(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Tiffany, ya...we shld do it more often b4 I pop. But no worries. I still can meet u for lunch while on ML. Hahaha... :p

totoro, wah u so fast doing handover liao ah? So gonna start ur ML next wk?

Hello mummies

totoro:great. U can at least rest after handover ur stuff to colleagues/temp.

tiffany: thanks. I think I'm more excited than shanice, hehehe...but i do occassionally talk to her abt the trip to get her prepared & tell her what she will be expecting. She sounds excited too & hope she doesn't back out on the themepark rides when we reach there.
I will be working from home next week and on top of that, I have done Zero thing for baby so far!! Have not even get the new bottles for him!! Also, can't rest much during the night so am thinking of catching some afternoon nap if possible before he comes out!! My ML will start offically the week after.
cherie bear, so envy u the next one gg for holiday...its gonna b yrs b4 me can go for my next trip.

totoro, oic...u no get the new bottles during bb fair ah? Seems like ur boss really squeezin u dry dry b4 u go for ML.
Dunno if im being paranoid or wat but I keep feelin im gonna POP anytime NOW!!! Even hb commented my tummy looked like gonna burst. Plus I got aching feeling at cervix area. Is dat normal? Alamak...I seem to b so "new" at this w/o any prior experience like dat.
totoro:there's infant fair at City Sq metro. Mayb u can go there take a look on what are the things u nd to buy for didi. Hope u can get more rest when u are working frm home next wk.

maruko:thks. Mayb can plan a short one wif ur hb & t during ur ML?
Yes, farmstay is another popular place to go for kids. If you noticed, Janice fm Sep thread went farmstay in Jan, and her kids had so much fun. I think you can also plan a trip after you stop bf?

You can also plan for a holiday with hb and T while leaving baby with your mum during your ML. You dont need to feel guilty as baby wont understand yet.. hehe.. Ma tu liao... weather is good in Aus now..dont miss it...

I can feel your excitement too..
when are you leaving?
cherie bear/tiffany, wah...idea leh but hor dunno my mum ok wif the idea or not. hahaha...coz it will mean her wkend "burn" to take care of my #2. If really wanna plan den will b a short getaway to resorts bah since she gotta take care of my niece during wk days. So Aus is definitely out of my league. :p
cherie bear, gd idea! Can meet up wif our dodo & her boys also. :p But if 4D3N den my bro/sil might need to take leave to handle my niece. This needs thorough plannin. Hahaha...perhaps can jio my bro family along.
Actually I dun mind juz gg resort to relax den can let T sunbath to get abit darker also. Anyone been to ClubMed? Heard its quite entertainin for kids.
maruko:if u wanna jio ur bro's family then can go longer,hehe...

nv bn to clubmed b4 so can't comment. I brought Shanice to Bintan, nothing much. Juz laze at the hotel & went swimming only. Think the food & drink at bintan not clean, hb was sick for almost a month when he came back & nd to constantly go for blood test, & my colleague told me things abt what happen to her friend's wife. I dun think we will go there again though it depends on individual's body & immunity to the food.
Gd morning mummies...been so bz whole morning.

cherie bear, oh...bintan not really my choice too...tot of gg to phuket though...

chris, wah...so shiok today last day. Can shake leg at hm & enjoy ur kids' company liao... :p I'm so lookin forward to being temp SAHM soon also. kekeke...
Gd morning mummies...

Wow...how com so quiet these 2 days? IT'S FRIDAY!!! let's all shout here. :p

Chris, enjoy ur days being SAHM startin from today...

totoro, hows ur gynae checkup? Mine is scheduled tmr. Can't wait to c little fellow...
good noon all


maruko..*wave wave*... =D hopefully not jus the two of us today =D
good lah.. tmr can see didi le... remember to chk w gyane abt ur recent 'feeling' downthere.. so wat's his name arh?? or hv i missed out when u announced??? jus now i went to ur 'territory' - city hall leh!! sooo rushing & crowded during lunch time.. can oni pick-up wat i want & cha-bo liao... rchd office 15mins late (usual 1hr lunch).. i went to watson using the coupons to buy mamil gold 4... chk w watson RC is the nxt nearest outlet selling... vivo/harbourfront/tiong bahru which near me all not selling.. agggrrr..
junnie, *wave wave* ya...hopefully not juz the 2 of us today...
Wah u go city hall to get mamil gold 4 at watsons ah? was abt to ask u if u stopped by GC to get a cuppa bubble tea but dun tink so since u in such a rush.
Ya will inform my gynae tmr abt my "push" feelin dat day...didi's name ah? Dunno if I announced it in here b4 on the shortlist. Me 卖关子 1st since hb still indecisive also. Though oredi confirm on 1 but he still givin me suggestions on others. :p
maruko... oic... still hv 'little bit' more time to seacrh an unique name for didi.. no prblm.. we shall all 视目以待=D GC?? looking @ the Q will 'die' lor... ytd nite we went clementi for dinner... Q for koi my hb alr said i 'siao'... tried two flavours..ice-cream ovaltine and aloe-vera passion tea.. both yummy!! but prefer the latter cos first one abit sweet cos of the ice-cream..

dodo.. so envy u... can get GC so conveniently and somemore at cheaper price!
junnie, alamak...really juz the 2 of us today leh...last wk me also "dragged" hb to buy koi wif me & he kept commentin abt the craze we all had over the bubble tea to queue for so long. hahaha...men juz dun get it! :p
Gd morning mummies...

Wah seh...so quiet lately. Muz bug ppl to com in post more often liao.
Last sat went for my gynae checkup, informed him abt my "pain" & he said if the pain goes away after awhile den its ok. But if persistent den hav to inform him asap. Dunno y over the wkend also feel quite uncomfy at the bottom area. Mayb bcoz bb now gettin lower liao. Gynae also said he is worried abt my condition for scar rupture since I mentioned abt the pain. All along I tot the scar rupture is abt the external scar line dat I got from previous c-sect. But he said its not, its actually an internal scar n bb might not b able to survive inside if the scar rupture. Wah...hear liao quite worried also. Keepin fingers crossed dat I wont feel any pain ard scar area for the next few wks.
miss you all mommies... been really busy at work and home.. did i miss out any good news? any gatherings?

need advice.. hubby been encouraging me to take driving lesson.. so, is it better to join driving school or take private instructor? If driving school, is it difficult to get weekends slot?
ariajo, *wave wave* welcome back...so far no gatherings yet.
re: driving
I learn from school which I feel its more detailed as compared to private instructor. Will b easier to get test date also coz private dates gotta wait longer. Not sure abt the wkend slot coz its abt 10yrs ago dat I got my licence. :p But I noe the drivin ctr at YCK oredi closed liao. Tink new one is located at woodlands.
thanks.. wah 10 years ago? mm... hubby heard the weekends slot for school is difficult to book.. so he ask me to check and ask if this is true..
good morning all!!!!!!!!! how's everything at ur ends???

finally i have the time to log in!!!! last whole week SAHM.. cant take it n sneak out on every afternoon for a breather.lol. really salute all SAHM!!! whoa, so many backlog post... i am giving it a miss n look forward instead!! lol

yesterday went to the Singapore Flyer.. not too bad!!

just saw u check into west coast plaza on saturday.. i was there too!!! did u spot me???lol

u rest well okay.. any discomfort better ring up e gynae n seek his advise.hugs.
ariajo, perhaps u can try the wkdays nite slots OR early morning slots?

cherry, u whole wk SAHM ah? Ya me also salute all SAHMs...not ez lor...did u take lots of pics at SG Flyer?
Ya will try to rest well...thanks.
yes, my ds fell down in school n hurt his forehead.. ended with stitching. that's y i was on leave to take care of him. really not easy to be SAHM!!!
yes, took pictures, kiddos were happy!!!
oh dear.. the fall is that bad require stitching? must be v painful.. i remember mine and it was soo painful..horrible experience..
hubby said, it's better i learn in the day time because it will be more relevant for my test..hehe... i see how..
hi mummies!
i ve been busy at work and all. but did still come in n peek abit.

maruko: rest more and dun over-exert urself. dun worry, im sure didi will come out soon!

aria_jo: i took up driving lessons w school 3 years back. yes, its def more ex than private but my test dates were earlier than private candidates. and to be fair, my instructor got me to take the test only after 19 lessons. so school does not make u take more lessons just for the sake of earning more $. and i feel passing % will be higher cos the instructor will tell u specifically wat the testers are looking out for so u 'll be more careful.. weekends slots can be booked but need to be v early! i took 2 lessons every week, once during weekday and once during weekends then
thanks for your feedback. sounds like it's better to go with school.

anymore mommies has any sharing on this?
hi hi mummies

aria jo ... i also took my driving lessons in school ... i will also advise my friends to do so cos as a driving now i think we need all the lesson so that we can remember how to drive the correct ways and also the route will be more familar to U when it comes to the exam ... dun worry about the slot always go in the computer and check the dates sure can get one la ... i got my DL in 4 months time even with 3 tests ... kekeke

maruko ... hmmm think u rest as much ... did the doc advise u what to do so that u will not feel the pain etc ???

cherry ... no i did not spot u what abt u did u spot me??? kekeke i was there abt 8pm till 10pm one of the last few ppl that left WCP wanted to let the kids play with the slide but it close at 9 ;( so got the ticket but no time to plat yet ... i also went to popluar once i reach den to dan xiao er den to the rest near the cold stoage entnance

"sigh" mummiesssssssssss ... i am so sian ... my this maid will not always ask if she dun no or dun understand ... she also damage a few of my things liao ... and she nvr tell me about it ok ... i found out myself ... and asked her why nvr tell me she will say she forgot *&^#@*&$^@ % den when she 1st came i ask her if she take milo or coffee ... she said NO ... den this morning i spot check her in the morning after my gal went to sch ... she was SHOCK ok cos i spot check and she was drinking a BIG CUP of milo without askin me ... i only ask her to drink my gal's milo cos my gal did not drink at all den she went to make herself a new big cup again ... am so disappointed in her and also angry la ... my weekend as not a good one this week cos of her and hb was also very angry with MAID cos he said he paid so much for trouble maker to come to our family ...
he's thinking of doing without maid liao ... " die la for me ;(" so i am now so angry and sad but i cannot tell him liao ... i am now going to warn her if she does again will cut her salary etc ... but i also scare she will take it out at my kids too but aiyo ... vex la ... sian man thinking of taking her back to the agent and let them scold her too !*#)&$(#&!($*@^#%(*&@$_$@
ariajo, I also tink its better to learn during daytime coz I used to learn after work on wk days & the traffic is bad also. Plus I tink learnin in school will b more convenient since dun hav to "wait" for ur private instructor to book circuit also. 一分钱,一分获...

cherry, how is ur boy now? I saw the pic on FB. So heartaching to c dat...

ecookie, yup will do...BUT boss gonna fly next wk. End up this wk is a short wk also & im piled up wif work. Haha...dunno if I might suddenly go in labour liao. :p So me try to com in here to relak abit den can relieve abit of stress as well. hehehe...

CM, pain normally occurs when me walk ard lor. So he told me try to reduce walkin if possible but dun get too lazy till dun move at all lah. Plus I gotta walk REALLY SLOW nowadays in order not to "agitate" the pain.
re: maid
Wat kinda things she damaged? Very ex?
Tink u really 没缘份 wif maid leh...always kena such problematic ones. Or is it dat u set too high expectations on them? Try to close 1 eye if u can lor den wont b so fed up also.
aria jo & maruko,
yes, the fall was bad as he landed on the edge of the bench n it leave a 3cm open wound, which require stitching! he had his stitch removed on fri, thats y i wanna makes him happy by bringing them to e flyer..

8 yrs back, i took my licence from e school.. pass with 1 test!!!! complete the course within 5 months, with 3 lessons every weeks.. still remember vividly those carefree days!!

i didnt see u n not sure how u look like..
perhads lets all arrange for a date soon.. "just now, i sneak to united sq.. so many things for kidss!!! so much to spent for mommy wallet!!" OH NO!!
hi all

cm... thks 4 the movie info! didnt knw got such show leh!! re ur maid.. aiyo... she dun wanna work izzit?? perhaps u sit down w her & hv a good chat if u still wan to keep her... if not, everyday gv prblm really 'sang nao jing'...

cherry... hope ur ds 'forgotten' the pain aft a day @ spore flyer.. really heartpain to see them injured themselves..

ariajo.. welcome bk! go ctr for driving licence confirmed faster, jus needa pay $$ oni..good luck!

maruko... then u better 'slow motion' abit.. tell didi to guai guai wait till edd =)
Gd morning mummies...

cherry, gosh...3cm open wound...he fell in cc? Did the cc take responsible for wat happened? *sayang* apply loads of aloe vera gel on the wound. It helps to recover fast.

CM, didnt noe abt the movie leh...not sure if T able to sit thru the 60mins...haven got chance to bring him go watch movies yet.

junnie, ya me now do everything like an old lady liao...I'm worried for my boss also if I suddenly go in labour...hahaha...hopefully didi will b gd boy & stay till EDD...
thanks for feedback.

oh dear. that's v bad. how come the teacher never watch over him? I will be damn sad and mad if this happen to my girl..

when your this current maid work for you, did you put down to her all your basic house rules? u so poor thing lah. how come always kana lousy maid??
aria jo ... my maid is less den a month ... she join me on 23 Mar ... i did ask her if she wants coffee for breakfast or any other thing but she said water can liao ...

ya man ... the thomas show is selling super fast ...
maruko & aria jo,
yes, the CC ask me for receipt so that they can claim insurance to compensate me.. i never blame the school n teachers, it is my kid that misbehave la.. sigh, nvm mind i heed maruko advise by applying aloe vera gel. heehee.

helloo all...
"wave wave" morning mummies

Cherry ... U start working liao?

Maruko where r u today ??? why nvr come in yet ???
resting well?
totoro how r u ??? @ home right??? resting well?
yes, clock in for work 2 months back... Keeping me sane by working... How's ur maid??

my ds has forgotten his pain.. Still super active that needs constant reminder from me.. Lol
Good morning ALL!!

Been busy, also lazy to post. Was at FB though.. hehe

CM, Totoro is at Zoo with Kelly for her school excursion. Having fun there...

Your work seemed relaxing and flexible.. so nice right?? Hear you running around for retail therapy.... I like!!!

Saw abit of you ranting about maid... if bearable, then tahan lor.... not easy to find good maids now... try to laid down your likes and dont likes and tell her to abide.
This morning, my maid told me her good fren (they have been communicating through writing via a book (passing to each other daily)(staying at my IL's block)wants to quit and go home after working for 1 year plus with her current employer. Reason: Her madam always scold her... she cannot stand it anymore.. decides to go home. Also, this morning, I saw my maid's room has this Straits Times article dated in late March... Article on Indo maids choosing to work in HK and Taiwan over Spore for better salary.. really dont understand why every other day, the media has to report this issue.... well...this is beyond our control and we can only be a nice employer so that the maid will acknowledge that they are well taken care of and living in a comfortable environment. My maid has settled down already, and I plan to up her salary when she reach 6 mths, looks like employer has to boost their morale abit.

2 days ago, I was also very angry with her stupidity.. well.. to her.. she wanted to save the usage of my hand soap... you know wat she did??? she added water to my Hand soap in the soap dispenser to dilute it!! Ask her why she do that, she said if not, like very fast finish...hiaz... speechless!!! Only can tell her... NO, I dont like it diluted. Dont ever do that, anything not sure, ASK!!!
good noon all

me also busy @ work =(

totoro.. u at zoo now?? izzit raining?? now our area super heavy rain... duno how to go out for lunch =(

tiffany.. LOL at ur maid.. her intention is good but used it wrongly... i also dun like washing detergent to b diluted...

cm,ariajo.. re thomas movie.. yalor.. so fast good seats all taken up =( hb sure dun wan to go if sit v near to the screen cos he & zann had bad experienced when watching 3D toy story 3 until they got 'headache' =D

eunice.. r u feeling better alr?? i saw ur status at fb but no time to post there...
hi mummies!

tiffany: haha ur maid 好心做坏事! think w maid really need to close one eye if not will go crazy!

cherry: oh daer, so heartpain to hear abt ur boy's cut! hope the wound is healing up nicely by now.
as some of you would have know that ive been on the hunt for a new job during the past few weeks.
after letting go of an initial offer made end of last mth, the job hunt progress has slowed down and im def. getting more gan cheong. however, i was made an offer on monday and im really glad.
so ive accepted the offer and i should be tendering soon.

the new hiring mgr was v nice to offer me a week before i start work. so hb and i are thinking of gg to macau for a short trip.
any mummies who have been to macau can give some advice on wat to do there and which hotel to stay?
wow.. congrats on your new journey!! This time is it still in town? What industry? My boss also leaving.. job market is good?

So nice of your new coy... YES.. go enjoy.. Think Tiffy went macau last year if not wrong...

tiffany: yes, im v grateful to him! my notice period over at my side is actually 3mths, so they buy me out for 2 mths and still let me go for 1 week break.

my new office will be at raffles place area. so no more driving for me.

industry is in natural resources, something like oil n gas industry
