(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

lyn is popeye the sailor gal!

I shall pray that you get relocated to europe, okay. If my prayers come thru, when i go visit u, u must house me okay. Hehehehe.

Sure...no problem...but dunno you can stand the proud attitude or not...she is a shanghainese...

One bonus in shanghai is that can easily get baby floats....cause i usually ask husband to go there to buy.

Oops, did I get the pirated mag mag...heehee

Sabrina, I only hear the others saying that very "xin ku" when sucking the phlegm out.
hi mummies,

anyone knows if those traditional cooking of brown rice can add condense milk one? My mom intends to cook browk rice with "si sen" and she say need to add condense milk. Got such thing??

really envy u if u can be at SAHM... .you can spent more time with your little one ..

re: brown rice

I hvnt start to give my boy brown rice yet but heard from my colleague she said take after 8 mths is better...Any advise?Thanks
re brown rice

I've tried EYS brown rice powder with Sishen. I scoop some out, mix with water n cook it over the stove. It pretty easy to prepare, but downside is, I always cook more than needed. I'll add in FM after its cooked.

I dun quite like feeding this, coz its quite a hassle compared to instant HT brown rice.
we are all in the same boat! its so messy feeding my boy, everytime after feeding have to wipe his chair, his tray and yes, got to wipe him down n change his clothes. shall take heart from totoro that hopefully he will out-grow this grabbing of spoon stage n be a nice nice boy not to bully his mummy. i dun mind if he's popeye the sailor man or anything... just be kind n not have his food flying everywhere! :D

ur boy smile until so cute, can melt hearts!!!
i got the pumpkin from the wet market, alr cut liao, so dunno if its the butternut pumpkin. gonna try it for his lunch later. keep my fingers crossed...

u mentioned about diluting the juice that we give baby. so that means when i give my boy apple juice that i squeeze after grating it, i must add water to dilute it?

i also ever heard about the chinese brown rice to give later but it depends on u lor... if u r ok with the chinese herbs added in,etc, can give a try? coz i see those brown rice powder packaging states that 4 mths above can give already, so its up to u.
condensed milk is v.sweet leh... not so gd to add to brown rice right? is she concerned about the calcium content? if so, rather add formula milk instead. condensed milk dun have much calcium content as its mainly sugar...

ya lor. I also told her about the sugar content and we just add FM nowadays. but she say she has been feeding us since we were babies!

Sometimes huh...really cannot accept traditional methods


my boy too! is it really growth spurt? But he always wake up drink abit then go back sleep one leh. I always try to make him finish his last feed but he just won't. sigh...
I am interested in the trio trial class on 10 May afternoon.

i did the same as sugar_nut don't align the arrows first, place it on then turn it will be align.

Semi-solid food:
i think i'm only oct mummy has not started any semi-solid feeding yet. I am going to start first feed of rice cereal tomorrow. Looking forward..... Baby baby mummy go to feed you cereal tomorrow.....

the sucking can be either from the nose or the throat or both ... I think there is discomfort but there shouldn't be blood

the physio would normally need to do some patting before the suction, I think it help to move the phelgm to one side or something ...
gingerleaf, you very funny leh!!

"I shall pray that you get relocated to europe, okay. If my prayers come thru, when i go visit u, u must house me okay. Hehehehe."

dodo, must house me too when i visit europe!! =P

oh so nice.. envy you can be SAHM..... I wish!
maybe u can try explain that altho olden method works and have brought us up fine n well, but new age technology n research has proven that other methods(ur method la)works even better in delivering/providing nutrient for babies. Even FM is constantly changing and its formula is very diff from what it used to be.
Sometimes oldies juz wanna stick to their tried and tested methods, without realising they are newer and better methods out there. So I guess we juz got to make an effort to explain instead of rebuking them that it cannot be done this or that way.

Imagine we make so much effort now to feed our way, next time we become grandparents liao, our kids will be complaining in the forum, that they cannot figure out why we wanna feed this n that to their kids, and why we so 'old- fashion'. Hehe
fiona, haha.

okie everyone, lets pray that dodo gets relocated to europe, then if her hb really gets it there, she MUST play host to us when we visit her. =p
sabrina, as wat totoro_bb said, can be either way.

bbwow, I am not sure about whether is he not eating enough at the last feed. Tiring only. Then flip here and there,kick me...aiyo.
baby can only be introduced milk product like fresh milk at 1 years old right?
Hi mummies,

I am new in this thread. My baby Daniel is borned on 5 Nov but was supposedly to be due in Oct. The Nov MTB thread seems a bit slower for his progress, so I checked out the Oct thread. Looks like he's more on the oct track growth!

Anyway just wanna ask about the trio trial. Is is gymboree at Tanglin? Is it more music learning?

I am feeding my son fresh mashed banana and cooked apple now. Haven't really started on cereal yet. Is everyone feeding brown rice/cereal already? How often do you give your baby?
I gave a portion of cereal + 2 cube of puree(diff flavours) for lunch. Dinner is a portion of cereal + one cube. Sometimes 2.

Gymboree is at tanglin mall and habourfront. Gymboree is more on gym(i think!), whereas if you are looking for music learning, I guess shld be kindermusik.

re trio trial,
guess its shichida methods.
I'm trying to feed my girl twice a day now but as snack but not to replace meal yet. Using those instant cereal / brown rice cereal + bottled puree.
welcome meow !


yes, diluting the juice with water before giving it to your bb. This is what my PD told me and
gina ford says in her books.


haha...have fun feeding ! Pls let us know how it turns out. Hopefully yours is a pleasant one


My son has to resort to the suction when he was only 2 mths old. There's some discomfort I'm sure but no bleeding at all.

ya lor. sometimes, the tricky part is how to convince them when they're stubborn. hehehe... I cannot imagine next time my son call me lao aunty! hahahaha


same same. flip, kick, sometimes even bang his legs on the bed. then make us panda mummies
calling oct mummies with bumper mat...

Any differences between the small small world mat and the mini toon mat (those selling in Mini Toon shop) ?

Saw the bumper mat at the BP...keen to get as it seems cheaper now.
Hi mummies ... does yr bb tells you that they want to go gai gai ... aiyo my boy got FLOWER LEG .... always wants to go out ... he will FLY to me if he knows that we are going out and will get really angry if he cannot go hahaha ...
cm, same same....When he see me back, he will smile at me. When I am packing his stuff, his eyes will follow me...When we ready to go out, he will open his arm wide to be carried. When go out of the gate, he will laugh loudly...

In the morning, he will just look at us with a sad face or don't even bother to look at us.
ueno, im pulling out of the Trio trial. My hubby says he wants to try the Shichida school instead, hmph...

So sorry for the trouble and thanks again for organising this...
totoro: you were asking re: beco packaging in sep thread? wat do u want to know? i jus got the package from portablebaby yest so maybe can help u?

re feeding: feeding my gal cereal + pureed veg / fruits.. started with 1 tablespoon a day, till now 7 tbsp. she still seems hungry after feeding.. how much do u all feed ur bb per meal?

have ur bb started fish? i read somewhere that fish shd be given ~ 8 months, but found out recently MIL had secretly been feeding her fish..
thanks! i didn't know it has to be diluted, coz tot since he can't chew, so i just scrape n squeeze the juice out. alamak, i better dilute it next time onwards...

all the best n gd luck in ur feedin!

ur gal can eat so much, so good! my boy if can take tat 1 tbsp of cereal, i count myself super duper lucky already.

get the SSW one. u pay for what u get n honestly, cost is not v.much more when u take into consideration the quality n thickness of the mat. plus, ssw have free delivery, why not?
the prices are the same! But the quality differs greatly!! Minitoon one is very lousy! The one at SSW is better. If you buy minitoon one, sure regret big time. The material totally different.

replying on behalf of garden_dreamz, the panel is the playyard panel loh.
the barrier like thing around is the haenim play yard. v.useful thing to have now that bb is more mobile n if we're busy, we can put him there n he can crawl, roll safely around without getting injured.
bumper mat
big different, I bought both and now the toons one are my wall paper ... actually very nice for wall paper and can prevent knocking head to hard in future ha ha .... The ssw are very soft and nice, great for bb to crawl .. the toons one even my mum complained that it's too rough. you will get marks lying on it. I'm intending to get another mat for my house for her during weekends.

I asking someone to help me to send over but she want to know the size of the packaging before she commit to my request. Does it comes in a box ? what size ? thank you very much

win 4D
hmmm ... i neber buy leh ... anyway it goes away liao ....
Hmmm... Is a playmat ness? Can I just let him play on my king size bed? My bed is the japanese style-type so it is not very high.

What's the difference between a ssw mat and those of ABC mat?
totoro: the beco itself in the plastic wrapping is about the size of a new ream of A4 size paper (u know what i mean? but much lighter lah). but as i shared postage with another mummy, they posted 2 becos together in a hardbox that's about the size of drawing block. hope it helps!
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Can save more ...
Thanks merkon,

Can I check how much you pay in total for one including postage?

I think ABC mat they will like take out the abc in future and difficult to clean and things can drop inbetween the gap, ssw mat nicer, softer and in one piece ...
i got the mini toon one cos i can't wait for BP then. really differnt huh? but the design look exactly the same leh and even close up picture of the bumper mat in BP look the same..aiyoh, should have ordered from the BP. actually, i already noticed the surface quite rough (the checks) and my girl like to use her fingers to scrap the surface..i though since the price not much diff (that time got promotion, got discount)..

My girl started to smile when we bring her out of the house since long long time ago .... she was very flower leg until recently if we went out for too long, she will complaint ... but still want to go out.... also very hong xim one ... can gai gai and forgot abt makan or zzzzz until she gets bored again then remember what she what to do before that

I have the same thoughts as you so bought a few pieces some more thinking to lay the whole room with it ... but when I finally got the SSW, then it's really enlightenment loh ....

I'm thinking of ordering the mat from alien as ssw only have yellow bear now .. don't want to get the same design and size .....
anyone know whether is it the same ?
