(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Tiffy, if she still insists dat u bring J to hospital after u explained to her, den I tink she juz wanna exert pressure on u using her "authority" as elder cousin. Nobody in the "right mind" will ask someone to bring a bb to hospital often. No need ask a family member, any strangers will b able to tell u dat its not advisable. Den I tink u shld not b so 客气 wif her liao since she cant b bothered abt the risks exposed to J.

Cherry, ya...lemon grass & citronella helps to repel mozzies. I put mozzie patch for T everyday while he at schl. U can also apply the J&J repellant lotion on ur kids after shower. It's quite effective. Nite time when he sleeps, I will put citronella essential oil for the smell. Plus, his room window got the netting to prevent insects from flyin in.

haha...u like my re-enactment ah? Me also buay tahan these kinda ppl lor. Only noe how to use mouth talk w/o using their pea brain. :p

damn sian liao. Jaren having fever. 37.5 deg. sponge him n fed him med just now. hope his temp will drop by tonight cos hb already bought s'pore flyer tickets for tomolo.cham cham cham
Hi mummies
K fever still going on and off and brought her to PD again this morning since she complained abt mouth pain and so far PD didn't detect any ulcers (phew) but the tongue and throat are very red so hopefully after the antibiotics, she will be fine by end of the week!!

To all kiddos and babies who are sick, speedy recovery!! think the weather is really not helping!!

do what you think is right!! We live for ourselves and not others, mouth belongs to others so let them say what they want!! No one can change our emotions and attitude other than ourselves. Hence I always choose to be Happy no matter what happen. It's MY LIFE!!!! Jia You.
Tiffy, hows J now? Hope he gets well soon den can enjoy tmr's upcomin celebration.
Oh...in case u dun com in tmr, Happy Birthday!

totoro, K still havin fever ah? *sayang* give her barley to bring down her "heatiness". Shoo all virus away from our kiddos.

Today finally can let my mind b at ease coz got temp gal liao. *phew* At least me no need worry if I suddenly go in labour. :p
totoro think she will recover once she finish her antibiotic ... oh la ... what abt chicken pox??? watch out for that too ok ... so she is not have flu etc right? U take care too ok ... drink more water ... K also the wind is strong so keep her warm too

Maurko ... T had recover liao?oh so U got a tempo liao ... good for U
hope she can help U

tiffy ...remember to give him medi on time ok ... if u do that i am sure there will be no fever tomolo ... ;p give medi on time ... Now the wind is very so pls keep J warm ok

"sigh" since last friday ... C2 had been vomiting in the school bus to sch ... !!! ??? i really dun no the reason why ... hmmm ??? cos if u say he ate too full ... no he did not ... if u say he got car sickness ... no what abt when he is in my car or in the buses we took to school last mth and also the sch bus from his ex sch??? headache headache ... ;(
Poor Kelly, hope she recover soon. Sound like sore throat to me. The hot weather making everybody sick. Do let her drink more water or H2O (the isotonic drink, taste not as strong as 100plus, to replenish some salt).

I ok for Friday .
anyone else?
Gd morning mummies...

totoro, gosh...so high temp ah? Keep spongin her to bring down the fever. Did PD prescribe brufen/nurofen for her high temp? It helps to bring down temp very fast. Keep spongin her. Hope she gets well soon. Pls take care of urself also.

CM, ya...T oredi ok liao except for occasional coughs. The temp gal will only start work on 25th so now its still me alone in the office. Sometimes me abit worried also coz alone in office den if something happen to me, I can't get help also.
Carlson vomit start again? Did u bring him to a specialist after back from Indo? Poor him...gotta go thru the terrible feelin. *sayang*

Tiffy, how's J today? Hope he is well & u can enjoy ur birthday

Jovialz, tink fri only me & u can make it. U still wanna go ahead?

doobom, *wave wave* so 巧 to bump into u at the "criss-cross" escalator. :p
maruko ... the prof discharge him even when he was vomiting on every meal on the day when he went to see him ... i was thinking of admitting him that day when he wants to discharge him ...
so i just told him "HE IS VOMITING OUT EVERY EVERYTHING EVERY MEAL ... HE JUST SMILE AT ME" ... i will see how la i am sick of the doctor liao ... see me better still
CM, seems like the prof not so pro leh...cant find the cause of his vomit den juz discharge him. Tink u shld change another specialist. It's not gd dat Carlson is constantly vomiting.

Tiffy, gd to hear J is ok liao. Bet u had an enjoyable time.

Wow...where r all the mummies today?
Think we'll meet up some other time. Cos I still a bit cough and so do Charlyn, better don't sit so close to you and risk passing to you..

I'm quite happy cos my part time request had been approved in principal although I'd requested for 3 year, they only approve 1 yr. So I'll be working 21 hours a week. Beside the days that I need to bring CAELEN for therapy , I'm able to spend more time with charlyn and likely meetup for lunch.
yeah ... for jovialz ... so happy for U ... hope u get well soon by tomorrow so that u can enjoy yr weekend this week
Gd morning mummies...

Jovialz, no prob...Congrats on the approval from ur company.
Gd dat u will b able to join us for lunch when we hav one next time.

CM, hows Carlson doing?
morning all

aiyo.. so little posts arh?? paisay.. me on leave ytd...

totoro.. how's kelly? hope she's better le..

maruko.. good la.. u can start to 'relax' end of the mth when the temp report to work =)

jovial.. congrats.. 1 year of part-time better than nothing.. hopefully ur coy will auto extend ur proposal when the time comes.. hope u & charlyn recover soon..

tiffy..happy belated bd!! sherry & jaren enjoyed the flyer?? lucky his fever subsided on time.. re ur cousin... hope she nvr 'pester' u anymore.. ya, i also agreed... jus ignore her remarks or tell her straight, tat's your father.. u luv him than nobody else.. of cos will do ur utmost to b a filial daugther..

cm.. oic.. carlson's tooth prblm due to fall.. so hv u brought him to the dentist? wat they say/suggest?? re the vomit.. i was jus asking u the other.. aiyo.. his reflux coming bk again? if still carry on many times, better bring him for 2nd opinion... hope the schl bus understand & didnt make noise. re ur maid.. wat soap/detergent she's using till her hand condition so bad?? common sense will tell hv to wash thoroughly mah... better go chk ur clothes she washed jus in case, no good for the children if too much bleach, etc... hope ur bro recover too.. re the S$1 coins.. so lucky u found it!! cant imagine if really the maids did tat! did u chk w ur bro or sil?? may b is theirs cos u said u staying w them??
Thanks mummies for your concern and K is finally better now!!

I think it's either viral or throat infection now. The fever finally subside and she keep complaining that her back is itchi last night! Flu? can't tell as she is like me. Constant nose blocked so I gave her flu medicine as well on top of the antibiotics.

Re: Carlson
Able to go somewhere else to check on his vomiting? So poor thing that he started to vomit again! Or have your tried TCM?

The PD says gave 100plus and she don't like! Hiaz. Yesterday have to play a game with her to finished the barley water that my mum prepare for her!!

Congrats on the approval and I'm sure you will have a great bonding time with the 2 of them! This week I was staying at home with K and I think she misses me alot and now everything she wants me to do with her and stay with her. Hopefully, she still want to go school next week and don't fuss!!!

It's so HOT HOT HOT!!! I wonder how to survive one month like that!!
Thank u. Yup actually all of us enjoy the flyer. Yest no fever at all but this afternoon feverish again then evening no more. Think Jaren is teething. But his cough making him uneasy n difficult to sleep. Weather is bad n every Sunday travel under hot sun to visit my dad n aircon in mrt could b the reason for causing him cough.
totoro... ya h20 is better, get the pkt nt gassy one.

tiffy..in & out aircon + hot sun we adults alr cant tahan so is jaren! can ur hb help to bb sit the kids & u visit ur dad? for time being not so good to bring jaren along w u to hospital. hope his fever jus due teething n will go off soon.

cherry.. 4get to ask u wat u PM/eml me arh? i dun seems to remember reading it. can send me again?

cm... so hv u found the truth of the $1 coins?? how's carlson vomit & tooth le?
Gd morning mummies...hows everyone's wkend?

totoro, glad to hear K is much better. Ya lor...weather has been so HOT lately. I also dunno if I can endure not turnin on the air con during confinement. How many of u got ON air con during confinement & wats the temp set?

CM, hows Carlson doing now? Saw ur pics in FB for the SOL u mentioned previously. When r we gg there for a gatherin? Hopefully can hav it b4 I pop. :p

Mummies, is it normal dat i'm experiencin some "pushin" from my vagina at my current state? Coz this morning I can feel #2 seems to wanna push his way out leh. So scary...I dun recall havin same kinda experience while wif T.
morning all

where's every1 again??

maruko.. cud b didi is 'kicking' downward hence u got tis feeling. urm... from my experience for both pregnancies, i encountered tis abt 2-3wks before giving birth.. when nearing birth, lagi worst, i can feel the 'piercing pain' on/off.. me no on aircon during confinement, oni fan nia...
junnie, I read online abt the "feelin" & its possible dat my cervix could b dilating. Didn't experience any dilation when I'm havin T so this is kinda "new" to me. :p Mixed feelings. Happy & yet worried/nervous now. hahaha...
me also on fan for my previous confinement but the fan was not facin me lah.

totoro, r u experiencin it too?

Wow...tink most mummies very bz wif work...
hihi mummies!

forum is so quiet nowadays... and im busy wi the boys and meeting new frens..
plus being the ah soh at home, do some light chores and throw all the heavy chores to hubby when he back from work, good work-out for him.. haa

when is ur next checkup? better let your gynae know about this feeling.. to play safe! and im the bochap one, under air-con almost 24hours a day and i was on bare-top when breastfeeding bb.. :p
i also delivered in May, so the heat was unbearable! but i think it's good to heed elders' advices also, coz i wun know what will i suffer when i getting old.. :p
dodo, seems like u enjoyin urself alot at hong kong.
can even bump into Ivy Lee. Not bad leh...
My next checkup is this sat. Ya will highlite to him when c him. Hb was tellin me to call clinic to ask abt it but tink shld b ok lah since #2 still actively creatin "waves" for my tummy.
Wah u under air con almost 24hrs? Wats the temp u set? Ya lor May is a HOT mth for confinement. I will b alone at my parents place so its up to me if wanna ON air con. Hopefully I can control myself from the temptation.
maruko.. ya ya ya.. now tat u mentioned the word 'dilating'... my gynae last time also told me same, cos when i went for chk-up (2wks b4 edd) she told me i'm alr 1cm/3cm dilated on both occasions.. but i insist go home settle my stuff/shower/wash hair b4 i 'chk-in' at night. u jus b more careful, try not to b alone in office or get phone no. to standby if emergency.. hope didi guai guai stay till edd =)

dodo.. yalor.. so quiet here nowsaday =( so everyday u go 'yum cha' w tai tai there arh?so good can watch foc hk drama.. both zq & ya understand/speak cantonese now?? =D
junnie, wow...tink even if we r dilated doesnt mean we gonna go into early labour rite? I'm normally alone in office leh...hopefully I wont suddenly go into labour. Tink I might freak out. Hahaha... :p
getting fatter n fatter! enjoying all the foods & dim sum here, jiat lat! my exercise regime starts today, hope i can be disciplined and carry it through.. she stays very near me! along the harbour, just few developments down the road.. i think we got "yuan fen", i bumped into her when i pregnant with an an and she pregnant with her youngest daughter, both of them are May09 babies..
i set ard 25/ 26.. my mama said aircon is better than fan though im not sure how true is it.. but aircon surely more "shiok" than fan! hee..

no la! im not tai tai.. still gonna do housechores leh.. :p but i meet other mummies more often now, most staying same place as me.. we meet up to chit chat and the kids can play together or do art & craft together...
ya man! but instead of watching hk drama, i watch discovery channel (home & health) more! and actually i only have an hour at night for tv... so i cant "chase" those drama series loh..
both of them still dun understand cantonese, only a few words like "thank you", "good morning", "you are welcome", "where is it" in cantonese.. maybe we mostly speak mandarin/ english to local ppl, so they don't have much exposure to cantonese also.. hopefully they & ME can pick up more!
dodo, wah...u remind me of all the goodies I tasted when I went to HKG yrs ago wif hb. Yummy!!! Seems like u really got 缘分 wif her leh. Can bump into her twice. Here in SG so small & I dun even "bump" into any celebrities twice.
U set ard 25/26 ah? Ya actually my mum also mentioned aircon better den fan. Now can only hope weather will change to b much cooler den me no need to 头痛 abt aircon/fan liao.

Today only 3 of us ard? *wave wave* anyone else in here?
Yoohoo...jio-ing mummies for lunch tmr at city hall. Anyone? CM, Jovialz, zhenzhen, cheriebear, twinklestar, doobom, bbwow...etc???

Lunch @ Cityhall
Date: 12 Apr (Tue)
1) maruko
2) tiffany
Change of lunch venue...it will b at Raffles Place...any others???

Lunch @ Raffles Place
Date: 12 Apr (Tue)
1) maruko
2) tiffany
3) doobom
My bb still breech so I don't have the pushing feeling, just hoping that his hand be careful and don't go and poke the water bag as it will drained up non-stop due to no stopper!!!
Beeln feeling super tired and can't stand and walk a lot!
Am thinking to start my leave earlier so hoping to clear as much things as possible in the office!
We bring kids along cos I think my dad will b happy to see them lor. Every Sunday when we visit him, he will always reach out his hand to touch them. He is slightly more happy to b able to see them. Yest never visit my dad, bring J to KK. His cough n flu v bad but today so much better.
Gd morning mummies...

totoro, oic...didnt noe ur bb still breech. Actually me also dunno if mine engaged liao. Hopefully can c this wkend. "Scarli" me go into labour earlier den u. Hahaha... :p
LOL at u hopin his finger wont poke the waterbag den no stopper to stop the draining.
Me also hope to start ML earlier but since boss oredi "express" his wishes dat I can work till I pop so dat the temp gal can adapt easier, I chin chai lor.

Tiffy, hows J doing now? He got sick after the celebration on Thur? So many kiddos sick lately. Hope all get well soon.
morning all

totoro.. u talk to didi every now & then lah.. hopefully he'll listen & guai guai change position =) hearing the way u described can hardly walk/stand sounds v xin-ku 4u... better go for early ML & rest more b4 bb comes

tiffy.. oic.. so sweet of grandpa to dotes sherry & jaren =) perhaps when jaren recovered then u bring him to visit grandpa again.. if can, wheel ur dad to more open space outside the ward & u all can spend more w him during the visit =)

maruko..jus bear w another two wks the temp will b there to join u..

dodo..zhou san! yat yat sek tim sum, siew gor bei, dai zap hai, etc, etc, then get busy w zq & ya .. so hmmm tak han.. sure will help u keep fit de.. gum hmmm gum arh? kekeke.. =D
funny lor, fri and sat midnight always have mild fever. but since he had v bad cough n flu so we brought him to KK on sunday. yest n today is better. Think the mild fever could b due to teething.

impossible to wheel my dad, i can't even lift him up. now trying to look for nursing hm for my dad but told my bro to get letter fr St. Luke so that will b under subsidise rate to go to govt subsidise nursing hm. yest talk to my bro cos doc told my bro get a transfer maid, faster n easy then can let the maid learn to take care of my dad. I don't quite like the idea og employing maid. yest whole issue on maid n nursing hm. Again that stupid cousin side even told my bro maid also gd lah cos at hm 24hrs n can help clean the hse. i was so fed up. never think deep, how can daytime leave a maid with both old parents(in the case that my dad is back hm). i told my bro to better seek advise fr my uncle and my uncle told my bro no maid, trying looking for nursing hm is better.
junnie, ya lor...me can relak when the temp gal coms in.

Tiffy, gd to hear J is better now.
Tink its better to get a nursing home for ur dad instead of gettin a maid coz u wont noe wat the maid will do to both elders while alone wif them at home. Though its a pro dat she can help wif the chores, it will b another headache if she dun perform well also. At least nursing home got professional ppl to handle ur dad & wont lead to any complications for his case.

cherie bear, yup yup...countin down...very soon me will b havin confinement liao.
Voted liao.
all the best.
cherie_bear.. i visited the link, click vote, must we sign-up for registered voters to complete the vote?? all the best in advance!!

tiffy.. oic.. i thot with ur hb or nurses' help, can at least help ur dad to sit on the wheel chair then push him around rather than lying on the bed all time so boring.. also good for the kids to get 'fresher air' than in the ward.. ur dad condition stable alr? if not doc wont allow trf out.. i also tink nursing home more appropriate than maid at least no need 'ti-kum ti-kum' for a good maid at such short timing + nobody to 'supervise' the maid w two old folks tat needs help. hope w ur uncle's suggestion, u & ur bro can come to a better decision for ur dad.. jus ignore those insensitive comments.. glad to hear jaren getting better.. u must take care too w the rushing here & there..
Gd morning mummies...

junnie, tink might need ur "call" to the rest den we can "see" more posts liao. Hahaha...but tink now all at peak period, so less posts.
Had a sumptuous lunch wif doobom & tiffany yesterday. Can't help but drool/admire at both chio mummies while me feel so "out" wif my bulge & extras. :p
Boss is back from his biz trip today so me gonna b bz also liao....BUT will still try to sneak in when I can.
Good Morning Mummies

I am back!!! Trip was good! Perfect weather, all went well according to plan. Kids had the most fun and Lucas asking when can he go back again... overall, it was a fruitful and worthy trip, had good bonding time with IL and children too.

Ya, always so nice to lunch and yak ... looking forward to more... Maruko, we should do more often before you start your maternity leave. Will miss you and all the lunch dates then...

Will be your turn soon... Bet it will be an enjoyable trip for Shanice and you/Hb.
Good Morning!!!!

Am trying to finish clearing all my stuff and doing handover so that I can have some rest next week!!!
Will try to come in more often after that :)

Welcome back!!! Would love to go there with K as well. She has been asking for FARM stay like the one in the Barney Show! Need to check out those farm stay packages but it would not be so soon with the little one arriving!! So she has to wait unless I super unsuccessful with my BF then maybe can just leave the small one here hee hee ...
