(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

hi mommies, still been bz with a project. Used foogo thermos today to bring out my ger puree dinner, i heat up the frozen puree and transfer to the thermos. Actually i also put hot water first, cover and let the thermos heat up then throw the water away and put the puree inside. So first time feeding my ger puree outside, usually just gave her rice cereal. Also turns out she really likes the soy milk, can drink it and no longer demand exclusively for BM and i can feed it to her as well. Like a miracle!! Thus her milk intake has increased a little more.

Im not bringing anything. I oso think order in is a good idea.

its been some time! Glad that myra is taking more milk now.
morning gals..

so many babies n parents are sick. do take gd care ya!

gingerleaf, dun worie abt lyn's food intake.. she's most likely teething! or has her teeth sprout out yet? adri was like dat for quite awhile until her teeth came out recently..

dodo, adri also the same when it comes to solids.. my mum feed her until she wana pengz.. i end up finishing all her porridge when i'm home.. ha! but she's super greedy when she sees us eat! and when i dun feed her biscuits while we are eating, she'll whack me.. or attempt to bite one of us.. grrrr...
Hello everyone....

Yesterday bring Raphael for his first swim....He enjoyed it very much....swam quite awhile before he started saying "mum mum"...we ignored him and continue to let him play till he cry...so immediately milked him and my little pig just dozed off...

Last night,he sleep till don't even wake up for his night feed...

zinter, I got the pix from the website, i also dunno what's that.

ponponta or totoro, keep me update on the Beco carrier. I want to get one already. Hope can make it before the cruise la..but if cannot also nvm, I can use it when I go OZ.

My hb is going korea, but the Beco there is more expensive.

Do any babies here before sleeping at night taking milk? Raphael like to eat and sleep together...
Hope mummies n BBs who are sick getting better . Take care and rest well


glad Leroy is getting better =)

Sometime their expression look cute ..when jayden saw us eating, he will also have the chewing movement ..haa =D

Sorry to disturb.

Anyone interested to work for 3 months doing data entry work in a hospital environment. That person will work in a office. Don't need to type very fast but must pay attention to details. And must be able to commit to 3 months of work.

For more details please contact Veron at 91729703
perlicia, chloe HAS to drink milk before she sleeps at nite leh.. that's her YA PIAN already!

and she knows the cue, after her milk, she'll wail a bit, waiting for me to let her sip some water, and then wail a bit more, open her mouth big big, waiting for her pacifier hehe

then put her to bed orrr orrr
Oh, hi-5 chintz...sometimes Raphael also, drink milk, push away, want water, then push away and drink milk again. At the start, it is so hard for me to troubleshoot what he wants.
All mummies,

may i know whether when bb teething time, will they cry in pain in midnite until cold sweat? And how long will it last? And roughly how long does it take for the tooth to erupt?
Hi ponponta
Saw the website and it seems to be the cheapest as the rest of the website is normally ard $140. And the shipping that they quote u is also very cheap. I paid ard SGD 40plus for shipping of 2 Becos.

BTW for those who usually purchased online, is it true that OCBC credit card charges more when they convert to SGD? As my stupid paypal have a problem the last time, I have to create another account and use OCBC instead of Citi and realized that they actually charges slightly higher then the usual conversion rate. Anyone have any idea?

Hope all mummies and bbies who fall ill have a speedy recovery.
morning all!

ueno, glad to hear leroy is better now.

sanbebe, hope you're feeling better now. you got the play yard too? 4 or 8 panels? hannah is getting bored in her 4 panel space. think need to expand to 6 panels. she's usurping our living room!!

hippo, adri is so feisty! but then again, you all eat and dun include her? how can. if it's me, i will also not be happy. hahaha....

perlicia, try not to let raphael go to sleep with milk bottle in his mouth. heard it can cause tooth decay.
bb cried at middle of nite, like every half an hour to an hour for mine ... but cold sweat ... I not very sure leh.
I have to hug her to sleep sometimes. There was once that she cried till very long and I used the "fei zhai shui" and let her drink, after that she okie ... but not sure was that for teething or wat !!
fei zai shui is gripe water. Normally use to feed bb to rid wind in stomach.

zhen zhen,
Thanks, I'm feeling better now though still feel weak and sleepy.

I bought 8 panels cuz they dun sell 6 panels. I'll see how... if 8 panels is too big for my room then I'll sell away the extra 2 panels.

it's gripewater. used for teething and sometimes ppl use to relief wind / colic.

you ordering the beco? How much is it?

how much you paid for the play yard? You got the 6 panels?

I saw you also booked foto-u! When you going for the photoshoots? ;)

when my girl in cold sweat in midnite when she cry in pain, her temp is 35.6deg. Morning when i took her temp is normal range. Mine also cry for half hour to an hour. It can happen 3 times during midnite. I let her drink warm water and she can drink till eyes close back but when i pull the bottle from her mouth, she will cry again. Think tonite I apply 'jin feng san' on her gum and see how and becos it is stated that it can be used for teething too.

yup! 'fei zhai shui' is gripe water, to get rid of wind in stomach.

Ha, never tried that, but my hb likes to smell brig pillow.. ya.. is saltish.


All available at organic shop or there a organic section in NTUC which carried almost all of these. Tahini is more difficuit to find.. is availble at brown rice paradize at tanglin mall. But Brig hasnt started on this yet.


wheat germ,

The germ is the "heart" of the cereal kernel, the embryo of the seed.

Wheat germ is a concentrated source of several essential nutrients including Vitamin E, folate (folic acid), phosphorus, thiamin, zinc and magnesium, as well as essential fatty acids and fatty alcohols. It is a good source of fiber[1] Along with bran, germ is often a by-product of the milling that produces refined grain products. Wheat germ oil, rice bran oil (germ), maize germ, and others may be used to extract vegetable oil or directly as a food-making ingredient. The germ is retained as an integral part of whole grains. During the making of white bread (and most of "whole wheat" breads), flour that has had the germ removed is used.
thanks sanbebe.

this mil issue is driving me crazy.

she said she'd get feizhai shui for chloe. i suspected it's for wind. but she insisted it's to prevent baby get too heaty?!?!

then she reduced my baby's milk from 6oz to 4oz.. without my knowledge. and that's supposed to mean good for chloe?!?!?!

one issue after another!!
I dunno leh. i juzt sign up 1st!

heard kindermusik was a let down. To think I was thinking of signing up with them. Sigh. Gymboree better?

re grip water
I added gripe water to her water and she refuses to drink. Keep giving me the yucky looks. Change back to normal water and she drinks so happily.
I pretty much like gripe water myself! Last time b4 I had lyn, I used to buy one bott n mix it with water to drink!
My girl uses pacifier when she sleep so during teething I think she uses that she ease the pain.

For the past few nights, she keep crying before going to bed ... and also gets cranky easily during the day!! I am at a loss liao and my patience also running out ...hiaz is this a stage which they have to goes through ... felt so helpless as she can't tell me what she wants and just keep crying

Re: Beco
I'll still go ahead to order my Beco from the same person so I'll have one extra again.:)
yah, I think it's not fantistic and compared with Gym, I like Gym better.
The "teacher" was too soft liao and can't really hear her. Supposed to be more towards music but I don't think have much impact loh. Only different is the additional of playing with the drums which she don't appreciate at all.

sometimes I forgot about J's sweat and just kissed him on his forehead. So accidentally tasted his sweat and it's SALTY. :p
oh dear.
Lidat must consider abt signing up with them liao. I was holding gymboree off so that I can sign up with kindermusik

ask your MIL to read the instructions for the gripewater.

My MIL also same pattern. She fed Jayden porridge 2 times a day w/o my knowledge and said porridge is BETTER. She didn't even feed the cereal I gave her, and lessen the milk also.

She even got my SIL to tell me that the cereal IS SWEET cause she tasted it. I just told her off and said it's ORGANIC and meant for babies. But sad to say, old folks dunno the meaning of organic.

As long as it's under their care, we really don't have much control.

Yes, i also give her pacifier but she will pull out herself and suck her thumb but then her thumb will be out from her mouth again and cry continue again lor. Seeing her cry in pain, my tear also drop last nite. Then my hubby carry her and walk around the house and quite abit then, and after a while he will put her on our bed and after awhile, she will turn left and right and then she dozed off. It have been 3 days already lor. Seem so helpless, don't know how to ease her teething pain. U are right, at nite before carry her to sleep, she will also cry and struggle too.

cannot decrease bb milk intake. Milk is still their main source of food. As for gripe water, my dad also told me if heaty also can give bb some gripe water although it is not stated on the instruction of the gripe water.
tiffy, u can use ur finger n rub her gums to soothe the pain or u can give her a chilled teether to bite, both ways works wonders.
Or apply teething gel.
gingerleaf, haha! sorie, gymboree supporter is here again.. gym music n gym play classes are of cos great!.. but i shall not say anything abt kindermusik until i try them out this sunday!

chintz, i tink there's no harm in feeding chloe gripewater but make sure she give the minimum wor! and also y she decrease the milk feed?? aiyo.. poor dear..
tiffy, give chilled teether! Everytime I give lyn that, u can see it on her face that she is enjoying it! That kinda look she gives really warms ur heart! Hhahaha
Hi mummies,

i've finally got some time to contribute something here after disappearing for so long, hehe. really tiring taking care of a active 2-year old and a 8-months old, man. in addition, the younger one is already starting to learn cruising on the sofa, faint.

just to share, chanced upon the blog recently for some sexy lingerie. this blog's lingerie is similar to the one from the BP recently conducted but relatively much cheaper. link is http://intimatesanctuary.blogspot.com/
so mummies, if u think that now is the right time to start planning for no.2, pls take a look there. just sharing with you since i'm already drooling but not able to get my hands on them since i wanna stop factory liao, hahaha
chintz, why your MIL reduce chloe's milk feed?

bbwow, think porridge should be ok bah. i also feed hannah porridge twice a day (lunch and dinner). now only feed her cereal for breakfast.

tiffy, can give chilled teether or pacifier. think they just want to chew on something.
is kindermusik that bad?? i was still thinking it would be a better option for hannah, cos she really likes music. sigh...

welcome back angel. long time no see!
gingerleaf, dun be sian okie? maybe u will have a different experience when u go there this weekend? we try 1st and see okie..
Zhen_zhen, I pull out the milk bottle once he doze off...No worries.

totoro, what pattern you order for the extra one???when can come?
zhen zhen & gingerleaf,

Yup! I also give her teething ring to suck. Sometime she didn't manage to put it in her mouth to suck, she will also kick up a fuss.
even if u pull out b4 he doze off, milk will still pool inside his mouth n can cause decay. Its safer to feed him early, then let him have abit of water b4 he sleeps to wash the milk away.
perlicia, i agree with gingerleaf. it's better to not let raph sleep with bottle in mouth. read an article about tooth decay in young kids. it's very scary!
But he eat then immediately knock out leh...I think i need to stuff him with some water before he zzzzz.

ginger, there is one selling for 220.00 but she never reply me...brand new.
just to let u know, metropolis is 4th gen, which is oreadi discontinued. Butterfly is the new version and the whole structure of the carrier is nicer than 4th gen. One bad point abt 4th gen is the buckles on the shoulder strap isnt fixed like butterfly.
hi all

so fast noon time again...

angelzwynd...welcome back..wow.. sexy lingerie?? so sad i 'bo figure' to wear liao, all 'zao sai yong' alr le *sob sob*

ecookie,gingerleaf.. u both going 'gai gai' or did i miss any of our gathering =)

totoro, tiffy..so our bb sama sama pattern! mine also keep crying & waking up fm sleep, jus duno y, must carry & rock then feel satisfied, put down in sarong/bed cry again, making me like 'zombie' @work today... so u all also tink is teething?? i thot mine more like nose block cos he's still hving cough, though recovering fm flu.. hmmm..may b today i go back must touch his gum & chk... my mum was saying bb cud b 'frightened' cos i bring him out (reporting to IL on saturday) then come back like tat, she asked me to buy flower & bath for him, but today he @nanny house, not convenient to ask her do it, to nite got to monitor again...

so envy, u all can own a beco or ergo... i wanna invest once ergo launched, but hb said not necessary to spend so much since i hardly bring her out alone & she'll knw how to walk soon, then now got 2nd one, saw nice beco, he said since i can 'survive' w/o ergo, so no need a 'beco', somemore bb alr abv 10kg, carry wat also backache, really #&%@ agggrrrrr... *pengz*... feel like renting one to try & show him how useful!

dodo, garden_dreamz.. your boys dun wana eat solid, mine is craving for it though alr fed 2 meal porridge like not enuff!! same for milk, he's now taking 7oz at 3.5-4hr interval (sometime 3hr will cry alr), finished liao will cry, but due to his size, we cant increase anymore, infact PD & surgeon asked to 'control'/'reduce' his milk intake!! tml bringing bb back for surgeon review, hopefully wont ask to 'go on diet'again!

yea, I know it's fine but she totally doesn't feed J any cereal anymore. It's like whatever I ask her to feed falls on deaf ears and she just do as she deem fit. I told her strictly no meat until I tested on him myself. I even told her about the soy sauce and sesame oil that some MIL put and she told me IT'S FINE. This is getting me worried because she's starting to RESIST my instructions.

And sometimes, I'm a little terrified of her love for my grandson. She doesn't let him wear the clothes I buy, and buys her own clothes for J to wear, doesn't feed the food I buy, puts photos of J in her phone wallpaper and when ppl say J only wants mummy to carry, she'll protest and reach over to ask J to carry. It's a little overwhelming for a grandma don't you think? Like disillusional.
Any mummies brought their baby to Aquaduck for lesson or trial?
I was there on Sunday at Tanglin Village branch with my niece who is having lesson there. Look fun and the pool is seltered and heated.

Heard there is another swimming school called Marsden. Any comments?
Sanbebe, I'd got the 'pear' design from totoro_bb. Find it very easy to use but it's better to have someone around to help you adjust everything properly the 1st time round.

Caelen MUST have his milk before sleeping and doze off to sleep (otherwise he cannot sleep
). But since he 3 months old, I'd been using the 1st teeth toothpaste and finger brush to clean his gums and tongue every morning and evening.


have you tried diluting the milk? After trying to spoon feed J with milk, I tried to add 20ml more water than the usual 10ml from the specified amount. Like 5 scoops supposed to be 150ml water but I increase to 170ml. And surprising, J starts to finish all his milk now! No more resisting, arch backing, sing song, dancing and best of all, no need to resort to spoon feed which is troublesome!
