(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

*wave wave*! im not "tai tai" la, tai tai dun have to do housechores and dun have to chase ard their kids, i have to do these everyday!

oh, Taiwan holiday is our holiday of the year 2011. we plan to have an oversea holiday every year when Zq is born, so this year is Taiwan.. and i usually do up a scrapbook of the holiday of the year so the boys can browse thru them when they grown up.. Zq still remembers many things during our holidays, and we love to bring them ard to explore and experience though tiring... but haven work on itinerary yet, hope all of us will enjoy taiwan! we hope to bring them to Maldives or Europe next year, so must save hard now! haa

hi all

dodo.. envy envy too!! hmmm.. can bring the kids to 六福村or剑湖山theme park & even 泡汤(hotspring)... jus be careful of the food/beverages cos of the current plasticizer issues =)

maruko.. kids really knw how to 'choose timing' agitate the adults... so b patience is all u can do now... jia you!

tiffany.. congrats to lucas!!looks like he really luv swimming! really happy 4u!

tiffy...how's ting? hope the maid able to help ur dad...

cm...u too..how's tings? better?? did the agt gv u another replacement?

doobom.. i hv PM u le =D

tis wk mon-fri i'm on unpaid leave to b temp SAHM... cos gotta look aft zann waiting for her chx pox to heal tis her 2nd wk.. worst than going to work... so busy even at home =(
Maid arrived last 2 weeks ago but my dad still in sgh leh. But my bro ever bring her to visit my dad. Still don't know when to discharge aft my bro transfer him fr NUH to SGH lor. Then now my bro " kam wan" accept the hospital bed, if he accept it earlier, my dad won't fall fr bed at hm n have to admit him back to hospital. Within 24hrs after last discharge have to admit him back. Sigh...this maid we choose ever look after old folk in Taiwan b4. Heard fr my bro she can speak English n mandarin but my mum don't even know mandarin lor. Her cooking v lousy. But my uncle's maid will train her to cook better n how to bath, do exercise n handle my dad since my uncle's maid learn all these fr the nurses at St Luke rehab hospital .
Wah... Going to Taiwan....so gd. Alot of yummy food there.
Now I hope I can still manage to go for my melb trip next year,have to see how's my dad condition 1st.Enjoy ur trip okie.
tiffy...oic... hope the docs expedite those chks n ur dad is stable to go hm soonest. lucky ur uncle's maid can help train ur maid if nt whoelse got time to teach her. u tk care too. re zann: thks, her pox drying up, gotta keep reminding her nt to scratch almost everyday. she's getting lazier at home.. cant wait to send her bk to ctr cos alr paid $100 for holiday programmes n they also charged extra $100 for full day at ctr for schl holiday.
dodo, haha...but at least u get to travel ard & hav so much fun. Wah...holiday of the yr! So nice...im still contemplatin on my short trip. Dunno wanna go or not. :p

junnie, ya lor...they really noe how to choose timing. U not workin this wk ah? Enjoy being temp SAHM.

Tiffy, glad to noe ur maid com liao. At least can help ur bro handle ur dad.
U must be very proud of Lucas. Great job !

Seem like you'd enjoy hong kong more than Beijing.
nice to bring kids for holiday every year. I don't think I had that kind of stamina with 2 kids :p
Yah better remind Zann not to scratch if not have scar. I'm a living example. Hehehe
Huh hope she can quickly go back to ctr to participate the holiday program since already paid.

Maruko, junnie
Aiyah not my maid leh. Kekeke heard fr my bro that this maid is ok. Everyday she find things to do since my dad not hm yet. Twice she went visit my dad n she massage my dad lor. Aiyoh now I know why her cooking not nice. My bro said v bland but my mum is fine with her cooking cos as long as got food she don't mind the taste lor. Since her cooking is bland, v suitable for my dad. Now every night my bro cook instant mee for supper cos dinner not tasty to him anymore.

Just now my bro update me my dad's condition. SGH doc said aft tested my dad by talking more to him, they find that my dad not dementia but is depression. My dad question doc back n the doc said what my dad comment is logic. My dad will undress himself n doc ask him why he do that. My dad ask in return" if ask u wear hospital gown n eat hospital lousy food, will u b happy? Of course not right" doc agreed with my dad. Then doc told my bro bring house clothes let my dad wear since he don't like hospital gown.
Actually my bro did bring when my dad in NUH but the nurse never help him change to house clothes lor.
My bro request the doc to give him a letter to confirm my dad not dementia so that my bro can tell my uncle to issue lawyer letter to NUH to claim back the med fee charges for treating my dad as dementia patient.
Congrats to Lucas!! You must be very happy!!

Hope Zann gets well soon and you take care and have a good bonding time with them though handling two with one not well is not easy!!

First is Ocean Park and now Disneyland, wow, both of them must be so happy and excited to be in Hong Kong!! Enjoy your Taiwan holidays and maybe post on FB your scrapbook work :)

It's going to be a constant challenge disciplining #1 and taking care of #2 at the same time. Everyday sure to have a "fight" with her, guess it's also the age that they are more challenging now! Mine will tell me she don't want to go school, only want to go to popo's house to play whole day etc etc ... sleep already will whine that she haven't sleep etc and she is not tired blah blah blah ... everyday testing our blood pressure!! One more week and you can go shopping liao!! Just in time for the motherhood fair at expo?

Where do you intend to go for your short trip? I'm still thinking as decided to go back to work maybe last week of June and the rest of the ML will save up in case I need to move house later this year!

Take care and get well soon!

Bonding day with K today
HB brought K for her fist haircut outside and when I went over, I saw my girl sitting there quietly and letting the person cut her hair without any fuss. She has really grown up and became such a big girl already!! After that, we went to watch Kunfu Panda2 and she is so happy!
Bad mummy has been leaving L at my mum's place while I enjoyed the freedom at GSS!! Opps, one more day tomorrow (my turn to cut my hair) and then will be busy for one week as in-laws will be in town to see L!!
Glad to hear that the maid is helpful as it's not easy to get good maid! Good news on your dad's condition as well, if it's not dementia, with TLC and the grandchildren's love, I'm sure he will get well very fast!! speedy recovery to him!
Gd morning mummies...

Tiffy, so ur dad's condition is wrongly diagnosed by NUH? Gd dat ur bro comment the maid not bad. Den dun hav to worry she will create any nonsense. Hope ur dad recovers soon.

totoro, ya really a challenge havin to deal wif both. I haven really face it yet coz Travis not here wif me. Tink when I get back hm den will hav to learn to b more zen wif him.
1.5 wk to go & I will b free! Can't wait... :p
Still dunno if wanna go on the short trip or not coz haven got time to discuss wif hb. Tink our r/s abit rocky now also bcoz of old hag. Sigh...im so tired of dealin wif her.
thank u

better ignore old hag. don't let her affect the r/s with ur hb.
btw, when r u going to Janet? think Tiffany went already. last week while i doing rebonding, she called n book appt
Good Morning Mummies

Ok, thanks. Just concern if not wipe properly will the girl get infection lor.. Since she wants to DIY, then we should let her do it...
btw, I went to Janet yday le... Pretty satisfied with my perm this time.. though I still keep the same hairstyle

Janet is really very interesting, always different hairstyle when I see her every 6-7 months.

Thanks for the compliment. Lucas started at aged 3.5yrs old. Initially, he was also very afraid to submerge into the water, need alot of practice and encouragement too. He took quite long before he was "promoted" to deep pool, he only started training in deep pool since early March 2011. He has progressed very fast since March to now.
For Andrea, my hb trains her how to go under water and she can do it now. She has not started swimming lesson yet. I have just discussed with hb, and hb wants to start her this sunday liao... Hopefully Andrea can make it and love swimming.
Good that zq loves water. This will be a good start.

Wow, SAHM with Holiday at least once a year is Good deal wor... Happy planning. You are one diligent mummy, scraping your holiday for memories. Your kids will definitely appreciate your effort.

Thanks Junnie, Totoro, Jovial.

Hope Zann recovers soon. Also good that you spend some time with the kids. Being FTWM, the kids will appreciate every moment we spend with them.

Take it easy... Having a new addition bound to have some changes. Dont let old hag affect you.
btw, we plan to start Andrea this sunday for her swimming liao. Just buzz me if you need any further information.
yah every 6mth i visit her, she is with diff hairstyle. actually now my hairstyle is same with her except hers is longer hair. now waiting for Maruko's turn to have new hairstyle.
Tiffy, hav been tryin to avoid her but stayin together is not ez lor since she is hm all the time n wanna poke her nose in every single little thing also.
I haven call Janet coz I also dunno when I wanna go fix my hair. Hav to b on a wkend den my mum can help me take care of bb while I go.

gingerleaf, CONGRATS!!! When is ur EDD?
OMG, i just have to sneak in here to congrats gingerleaf after seeing her FB update!!!!hohohoh...so happy and excited for her!!
My friend uses Dr Douglas Ong.. He is good.
Why you asking? Arent you going back to your own gynae? btw, who u use previously?

OIC.. I have frens using Lisa chin too.. haha.. dint know she is known as li$a chin.... Now I know..

Ya, if you dont mind TMC, Dr Eunice Chua is good.. I like her too.... I use her for all female services, except delivery.. she is our pattern one.. she very nice!!
oh ya.. to add... do you know Nicole Loh from Sep07 thread? She is delivering her 3rd soon, she is using Dr Eunice Chua too.
Tiffany, I didnt mean to add $ to her la, coz I didnt want her name to be searched, so used dollar sign instead of S. But yeah, now that I noticed what I did, its actually quite app! lololol

Hb against TMC. The last time I did antenatal courses with Wong BoiBoi, he was so mad with the parking, coz always full and had to park across the hospital.

Hmm, I dun go to sept07 anymore, but I roughing know which Nicole u are refering to.
gingerleaf, so happy for u. :p how com Jas nose this time rd no sniff out har? kekeke...
EDD is end Jan ah? Haha...scarli same birth date as me :p
U lookin for new gynae this time rd ah? All the best den.

Tiffy, u mean next yr CNY is during Jan?
hi mummes,

long time no "hear", been busy eith emilee.. she flip at last though at 8.5mths only. But still cant flip back... sign

been a SAHMfor the past 1.5 mths, hee hee, dun feel like looking for job.. may switch to PT or freelancing, till i feel that emi development milestone is catching up.

Anyway, problem w MIL, so if i work full time, will need to rely on helper solely for emi... sign...


congratultation.... !!!! Cant help on the gynae part, i gave birth in NUHboth time... haha


Completed your course. Is yr gal still with zoophonic? Big has been promoted too but at the 4.30 slot... bui san bui si timing.. sign
Chersam, oh ya...hows ur course so far? Shld b completin oredi rite? So long no hear from u liao. How's everything? Now gingerleaf also havin #2 liao, so when is ur turn to announce to us? :p

Jovialz, thx for the info on CNY. Wah...den my bday will fall during CNY...haha...shiok...

chris, enjoyin ur time being SAHM? Since dun feel like findin a job den perhaps continue to b SAHM? Den at least u can go thru both kiddos' milestones.
if I got chance den will wanna b SAHM also.
hi all

wow... so happy to see ariajo,chersam & chris here again!! =)

ariajo.. how's aria & naia??
chersam.. u gotta jiayou arh =D now left u & bbwow?? anymore mummies i miss out w one bb?? hehe..
chris.. since no hurry 4u finding new job, then jus enjoy being SAHM bah.. at least 'save' u some headache re childcare issues =D

gingerleaf.. wow wow wow!!! finally ning ning gonna hv a sibling!! CONGRATS!! be it lebbit or dragon.. do enjoy being preggie once again! eat well, rest well & take care =)

maruko.. hahaha.. i also wonder where's jas =D re r/s... everything jus gotta 'ren'.. not everyday bad day de =)

cm.. so u r busy moving hse now?? hope all goes well smoothly =)

tiffy..aiyo.. how can they make such mistake =( really wasting ppl's time & $$$, hope w the ltr ur bro able to claim for some loss & ur dad & go home asap...

totoro,tiffany.. i'm not so 'on' as u both tink lah =D i still send lance to cc tis few days, if not my day being temp SAHM will b lagi hectic =D

totoro.. glad u hv more ME time now + bonding w kelly... so fast u rtn to work?? hmmmm... jus make sure u got enuff rest 1st ok?
Junnie, haha...ya lor. I juz saw ur reply nia.
Re r/s, me now juz take 1 step at a time. Hav watched drama shows lately saying abt forgiveness n not to persist in revenge. 冤冤相报何时了...I also dunno how I will react if old hag wanna make up wif me. Sigh...
Hello all...

gingerleaf, CONGRATS!!!! so happy for u!!

may i ask regarding this kodomo toothpaste??? must gargle n spit out or non rinse type??
morning all

cherry.. tink other than bb toothpaste, those selling at supermkt for children gotta rinse off ba.. but u knw la.. our kiddos sometime dun fllw instructions de.. i/o gargle they drink the water when rinsing..sometime i also 'close 1 eye'' =D mine using sensodyne like us long time alr cos i find the children toothpaste v 'sweet'.. my dentist said so long got flouride is ok..

maruko.. good tat u hv time to catch up some shows n change ur thots.. dun tink too much when the day comes u sure will knw how to react.. 一切顺其自然 =)
Good Morning Mummies

Its nice to take a breakkie to try out life of a temp SAHM. The kids will definitely treasure this period of time... Dont rush into getting a job until when you are ready, if land into wrong job again, will be stressful. Take your time to get a flexi job, good luck!!

Enjoy the getaway fm work while you can this week!!

When can escape to town to lunch with us again?? hehe...

Why need to change brand?
Gd morning mummies...

Cherry, im still using the brand first toothpaste for Travis so cant help on which brand to change to. Tink u can look at the ingredients of the other brands, if I no recall wrongly, those w/o fluoride is safe not to gargle.

junnie, frankly me still not ready to make up wif her even if she wans. I juz cant accept her kinda tinkin. If I make up wif her, I dun wanna hav to deal wif her nonsense again since now I got #2 to handle also. It's mentally tiring...sigh...
Thought for children should be non flouride if they tend to swallow ? Flouride intake could cause flourosis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dental_fluorosis). If use toothpaste with flouride, the amount should be pea size or smaller. That why till now I still give CAELEN non flouride toothpaste as he still swallow and non spit out.

I think oral b also have children toothpaste that is non flouride like 1st teeth.
Hi Mummies,
I am getting depressed with my work. Wonder why work can ever affect me, given my character.

I am starting my job search soon, have to buck up and make something happen.
Almost in verge of throwing the letter, but I hang in there coz I cun bring myself to sit at home and face the boys.

I am fine to meet up for lunch.
Thurs looks good for me.

Once again, congrats to you!

Take good care and rest well. Get your hb to help out while u rest and live like a empress ok?
Hugs.. I know work does get onto our nerves at times. If you are affected greatly, look for a change, that should do you better...

Raffles City Lunch gathering
Date: 9th June (Thursday)
Time: 12.15pm
Venue: TBC

1) Doobom
2) Tiffany_seah
3) Cherryneo

Please add on.... CM, zhenzhen, ecookie... anymore??
Tiffany, of coz I can sneak out after confinement to meet u all for lunch in town. But the date stated me dun tink can coz my confinement catering will end on 10th instead. So I can com any dates after dat.
Moreover, 9th is hb's bday plus Tyler's full mth. So we shld b havin a little celebration at hm bah...

doobom, take a deep breath & tell urself u can get over it.
work is neverending so dun get so depressed over it.
Ur case sound so much like mine as I have a cysts as well. Took it out and the doc gave me the photo of it. Look quite scary! Lucky insurance help me to pay a bit of the cost!! My total hospital bill including gynae excluding bb is almost 13K before medisave!!

Thursday lunch
Hmm .. I'll see if I can make it as in-laws are in town

Counting down liao ...

Could it be burnt out? Take a break and things might be better. I always tell myself that work is just a job and the most important is still the family. See open and just be Happy! It's not easy to be in the line that we are in since it's backend and it depends on the frontline to do the job well. Frankly, with the current young workforce, I a bit give up liao. they don't even know what empathy is!

I'm thinking of taking lesser leave now so I can leave some in case I need to shift. Anyway, I have within one year to utilize!!
Now bb still young so trying to bring him out lesser but yet feel bad that I everyday just "dump" him at my mum's place while I go out!! Hiaz

I scratched the back bumper of the car on the wall while parking today!! Actually, i didn't even know I bang to the wall till I saw the marks behind!! :-( Hb waiting for me to do more damage before he send to change a new bumper LOL!! I think one of these day, it will just dropped off!!
Gd morning mummies...

totoro, wah seh...ur hospital bills r WOW! Me tot mine oredi considered very ex liao. R the fees high due to the removal of the cyst?
Yup...so lookin forward to next wk's "release"...hahaha...
Ur hb very bad leh...expectin u to do more damage to the car. He shld b more encouragin mah since u P plate... :p

good friday to all...

thank you all for sharing on the toothpaste.. now i think i better stick to first teeth since my boy still dont know to gargle. The reason i ask is becoz i bought the kodomo toothbrush set that comes with a free toothpaste.. so was wondering if it is suitable for my kid..

lunch date:
how about changing our date, so that maruko n totoro may join in the fun??
