(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

I got it from Cheng Choon. Yes, 180 for 6-panel.

If I remember correctly, I place order in April. The stock juz arrived n delivered on Friday. Yes, u need to place order 1st. Otherwise, you may miss the June's arrival too.
Maybe for one BB, 4-panel is gd enough. Unless, you forsee BB's liking to stay in the play yard for long even if they are older. As they are older, they need more room for their activities.
Thatz why I pretend to 'HUH' n look @ Jerry when he toi-toi. Even though I wanted to sayang him so much. *So ke-lian*

Thanks for the link! But I oreadi got the playpen from KP oreadi!

YES i agree!! When she cry, i pretend its nuthin n dun show any reaction or sometimes i laff with her, she will chuckle chuckle. If I go "AIYYYOOOO, Pooorrr baby!!!!" She will cry till so ke lian!

if u cant wait and only wanna get a 4 panel, can buy them at KP. Its ard 129 I think.
I want to join also.

Kindermusik Trial:

Date: 08.06.2008 (Sun)
Time: 10-10.45am
Venue: Tanglin Mall #03-11B
Fee: $23.40 each (if we manage to get 12 babies in a class)

1) dodo + ziqian
2) gingerleaf + lyn
3) unice + sean
4) hippo + adri
5) pinky + jayden
6) garden_dreamz & penghong
7) doobom + Jerry
8) annie + Kayden
9) Tiffany + Andrea
10)Ueno + Leroy
11) Wind + Yixun
play yard - IMO, if u gals intend to get a playyard, do get it early while ur ZQ and Lynn hasn't learnt how to crawl and explore the surroundings around them yet. coz as babies grow bigger, they have a greater sense of the environment around them. for my niece's case, my mum bought the play yard when she was around 8-9 mths, already can grow around the house. n my niece cried the moment they put the play yard n put her in. she absolutely refused to be put inside, perhaps she felt being 'imprisoned' inside or something, preferring to crawl the whole house instead. hence, for my boy, i intro the play yard when he was 3mths old.

regarding the bumper mat. there's no need to put ABC mat below it. my power-packed boy has already bumped his head against the bumper mat n play yard walls countless times and nothing happened.

also, read somewhere that babies can sense our emotions. at this stage, they actually do not really know what is pain and how to react to it. they sense anxiety/worry from us caregivers. when they bump on the floor, they know something is not right. ur reaction to such accident is crucial. if u react calmly and just pick baby up when he bangs his head,etc and stroke him calmly, he may whimper but won't make cry alot.

but if u 'gan cheong' and start to scream, make noise,etc, babies know u r panicky and will start crying. they cry not from the pain, but from the vibes they pick from you.

sorry, if i'm a little bit long-winded... but just to share. coz at this stage, our babies r more n more active and may bang their heads quite often, even with supervision.

oh damn... i alr got my britax or else i would have got this one! :D
hi mummies, long time didn't post. have been silently reading and trying to catch up all the posts. Wow, few days don't read, I have to go back to the archives already!

Gingerleaf- Your girl is so pretty, with rosy cheeks!

Ariajo- your photo of your girl. where did you get the hairclip from? my girl has so little hair, but I want to put on hairclip for her so she looks more girly.
sighz.... kayden is sick again!!! cough is back.. airway stuck... phelgm back. Wed just see his PD not even 1 week all his illnesses come back. Dunno why...

All i noe to do now is sighz....and sighz...
I was at Marina Sq earlier !! Went JL and bought more toys again!!

JL toys + kids section
20% storewide + 20% for NTUC member

I don't mind Kelly attending it again so if u need 12 to form a class quick quick, add me in okie. If not, maybe I'll meet u guys there after the class as well :)

Kindermusik Trial:

Date: 08.06.2008 (Sun)
Time: 10-10.45am
Venue: Tanglin Mall #03-11B
Fee: $23.40 each (if we manage to get 12 babies in a class)

1) dodo + ziqian
2) gingerleaf + lyn
3) unice + sean
4) hippo + adri
5) pinky + jayden
6) garden_dreamz & penghong
7) doobom + Jerry
8) annie + Kayden
9) Tiffany + Andrea
10)Ueno + Leroy
11) Wind + Yixun
12) Totoro_bb + Kelly
hope kayden get well soon ... the weather is very bad nowadays

my girl will purposely make the "engine noise" or pretend to cry when she want to get out of the car seat or stroller.
When she knocked herself, she will paused to see any reaction or not, if yes, then she will start crying ... or if she see me not ard, she will ke ke cry and look out for me also ....
Wahaha... Make 'engine noise'. Kelly is a smart gal! =) Think itz ok if BB is gal. Personally, I tend to have the thinking not to sayang too much for BB boy. Tot might be too 'abit oso cannot' type later on. I prefer a tough Boy! Hee... So can protect me in future. Waahaha...

Our BBs are growing @ such a FAST speed that they are almost gonna outSMArt us soon. Oopss... Mummies & daddies have to buck up. Jiayou!!! Of coz, NJOY too. =)
Just got back from toys u us. TMX Elmo so cute!! But its so ex!!!

dodo, playyard is 129 at KP. Member card no extra
u can try spree, cheaper, provided its not OOS.

went JL at orchard, find that the sale is quite restrictive. lots of brands had the NETT price tag hang big big everywhere, which means no discount, so sad. strollers also NETT price.
didn't see much nice toys at JL too. should have gone marina square then perhaps!

had a tiring day... went out shopping, hunting for pram. finally got a mclaren techno since it was going for $300+, not too bad. though heavy but can accomodate newborn upwards, just in case there is a no.2 or can pass down to relatives in the future if no no.2! :D
how about CS? they can help u match with mummies if u need 6 panel? perhaps u can get it together with dodo? KP has 20% discount going on but its not applicable to play yard?
Spree oos! oh, ya, CC can match, but dodo was saying need to wait till july. I think if really wait till july, abit late for me oreadi. Like u said, wait till too old then contrain, maybe abit pointless liao, coz my gal is the type, if she dun like to be in one place, once u lower her down, she will cry her lungs out. Sigh, i oso dunno what to do. Somemore space contraint oso!

Lance!! U so chubby leh! Feel like pinching ur cheeks!!!
garden & gingerleaf,

ya loh... must wait till july. Winnie from CC told me OOS at the moment... sianz...

my concern exactly same as urs gingerleaf, ZQ will shout and cry when he dun wan to be at a place, i haven place him down he already cried out loud!


i wana bao bao lance! super bah bah leh!

Oh u got ur mclaren techno for $300+? Hmmm.....I was at Mothercare Harbourfront yesterday, and they have discounts on strollers.

I saw most of the Mclaren models having discounts selling at $200+. May be u can call up Mothercare HF asked about the price of Techno. If it's cheaper, then you can think of returning ur Techno to the place you bought.

You want to hug me, eh? Hahaha...my arms are wide open liao...

I didn't know you're looking for the website, if not, I'd post it much earlier. Next time if you need anything or in search of anything, just post it on the forum, see if we can help
hi mummies,
i'm interested in the kindermusic too.

Kindermusik Trial:

Date: 08.06.2008 (Sun)
Time: 10-10.45am
Venue: Tanglin Mall #03-11B
Fee: $23.40 each (if we manage to get 12 babies in a class)

1) dodo + ziqian
2) gingerleaf + lyn
3) unice + sean
4) hippo + adri
5) pinky + jayden
6) garden_dreamz & penghong
7) doobom + Jerry
8) annie + Kayden
9) Tiffany + Andrea
10)Ueno + Leroy
11) Wind + Yixun
12) Totoro_bb + Kelly
13) ariajo + kelly (can hubby tag along?)
once baby is on the run, its v.hard to contain them anywhere for long. :D even for the play yard, it can contain them only a while b4 they get bored and u either have to go in and play with them or carry them outside to stretch their legs. for my boy now, i rotate between play yard, exersaucer, activity table and crawling around the house to keep him occupied. even so, sometimes when it gets too tough, i just bring him go out shopping since GSS is on!

thanks for the tip.
just called Mothercare, their techno going for $568. 2008 model is 15% off till today while 2007 is 30%. i got the 2007 model at lower price than theirs. not v.particular tat's its old model as function still the same, only the harness part is different. the other mclaren models r $100-$200+ coz can't recline fully. was contemplating btw quest which was going for $200+ n lighter than techno but looking at the long term, decide on techno eventually.
re: tmx elmo
there's also tmx cookie monster/ernie, cheaper than elmo version. can try amazon or babycenter sprees. both also have TMX elmo, but could be more ex than the OOS one...
gingerleaf: CC selling playard at $120. so $129 at kiddy palace is okie bah.. just at $9 more. but u want 6 panels? maybe can share with dodo? ha

i just placed my order with CC and they said earliest end june if not early july sigh
thank you to all aunties who drop aria compliments.
you make my day.

haha...lai lai lai huh? aria and zq looks more like bro and sister cos they both have almost the same face shape..keke..

aria really looks like a sept baby? who who?hehe..got any picture?

wah, so advance!grey is eating durian!but you not scared he develope sweet tooth cos durian so sweet?

regard flu,
my girl so far got it 3 times liao...1st time very kelian..always woke up crying cos nose block..2nd time kena not so bad, 3rd time kena the easiest..it's good to have karvol ( a kind of decongestant) stand by. it smells nice and help to ease nose block but best is still nose drop but can only get from GP or PD.

the one on aria's hair is a small band ah..bought it from BHG, bugis. they have lots of
clips too. i got some from there. oh, i got some cheap clips from carefour also..it was hang
on one of the pillars near the kiddy clothes section if i dun remember correctly. can ask
the staff there..

aiyoh, feel like hugging michelin boy lance..look at the arms! haha..
u made a mistake in putting ur name for the kindermusik list. Baby name shld be aria rite?
Hb cannot join in the session coz space constaint(thats what i heard). So can only wait outside.
yoz morning ladies!

junnie, adri still want bb lance.. just dat tis mummy here also bery greedy one.. hahahaha! aiyo.. bb lance so chubby n cute.. big MUACKS on those cheeks!

aria, they look like sublings? no, u r mistaken liao.. itz called "fu-qi xiang"! haha... =D

any1 watched the sichuan charity thingy yday? aiyo.. i cried buckets man! hb look at me n ask if tears were free-flow yday.. grrr... so sad to see those poor kids.. retribution shd find those unscrupulous businessmen who built those sub-standard schools!!

yup yup... i also cried non-stop.. esp when quan yi feng told the story on how a mum protect her 3 months old baby.. it's just too sad..

so do u still wana join in for the class or u wana meet us after the class?
since u will be attending wi sep bbies this weekend right?

if u meet us after the class, then i shall call Kindermusik to confirm everythg and wi the particulars of babies since we got 12 already! let me know ah!
Hi Sylvia,
Welcome! We r organising a trial n it will on 8jun. cant comment now cos havent attend it yet. hehe,,
dodo, looks like i cannot attend the kindermusik trial. can't make it.

ueno, ya! i attend BRMC! you too? but now i'm attending the ACSI PP.
re: play yard/play pen
think most babies don't like being confined. for a start, put them in for 10-15min a day and then slowly stretch the timing. hannah didn't like it at first, but now, she plays by herself quite happily. think when they get older, it'll be even harder. so don't wait too long to get your play yards!
haha! i m angry with her leh.. i wanted to take pp photos for her.. wakaoz.. she refuse to look at me leh! grrr... must purposely take one ugly pic for her n use as pp photo so next time can suan her and tell her how ugly she was.. wakakakak!
so cute! hey hippo, is your girl ok wearing sunglasses? i'm so tempted to get a pair, but i doubt hannah will wear. she'll probably just pull it off.

zhen zhen, nope! she's got no nose bridge! so flat.. so she doesnt reali have to pull it off.. it just SLIDES off!!! hahahahaha... but she loves it on her face though not when the weather is hot.. she'll be frustrated and attempt to pull everything off..
