(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Tell your hubby, Charlyn 6 months old Liao still taking about 90ml every 3 hourly. However, I forgot howuch I manage to express out after feed . You'd mention you can still squeeze out milk, is it quite clear type or white color one ? If still quite clear, your baby might not have suck till reach hindmilk thus hungry easier. Hindmilk is also where all the nutrients is. Make sure he mouth cover practically the whole aerola. If cover just nipple, suck but nothing much comes out. If half way, it slightly better but still take longer.

For me, Expressing should be between 20 to 30 mins per side while Charlyn can do the job in less than 15 mins.

hihi mummies!

same as tiffany, i envy u to the max! i can only dream on romantic couple holiday... it may only realised 15 years down the road?! enjoy shopping! how i miss the thai massage also.....
oh ya, i wana ask u & tiffany abt the M, i have very light or shd i say no menses at all after the M insertion, is it norm? haven go for my 3months checkup...

as for expressing, i was using Medela PIS and i pumped abt 20mins. as lewis is still very young and needs frequet feedings, i think direct latching is better, u can save lots of effort and time! i saw his photo on FB, he's so adorable! cute handsome boy..
enjoy the baby fragrance now... i miss this most...
Yes, its normal. In the initial months, I had light spots or non on some months. Then few month later, I am totally menses free and I am enjoying it!
morning to all mummies

hv bn reading the thread but lazy to post, hehe... 3 more days & i will be gg to Gold Coast w hb & Shanice. But shanice fell sick last nite. Cough,sore throat & flu. Tis morn when she sneeze,there's greenish mucus
Haiz...gotta force her to drink more water & take medication else can't enjoy the trip next wk. & mil injured her hand on wed as she wans to prevent javen from falling frm the chair
Dunno if she can cope w handling javen for whole of next wk while we are away. She had applied ointment & oso took muscle relaxant pills le. Hope she get well soon else I dun think i can enjoy my holiday.

maruko: enjoy ur confinement food

totoro: jia you! Ur confinement will be over soon.
morning all

jovial,dodo... *wave wave* =)

cherie_bear.. oh dear... hope shanice & ur mil's hand get well soonest.. ya, better get enuff medication for shanice for the trip & bring thicker clothing for her jus in case.. ur mil taking care of javen alone? is there anybody else (fil/siblings/relatives) to help out?
I think Lewis is another milk monster like his Jie Jie. He used to be very good in sucking but I think now he having some teats/nipple confusion and hence he no longer sucks so well and get frustrated easily when I try to latch him! hiaz

I initially also wanted to latch exclusively but too bad don't have the support :-( Lewis tends to cry after he woke up as he doze off while latching so the cycle continues like every half an hour!! I used about 30mins to pump now and I'm getting between 80ml - 130ml(combined using a dual pump). Invested in a new brand EnJoye that allow for mulitple users unlike medela just in case my bfing career ends early ha ha!!

Yah, time flies and this week is already the 3rd week!! I started washing the bottles and pumps le since I'm alone at home and the freqency of the pumping is 3-4hrly!!

Can't wait for your birth story!! Should be VBAC since you can go home so fast right :)
Hi Mummies...
I am getting abit paranoid about Friday the 13th. With few of my silly incidents happened. I try to be good today and dress easy, that's the basis I should do to avoid chances of any of my stunts.

Got your message in FB. Haaa...
Pray hard for me.

Yes, few of my friends on M are super overjoyed with it. The way they share about mense-less days sound as if they are ambassdor.
For me, I would not say it's totally gone. I still have light menses (no big pads required) which is already very consoling for me.

Wow! You are bringing Shanice to trip. Must be so excited yet cun bear to leave Javen here? That's my mixed feelings about the coming bkk trip. I even thought of not going. Haaa... My hb sure jumps!

I'm on half day, off to settle some issues about helper. Her contract ends this June, and she knows that she is going home and so starting to do stunts and give attitude.
In actual fact, I was quite caught up with her working attitude. Generally she is ok - takes care of J2, but likes to agitate J1 and make him fuss and go crazy. Even my hb who plays the bo-chap role comments that she likes to agitate J1. I guess he finds it disturbing since she bothers his most precious.
Hope I can find one that is suitable to replace her.
cherie_bear.. oic.. perpahs ur mil leave some tedious work till the evening when there's some1 at home to help out.. during the day, jus monitor javen & use the stroller, etc... tat wont exert too much force b4 her hand recovers..

totoro.. good lah.. at least now u 'catch' the 'pattern' of pumping =) as a consolation for not being able to latch him.. u shd b glad he's on ttl bm.. so dun b too upset.. jia you!

doobom.. LOL the way u said how ur frds b ambassdor! & wat's abt 13/5(5) u scare of?? so today no power heels 4u as well lah? kekeke.. re ur helper.. urm.. 1st time hear ppl wanna agitate a kid! i thot some1 sober wud try all ways to 'bluff'/'pacify' a kid esp at their notti 2 or terrible 3 =D ooops... anyway.. hope u settle tis issue w/o much hassle...

TGIF.... aiyoo... going to rain again =(
doobom:yeah...i'm excited abt it yet can't bear to leave javen. But I'm still gg cos i nd to get out of the country to relax, hahaha... so bad of me. But I will call hm every nite juz to talk to him. Recently,when it's time to go home,he will ask his ye ye to take his shoes & he will want us to bring him home. & every time i reach in-law's hse,he will give us a big grin & tight hug. So i'm gonna miss him for next wk.

junnie:ya,will tell her not to take heavy pails of water to mop the floor.Will ask her to wait for fil to do things for her.
I remember doobom somehow quite clumsy on Friday 13th. I remember once got fire drill and she slipped.

Yap. Will pray for you

whoa.. how time flies, charlyn is already six months old!!

enjoy ur trip, dont worry at home everything will fall into it's place.

counting down to end of confinement??? I still remember vividly that i was so happy when i am lifted of those confinment rules, but the good thing is that i can take a bath once a day!

take care n must restore ur health with all the tonics!!

i also just ring up my gyane seeking options. pills, insert n patch is available!! patch is like those "mosquito patch" but stick it on ur (_(_) bum bum hahaha.. i told him that the sperm will collaspe when they sniff in the medications!!hahahah
my gynae says it works exactly like those "mosquito patch", just stick onto ur (_(_) and have it replace every week (must bath n sleep n HS with it) lol,
if for me sure feel itchy around that patch area, tendency of me scratchng non stop till redness.. still remember my stitches was on that waterproof tape for 1 week, having the damp n uncomfortable feeling!!lol or maybe i overly anticipate on this patch!hahaa

There is 3 patches in a box, skip the week that u r having M, cost abot $30++
Hi mummies...im back home oredi

So many things to settle at my mum's place.
Guess wat? Totally buay tahan the weather. Last nite slept wif air con BUT im still sweatin coz only put 26degrees.
While at hospital my breasts felt so engorged. End up I arranged for massage lady to com over help me clear my ducts when I discharge yesterday. Damn painful!!! But at least now my milk flow better liao. Tyler very gd appetite today. My BM not enuff for him after latchin both sides. He still cryin for MORE. End up me gotta make FM for him coz he refuse to latch on liao. His routine of 3hrly feed now bcom 2hrly. Gosh...hope my supply will b sufficient for him in days to com.

Totoro, envy u got such gd supply. Lewis afraid of cold? Perhaps u let him wear thicker clothings den u can enjoy the aircon?

Tiffy, dunno wat to say abt ur bro but sorry to hear abt ur dad's fall. Hope he is recoverin well.

junnie, pai seh didnt post here earlier abt my delivery. :p coz me using hp den abit lazy to key in. FB easier to update status. heehehehe...

tiffany, ya lor...missed my waffle leh...initially me wanna go eat on sun evenin for dinner den last min gotta handle travis den cant go. Me gotta endure after confinement liao. No need to sneak out after dat lah. Can 光明正大 bring bb out to go eat. :D

cherie bear, enjoy ur trip to Gold Coast!

doobom, dun b so paranoid over Fri 13th...hehehe...its juz a myth...

cherry, thanks...oredi startin to enjoy my confinement food liao...hahaha...quite nice though...

Oh ya...pls excuse my super long post. Hahaha...nearly forgot abt my birth story!
Started to hav contraction at 3.30am on Monday. Den ard 4plus rushed to hospital. Admitted & nurse checked me oredi dilated 2.5cm. Contractions bcam more & more intense so I requested for epidural. 5plus given epi den me relak while waitin. Fell asleep on off until abt 7plus me can hear the heartbeat of bb suddenly drop. Nurse rushed in to check me also. Called my gynae den I was pushed to op theatre for emergency c-sect. Gynae said dun take chances coz dunno wat caused bb's heartbeat to drop. So I was being cut up again but this time rd, I was awake thru out the whole process. :p Heard his 1st cry & I teared when PD checked and said everything's ok wif him.
Congrats !! You are the 2nd person that I say "maybe tonight is the night" and really go and deliver that night. 1st person was Tiffy
Your birth story sound so much like my #1. Rest well and the heat is really BTH!!

My BM still about 80ml- 120ml!! L start to drink a lot, maybe it's growth sprut!
Jovialz, haha...ya lor. U very 准 leh...say dat nite really dat nite. :p

totoro, is it? Didnt noe K was similar case. My BM only abt 30ml so far total for both sides. haha...salute u for ur supply.
Maruko n totoro,
Weather v v hot. Enjoy aircon during ur confinement

Me give up on my bro lor. BTH too.

Ur words is too accurate. V v scary leh
Hi mummies...hows all wkend so far?
Past few days I'm tryin to settle down wif bb at parents place so I asked hb to bring travis home instead of leavin him here for me to handle. He came over earlier den started to show disrespect for both me & hb. I bth caned him coz I noe its all bcoz of his time spent wif old hag past few days dat led to this behaviour. Sigh...oredi told hb umpteen times to handle travis himself instead of lettin old hag take care. Now I gotta discipline this boy again.

Tiffy, totally agree wif u dat Jovialz words too accurate, same as Jas nose... :p
How's everything so far?
I can't wait to count down now...

Any mummies wanna join us for the full month celebration for Lewis? It's will held on the 27 May evening. Play dates for Kelly since the balloon artist will be present :)
totoro ... i better not go ... thanks for inviting but Carlson is having CP now so i better stay away from U and bb ... will see U and ye handsome at least 2 weeks from now ok
hi all

how's long weekend for everyone?? we tagged along w another family of 4 to bt indah - jb for half day shopping... not too bad la.. except gotta 'screamed' at the kids cos they running all over the plc =D

maruko.. ya lor.. nowsaday 'bo-lang' here =( hey... dun cane T lah... he so poor ting leh... i knw how frustrated we can b if our kid turn bad-manned = our discipline go down the drain... try talk to him nicely b4 u punished him... or try to 'drill' ur msg to him tat wat is 'do' & 'dont'.... dun make him feel neglected esp w little T's presence..

totoro.. endure for another 9-10days & u'll b 'free' liao =D may b u sms me where's lewis full mth gonna b held... my hb is away nxt wk, if he comes bk by 27/5 we cud b able to join.. so long nvr c kelly le =)

cm.. carlson down w cp liao?? u gonna b busy again.. hope his not as bad & recover soonest!
Hi all!
Happy belated Vesak Day! May you and your family enjoy bliss in your dailies.

I am back from a super rush BKK trip. Not very fun though coz kenna slight food poisoning 2nd nite, despite almost be a regular there so frequently.
I miss the boys loads when I was there, though I might be planning for another BKK trip soon.
First experience with the Calypso Carabet show in BKK (for parents-in-law since it's their virgin BKK trip), not too bad. I thought it was quite impressive with the 'ladyboys' being so pretty. I felt so inferior but felt better only after my great effort to see their 'adam apple'. They are really so amazing and incredible.

Pardon for my straightforwardness. I guess T should not have changed that drastically in terms of behaviour within such short period of time. I guess it's him trying to fight for attention, seeing his bb didi. That's what happen to J1 after we welcome J2. He was basically behavin like a monster and I totally ignored him and got to discipline him.
Till I gave some thoughts to it and felt that he should not feel threaten with bb didi's presence, hence I try to ask him to help me this and that such as...
- get a nappy,
- get didi's water bottle,
- get didi's bolster,
- help me look after didi for a while + ask him help me sayang him (sayang = gently tap didi's feet coz I know he may not be able to control his strength whilst tapping). Kept him occupied and he did not go crazy and do stunts so oftenly.
U will be surprise that he is so willing to do that. And you can happily sit there, thank him and enjoy him being your little helper.
I know that it's tough (easier said than done), but you got to try. Then at least train T to protect his bb didi.
I keep telling J1 that if he does not protect bb didi, when bb didi grows up, he cannot play with him already. cannot go cycling, cannot go playground together. No one can play with him.
Sorry to say that the man can't be of great help, simply bo chap (that's what it is for me). So I might as well think of other ways to help myself and the boys.
You be calm and relax.
Hope things get better.

thanks for the invite! It's a working day hence I need to fetch J1 from CC, we might not be able to attend.
In advance, Happy full month to BB Lewis!
Counting down to end of the torture(confinement)...
I see you soon.

I guess the not-so-nice sight of mamas is when the screaming stunts appear and start coming out from the mouths. Thought of the tigress roar, it's becoming my habit (daily vitamin) - cannot dun roar for a day.
I'll SMS you the details. Any more mummies wanna join us as I realize I have balloon artist but not a lot of kids ha ha

Let me know if you are able to attend last minute okie :)

I agreed with Doobom that we need to give #1 some time to adjust. As long as there is chance, I will ask K to help me to bring this and that for didi also. Since L came home, I have seen K behaving like a big bb again even to the extent of crawling on the floor and me having to hold her milk bottle and feed her like a baby!! She is fighting for attention but at the same time super concern with didi. Imagine she is the one that will wake up and look for me telling me that didi is crying while the daddy can continue to sleep!!!
Hi mummies...went to remove my stitches today together wif bb's checkup wif PD. So far so gd

junnie, ya me also noe big T very 可怜 to b caned but 你没有亲眼看到他的态度, really muz b disciplined. I always give him chances b4 I take action but it seems nowadays he noes I will give chances & takes it for granted.

doobom, wow...short BKK trip!!! So envy envy BUT hope ur little episode of food poisoning did not spoil the trip. Dun feel inferior for the ladyboys coz u gotta REMEMBER they r FAKE!!! :p
No worries abt speakin ur mind here. These few days big T didnt stay wif me. He only came over my parents place for awhile den hb will bring him out or go back home. Our initial plan was to let him stay wif me but he is abit restless for me to handle while I settle down wif lil'T. So hb offered to bring him home & he handle. I do understand dat he could b jealous of the attention im givin to didi now or perhaps even felt abit loss dat im not wif him at home nowadays. BUT my suspicions r supported by hb's comments also. He complained to me big T very notti at home, hard to control plus wif old hag ard even more 放肆. Earlier I saw hb quite tired den ask him go back early to rest but he said he dun wan coz T will b out of control if c old hag at hm. Den he said wait later timing when old hag close her door to sleep den he will go back. Sigh...frankly its not dat me wanna put all blame on her. I also noe she cant stop 宠 him but muz hav limit. On 1 hand, she can say him "no cannot take this" den next min u see T holdin onto the thing she said cannot take. She juz give in without tinkin dat her constant giving in is not doing any gd to him at all.
Now I dunno if I shld continue stayin at parents place after my confinement or go back hm.

totoro, ur confinement gonna b over very soon.
counting down liao...
morning all

doobom.. welcome back! good good.. i like to read long long post =D u kena food poison? hope is nothing serious... u must luv BKK alot cos going bk so soon.. hehehe... can bring the boys nxt time round since u miss them loads... provided BKK is kids-friendly lah =) ya... so paisay to loose our head in public.. but sometime really bth the kids antics... hiaz...

totoro.. thks 4 ur sms... will cfm attendance by mid nxt wk... kelly sure can b a good sister for the way she act/talk.. so u can 'fang yi bai ge xin' =D

maruko..majority of the grandparents r sama sama de... they'll gv in to the kids once they whine... jus gotta 'open' & 'close' our eyes if they r ard... if ur hb also feels tat his mum's influence on T so much, perhaps he shd explain to her or at least let her knw her method is not appropriate... for time being... u jus concentrate w ur confinement & dun tink so much.. everything will b bk to norm soon once u r settled w little T & hv more time for big T... if at ur parent's plc u feel more comfy then jus carry on since ur mil more or less 'get use' to ur arrangement le =) if not later u go bk she interfere w both T then u stress again.. not everytime got 16wks ML.. so must enjoy ya... btw, u taking one whole shot or leaving some ML for future use?
Gd morning all...

junnie, hb wont wanna speak to old hag abt her influence one lah...if not will lead to another drama...still dunno her pattern meh? 1 single innocent sentence is enuff for her to b drama queen for a few days liao. So hb rather keep mum abt it den invite 烦恼 for himself. :p Of coz I will b more at home at my own place lah. 再怎么说都是自己的家, I stay at my parents place den I c my mum so tired I also felt bad havin to "trouble" her to help me wif confinement. But of coz I tink she happy dat lil'T is here also den she can play wif him as & when she wans. Last nite she even put him lying next to her while watchin tv, something which she wont do for the past wk. :p I dun mind movin back home after confinement as long as old hag dun com & ka-jiao me. But I will also b confined to my room only if I go back home. At least now I can do watever things I wan anywhere here at my parents place also. Sigh...wat a dilemma!
Oh...I will b takin 3 mths ML den leave some for future use lor. Coz my annual leave left only a few days nia. Muz save for rainy days.
I'd the same "problem" as you when Charlyn came cos Caelen was staying overnight at my Mum's place. My parents also say he come out with a lot of pattern and became a handful even thou they had been the one looking after him all these while. He only goo back to normal self after he come home more often and participate in caring for Mei Mei. Also when he do things that we don't want him to do, like too rough to mei Mei. Rougher then "don't be so rough to Mei Mei " we'll say " not so hard, wait you pain pain and Mei Mei pain pain".
hi all

cherry.. good morning =D

jovial.. LOL.. 'pain pain' seems like a v common word at most household w kiddos... we'll add 'hu hu 4u' to show 'sayang' action if they 'pain pain'.. hahaha =D

maruko.. i also tink u'll say she'll bcom "drama queen" aft i posted.. then i read ur reply..hahaha.. true enuff =D nvm lah.. u knw her pattern liao.. now jus enjoy ur confinement dun tink so much... btw...has ur mil met u/little T? hope her view has changed aft seeing 'photocopy' of big T =D
Gd morning mummies...

Jovialz, I try to engage him in some "activities" wif didi when he came over wif hb at nite. Last nite he came over den straight go into room den say "mummy, I takin care of didi, u no need com ok?" LOL...he dun allow us into the rm also den say he can handle but me worried he will b too rough wif didi also. End up when I peep at him, he was sittin next to didi den lookin down at him & occasionally sayang his face/head. Hav to keep tellin him not to exert any strength when sayang coz didi still quite "fragile" now. Den I also hav to keep tellin him to behave while at hm, coz I noe w/o me this discipline mistress ard, he sure havoc one. Also cant stand my mum keep naggin dat this kor kor is very pampered & no manners at times also. Sigh...

junnie, hahaha...seems like u also noe her pattern liao. :D Yup me now take 1 step at a time lor. Dun wanna tink so much liao. Juz this morning my mum was "complainin" abt this old hag for makin the family fall out like dat, end up me gotta stay elsewhere for confinement instead of being able to rest at own home. Old hag so far no c lil'T at all coz she no visit me at hospital also, only c pics taken in hb's hp. She didnt even wanna distribute the full mth cakes when I ask hb to check wif her how many boxes she need. Like how she used to say -> she only got 1 grandchild & dats Travis. 1 is enuff liao, no need so many.
maruko..aiyo.. she really 看不开 & so tactless to leave such remarks in welcoming a new lil'member in the family... u jus ignore her ba.. someday she'll regret for her act de...

today weather super hot again.. hope u & totoro not affected much @home w aircon/fan =D
Hi mummies!

this thread wun die off la. I will come in once in a while to poke my nose ard!

What did u had in bkk that cause the bad tummy?

The date is firm at 27th already? As far as Im concerned, can do early or on actual date but not later.

have a good cfment n dun think so much abt the old hag at home.
junnie, dats wat she said when she knew I was preggy dat time den kept naggin on y we wanna give birth to another when we cant even handle T alone. Dunno wat to say abt her strange tinkin.
Yup another hot & humid day...me dun seem to b havin confinement...hahaha...coz I on the fan/air-con as & when I wan...kekeke...

gingerleaf, *wave wave* welcome back. Thx for ur concern...wont care much abt old hag liao as long as she dun step on me. :p Do poke ur nose in more often!
Hi everyone! *waves*
Enjoy n have a great weekend.

Dun be bothered by the witch. Learn to shut off n simply bo chap abt her. U focus on wat u like n be happy. It soon be your bidding bye to the yucky confinement period.

Not sure if itz coz of the steamboat I had in MK restaurant. Perhaps some not well done beef that I took.

U enjoyed the bkk trip? What do u like most?

i like everything. its been so long since i went! everything is so refreshing! of coz shopping is great but the food was even better! (mango n sticky rice too!)

Did u buy the cartoon pj at the 5th floor of platinum? The sqaure shaped shop counter with a lot of hello kitty things is facing the main shop entrance. They only sell PJs in that shop. I got alot of good quality mickey mouse, HK n doraemon PJs there!
Hi mummies...havin plans for the wkend? Enjoy!!!

gingerleaf, I turn on aircon every nite to sleep. Hahaha... :p my mum said its better den sleepin wif fan blowin at me.

doobom, yup yup...countin down to the end of my super duper sticky warm confinement. :p

Wow...talkin abt BKK. Its been yrs since I last went wif my gf. Muz find time to go again & relak relak. :D
Yes, I know which shop u mentioned. Haa... I think I m crazy, like that also can. I lug abt 10sets of pj for j1 last round so skip this round. I got sets of disney cars tees n pants for him this round. He was so happy.
I luv the tom yam koong, pad thai, papaya salad, mango sticky rice, fresh mango from street friut stall. So yummy!
How I wish I m there at Plat Mall now.
Do u think some of us here can organise n go on a bkk trip (fri-sun)? Haaa... My wishful thinking. :p
Good morning!!!

This whole week is making me crazy.. My kiddo take turns to fall sick + vomitting!!This morning accidentally broke e bottle of antibiotic for my son.. Now at Mt e waiting for PD to prescribe another bottle.. Hiaz..
But I am still very positive, going for Tim sum with hubby..
Next week going for GReat Singapore sales!!!!
hi all

cherry... hope the kids at home get well soon! the weather is really a killer...

gingerleaf.. *wave wave*.. long time no hear.. must come in more often as when possible ya =D

doobom..wow... bkk trip for oct'07 mummies?? sounds great!

tiffany... last nite i saw u w family at nex! L & A happily walking behind u & ur hb w ur helper behind them =D but we were Q-ing @kfc so unable to come out to say hello.. =D 1st time we go nex.. really many shops!

cm... now my turn!!! =( today zann got slight fever then when shower her in the afternoon saw a few pox.. hb brought her to 24hr clinic & cfm! lucky tis last wk of schl if not duno how?? me also cant tk leave tis few days cos boss away gotta standby in office... i hv to call my sis help me look aft zann in the morning.. then i gotta bring lance to cc myself cos hb away tis wk too =( i tink v likely lance'll also kena sooner or later... wat's more.. i hv paid cc $95/student care $100 extra for June Holiday programmes for both of them.. looks like zann gotta miss some of the events at no refund =( nxt wk i'll hv to tk unpaid leave to take care of her myself le.. hiaz..

totoro.. in view of abv.. so sorry.. i cant turn up on 27th le.. happy full mth to lewis in advance =(
Hi mummies, I'm back frm my trip. It was a funfilling trip for all of us but Shanice has motion sickness & she vomitted thrice on the plane & once on the taxi,on our way home
She enjoyed herself during the trip though.

maruko:enjoy ur ML 1st then decide when to move home.

junnie:poor zann. Hope she's not very "xing ku". U take care too.

totoro: Happy Full Month to baby lewis in advance
cherie_bear,maisymouse.. thks =) tis gal got many excuse de.. i packed some assessment for her to do at my sis house, she told me later her finger also got blister.. she cant hold any pencil!
Cherry & maisymouse
Thank you very much

Hope that Zann don't "suffer" so much, now with medication I think it should be clear very fast.

Finally decided on the actual day 27 :)

Oct mummies BKK trip!! Sound super tempting leh!!!
Hi Mummies!
Monday blues... Feeling better after my Mcdonalds Happy meal.

junnie, totoro,
My wishful thinking about a BKK trip for Oct07 mamas. Many of us have commitments and cun just go away on a trip.
But if anyone dun mind and can make time, I will be most happy to go away for the trip. Haaa...

Welcome home.
Had fun though it's challenging to bring kid on a trip?! Must be tiring.

GSS is starting? When?
I have loads to stock up.
Update me if there is any sale. Thanks in advance.
isetan -private member sales 25 may wed.
Tangs -private member sales 25 may wed.
Taka -member sales 26 to 29 may Thursday to Sunday!!

I wanna go join in for e holiday get away if there is any!!
Gd morning mummies...

Cherry, hows ur kiddos now? hope they r much better from the sick+vomit episode.
GSS: wah u really noe where got sale each time. :p I'm still stuck at hm while the sales r gg on!!! If not me wanna go shop shop shop also...

junnie, hows zann feelin now? Tink u mentioned both her & lance no take the CP vaccine rite? Hopefully she didnt get alot of pox all over her.

cherie bear, welcome back from ur funfilled trip

Most likely I will b movin back home after confinement but I haven fix a date. Juz days ago me & hb nearly quarrel again bcoz of old hag. So sianz.

totoro, 3 more days to go for u to "break" freedom!!! hahaha...
Happy full month to Lewis!

doobom, group trip for Oct 07 mummies ah? sounds temptin... :p

my kiddos r still Unwell!.. I like shopping, so always go n find lobang. TAlk about shopping, playing this mommy can rank top 3, talk about work n homework for kids, this mommy rank last 3!

how time flies, It seems like yesterday I just had lunch with u n the other babes, n now ur confinement is gotta be over!!! Come to think about it, I had just wasted another month!


how about a sentosa or universal studio rws get away for our kiddo??
