(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

the letter states that i must complete n return to them by 22 Aug 2011. After which, they will sent me an authorisation letter for me to open a CDA account with the respective banks. Yes this is for my 2007 child.

hmmm, i think u ladies will also be receiving yours...

Good Morning Mummies!
Was busy with work past few days...

Thank you mummies for your encouragement. Ya, indeed the kids have been cooperative, but they are quite slow drinking from cup, so, I am always there to nag and "push". As for afternoon nap, we still allow bottles (Only once a day) as I feel we will only wean them off after they are faster/ adapt to drinking from cup. At IL house, it is quite hard for IL to "push" them to finish milk from cup, so, we will only implement afternoon milk via cup when they are more used to cup.

So far, I have noticed that both their diapers are not so full liao... Hope we can transit to diaperless soon...

Cane? duno cane how many times loh, esp. Lucas!! He is one very mischievious boy, always like to do the opposite and rather rebellious boy, so, he kena the most..

Doobom/ CM/ Totoro,
Lunch tomorrow?? I am ok? go ahead and plan.

Wow... what makes you decide to be a SAHM? When #3 due? I have also received the CDA opening of bank acc for #1. You still have time, deadline is Aug.
Have you any plans for your #1's choice of school already? 1 more year nia.. I am getting kan chiong liao!!

Oh.. which sch you applied as PV? Isit NHPS?? Do you why they reject you?? What is their criteria?

Last column "no. of children registered" means number of application/children applied. Anyway, as of now, P2A1 closed, next week is P2A2, which will see more applications. I was looking at NHPS, for a co-ed school, 240 seats is very little lei..Anyway, based on past, NHPS come to P2C, hardly any chance one.... You might need plan B.
Gd morning mummies...

kathy, ya lor...increased twice so far but cant make noise also.

dodo, seems like u enjoyed ur trip very much. Me hav been wantin to go Taiwan also but haven got the chance. Tink gotta wait another few yrs liao.

CM, where u wanna lunch on fri?

cherry, where u intend to enlist ur child?
I also juz recv the MCYS letter for 2007 bb CDA.

Tiffany, wow...Lucas kena many times ah? Cant say the same for T1 also. Juz this morning he kena caned by daddy for whining for no reason. He has been 时好时坏 lately. Tink it could b 弟弟 presence also. I try not to cane him until he really get out of hand.
good morning mummies!!!

looks like i m going to be a SAHM for a longer period after my last day at this job. haiz.. had a talk with the coy about the package and i just can't work it out with them.. so sad leh cos itz a good coy. ah well.. i had to turn the offer down.. i m mighty upset and disappointed.
and to think i was so elated about the job offer earlier on.
hi5 maruko & tiffany! not only adri kena cane b4, ayden too!! wah piangz.. my boy is a terror!! he's not even scared of the cane.. tsk..
U applied for PV for 2007 kid? Think its next year right? Sry, not sure if u have any older kid.

Im gg to try applying for PV at NHPS next year.

thats so disappointing.
Hope you get better job offers soon. But cheer up! You can go Hor Lan liao! Kekekek.

I got my MCYS letter too! Thinking of opening an acct with OCBC.. but prob is, I already have joint mighty saver acct with lyn at ocbc.. dunno issit same thingy or not. Needa check with ocbc again.
gingerleaf, haha! indeed it is super disappointing but well... shit happens, life goes on lor. like dat also got time for reno/moving and yup! u and ur Hor Lan (Lut).. wakakkakaka..

as for MCYS letter, u can still open the CDA account with OCBC! different from the mighty savers cos CDA cannot anyhow use one ma.. whereas mighty savers is ur own money/ savings..
Caning is very tiring and heartpain, but if dont take action, they will be worst.
Lunch not confirmed yet, only saw CM jio-ing.. You ON for the lunch??

Aiyoh... sorry to hear that, nevermind, life goes on, perhaps you get a even better offer after this.. be positive ok... Hugs...
Cane - Poor ayden so young kena liao

Heard NHPS PV registration for 2007 kids started liao. Better call to enquire...
Tiffany : becos of my no 3 lor. so SAHM is maybe a better choice for me

#3 is due 3rd Sept but c-sect likely 26th Aug

Hippo : So sorry cos I din come in often. Y u SAHM?
hippo, oh my...so sad for u upon hearin abt ur news. But another better offer will b on the way
So keep ur fingers crossed.
Ayden not scared of the cane? Mayb u hit too lightly? :p Travis super duper scared of me takin the cane coz once me take, he sure got cane mark on either legs or arms.

Tiffany, er...I didnt realise the lunch is for tmr. Hahaha...time flies!!! I tot today is still Wed. Indeed caning is very tiring but Travis totally out of hand lately tryin to test everyone's patience at home. Even old hag also buay tahan.

eunice, wow...so fast u gonna hav ur c-sect in another mth. Countin down oredi? When will u start ur life of SAHM?
tiffany,gingerleaf, maruko:
i applied for NHPS got rejected. They are accepting PV for 2007 children, ladies can start to download the application form from their website n sent in your interest. good luck!

Lunch??? where??? Time???
Tiffany, Cherry,

I went to the website to see last week and only saw that application for PV for children born in 2006 will be closed by 16 June 2011. Didnt know that they started application for 2007!!
hug hugs gal.. dun worry, im sure better offer will come along soon! so excited to reno ur new place... i wonder when will i have a place of my own..

re PV:
i cant apply coz no chance for me to do PV also.. can only shift to within 1km and pray for the best, if not im also okay with other schools.. while u ladies busy wi the application of PV, im now preparing the registration for Zq's primary school here at HK.. registration starts this September, interview in January 2012 (if he is shortlisted), then he gonna start his Year 1 in Sep 2012! fingers and toes crossed that he able to get into the school next to my place..
all the best in your PV application!
is ur MS getting better? seems like u have very good appetite recently.. good sign
eunice, not intendin to get new maid ah? wont b ez to handle 3 kids on ur own leh.

cherry, NHPS is Nan Hua har? Did they mention y reject ur application?
Wow...so many mummies gonna enrol in dat schl. Gd luck to the enrolment.

dodo, how long ur hb will b stationed at HK? So fast gotta enrol for P1 liao ah? Sometimes I will wonder to myself dat my boy gonna start K1 next yr & will b in pri schl very soon. Its amazing...

hapififi, *wave wave* if I no recall wrongly, u gonna enrol ur boys in ACS rite? Lately me hav been influenced "slightly" to enrol my boys into ACS instead. So now still doing a bit of research on both schls.
im not sure also, coz it's not on contract basis and he seem quite passion towards his current job.. he even suggested to buy a house here at HK, so i think he's more likely to stay here for a longer term... ya, we are going to register Zq with an international school here, which follow IB (international baccalerate) system, so they start Year 1 in age of 5. Actually i have many concerns, if we are going to stay long here, i dun think he can adapt to SG curriculum if we need to back home midway, say when he's P3/ P4.. unless some school in SG offer this IB system also, i think SJI, ACS & Hwa Chong got such IB programme.. will see how hubby's work progress and decide again in Year 2013. So meanwhile, we still have to apply SG school for him..
all the best in ur new "title"! haa.. are both your boys on full day CC or 3 hours school? if full day CC then i think it's much more manageable..
thanks mummies for all ur kind thoughts.. feel so much better after a good lunch and coming back to see sweet thoughts.. XIE XIE!!!
i will be ok de. disappointment will pass. well, at least itz not that they dun wan me la.. haiz.. and i can also take my time to pack and do my own stuff... hee *self console*

dodo, all those international schools here also got IB programmes so can check it out though the fees are ATROCIOUS!!! ha.. but very very happy to hear ben is enjoying his work there!

eunice, wow! countdown liao.. good good... me SAHM TEMPORARY nia! i quit my job cos bth. serving notice till next fri. sold my house and bought new one. starting reno tmro (woohoo!!!) and will be busy packing etc lor.. heehee

tiffany & maruko, dun need heartpain for the lil boy sia. his skin is thicker than an elephant lor... hurhur.. say dun listen, smack dun listen. piangz.. heng adri is scared of the cane.. else i dunno wat to do with 2 thick-skinned kids.. hahaha!
eunice, I agree wif dodo dat if ur boys in full day cc den still manageable. If not tink it wont b ez to handle the boys together wif an infant.

dodo, oic...I did hear abt this IB system for ACS. So u apply SG schl for him the same yr he gonna enrol as P1? Or only when u all plannin to com back SG?

hippo, lol @ Ayden's "elephant skin". Sometimes I also wonder if Travis skin will bcom thicker wif umpteen times of caning. Hopefully wont den will b easier to manage.
Its a good choice actually. In my opinion, I always think a mother is meant to stay at home to look after kids and nurture the kids! hehehe..
It is definitely worthwhile since you have 3.

Though I am really "scare" of becoming a SAHM, but this is a reality that we mothers have to face in some point in our life. SAHM life is 24/7, it is really scary lor....

Mission has to start soon!!! All the best.

Finally you are convinced to look into the option of ACS... hahaha... If you chose ACS, happififi's Aidan and T1 will be same.. There is one more mummy, Ueno's boy also same sch. Give it a thot!!

RE: Lunch tomorrow
Still no actions?? Mummies involved not in??? Anyway, I am ON.. if you mummies want to proceed, just count me in.

wow.. HKG system is so advance. All the best in your school registration. Is it a stressful event to reg sch in HK compared to SG? So.. you are going to join in our stress to apply school in 2013?? hahahah ...have you decided which area to buy?

Mummies here ROCKS!! hahaa... its nice to take a break, esp when you have so many things on hand to settle.. take a good rest, holiday etc before you hunt la... I wish I can take a break again...
I need some advices mummies!!

I have been seeing 2 gynaes lately. I shall just named them Dr A and Dr B here la incase they google their way here. =p

Dr A delivers at Gleneagles- my hospital of choice, works with my favourite anesthetist and I have my favorite PD there too. Also, since I've delivered there before, I felt more at ease, in a way, going back to the same hospital.
Dr B delivers at Mt A or Mt E, does not work with my favourite anesthetist, and I will have to choose a different PD for the period I'll be in hospital. Also, dunno why but felt abit apprehensive about going to a new hospital.

Comparing the clinics.
Dr A's office is surprisingly run down n he shares it with another docter specialising in another field. He's got tons of pictures of himself holding up newly birthed bloody babies. Alot of his glamour shots on the wall too. Blood pressure was taken at the reception counter instead of in a room. His consultation room was extremely run down as well and his Ultrasound machine is rather old.
I've been there 3 times. On 1st visit, his senior assistant n new assistant were there. No one took my blood pressure or ask me to take my weight. Charge me for urine test but forgot to ask me to pee till I was abt to left n question the bill.
2nd visit, only the new assistant was there. I was quite touched by Dr A that day coz I heard he was not supposed to come in that day, but becoz I called up asking for solutions to my very bad gastric problem, he came in just to see me. That day, his new assistant took my blood pressure but she dunno how to read it n had to ask the auntie for the other docter to help her with the readings!!! Never ask for my weight again and as usual, charge me for urine test but forgot to let me do it till I left the office and went back n ask. Then she said, "eh, paiseh hor, so paiseh. U just now go and pee already har?"
3rd visit both assistants were there. This time someone finally asked for my weight.

Dr B office is exactly the opp of Dr A! His office is clean and fresh. Very minimal pictures of himself displayed, but there were alot of well wishes cards n many neat pictures of babies. No bloody stuffs at all. His consultation room is neat and his equipments looks updated. His 2 assistants were professional and I like the part where I was ushered into a room to have my statistics n pressure taken. They were frdly and very knowledgable with the replies.

Comparing Consultations.

1st time I met Dr A, he gave a very weak handshake to both Hb and I. My hb always like to wear his company polo, looking like one of his china workers instead of donning office wear. Then hb commented that Dr A gave him a once over and kept looking at his "shiny" watch. Then he asked if Im working n when I said Im not, he wrote in his folder that my occupation is a TaiTai. He brief me thru lightly on what to expect and he didnt go into details. He did ask if I have any questions on each visits, but there is always none I can think of. On one occasion, he saw my anti nausea wrist band that I was wearing n commented, "oh, my patient was the 1st in SG to wear that!" On all occasions, he appeared very confident of himself and sang his own praises. I think he's quite narcissistic in a way and was obviously delighted n supportive when I told him i wanna be able to take as many "raw" pictures of the baby being birth. I would describe him as a Sensitive New Age guy. He is frdly n gentle, but I'd like him to be more detailed with my sessions considering that I had 2 spotting episodes. His scanning sessions always chop chop and I have difficulties in seeing the screen, coz its just a small screen facing him. I could also sense that he isnt very pro natural, because I had a previous c sect. No mention when I shld come back for OSCARS

Dr B is extremely thorough with his consultations. I waited an hr for him, past my appt time, but the time I spent in his room was well over 30mins. He asked me questions abt my history, was concern over my spotting, did an extremely detail scan for me, checking every possible angle on the baby, gave advices on CLs during CNY, advised me on the diff down synd tests available and when I shld take them and was very supportive and encouraging that I shld at least try for a natural birth. When proached abt the subject of photography, he said matter-of-factly that it is allowed only if the equipments of the room is not taken, and no private parts. Mainly is to take pictures of baby only. I do feel he may have slight restrictions on photography as compared to Dr A. Overall, I felt comfortable coz he is very detailed. His room is comfy and I can see the big screen on the wall which is linked to his Ultrasound machine.

I feel comfy with both and is quite confused on who to go for. I was initially satisfied with Dr A because of the fact that he was very open with photography during birth, which is impt to me coz my previous gynae refuses to let me take any when i was delivering lyn. I do not even have a NB pic of her, not even the standard "crying baby on weighing scale" shot. I really wanna have some paper memories this time. However, during last visit, I realised he isnt very pro natural for my case. However, a visit to Dr B yesterday swayed me.
So to summarise,

pros for Dr A :
fav anesthetist.
fav PD.
can be more open with photo taking.

Cons for Dr A:
not very pro natural
run down equipments, blur scans, blur assistant.
chop chop sessions and skim through things.

Pros for Dr B
Extremely detailed! Tells me things I didnt ask but was interesting to know or note.
Great office, grean scans, great staffs.
Can sense his genuinity. Humble n not showy compared to Dr A.
Very Pro Natural.

Cons for Dr B:
Have to change a new hospital.
No fav anesthetist. Can try to request for him but no promises coz he is station more at Gleneagles.
No fav PD.
May have some restrictions of picture taking.

Any comments?
gingerleaf, after reading ur review on A & B, imo, i will go for Dr. B. simply cos i like detailed consultations. i would like all information on my baby without having to conjure up all different questions for u. cos if i dun know wat is going on, how i m going to know wat to ask u?? hahaha.. dun worie abt the photography though. my gynae said no pics of equipment (if c-sect) but gave me free rein in taking any pics i wan. anyway, he will be so busy helping u in ur birth than to stop ur hb taking pics!

i would go for Dr B also, coz i cant stand showy and gynae who judged ppl/ categorised ppl by appearance!

if u have concern over anesthetist, i had a fabulous one when i delivered an an. My gynae told me he's very popular and he booked him for me in advanced though i have to pay abit extra for him but it's all worthy! i didn't feel any pain and no side effect after labor at all. he even chit chat wi me and helped to draw blood for me as i donated an an's cord blood to SCBD, it's not his duty at all... i couldn't remember his name off-hand, but i think he's the same one as Tiffany's anethetist, maybe u can enquire if he goes to your hospital of choice?
eunice, lol...we will b lookin forward to ur posts in dec den.

Tiffany, hahaha...seems like ur preference is ACS den ATPS. :p Guess wat? Now me & hb got conflicting views liao. Now me suggest ACS & he wan AT. hahaha...wat a headache.

gingerleaf, tink I will also go for Dr B. I will prefer to go thru a more "clean" & detailed checks each time. My gynae is also at Gleneagles. His clinic was juz renovated mths ago & he shares it wif another dr now (previously only him). His staffs all very nice also but his apptments quite packed each time. So even wif apptment also need to wait quite awhile. If u prefer to give birth at GlenE but wan a change of dr den u can give mine a try.
tiffany & maruko,
yes, im going back to SG to register for Zq in June 2013.. not sure whether will i have a house then, if not then i got to rent one somewhere nearby.. tiffany, will be somewhere very close to u loh..
my last experience with my gynae over photo taking was super bad lor. Super beeeech.

thanks for offering!!! But Im deciding btwn this 2 only.

Im more with Dr B too, but yesterday was only my 1st visit with him but I already felt so at ease with him! Those who seen my FB status shld know who I went to yesterday le la. Heheheh.

yes please please please!! Intro me ur anesthetist!!! You delivered at TMC or Mt A for anan? If I go with Dr B, I can only choose btwn Mt E or Mt A.

Chances of my fav anesthetist gg to MT E is higher.
Gd noon mummies!

Tiffany, CM, Cherry,
I am good to do lunch tomorrow. Contact me via my hp if I go MIA.

I was about to ask you (offline) where about you are joining.
Anyway, its ok. A better job offer will come by, take this opportunity to rest and enjoy moments with your two As.
I am enjoying the break, though still so busy. Upcoming 3 trips over the whole of next week. Supposed to go Tibet but cun, coz my new helper is coming. Makes me so sad coz I always want to go Tibet.
I have this thinking if I am addicted to being a SAHM. When at home for whole day, I can just sit and dream at the living room. Wait for J1 go come home from school. Do silly things at home with him, chase him around the house, talk non-sensical things, etc.
Month of Aug better comes fast... I need to move back to my supposedly norm work life before I get too stuck @ home.

Re: P1 registration for 2007
I enquired about alumni though I am ex-student, coz I am not in the criteria of <1km.
The school mentioned that for alumni, need to be a member for >1year before P1 registration, if not priority is not given too.
That's what happen to my friend going for Henry Park.
Cherry, Gingerleaf,
I enquire about PV at NHPS, and I was told that there is no guarantee. Also the 'competition' for <1km is tough.
Anyway, I change target already. To one of the school in lakeside area, coz I am ex-student.

ONe of my close friend share her horrifying experience at Mt E for her birth delivery. Her gynae is one of the top, but Wrong judgement about bb's weight, resulting risk in bb having infection and hence have to be in high dependency ward to monitor. Tried natural birth till my friend kenna fever, end up emergency c-sect coz bb is too big (over 4kg).
Also few other generic patient experiences that is not so pleasant with the hospital.
For me, I would not wanna choose Mt E.
No offence to anyone who is pro-Mt E. Of coz I know there bound to be good and bad everywhere.
First and foremost, do you know which gynae you and your hb prefer? Sure have one among the two.
gingerleaf, dun worie since Dr B already said u can take pics!! hiaks hiaks...

doobom, thanks ger.. itz ok. i hope i hv enough time to do my stuff too..
oh.. u missed out on tibet cos of ur maid coming? hmm.. can go later?
enjoy ur break! u sound like u are having a fabulous time!!
i tried to recall/ search abt it ya..

that' scary.. actually both my gynae also mis-judge abt an an's birthweight.. they estimated at 3.2kg but an an was 3.9kg, my contraction started 1 day before my scheduled c-sec date, pain for 1 whole day stll little dilation (same case when i delivered zq), so proceed with c-sect as planned..
How?? Want lunch tomorrow?

so far, Doobom &amp; me are OK... CM, Cherry, Totoro, Maruko ON??

Near me arh.... isit the same as my choice or the other one?
LUNCH tomorrow ON

Where I can reach about 12:45 cos only can put C2 in sch at 12:30 but will try my best ok ... O now where u mummies want??? 313??? Or city hall???
Re: Lunch on 8 July2011
Place: 313 sommerset (Tazafuku Japanese Buffet @ #B3-31-34
Time: 12.10pm (Last order at 14:30)

1) Tiffany_seah
2) Doobom
3) Totoro
4) CM - Will be late, 12.45pm

Cherry, Maruko, please add on if you can join. Hippo/ Gingerleaf, wana join?? Anymore??
Gngerleaf I will take Dr B important to feel at ease with yr dr

See all tomorrow ... Am bust driving here and there

Doobom J1 taking sch bus???
dodo, oic...2013 ah? Wow...another 2yrs time.

gingerleaf, no prob. Seems like majority askin u to opt for Dr B instead. :p

tiffany, lunch at 313 somerset ah? mmm...dunno if I can make it or not. Will buzz u tmr morning coz gotta c if lil Tyler will disturb my sleep tonite or not. Dun wanna appear to b zombie in front of u all. :p BUT if im comin den can we hav it at city hall? hahaha...bet u noe wat im cravin for...

Re: Lunch on 8 July2011
Place: 313 sommerset (Tazafuku Japanese Buffet @ #B3-31-34
Time: 12.10pm (Last order at 14:30)

1) Tiffany_seah
2) Doobom
3) Totoro
4) CM - Will be late, 12.45pm
5) maruko - TBC
Gingerleaf, I will choose Dr B too. My anesthetist also v gd. Introduce by my gynea. He is Dr lim. Not v pain at all cos he will chat with u to make u feel ease. He go to Mt A and TMC. Not sure is it the same person as Dodo mention
