(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

hi mummies,
finally got the time to come in and post...bb jazzele is born on 8 oct..Natural with epi...weight is 3.14kg.she has slight jaundice but able to go home with me..now in my 2nd wk of confinement...sianz....bfing not as easy as for my boy that time...jazzele usually fall asleep almost immediate after i latch her on and it can take me an hr to bf her...dunno y..do any mummies experience it? ss of bm is not very gd still but i am trying to latch on as often as possible to stimulate my ss...i am also using the avent food warmer to warm my ebm...not gd to use it? think a mummy mention but that time my friend use it to warm her ebm and its much faster than the conventional way of using hot water leh...

joyce/ junnie/ oct07...

I stay quite near you gals... at Jalan Membina... Nex time if you ever have any meet up, dont forget me hor.

i think the prob with the feeling the pain with epidural is that the dosage of epidural is not stong enuff.

For my 1st preggie, after the epidural jab, didnt feel the pain for the nex 2 hrs before feeling it coming back again. When i complain to the midwife (i was at KK), she called the anaethestic to increase the dosage and it worked for me. Didnt feel the pain after that.
unice, gynae should be able to see from scan. i think in my case, the cord only wound round her neck towards the end, cos before that, gynae always show us the cord but never say anything about it being round her neck.

irene, i removed the waterproof dressing about 1 wk after op. then for the next week, have to clean it and dress it with an antiseptic powder and micropore tape every day (which is not waterproof).
irene, my dressing was removed 8 days after the operation. i had my c sec on sat, following sunday my hubby removed the dressing for me....but bathing i still waited another week later b4 letting the wound come in contact with water...i simply used alcohol swipes to clean the wound in the mean time...

my dressing was not waterproof though...cos the nurse told me waterproof dressing when peeling off is very painful de...
my next appt wif gynae is fri, so guess have to wait till then, unless the cramps become worse or have bloody discharge. so far the cramps just started midddle of last nite, for a moment, i tot its labour but no other signs, so just got to bear wif the cramps. according to gynae, its normal as its the womb 'practicing'.

dun overly go panicky, as long as bb movements comes up to 10, bb should b fine. but for peace of mind, perhaps check wif gynae better. how long have your cramps been?

my gosh... that was quite terrible for u to undergo that experience at TMC! quite unfair that u book single bed yet coz dun have, they dun give u upgrade but instead 2-bedded,etc. thankfully the experience is over n both u n bb is fine, which is most important.

thanks lots. i shall remind myself to enjoy his little movements n feeling my tummy go out of shape whilst he's still inside me!
Gingerleaf, pls take care. I had c-section wound infection two yrs back too. Very ley chey lor... have to go polyclinic for follow up/dressing every other day.

totoro_bb, it is not advisable to make the milk beforehand else the nutrition will be gone too. Or you wanna keep in the milk bottle warmer bag as least the milk will remain warm.

Thanks Jovial for the info.

Irene, after my postpartum checkup, gynae remove the dressing and was told that I can bath liao. But gotta keep it dry. My gynae did not give me any cream to apply.

Hey regarding the swaddle blanket/recieving blanket, I found it so useful when I wrap him especially at night. He seems to slp so tight and peaceful. *Hopefully I won't slap my own mouth after saying that, haha!*

Before using that, bb keep waking up every one and a half hr.. so last night I used the blanket to wrap him, and true enuff, he can slp up to 2-3 hrs. Kekke :p Or else I will pengz man. :p

Sure vicki.
won't bb feel warm to be wrapped up? tot bb's temperature usually higher than us adults so feel hot more easily? or u use aircon while he sleep, is it?
oh... i see.. then it makes sense! :D think when my bb is born, also may have to let him sleep a/c room, heard tat babies sleep longer when environment is cooler, but have to bear wif the increase in utility bills by then! :D
joyce, benedict aso sleeps in a/c room...but we no wrap him up...room temp is 25....fan power medium strength....too cold? or hot? what is ur room temp?

ur baby so cute! =D typical boy look....=D
hi all

helen & augbaby..congrats
hv a good confinement..

gingerleaf..huh..tk care ya... so u on anti-biotic - cant BF lor?

bbwow..all the best!

unice..dun worry, go see gynae & chk if u feel discomfort, always think of bright side...

ponponta..tink only gynae can tell whether bb poo or entangle cord thru scan ba... u counting down too...all the best ya!!

irene...gynae changed my lagation dressing 1 wk later and fixed again, told me to remove after few days myself..

sharon... your maid so 'blur' arrr?? haha..

vicki..oh around tiong baru plaza..tat's great..ya, wont 4get u if there's a TB meeting, hehehe... btw, tink no harm bring bb to market/public as long not long hours ba... cos esp those SAHM mum, they need to do marketing ma...

tiffy.. thks 4 feedback..hmm.. your cousin bb so cute, knw the timing when to go 'gai gai'!! hahaa.. mine is b4 3hr feeding time, abt1.5-2hr, alr start to 'yak yak yak'... if dun carry him, will start to cry like v 'cham'! so hv to offer him water or pacifier to calm him in order to drag to feeding time, hiaz..
Hey, thx mummies for the compliments!

nans, my room temp ard 24. I feel so hot man... but I can't set it any lower, worried bb might catch a cold. Last night bb maciam got blocked nose like that..
hi mummies,

Long time never post liao coz have been so busy taking care of Kaelyn and hubby went back Phils to work liao....so very shiong!

Finally going to countdown to my confinement and would be celebrating Kaelyn's full mth this Sun. Wanna shave her hair but nobody in the house dares to do it. So would like to ask if there's any salon for bb's haircut.

kris...ntd your comment on postnatal massage, mine also abt the same lor...used oil (lemongrass+olive) to massage starting fm toes upwards, v painful esp massage side of knee -said got many wind (i stand/walk v much at home)..massage face & head also, but no massage breast (she said unless i request, as some customer find awkward??, it'll help to stimulate BM too)...then apply some herbs on my tummy and bind it with her own clothes..she didnt collect money fm me said pay @last session $45 each/hr, no need take 10, said see how progress after 3rd session to decide...
Qoobee..abv my experience w Mdm Sadiah..
patrina... your gal sleep so soundly w mouth open.. so cute....... she got beautiful hair, v 'sayang' to shave leh...
Thx Junnie... But some pple say if shave liao, next time her hair will look nicer leh...Still dunno whether to do it or not coz if not, may have to shave in 4th mth wor...
Patrina, can try Junior league. But you may want to call and ask first if they shave for newborn babies or not. Tel no. :97505476, located at suntec city #03-K02, zone:Tropics.
Thanks mummies for the advise on c section wound. That means after about 2 wks can safely shower liao la? Just remember to wipe dry rite?

Hi Pat,
I just brought my ger to shave her hair. I went to a normal barber.. was charged $6. Most normal salon would haf the service...
i sleep in a/c room @ 25 degreess...never wrap my bb at night..just put the blanket on him...CL says is ok cos the a/c wind not directly blown at him...but later, have to remove the blanket esp when he knows how to turn...then what temp a/c can i have? higher? or lower? headache....

irene, i have been bathing with the medicinal water everyday since sunday (which is 2 weeks from the op)....but still swiping the wound with alcohol swipe after the bath...i naughty la...use heater+ water to rinse myself later...the water black black de...so scary...lol
Congrats to mummies who just popped!

Helen, poor girl.. my experience at TMC wasnt too good either. I was on e 6th floor and e service sucks!!

sansbebe & gingerleaf, me jurong mummy too! m staying at j.west.. =D

kris, tink u have no choice but to tell ur day & CL to stop.. esp ur CL. she must understand that her job is to take care of u and not occupy herself with e baby instead. tell tehm u wana bond with baby & u wld appreciate some time.

joyce, baby jarrett is soo adorable!

patrina, baby kaelyn sleeps like my bb too! haha.. tink gingerleaf, totoro & nans' babies are e same.. cute la...

u so cute.. after that u still use heater water to rinse thru.. I dare not.. But when i use the herbal water to wash hair, i defintely will get migraine the next day! Luckily my confinement is over liao!
ya, on antibotics, but doc says still can breastfeed.

Joyce, Jarrett is so cute. Looks like who more?

Kaelyn looks so much chubbier now since her last picture! Really wanna pinch her cheeks!

the service at TMC really that bad ah? i intend to deliver at TMC in Jan08 and have booked single bedder room on e 6th floor but u feedback that service is lousy...can i ask what happened? How about the confinement food then?

worried mum
it could be an one off incident ba. Maybe it just so happen that it was a bz bz day.

My frds who delivered in TMC raves abt the services, so I guess it all boils down to luck.
Heard the food is really nice!

Dun worry so much.

The food at Gleneagles sucks big time tho. Hb commented it tastes worst than airline food. :S
And on my last night there, they actually did renovations in the middle of the night at 2am+ till 3am+! Hb was so pissed he stormed off to complain but the nurses on duty didnt do anything abt it. Then he went down to see if he can complained to anyone, and spoke to the securities, but they couldnt do anything too. In the end, we had to put up with it and go back to sleep. It wasnt too hard for me, coz I was too tired. I heard from him that all the babies were crying in the nursery which was just 2 wards away.
Next morning, we made a complain at the Customer service counter after checking out. We didnt think much of it and forgot abt the incident, and a week later, they sent a hamper to send their apologies!

Morale of the story, not happy must complain!
nans.. I also duno leh. I think 23-24 quite moderate leh.. not too cold, not too hot for them. Yours Daikin? Diff brand diff temp wor..
Hi mummies,
Long time never post liao cos very bz taking care of my BB. Still haven figure out how to post photos here. Can i check with those mummies taking pics of their little ones... do u all use flash on them? My camera very stupid if dun use flash cannot autofocus but i scare use flash will hurt his eyes. Any1 knows about this?
cin, i aso no use flash...i use my hp to take all his pic...lol...my hubby uses his camera...only flash when his eyes are closed..my in laws uses the video camera to take still shots...so no flash aso...

irene...the water so black! scared my towel dirty..lol...anyway...my CL says as long as keep yourself warm can liao...dun catch a chill...at home i aso wear long shorts (not pants)...sometimes wear tank tops too...lol...when my mum comes..she grumbles...but so hot now! aiyoh...how can dun wear sleeveless?

joyce, my a/c is national de...ur brand?
nans, daikin. Mine hor.. temp 22-23 so so nia.. not very cold also. B4 bb was born, we slp with the temp 21. Kekke.. shiok. :p

Some brands.. 22-23 super cold liao.

Gotta pump.. super engorged. :/
joyce, i see...mine @ 23 is very cold liao...even i have to hide under blanket at times...maybe have to set mine to 25 or 26 then...see how...
if you put at 22-23 not cold could be due to filter dirty or svg time for aircon liao.

i use mitsubishi - at one stage was down to 18 and its still not cold - after change and wash filter - now can put at 25 n very cold liao!
gingerleaf, m staying at st 65! quite near wor! =)

steph, my experience at e delivery ward was good. all nurses and midwives were very attentive. however it was a diff case when transferred to e ward. they took quite a long time to answer to e service bell. and even when they do, they were more interested in resetting e bell 1st. plus, they actually left 2 tablets (which i found out later was painkillers) on e table while i was bathing with no instructions watsoever.. haiz... but of cos not all nurses are likie dat! some were very very nice la... so it reali depends on ur luck..

food was ok though..
sighz....sorry mummies..just coming in here to whine...think suffering from pre-natal blues..maybe coz today raining....but just abit upset..dunno why also....

now last minute have to go find a CL to cook...sighz....where to go find!!
bbunny, dont feel down k? Anywas, the rain clear liao... im sure if it is dy time now, you can see the rainbow and the pot of gold at the end of it.

btw, why do you need to find a CL to cook last minute? dont you have a CL liao?
Irene - my dressing was removed ard 1 week later as well. I was not given anything to apply but am using some sort of tape to prevent the area to have those lumps. Only apply the tape after bath.

Garden_dreamz - for my case, i experienced the cramps 2 nites before my waterbag burst .. it was bearable just like menses and the interval is actually ard 5mins apart that last for ard an hr or so ..

Joyce - any idea how long can the FM last if I put it in the warmer? Would I be able to use more hot water so that at least after a few hrs it would still stay warm ? Will it affect the FM?

augbaby - which setting did you use for warming up the EBM and for how long? I don't seem to get it right and hence sometimes it's either too hot or too cold! stress!! So just now, I uses Joyce method and just used hot water to soak ... hiaz .. go back to conventional way
My bb sleep with aircon in the night and sometimes in the afternoon as well. But I usually turn the temp to ard 26 degrees. And I'll also make sure that she wear those sleepsuits that covers everywhere!

I uses blanket to cover her but try not to cover too near her face as she is already making lots of turning and stretching and now able to kick the blanket away!! so the best was is to swaddle her and I think it is safer!! restricted movement for her.

Note: those blanket with hook, do be careful and don't place the hook to cover their head while sleeping as I saw a couple of time that she turn her head and gets herself stuck. So have told MIL not to do that anymore.
bbunny - don't be too upset with the cooking ... actually I have been eating almost the same thing everyday! Worse come to worse, you can still order those confinement food, I think some of them can try for a few days while you look for your CL.
Dear mummies,

My Baby Boy is Javier Ng. Weight is 2.985 kg/ 49cm. Please update. Thanks.

Steph, I have booked thru my gynae. They replaced the Single room with the Double Bed kind to substitue for your privacy. So, no rebate.

unice, don worry la, jus monitor.
I also wonder Y cos i thought husband can accompany. Lucky all is over now.
I just wish to get well soon and happy that my baby is healthy.

thanks garden_dreamz. thanks junnie.

Hope other mummies dont have such bad experience as me.

my cramps started on

fri whole day..frequency was once every 2-3hrs....shitted alot on fri..

friday night starting at 3am till 5am, cramp non stop.

sat whole day, cramps frequency increased..but not consistent.

sat night cramps started 2am till 5am, on n off frequently..

Sun whole day, every hr cramp liao...called gynae, he said make sure bb is kicking, then asked if i wan go hospital check..i said no need
i will wait for mon checkup since no water leakage/blood...

sun night also same, cramp started 4am till 7am..

monday whole day cramp half hr once..

tuesday, today whle day cramp non stop...
so gynae checked n i dilated 2plus cm liao..so tonight admit hospital..he will burst waterbag lo...

feeling scared, worried, excited etc.....aiyo, mixed feelings now...
