 10 mth is 8.8kg...seems to be stuck at 8kg range for a long time
No problem S@L - thanks for helping!

Ok latest list for high tea on October 3, Fri,

1. sharron - 12pm OR 3.30pm
2. S@L - 12pm
3. skye skye - 12pm or 3.30pm
4. lazykat - 12pm OR 3.30pm
5. happy
6. plumsource - 12pm
7. tinkabel
8. dokiesim - 3.30pm
9. ueno (after 2pm)
10. gillian (after 2pm)
11. langlao - 3.30 pm

Looks like majority of the mummies are going for the 2nd seating, i.e. 3.30pm to 6pm. S@L and Plumsource - any chance for you to adjust your schedule on that day? I guess we would be done before 6....?
1. sharron - 12pm OR 3.30pm
2. S@L - 12pm
3. skye skye - 12pm or 3.30pm
4. lazykat - 12pm OR 3.30pm
5. happy
6. plumsource - 12pm
7. tinkabel 12pm OR 3.30pm
8. dokiesim - 3.30pm
9. ueno (after 2pm)
10. gillian (after 2pm)
11. langlao - 3.30 pm
oh.. thanks for the info. Jovan's infantcare never told us anything abt mouthing.

first time got someone say he's handsome. so happy. hahaha
thank you once again kaye for coordinating! hehe and yes do let me know when and how much to pay ha!! sms me or email me cause sometimes busy never come in here. eheee..

and ya loh kaye, u make me sad like what s@l said ley haha i am a doll collector okay!!

langlao:: for you, monster travis. he looks really old for his age hah! many ppl call him xiao da ren!

wangwangmummy:: travis has been stuck at the 8kg range for a long time too! he's now like 8.8kg at 10months and 2 wks. haizz.
sharron, I'm afraid the 2nd seating will be too rush for me. cos i hv to pick Mischa and Favian up with hb for Favian's enrichment class in the evening. before that hv to make bring him for dinner first..so sorry. shall join u girls another day then. initially tot is lunch lo..hehehe
Like S@L I also have to rush back to get my son to enrichment class. I will see if I can make other arrangements for him, maybe postpone to another day. otherwise I will have to give a miss too. You girls enjoy though!
How about we choose another nice hotel that we can go after 12noon and leave in the late afternoon then we accomodate 2 groups of people?
Cindy, wow travis looks so grown up now. Looks like he wants to climb off the cot. haha... My favourite baby here...

Here's Matt for exchange. haha...

Tinkabel, i like Matt in the 3rd pix!!!

*Sayang* Cindy, warrao S@l &amp; ur dolls are another class one lah.... I dun think parents will buy a $200++ Blythe doll for their kid to play rite! :p

Langlao, i think Purple Sage knows how to market themselves. I m browsing thru the Singaporebrides.com forum to see for caterers. Seems neo garden, very popular.
Hey cindy, I saw travis appears to lift his legs out of the bumbo very easily. The bumbo's getting a bit tight for Matt now. Prob got fat thighs... Haha...
langlao: That day I went, it was singing welcome song, warming up exercise, a try on walking along the beam, a gymnastic turn at the paralle bar and a forward roll. A puppet singing session, swing time and ending with bubble session.

I think most of the Gym classes are similar to each other. I signed it up becoz it is more accessible compare to JWTKids and there is a free play of the gym 1hr/week. So I go down @1pm, play till 2pm and 2pm - 255pm will be the class. I feel more worth it.

Ashlee knows how to walk liao.. so good.. Cailyn still crawling every where and does not like to walk now.

Tinkabel: wow Matt really looks like big boy now.. so cute.. heehee

S@L: have you mailed out my clip? =p heehee
I like the 1st picture! Looks like a big boy there. He's got a full head of dark, black hair... nice!

OK... I'm going to make a wild guess here. Irene?

Big Letters,
How about making yourself? Buy some coloured paper, cut out the alphabet, laminate and cut the outline. Other option..... you know those foam mats? Some of them comes with alphabets... so just take out the letters for the party ;)

Still thinking about joining you ladies for high tea. I will know later as it is too early to decide now... lol
mambobb, thr's a swing at the gym? ya the routine sounds similar except little gym dun use puppet. Wa the 1 hr free play is really worth it.
Mummies, brought Matt to a nearby island. Those photos above are taken there. Gave him a coke bottle to play and he refused to let go off it. Then we tried putting him on the grass, thinking that he will crawl. He refused to move, prob found the grass pricky. Haha... Last photo, we were by this rock near a lake and it was so windy, Matt was trying to keep himself balanced. Haha...
mambo...yup mailed liao...

Langlao, i hope to join too le. but cannot la will be mad rush for me. and the evening crowd is terrible. the Taxi fare also Xiao man..the other day i took cab hm from Suntec, reached my mum pl a whopping $25! i can hv a good meal with that money!

oh by the way. i going for my high tea tomorow with frens...at Royal park, one-for-one deal..very worth it le...u girls can consider too. nt very sure the timing, cos my GF arranged it.

Sharron will see majority votes ba..cos hv some mummies like urself neutral votes..hehehe...jus joking la...if cannot then next time bah
k@ye, DD's cousin used Neo recently, that's why the cousin celebrating the nx BD who originally wanted Neo change to lavish so now it's like musical chair, we who wanted lavish has to find alternative
Langlao, wow... Like trying different restaurants like that leh... Okie, i tried kriston catering, not bad, their pricing similar to Purple Sage. Eatzi gourmet (managed by JAck's pl) also not bad.
ahha thank u langlao and tinkabel!

tinkabel:: yes travis lifts himself out of the bumbo himself now. hhaha other times, he just put one leg on the centre piece there - like crossing his legs. haha!! matt is soo cute! i loove his thick luscious hair!!

other than gym classes, any mommies brought their bb to kindermusik or other music classes? travis seems to love music a lot. He turns his head whenever there's music and is able to clap and hum whenever we play the nusery songs ahha! he super loves the if you're happy and you know it song...
langlao, thanks!

travis really look like a 小大人!

aiyor... matt looks so cheeky, esp in the 3rd photo. seems like he can stand unsupported for a long time already?
hahah!! tinkabel:: yes yes i drooling but i had a nightmare last night that it was a boy again!! -.-"" hmm not able to see gender still but what we could see is that between the legs got a white portion! not sure if that white part is balls + stick or later on will just be a flat part. Hai.... Gynae says still early to tell wor. preg still ok so far, exactly the same as how i had travis just that appetite isn't as good for first trimester but now i know it's getting better hehe!

cat:: haha! yes indeed, my hubby says he LOOKS OLD!
haha cindy, understand how u feel. Just like pple look at matt's thighs and said it's going to be a boy AGAIN! I was telling my hubby, dun tink I can deal with 2 monsters at home. How's travis developing nowadays?

Re: Vocal development
Hey anyone's baby can call you or say words already? Mine still cannot at 10 months. Me so anxious.
tinkabel, anxious? its still early la...as long as Matt can mak noises, he is perfectly fine. many kids only speak properly aft 2yr old. by then u will wish they dun talk so much...*LOL.

Mischa can mumble 'papa'. but nt sure if its jus coincidence or what. its cute though.

oh i think Grace's Ashlyn can call Mama Papa already.
haha tinkabel:: ehehe!! don't worry. yes i really dont think i can deal with 2 STICKY monsters! travis is good these days, he learnt to clap to the song, if you're happy and you know it. and He sees food, he will go mum mum mum.. and like s@l's mischa, he can mumble ma ma or ba ba, but i think it's pure coincidence. hehe!! but he still is going around on his tummy instead of on 4s though. guess should be okay? since not all bb learn to crawl? haha!! and wheenever he can he will just grab onto something to stand up. hehe! How's matt darling and your #2 plan? hehe
Yes, K can call me Mama already although most of our kids call their grandmother mama. I however "chope" it first since she cannot say Mommy yet ;)
She can also say mum mum for food... and will shout that out whenever she sees anyone eating. Such a greedy little piggy! hehehe. oh... she also trying to imitate us saying no no no... but hers come out na na na complete with the finger pointing moving hand from side to side! haha

She also does a little dance when she hears music. She likes twinkle, twinkle little star and will open and close her hands whenever she hears the song. Brother no. 2 is always a willing party to sing it!

Oh.. and if you have 2 boys..... all I can say is, there is never a dull moment! hahaha

ok.. I just read my own posting and it sure sounds like I was tooting my own horn! (gasp!)

so... it is you! Hi (waving!)
So, how many kids do you have now? 1st one?
