(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

hi all


Hippo18, so sorry to hear the news. My condolences to you and your family. Don't feel bad about pouring out your grief at this forum. Do take care.
hippo, so sorry to hear that. do take care of yourself at this time yeah? you're not spoiling anyone's mood, if you need a listening ear we'll be here ok?
hi hippo,
you are not spoiling anybody's mood. so sorry to hear abt it, my deepest condolences to you and your family. stay strong...
can I poll your bb's nap and feeding time, pls? how many naps a day and how long each time. are they on 3hr or 4hrly feeds? TIA

I'm trying to move her to 4hrly feeds, i.e. 7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm. her good naps are at 9am (1hr) and 12.30pm (abt 2hrs).. then the 4pm and 6pm catnap a bit tricky.. any tips..? thanks.

PS: I'm trying to follow the Tracy Hoggs method to move her to 4hrly.. she was doing well earlier on the 3hrly feeds, but naps were getting shorter..
Hapie New Year to all... Gong Xi Fa Cai!!!

Has any bb start on cereal? My bb started Heinz Rice Cereal since 4mths 1week old. Bb is having about daily 3-4milk feeds, a feed on Rice Cereal around 3-4pm in the noon. His milk feeds are 150ml during the day, 180ml for late nite n early morning feed. Rice Cereal is 120ml water, 1.5 scoop milk (similac) n 5 teaspoon Rice Cereal.

Like to know, how do I gauge about the correct amount of Cereal to give BB?

He used to take 180ml FM, reduced to 150ml FM since he started rejecting milk. Since he reject milk, I introduce Rice Cereal then. These few days, he is starting to reject milk again. Dun really hope to reduce, so take quite a while each time to pacify him to finish his milk. Should I reduce again?
feed:my baby on 6 feeds per day: 6am, 9am, 1pm, 4.30pm, 8pm, 1130pm

sleep: nap time we let him nap as n when he wants during the day so long keep to 3-4 hrs.. he 'll sleep ard 830pm aft his 8pm feed and we'll wake him up for his feed at 1130pm where he'll fall back to sleep promptly till next day 530-6am for his 6am feed before falling back asleep again till waking up at 8+am.
CNY is over! how are all the mummies coping with their (over-stimulaterd?) babies?

i actually have a better time for wormy is fine with being passed from hands to hands and quite a few pair of hands are ready to sooth him when he turned cranky.. and so cleaning of poo-poo/feeding/soothing to sleep were done for me by my aunties & mum while i played blackjack. ha. i know, im a bad mummy :p
my deepest condolences.don't feel bad abt pouring your sorrow here.. be strong mummy..

my girl down with flu and cough for the 1st time. so poor thing. block nose quite bad and sometimes she'll wake up crying because she can't breath.. hopefully all the discomfort will go away soon with the nose drop that i gave her and her immune system to fight the viral infection..

i'm also a bit depressed recently. my girl suddenly refusing bottle!!! so headache mann...got all sorts of teats.. she takes NUK teats better but still drink very little.. cham lah...i notice my supplu drop quite a bit mann...haiz...sorry for lamenting.. it's a depressing new year to me
aria_jo: dont be depressed. perhaps she s refusing the bottle cos of her flu. it can be quite hard for them to drink while having blocked nose..

see if she will drink more when her recover from her flu..
“Gong Xi Fa Cai” to all

it has been sometime since my last post.

Hippo18: sorry to hear the news, my condolences to you and your family, pls take care.

Check with mummies did any experience that Baby urine yellow in colour, my boy pass a few time yellowish urine. could it be I did not really feed him enough of water this few day? He is 3month+ on FM similac.
cheval: my boy doesnt like to drink water n so he drinks very little water per day and his urine is a shade of pale yellow..
he's on friso btw.

i guess its really a case of not enough water..
hi mummies, thanks for all your concern.. i will be strong for my family. will talk to you all when i m back! meanwhile, take great care girls..
Finally CNY is over!! Isaac so used to us coaxing him to sleep these few days that now abit confuse why this is not happening today anymore. wahahaa. Got to re-train liao!

Good news is he started to flip face down on his own on 1st day of CNY. But b'cos he's so fascinated with his new skill, each time will flip over when put him down. And when he can't flip back, he'll cry. Headache when after feed, tend to vomit milk. At nite got to put a BIG pillow beside to prevent him from flipping. *faint*. Now don't know when he'll learn to turn faceup.
My boy on 4hrly when he turned 3mth (4 dayfeed, 1 nitefeed). 1st feed will depend on what time his nite feed is. I have never restricted his nap time. Now usually a 45min-1hr nap an hr after feed, a 30min nap again after another hr.

6pm - 830pm, abit cranky... tired but refuse to nap. Reckon daddy is back home. So at most 30mins catnap.
Aria jo, don't worry. maybe she is refusing the bottle cos she is not well and wants to drink directly from you. That happened to my girl too. cos she wasnt well, so wanna manja and receive cuddles. Hopefully its just a phase and she will take to the bottle again when she feels better. ya, Nuk bottles also work for my girl.

SAHM not easy.. hard to bring both kids out alone.. i dun have maid somemore.. only have to wait till weekends hubby at home den can go out.. feel like a "mountain" tortise.. once in a while den can sneak out..

dun get depress.. it's common that ur ger will reject milk or decrease milk intake when sick..Just like us adults will eat lesser when fall sick too.. slowly her appetite will come back when she is better..

Over-stimulated baby:
Jerric was so far okie with different uncles and aunties carry him around.. like passing baton.. not much difficulty except when he wants to sleep will need me to carry him.. come back home doesnt take much effort to make him zz.. overall chinese new year is quite a happy one for him..

my boy feeds abt the same timing as urs.. Nap time usually once in the morning(45mins), noon twice usually 1-2hrs.. he doesnt really sleep in the evening.. if have usually 30mins the most..
krissie: haha i was wondering -wah ur baby so good, after 7pm can tahan till next morn 7am.. heez.

my colleague was telling me that i could try dropping the night feed at 1130pm since baby is bigger now. which means down to 5 feeds per day (daily intake of 770-850ml per day) and try to let baby sleep from 9pm to 5+am next day..

do u guys think its possible or they are still too young to last that long w/o milk?
hi ecookie,

hee it's possible if my girl is extremely tired! During the 1st day of CNY.
She slept at ard 8plus pm and the next feed is almost 7plus. She woke once ard 5plus due to wet diaper.

my girl seems to pass more urine nowadays. She will wake in the middle of the night due to wet diaper which did not happen in the past. Also, with her new habit of turing and tilting while sleeping, her urine keep flowing out and wet her clothes ... hiaz does it means that she need to try on the pants type diaper now ??

BB is sick throughout CNY. Ecezma with flu ... doc said is his 2nd attack within 6mths (prenomia???), if it happends again, it considered as asthma.. sign.

His lungs are so congested with plegm...

I told her not to feed him anything during his 4th month celebration. but she insisit he must take soup with toufu, prawn and abolone... and told my hubby is cos i alway mentioned that he may take over me having ecezma that why he has ecezma.. is my stupid mouth.. ...
My mil conment... he on more BM then FM, dun understand why he still have plegm. She said EBM is not good cos must store in the fridge and make on subsequently. Is better he latch direct... o told her .. he dun want to LATCH ON. She said again, she didnt had this problem with my hubby then... im so pissed off...

Alway say she dun understand how come BB cannot finish his milk when he is with us where he also has not enough milk when he is with his granny... said that BB kept shouting for milk. She will tell him.. cannot cannot.. time not due yet,,, if granny give it to u... daddy and mummy will scold granny.

If i dun restrict.. she is capable to feed one bottle after another nonstop.. and i dun think is good for BB to be overfed. BB is drinking 6x per day of 120ml. Doc mentioned he is a big BB, weight near to 8kg and 4.5mth. the thing is... my BB is only 2.8kg at birth. It prove that i can have a cubbly bb without puring milk into the bb non stop right????

Im so sick of everything... wanting to quit job to take care of him but dun think is possible. Wanting to put him into infant care and after touring the centres, wo bu ren xin...

She dun even bother to ask me for the BB when she want to carry him.. just take him away from me... telling my bb.. na na carry you... of na na must carry you.. u miss na na

Im so tired of all these nosense.... think goign to breakdown soon with her way of bringing up bb
i didnt want to try that cos my mum kept on telling me its not good to let baby so young to go w/o milk for too long.. n so far i didnt try cos i scared the routine that i put in so much effort to maintain will be screwed up if i take away the 1130pm . my greatest fear is he will wake up ard 2/3am for milk! think i better try this during weekends where i dun have to work the next day. hee.

Re:wet diapers. securing the diapers more tightly wont help?

anyway any nepia users out there? i ve just upgraded my boy to size M, hes weighing 7kg at 3 mths (think now at 3 mths 2 weeks ard 7.5kg...) and he no longer wet his clothes with size M

previously when he s on size S, he has been wetting his clothes for the last week till we change to size M

so perhaps totoro_bb, ur baby diapers is too small for her?
chris: im sorry to hear that ur baby is sick.. it must ache ur heart to see ur poor child so sick. i ve asthma myself and my mum +dad told me they were sooo sad last time as they stayed up all night to take care of me..

and bcos ive asthma (as well as eczema) , i ve decided not to let my baby try solids till 6th mth at least..
not too sure what triggers ur baby sickness, but ur MIL feeding him food (esp. prawn!! seafood is known be a common allergy) when he s still so young..

i know how it sucks to have prob with MIL. my own one likes to feed baby milk whenever he cries too last time. once he cries, it MUST be hunger n not tired/or just need a cuddle. i got so fed up with that , that i have a long good talk with my hubby. i told him to "educate' his mum on the proper milk intake for baby and not all cries are cues for milk. if not, i ll have a show down with her one day.

so he talked to her and although i know she knows this is mainly from me, i dun care. baby well-being is more impt. so now we made her write down the feeding timing (making sure that she waited at least 3-4 hrs before the next feed). dun think she too happy with this but think she bo bian cos we insist.

and she used to (actually now still do) nag how good BM is when i decided to wean my little one to FM. making me feel so sianz abt my decision. sigh. i was told to stop early cos ive asthma and studies shown that i may pass it on to baby hence i stopped. but think she dun understand this reason..

and now that she takes care of baby during the day, when i reached home aft work, eager to play with baby, she will still sit there in front of the baby n coo to him, takinghis attention away from me! i mean, u play with the baby whole day, evening at least let the mummy play with him before his bedtime at 8+pm right?
nowadays i got fed up and will just tell her" mother, i carry him hor, cos i miss him" and will sweep him to my room to play with him till he fell asleep :p

before i came back to work i was quite fed up with her till i m seriously considering infant care. cos i not sure if she knows how to take care of baby but since she s available i guess thats better than infant care. cos at least baby wont fall sick as easily as in an infantcare.

but still got drawbacks lah. every day aft work must think of way to play with baby W/o her interrfering. and till today, she still doesnt know how to bath the baby herself. that means my hubby /me /FIL got to take turns going to our house to help bath baby during lunch time! want to faint right? sigh

dun be upset. discuss with ur hubby n see if you can get him to talk to him, if not i ;ll suggest infant care rather than making urself so upset n also for baby well-being..
ecookie,netty and jojer,
thanks for the comforting words...i really hope cosshe's sick and reject bottle. the thing is she started showing the symptom last week when she's not sick....yeah, trying NUK teats..struggling with her but still managed to feed 100ml lah..she cry cry cry and suck suck suck and cry cry cry...hopefully can overcome this soon. if not, my hubby (main caregiver) sure very cham one..

i'm using M size nepia too
hi all

hippo...sorry to hear the news, take care.

hv been v v v v busy, bb sick again, 39.7 fever, will tell u gals more when i nxt got time to login...

Gong Xi Fai Cai!!
I was reading the tracy hoggs book and she suggests that we still gv bb the dream feed till ard 8mths when the solids are established.

thinkcan only gv bb seafood after 1year old.. 4 mth is way too young for seafood due to allergies.
bfing will trigger asthma? I tot it will protect instead?
I did a search and cant find what you mentioned. Can share more pls? Thanks
gingerleaf: hi, thats what my GP told me. she said there;s a slight chance may pass on to the baby (some studies show it though nothing conclusive).. and she recommended feeding soy milk to minimise asthma for babies where asthma is in the family..

i didnt feed soy milk but just normal milk but i did chose to stop BF at ard baby is 2 mths since my milk supply seems to be decreasing and just to be on the safe side. really dont wish my baby to have asthma, very painful illness to have...

my deepest condolences to you! please take care ya!

re: dream feed
means baby is sleeping but still drinking milk? My baby will in such a coma, he dun even want to drink milk leh. how to do that? sometimes, call him, stroke his hand still fall asleep.

re: swimming
any mommies know when is the suitable age to bring baby for swimming? Is 4 months ok?
bbwow: wow, ur baby is a little piggy heez. normally i will change his diapers before the dream feed . that will do the trick most of the time. then feed him right after the change before he got frustrated at being woken up.. soon after feed + burp, he';ll fall back to sleep...

re: swimming
read somewhere thats its recommended to wait till baby at least 4 mths before letting they try to swim..
anyway, children need to be at least 4 years to learn how to really swim so before that, must exercise due diligence in supervising them..
hubby's hours is more flexible as he's doing own business..

my baby when in deep sleep also dun care what you do to her.. flip her on the side to apply powder, change diaper, anything, she still zzzzz....haha...
according to Tracy Hogg, dreamfeed is introduced (if I can still rem) so that bb will not wake up for milk at nite. So if your bb is sleeping thru, not nec to have DF.

We tried a few times but decided to stop b'cos main reason hubi and i turn in ard 930-10pm. So instead of 'tong' our tired bodies till 11pm, we prefer nite feed since Isaac has no fixed time for nite feed (depend on how tired he is).

My niece started her 1st dip at 3mth old, but not too long hor...recommended abt 15-20mins. Just watch out the skin reaction to Chlorine, sunblk lotion, after sun moisturizer.

My plan is to start at the 6th mth. Evening pool is warmer, so don't have to invest in thermal swimwear. Better to hug close to your chest for a start. Won't apply anything on his body so I know if his skin is ok to chlorine. Anyway for that 15mins and sunset, sunblock is not nec.

Not sure abt yours, Isaac will wake up for milk when he's hungry, so I'm not worried if he's ok to go without milk for long hr at nite.

My bb's urine also very yellowish last few days but now it's ok. Think is b'cos of CNY - hectic visiting + constant drooling + dehydration.

However if persist, check with PD. Might be Urinary tract infection.

you also bought bb neck float from BP huh? I really can't wait to bring Isaac to try out his new gadget.
Oh NO Chris! Pls draw your sword to STOP
all these nonsenses from your MIL feeding your bb with seafood at this stage! It can seriously lead to a long term health problem to your bb yia.
fitty_nut & ecookie thank you for your advise.
I brought my boy to PD last night very long queue waitted for 1.5hrs before our turn, PD confirmed that bb is fine no sign of infection, yellowish urine could be concentrated and hot weather, by giving some water should be ok. Doctor said by looking at him he is active, good appetite, drinking well, sleep and putting on weight, he is fine. He is 7kg now put on 200g within 2weeks, doctor said good weight.

geez! I used to be asthmatic when I was younger! I hope wun affect baby in any way! Now I feel worried, I didnt know got such things.

I plan to bring my gal to tryout swimming when she is 5mths plus, pref b4 6 mths.

yeah! Im so happy I still can get it leh! I tot bp no more! hehe. Cant wait to try it out, but I guess that gotta wait for another month or so then I bring her to pool and try. Hehe
