(2007/11) November MTBs

yany speaking from experience huh??? Ya 2 boys may be a nightmare for me. Matt crawls everywhere now. Conquered the bathroom and under the dining table last week. Tried many times to go into the kitchen, but we always scoop him up. Haha...

cindy, Ya matt's developing fine physically. Too active, I find him... I am so tired after taking care of him for 2 days over the wkend. Wonder how my mum can tahan... He grabs on stuff and stand up. Now, even want to tip toe to reach the dining table, sofa top. So ambitious. He can also clap and put his fingers together to make a triangle. He's been calling Da da for a long time, missing the di after that though... Haha.. Not sure if he knows what's he uttering. Just making strange noises. My friend's son can call mama, papa, popo, nei nei(milk) already. 2 weeks younger than Matt, so I am anxious. haha... Esp since my niece only really started speaking at 2 years old. Sigh...

ahaha tinkabel:: don't have to worry too much!!
when the time comes, they will start gabbering nonstop that we wished they were young once again. Hahah!!
Yany, that shows how proud u re of Kyra mah!!!

On Claire, she also likes Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Also, she will sway her body whenever we sing to her... She still has not really called me and my hubby Mama or PApa...

Think Grace's Ashlyn is the smart one! I was so envious when i heard Ashlyn calling Grace, Mama.

Now Claire's fave word is "Mino mino mino" or "Miyo Miyo Miyo"
Tinkabel, K@ye my son also called me mama and nei nei when wants milk and mum mum when he wants food...ha ha ha..is a joy when we hear our little ones call us. I cant wait to hear him talk more
Jovan can call Dada & Mama. occasionally he goes "DaDi DaDi". think this morning i heard him say 抱抱. maybe just my imagination lah. oh i agree with S@L, there will come a point in time, u wish tat ur child will JUST keep quiet! quite a few times, on the bus, i see little boys/gals talking to the mother, they just go on & on & on, and the mother is so tired (maybe after work), so she just keep nodding her head or saying "yah/ok/alright". hahaaha
thanks all for the concern on Bevis... she's better now, at least no fever liao since yesterday... but nose still running and occasional cough...

re: talking
wa, all ur kids so fast, can already call liao... mine ah... think long way to go... she will only make funny noises, like 'eh', 'huh', most of the time she looks attentively at new things...

catherine, i can imagine the mummy on the bus! hahaha... sometimes sounds like me :p
yeah, agree that, once they started to ramble, u wished that they will stop for even a min!

yany, like u, when my elder girl called 'mama' i also 'chop' it as refering to myself :p hehe, but eventually i know it's not really perhaps... cos she did call me mummy eventually...

S@L, tot u were gonna make ur own cake? now ordering from ecreative ah? u went for the class already?
plim, no la ecreative is for my son's bday in oct. me no energy to make so many. even for Mischa's cake, i m having 2nd tots to bake my own. hubby say so troublesome. cos on the 7th i will be checking in chalet already. cant imagine lugging all the decor stuff there for the cake. cos if its fondant, cannot make so early, cos cannot refrigerate..so a bit yucky to leave it outside till celerabting on the 8th.....also dun think i will hv time to make.

my class is next tue..jus learn for fun lo if i nt baking in the end.
wah so many posts!!

my gal still at 'mama' 'baba' ber ber' (which is suppose to be bird bird), 'mum mum'; 'yaya', 'aba', and the rest all jumble up with her scream!!!

and when she needs comfort or be carried elsewhere; she will call mamamama...
so happy but at the same time, so tired coz i'm like 'transporter'! ;p no choice, she still yet to learn to crawl...

congrats to your hayley... so fast walk walk oredi!
my gal also prefers to stand n walk wif us holding on to her. she will try to walk around the coffee table but usually i just let her walk half table coz i squat til tired oso. :p her movement still need coordination; esp. crossing her right foot over the left.

cailyn's so cute!
more girly looking now hor. my gal's still boyish looking if she pouts or looks gloomy. and oh i wish i can also start to clip her hair... but too bad, not enuf hair to clip! kekekkee...

BD Theme
i hv decided on the theme, the cake n the decor but still dun know where to host the event! my 3-room flat too small (n crowded wif my hb's barang2...) and other locations seems a bit too far. anyone has other suggestions besides gogo bambini, fidgets, globetrotters, etc. ?
Kitty, mabbe those clubs like Civil Service lah.. blah blah... They might have function rooms for u to rent or mabbe ur friend's condo function room

My Mum just called me and told me that 2 weeks in infant care and Claire has became another person. Quoting my sis words,"She lost her shitting manners."

Previously, in the morn after her water parade, she will be a good gal and poo in her potty. Btw, i seldom give Claire water parade coz very difficult to battle a baby with a super yoga body. Wow, now put her on the potty, will cry & scream angrily!
kittybride: I have to clip her to make her look more girly lah.. without the clip, she is still misunderstand of being boy boy -_-".. that's y now i am investing on clips for her now.. haha
Next gathering - 3 Oct 2008

Hi mummies - Seems like difficult to find a place that has high tea starting from 1pm to 5pm except for Regent Hotel that serves english high tea from 1pm to 5pm at $36+++

Another alternative is for us to meet up say at 1pm or 130pm and we can have lunch/tea till late afternoon. We can split the cost equally at the end of the session....... My suggestions are :

1) PS Cafe at Palai Renaissance
2) Marmalade Pantry at Palai Renaissance
3) Royal Copenhagen Cafe at Takashimaya

These few places are quite nice to chill out on a fri afternoon

Votes / comments please.... we now have :

1. sharron - 12pm OR 3.30pm
2. S@L - 12pm
3. skye skye - 12pm or 3.30pm
4. lazykat - 12pm OR 3.30pm
5. happy
6. plumsource - 12pm
7. tinkabel 12pm OR 3.30pm
8. dokiesim - 3.30pm
9. ueno (after 2pm)
10. gillian (after 2pm)
11. langlao - 3.30 pm
Next gathering - 3 Oct 2008

Hi mummies - Seems like difficult to find a place that has high tea starting from 1pm to 5pm except for Regent Hotel that serves english high tea from 1pm to 5pm at $36+++

Another alternative is for us to meet up say at 1pm or 130pm and we can have lunch/tea till late afternoon. We can split the cost equally at the end of the session....... My suggestions are :

1) PS Cafe at Palai Renaissance
2) Marmalade Pantry at Palai Renaissance
3) Royal Copenhagen Cafe at Takashimaya

These few places are quite nice to chill out on a fri afternoon

Votes / comments please.... we now have :

1. sharron - 12pm OR 3.30pm
2. S@L - 12pm
3. skye skye - 12pm or 3.30pm
4. lazykat - 12pm OR 3.30pm
5. happy
6. plumsource - 12pm
7. tinkabel 12pm OR 3.30pm
8. dokiesim - 3.30pm
9. ueno (after 2pm)
10. gillian (after 2pm)
11. langlao - 3.30 pm
Ooops - sorry for the double post!

Personalised Banner - Any mummies getting it online - maybe we can share the shipping costs?

Talking - Ashton was saying papa 2 weeks ago and my HB was very delighted but now he only say tata, ah or simply just yelled.... so i guess it really depend on individual baby...

Walking - He will walk a few steps with our help and very lazy to crawl... apparently boys take a longer time to walk....?? Slower than the girls..i heard....
Yes, first bb, also nov07...kinda late compared to the rest like u

only join this forum a few months back and was more interested in BP initially....hahaha...die hard old habit lah...

your gal look bigger than my boy leh...sigh..hope he din get my genes...great to see u here...looks like u have one big happy family!
Mummies - Anyone has tried Rhythm in Me trial class at Great World City? Feedback?

Mambobb - Whats the feedback on MyGym? Apparently this Grace Kids in Great World City - they have everything under one roof - Rhythm in Me, MyGym and Busy Buddies
its great to be a mom eh? I love it... hence the "big" family... lol. My DD is OK but compared to her brothers, she is smaller at this age

Are you working now? I stop working after having no. 3... but really not used to not having my own $$. If a good job comes along, I'll grab without hesitation!

Love Claire's picture. Very nice and you are right, she does look boyish!
Like my SIL, her DD also a little boyish looking and she swears a clip changes her look completely... lol. But when their hair grows a little more, then suddenly transformed!
din think i could so it hence so late :p Yes! feels great to be a mom! much better than i've imagine. Not easy but its the most fulfilling job. I've stop working to be a SAHM, din miss the corporate world cos been working all these years...going to enjoy the break first...heeheehee...

Thanks for going through all the trouble to organise high tea.

Regents hotel seems to fit the bill timing wise.
I don't mind at all.

Next gathering - 3 Oct 2008

Hi mummies - Seems like difficult to find a place that has high tea starting from 1pm to 5pm except for Regent Hotel that serves english high tea from 1pm to 5pm at $36+++

Another alternative is for us to meet up say at 1pm or 130pm and we can have lunch/tea till late afternoon. We can split the cost equally at the end of the session....... My suggestions are :

1) PS Cafe at Palai Renaissance
2) Marmalade Pantry at Palai Renaissance
3) Royal Copenhagen Cafe at Takashimaya

These few places are quite nice to chill out on a fri afternoon

Votes / comments please.... we now have :

1. sharron - 12pm OR 3.30pm
2. S@L - 12pm
3. skye skye - 12pm or 3.30pm
4. lazykat - 12pm OR 3.30pm
5. happy
6. plumsource - 12pm
7. tinkabel 12pm OR 3.30pm
8. dokiesim - 3.30pm
9. ueno (after 2pm)
10. gillian (after 2pm)
11. langlao - 3.30 pm
Finally, used up all Dylan's b'day cake. The leftover sitting in the fridge for more than a week... so made rum balls. Very nice and kids loved it. Too bad they didn't take enough to be drunk and sleep early. Instead... got hyper.... sigh....


You can see some are decorated, some are "naked". You know which are for kids and which are for mummy ;)
Next gathering - 3 Oct 2008

Hi mummies - Seems like difficult to find a place that has high tea starting from 1pm to 5pm except for Regent Hotel that serves english high tea from 1pm to 5pm at $36+++

Another alternative is for us to meet up say at 1pm or 130pm and we can have lunch/tea till late afternoon. We can split the cost equally at the end of the session....... My suggestions are :

1) PS Cafe at Palai Renaissance
2) Marmalade Pantry at Palai Renaissance
3) Royal Copenhagen Cafe at Takashimaya

These few places are quite nice to chill out on a fri afternoon

Votes / comments please.... we now have :

1. sharron - 12pm OR 3.30pm
2. S@L - 12pm
3. skye skye - 12pm or 3.30pm
4. lazykat - 12pm OR 3.30pm
5. happy
6. plumsource - 12pm - Regents hotel
7. tinkabel 12pm OR 3.30pm
8. dokiesim - 3.30pm
9. ueno (after 2pm)
10. gillian (after 2pm)
11. langlao - 3.30 pm
Hi, thanks Sharron for going thru ll that work. I'm fine with both the places.

. sharron - 12pm OR 3.30pm
2. S@L - 12pm
3. skye skye - 12pm or 3.30pm
4. lazykat - 12pm OR 3.30pm
5. happy
6. plumsource - 12pm - Regents hotel
7. tinkabel 12pm OR 3.30pm
8. dokiesim - 3.30pm
9. ueno (after 2pm)
10. gillian (after 2pm) - Royal Copehagen Cafe @ Taka
11. langlao - 3.30 pm
Regarding the 'lesson', my hubby had a very good suggestion. I thought it was a good one... We can go for a mega picnic with our babies. Hahaha... what u gers think?
wah, so much postings, i just scan thru.
thanks for the compliments on my girl... outside with pple, she seems totally nice.
haahaa when she is at home, she is not quite the nice fellow. she pinches me and bites too.
last nite, she scream and cry from 8-10pm. carry also cry and dont want to sleep but the min the daddy comes home, she is all smiles. wat a daddy's girl, bully mummy only...

i like the idea of mega picnic. but hor, i dont like the possibility of them eating grass..heehee
re: talking
Eliza hasn't been saying much stuff other than 'ah-ing' in a sing-song way or she'll go 'eh' or 'ay'. not much consonants yet. i heard a-goo once or twice. but i'll always tell her call mummy :p hope one day she'll get it. hoho.
Morning Mummies!
We are back! Flight was good except that we had 11 bags of luggage altogether. Hehe..

L started walking unassisted last month, initially it was only a few steps, now he can walk about 10 steps towards me.

i didnt get the cup holder for u, the price is 24.99us before taxes.
Hi, thanks Sharron for organising! Im ok with any place.

. sharron - 12pm OR 3.30pm
2. S@L - 12pm
3. skye skye - 12pm or 3.30pm
4. lazykat - 12pm OR 3.30pm
5. happy
6. plumsource - 12pm - Regents hotel
7. tinkabel 12pm OR 3.30pm
8. dokiesim - 3.30pm
9. ueno (after 2pm)
10. gillian (after 2pm) - Royal Copehagen Cafe @ Taka
11. langlao - 3.30 pm
i have some vouchers which entitle u for 50% discount for JG trial class.if ur interested pls let me know.
Ueno, wow L is really fast!!! Claire still walks assisted and she will walk for a few steps and then crawl coz she gets tired!

Ueno, what did u buy? 11 bags of luggage???
i bought books, toys, clothes,toliet trainer etc. 6bags belong to L. things r really cheap there so might as well make full use of it.
hi mummies...

long time no pop by here...
just to share some "shopping news"...
FJB is holding a hotel sale on 25th - 27th Sept (Thur - Sat), time: 10:30am - 7pm, at Hyatt Hotel.
Brands involve are: Guess, Gap, La Senza, Raoul, Inez...

btw, Isetan private sale also on 25th... so plan ur leave early...
my check-in luggage 100kg plus 2 hand luggage dunno how heavy, cant check-in cos that will bust my baggage allowance. plus 1 stroller.
Ueno, wow... *Salutes*

Happy 11 mths old to Leroy too! Leroy is the big brother coz he is 1 hr earlier than Claire!!
Ueno, yalor and heard the nurses + doctors asking u to push!

Sharron, no problem!

Pig, yup she is super cheeky now. Like a monkey on the run, touch here and there... Getting more and more vocal abt what she wants!

sharron: actually to me all the gym looks the same to me leh.. haha.. they have singing, dancing, playing arnd the gym corner and all these are just few minutes lor.. and the time seems past so fast.. 45mins.. and its totally a good workout for mummies... haha.. coz i am the one who is carrying her playing arnd now. she only knows how to crawl.
