(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Hi mummies, I am running out of ideas in entertaining my 4.5mth old baby son. I read story books to him and he will end up wanting to put the books in his mouth. He gets bored easily while playing on his activity mat and pulling those hanging mobiles above him. I think the only time he is obedient is when he is in his stroller out for walks.

wHAT A NICE DAY TO SLEEP IN MAN ... how i wish i can sleep with my boy hmm...

I got my very 1st FULL force menses yesterday night keke ... got a shock as in WOW so RED
pinky n garden
The carrier is useful, but its back breaking. Unless you get the one with lumbre support, else its really taxing on the back.

totoro, i didnt use vpost. i used comgateway. i had 2 boxes, so shipping came up to usd120.

dun buy it in singapore. The prices are 30-40% higher than what you can order from sprees! Then again, I guess its only useful if u join sprees when leapfrog is having a sale.

i think the chair totoro mention is similar to what i have. I remember the KP staff told me thats a Korea brand. Function wise shld be same same.

re high chair,
i still cant decide to get the ikea one or the fisher price boaster seat! saw it at toys r us last nite and its so cuteeeeeee! But at least ikea one use n throw wun be so heart pain. Heheh.

i shld be there ard 2plus ba. yes be bring lyn. No choice, have to, no one look after. Heeh.
I pm my number, if u are there, u sms me, see if im still ard.

The combi chair that I've posted is the one that I have. I think it's similar to what dodo and gingerleaf have, but different model. Mine is Combi Roanju.
hi ladies! went to e taka baby fair 2day.. not very crowded.. tink cos i rched ard 11.40pm.. =D
and i saw my cutie anderson! didnt bring adri though cos she just recovered in the morning..

discounts were ranging from 15 - 20% on small items like avent, pigeon etc.. didnt wana walk near the combi, maclaren area in case i go crazy.. oh.. and one thing mummies, if u can't see wat u want at e fair, u can go to their baby dept in taka.. having the same discounts as the fair.. =)
here's mummy dodo, me & cutie darling anderson!
thanks hippo! wow both u and dodo look so happy! =D am waiting for gingerleaf n ecookie to come online and feed me more info hahaha
WOW wowowo ... i also want to go but i am so so so far away from town ... hmm i am in tuas ...

WOW you two slim down liao i still got abig tummy man
sharon, u work in tuas? me 2!! keke...

hey, u hvnt seen wat we are hiding under those clothes.. see, datz y i m carrying anderson to hide my fats! wahahahaa..
Another Tuas working mummy here... (HI -5)
Be going to the fair tomolo..
Taka BB & IT fair!

BTW, any MAC user here?
pinky, yes we did dear! can't wait to catch up with u, gingerleaf & garden_dreamz too.. =D

bought stuff from avent like milk bottles, magic cups, teats and combi spoon! haha! quite a good deal cos 20 % off..

cherliu, hi-5!
thinkin of convertin to mac. The airbook looks really cool! But think getting a macbk first. Was wondering if there is any good offer at the IT show.
cherliu n chintz,

heehee...I have macbook pro at home. My hb is using it. I like it very much..so much better than my IBM
tiffy! ur sweetie girl is one day older than my girl also! hee..ecookie..ur darling 24 oct also ah?

alamak didnt realise so many mummies going to taka baby fair today! i was there from 330-530pm...hmmm wonder if i actually saw any of u!

u very efficient leh!!!


ya loh.. that's why im hiding behind hippo to cover my fats.. haa!


hmm.. i din browse those big tic items so not sure abt their offers.. like what hippo said, most of the items abt 15-20% off.. i bought some home clothings and bibs for my boy... saw the fisher price booster seats that many mummies here eyeing selling at $69.90
aiyo so cute anderson and lyn!!!!
wow u gals can meet up....so good, sad tt i missed it

hope can meet all of u soon...
i will be going taka next tues...cos on leave..
anyone can update if combi strollers got discount?
hi all

aiyooooo..... so many posts i missed!!! u all taking abt wat fair when end huh??? got to find time & read up liao

fyi, i jus came back tis afternoon after 5 days 4 night of 'CAMPING' @nuh!!!!! 1/3 brought bb lance to nuh specialist clinic take report for the test done 29/2. cant remember did i tell u all he was diagnosed w left kidney urine reflux, grade 4/5, need to take anti-biotic everynite for about 5-6 years!! tis is to prevent him fm getting infected easily, if not, any infected urine tat backflow to kidney will cause damages to kidney. during tis few years, will need to go back for quarterly chk/test to monitor condition. tink he caught some virus/cold whilst during the test & report taking @nuh, also my gal & hubby was down w cough. then not long after came back 1/3, he got ascending fever. we decided to go A&E 6+am 2/3. there they taken urine test and show got slight infection. as he got reflux prblm & fever 39.8, so hv to admit him. after doc checked, said the urine result not high enuff to cause such high fever, so after other checks, sent him for chest x-tray as doc said got 'funny sound' fm lung. after tat, result showed lung not v clear, so they reckon is 'lumonia'!!! lucky is not UTI tat caused fever, if not, doc said w his present reflux prblm, may need operation.. heng arrr... ..... then as bb throw out milk/oral medicine in the evening 2/3, doc said hv to gv medicine + drip via plug. so he was brought in to 'poke' @7+pm, he didnt came out till almost 9pm!!! sooo sad as we cant help him but hear him screaming his lung out inside the procedure room. finally the 3rd doc managed to find the vein & fixed the plug. by then when bb came out he was sobbing non stop cos earlier on they also draw some blood for test.... for two days his fever up & down v drastically, can b 36.9 - 40.6!!!! he was given about 6 suppository 5 hourly interval for 1st two days admission (duno how to spell, ie, paraceltamol thru insert backside). poor bb cry like mad. hv to keep sponging him..his blood test result show inflammatory level 158 (normal was 5). finally fever down by pm 3/3, but still need to be on drip scare he dehydrated as his milk intake not v good. though fever down, doctor insist he need to be on plug for anti-biotic. then pm 5/3, his plug was removed cos the nurse chked & said it got 'bented' & need to plug again
i discuss w doctor & finalised 'save' him fm the plug cos for balance 2 doze of antibiotic to plug him is v painful, doc then give permission to try oral anti-bioitic. thk god it works well & after montioring bb for 48hrs (after fever subside), we got discharged 1pm today. now he need to take the anti-biotic for 2x for 6 days b4 resumed back to his daily bedtime anti-biotic for reflux. now he slowly picking up his milk intake, but due to anti-biotic, he will purge on/off after his meal then stomache so much air..tink he was scare too, cos cant really sleep for long......hiaz... really v shak & tire, cos bb has been not well since CNY, one after another. i hope no more mishap again.... both my gal & me missed each other so much so tat when she came bk fm childcare, we cant wait but hug each other, cos i forbid hubby bring her to hospital cos tink is full of 'germs' everywhere... so poor ting when see other babies there got plug here & there, v poor tings. really pray for those still @ the ward to recover asap...
junnie, i just cant help but feel that u r a very strong n brave mummy to both ur kids...
i m sure lance will recover fast n well under ur care...just so heartache to read what he has to go through...poor darling *hugz*
I saw the strollers, its not discounted at all, but they still put it as 'sale'. But got one model, one hand operation one! But the color is brown and orange... and its 199. Not exactly my idea of cheap. Looks like an old model oso.
gingerleaf, okies, will go check it out next week...just wonder y never further discount since its old model lei..
All this baby fair cheat ppl one.. only certain things got less, most of the items, all normal price.. I got a leapfrog toy yesterday at toys r rus for 29.90, but baby fair selling it at 49.90!
re feeding chair,

I got my feeding chair from ikea juz now!
Honestly, I think its pretty sturdy n its onli $25 and the tray, $8. It did warn against not leaving baby in it alone w/o supervision, but I think thats common sense la. I think many accidents happened coz the parents prob left the child in the chair alone.
As for chair falling to the back, i reckon the child must have rocked the chair very hard to cause it to topple backwards. I really find it very good and sturdy. Hehe, no regrets.
wow.. so much talk going on abt the baby fair so to all the mummies who went to the fair?

is it worthwhile to make a trip down afterall?
oni free during weekends, reckon it will be crowded then..

are there any car seats on sale? would like to get one. any recommendations on wat brand is good?

u take good care of urself.. can imagine e heartache and stress u going thru..
hope bb lance will be fine v soon.

u r not alone.. me got a super big tummy dat refuses to bulge for the past few months.

wonder when it will go away.....
so nice to see some mummies meeting up together with e babies.. would like to meet up with u guys with our little ones

lyn looks so comfty in the carrier. am tempted to get one
is that the babybjorn?

got a MIM sling but never used it. dun reallee know how to use. hubby quite upset dat he bought for me and i never really learn to use.

I'm from Jan MTB 2008 thread. Sorry to interupt but I have a pack of brand new Drypers XL 40 for sale. I wanted to sell as my mum bought the wrong size for my nephew. It is brand new & not opened before. Willing to sell at $10. Meet up to collect at Eunos MRT. Interested party pls PM me.

Thank you.

I felt the fair isnt exactly cheap in everything. maybe if you needa get stuffs like bottles or teats, but toys and such, so so onli. Good things abt the fair is, there are a huge variety of toys and stuffs to see.

re carseat:
Not sure abt the sale on carseats, but popular brands would be maxicosi or britax.
Im using a britax and I like it very much.

Yea, its the classic baby bjorn. Its was v good for me initially(coz bb was so much lighter then), but now I find it very very taxing on my back. Hb had no prob with it tho.
no leh.. my son also likes the tunes.. it was the only way to catch his attention in reading the book, before he started liking reading.

oh dear.. take care.. pray tt lance will recover soon. So poor thing.
Morning all mummies! It's Fridayyy again! :D

Junniez: U gotta take care and be strong. Lance will be fine under ur good care

Dodo n gingerleaf: so nice to see both of ur bbs paired up :D I'm taking leave next tues, should be going in the afternoon.. Anyone going too?

Jacq, gingerleaf: I'm also tempted to buy a bb bjorn ler.. These days when i carry bb in a facing outwards position, she's just so happpy and laughin all the way!! Btw, gingerleaf: how heavy is lyn now? Just wanna compare if I could tahan carrying chloe or not?

Anyone here using a bjorn synergy? Maybe it is less back breaking to the original design?
do take care n continue to be strong. i'm sure lance will recover well under ur care.

i think i know wat u bought and i want to get it too after i saw the advertisement yesterday. hope its still available this weekend.
junnie: really heartbreaking to hear that lance has to go thru all these. be strong for urself + him and i really hope you can emerge from all these unhappiness soon.

the antibiotics course is longer than your girl's one right? hopefully for lance case, he ll improve soon and take off the course in few years time.

meantime, must really rest well n take good care of urself too cos then u can take good care of ur kids.

Morning mummies,
Busy busy buzzzzyy...Didn't drop by this thread for a few days and the thread really going so fast. Me going taka fair tomorrow. Anyone going? But i'm not sure what time going though but hope to avoid the crowd. What time it starts huh? I remember last year i went taka fair and got the cotton balls and it's 1 dollar cheaper. So thinking of stocking it up this time round.

Oh yeah, my girl started to roll back and forth and her tummy liao. So, now she's practicing her new found skill but forgot abt her crawling skill already. Think it'll be sometime before she remember that she wanted to crawl previously..haha..

poor girl and poor baby Lance. Hope he'll recover asap. Take care and drink more water and take vitamin C to boost immune system. Stress also can make one fall sick hor..

Thanks for the photoshop tips
Did I thank you earlier? Been so buzzzzyyyy with work until blur blur..............
