(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

Jas : hahaha... if you are "FREE", I'll take leave and go East area to eat lunch with you

Maruko : yup. I sacre ants ... sh sh.... but of cos not those 1-2 kind la. but my boys are especially Elbib.

He once cut his skull (head) just becos he scared tat he fell and hurt his head... ouch

You also stay in Bedok? Aiyo, so touched. When i settle the home, the kids, i definitely dash out to meet you for lunch!!

Who else is staying in the east ah??
Excited to know. Can create EAST OCT ROCKY MUMMIES! hahahaha..dun abish me. Just joking.

Dun be sad that i moved k? Anyway, its best that you can stay together with the kids, so do consider a place near your mum's place. If not, the whole kampung stay together!!
Btw, Once everything settled, i bring two monkeys to visit my DIL's brother hor k? Hopefully by mid May.

ABC dun have school bus leh. They dun teach buddhist study as in lesson but the morale and buddha teaching are integrated into their lesson.

It cannot be compared to those like Pat Schoolhouse, Mindcamp etc in term of programme but is a family orentated environment. I preferred motherly teachers then those PHD or Degree holders. I dun need them to teach brig alot.... as long as the environment is loving, friend and secure for him.

True about the family oriented environment. Kids will absorb more when they feel secure and being loved.
hi hi mummies ...

hippo u can do all the pushing and bending now ??? didi just came out neh !!! have U done the MRI ?

jas i also dun wan tto carry Carlson but he is very sticky to me now ... and also when the doc or nurse wants to bring him to MRI etc etc they ask me to carry!!! or even ject him ... he is so so strong when i carry him he is moving and struggle like nobody's business ...

HOUSE aiyo CAR aiyo ... i dun have both now ... need to buy when i come back ... Someone was asking me the price i sold my car right ...hahahaha its good price la ... i drive for free kekekeke good right ... but when we come back den we peng liao
hello all

cm.. nvm.. but at least u r 'rich' now =D crack head on the hse/car later when u r bk la.. i can imagine w a 15/16kg wiggling while u r carrying him!! lance 14+kg i also bth too! pls tk care of ur back.. got many more tings waiting 4u to do leh..

hippo.. lol.. adri runs towards karang guni? =D

maruko.. glad travis is getting better..

zhenzhen.. aiyo... wat an interested pix of hannah =D

jas.. since u alr made up ur mind.. must look ahead.. hope u built another cosy nest & find ideal cc for the boys soon =)

heng today not so much post.. easy to catch up.. phiew..

but not v happy cos one of my colleagues ytd got heart attack still in icu, he's such a comical/happy-go-lucky old man at 62.. when we visited him lunch time, he still unconcious.... heng his two sons all grown up but not married yet.. really hope he can pull thru tis critical period... we must really learn to treasure everyday..

gotta get bk to work le.. enjoy ur evening mummies =)
yoz mummies!

jas, after wat u read on my FB today? i DUN wana be near my mum's place. i m considering to put them in childcare too and i will take care of them myself. haiz. can't imagine how tough it will be but i guess i will pull thru. those 2 lumps of shit are my cousins. they are twins who stay with my mum on weekdays cos they are schooling at dunman high and my mum hv been taking care of them. these 2 idiots are stuck in their own bubble and fabian hates them to the core. and so do i. i hate their lack of manners and grrrrrrrr.. a blardy long story if i continue. but i dun wish my kids to pick up any bad habits from them. and my mum pissed me off big time today and hurt me alot by siding them. wtf!!! watever la. if she tinks they are right, then i must be wrong. in this case, i will take the kids away from her. cos i dun wan them to learn the wrong things. i will reali kill myself if they end up like them and have their characters. if fabian is posting here, he will say they are just rubbish. not worth mentioning. he will incinerate them himself.

haiz.. sorie mummies for ranting here! i m so upset!!!


I tough to rely on full time CC and be a full time working mum. Afterday aft fetching brig, im like a mad woman, cooking, bathing him etc etc ... cant imagine having 2 sending to CC.

Is still your mummy right. Looking at the bright side, she helps you to take cars of yr darlings insteads of being a carefree granny who can go anywhere she want.
junnie y I will take care
and yr colleague ... hope he can come out of ICU soon U must be very sad cos i remember U said all of U are like a family Hugsss

Hippo ... relax ... dun care too much U must take care of yrself ok ... cheer up ... just put yr kids in CC next time its one of the best thing to do and as for yr mum's side just take it as a stand by when the CC is close etc etc ...

i having cold war with HB too ... since last evening
*Big big teddy HUGS to you, dear!* Its good that you rant it out here. I know you say all these its just in fits of anger. Tell me who dun utter nonsense and says hurtful words when one is ANGRY. Remember: We don't make decisions properly when we are heated up.
Open up to all choices of settling the kids, most impt, everyone is in harmony mood.
Do not bother about your twins cousins behaviours. They must be sort of spoilt brats (pardon me) to have super bad manners. It really reflect very badly on their parents.

I know you love your Mummy more than anyone else in the world. Dun take her words to heart k? She has her difficulties. I can't imagine your granny & mummy daily schedule when they have to serve so many people in the house. I definitely can't do it. Aren't they great?

So take a deep breathe..X10, then cast away all the anger. Since we can't change the fact of your cousins horrible behaviour..BUT WE CAN CHANGE OURSELVES, esp our MOODS! right? Jia you!
thanks gals 4 ur support.. =) i m still pissed bt haiz.. cold war nw. Ha...

jas, thanks dearie! muackz! i know tis fire will die dwn bt still muz tink of alternatives la.. they mean well bt they spoil e kids 2. i reali cnt imagine both As being spoilt n i get e blame! Haha. my parenting goal has always been simple: EQ n manners 1st, IQ n studies 2nd. like dat hw 2 rch target? hurhurhur..
the 2 women r reali superwomen in my heart n at hm. mayb take both As under my care 4 these few yrs till e twins get their asses out!

cm, dun fight.. hippo sayang...

junnie, such a sad thing 2 hear. hope u colleague pulls thru!
cm, 4got 2 reply ur qns. i cn bend etc bt movement on bed still quite bad (dun anyhow tink!) haha! Tink it'll take awhile cos all muscles n ligaments were taxed out 4 so many mths!
pls do smeting abt ur back ok dear?
cm, 4got 2 reply ur qns. i cn bend etc bt movement on bed still quite bad (dun anyhow tink!) haha! Tink it'll take awhile cos all muscles n ligaments were taxed out 4 so many mths!
pls do smeting abt ur back ok dear?
Gd morning mummies...

hippo, gd to hear u rantin away :p at least u r not bottlin all inside u...ignore those 2 twins bah...I understand ur concerns abt both ur kids learnin their spoilt ways but tink it in another way, they will b more exposed to other ways if placed in cc. haha...at least urs is constrained at home. There r times when I saw travis behavin really badly n of coz he cant hav learnt in at home since there r no other kids for him to mimic. Thus, high possible chances of him learnin from kids at cc.
Cool down n tink things over. Perhaps u can hav a talk wif ur mum over wat happened. Indicate to her dat she shld teach the right values to the twins instead of lettin them hav their ways. Its not gonna b ez but at least u tried to get ur msg across her head.

CM, Y u cold war wif hb? He make u angry again or the maid?

junnie, sorry to hear abt ur coll. Hope he gets well soon.

Jas, dun wait till last min den pack leh...when u got time den slowly pack abit in n make sure u label all the cartons accordin to items and which room it belongs to. Den it will b easier for the movers to noe where to place it instead of needin u to indicate.
morning mummies!

hippo: i can totally understand how u feel.. to me EQ is also the most impt thing anyone should have. high IQ helps you only to an extent in life.. and dont be upset with ur mum ok? sometimes elders have their own way of thinking. i will exchange heated words with my mum when it comes to parenting styles too. but mums & daughters dont have overnight feuds one! when will the twins move out? once they go to poly/JC? why are they staying with your mum? cos near dunman isit?
if like that, mayb send adri to childcare for these few years 1st. lil' A can still let ur mum take care i suppose since still young hopefully wont absorb much..

likewise, my parents place is also not the most ideal. given the way they are spoiling yz, he will most prob b a spoilt brat if taken care by them full time. also my dad is those uneducated type who smoke and will scold vulgarities when angry. my hb doesnt like him much so there is also this consant source of conflict between us. headache. so best solution is send both kids to childcare eventually and i take care myself. but really tough as chris said for us FTWM. but im sure we can do it! so jia you together ok!
thanks maruko n ecookie! =)

maruko, wat u said abt cc makes sense.. keke.. Then nw cn only pray hb strike toto 1st prize so i cn stay at hm 4 a few yrs! Lol..

ecookie, they r here cos both parents r wrkg n they need sme1 to keep an eye on them.. So... haiz. they r in those IP so sec sch is 6yrs (understand y got IQ bt EQ sucks? Pui!). i hv to put up wif them 4 another 3 yrs +.. n the old saying goes '三岁定终生'.. i m done 4 le la.. adri is rchg 3 n she's alrdy spoilt!

i support ur way of alternate days handling by mum leh. else sure spoilt by grandparents.. Bt i nd 2 work out my plan la.. hmm... well, we cn do it. Jiayou!

Cm, i say dun anyhw tink cos i mentioned my mvements on bed r bad. i scared u wonder wat mvements! Wakakaka!
morning all

hippo.. *hug hug*.. hope u feeling much better today... dun tink of ytd... nothing is more than impt to hv ur love ones (family) with us now =)

ecookie,hippo.. FTWM with kids in cc? dun worry.. sure can work.. jus tat we gotta sacrifice some of our ME time nia... jus bite our teeth together when they r in pre-schl ya =)

cm,hippo,maruko..thks.. my colleague still strugging in the icu, the doctors cant do anything except to stabilise him w machines for time being.. cos ytd his son said on way to scanning (find where's internal bleeding).. he collapsed again, they gotta perform CPR =( whenver we walk to pantry in the office so sad.. cos we sure see his desk..hiaz..praying for miracle now...
hippo: the alternate days plan is not working well. cos both set of grandparents will spoil the kids. @_@. best is go childcare then i take care of discipline after school.. but also poor thing lah go school like no longer the most precious like that haha. so sometimes i still let yz goes my mum's place for 1 day in a week to be treated like king. LOL
hi mummies,

today on leave to bring leanne for vaccination. Been a tough week, both at work and personal matters. Huge part is due to the maid, who spoiled my kitchen sink (whole thing drop) and my mum blamed her.. wanted to change maid.

Now the maid herself wants to leave, but want to wait until expire (in Oct). I told her to decide by end of today, either leave immediately or stay till the end of the 2 yr contract.

Sigh.. I thk chintz changed maid last time right? What is the process? Or anyone can advise.. Send straight to airport? Did you wait for your new maid to arrive first? How long will the new maid how if I go down to agency to select?

Somemore my company asks me to go OBS for 3D2N in May.. if without maid, dunno if HB can handle alone at home.

sian lah, already busy and still got to sort out these things. Luckily i hv today's leave to give myself a break.
junnie, thanks! =) i dun like 2 fight wif my mum or granny one. cos always worried i wil regret if anything happens 2 them. hmpf! the twins' fault. haha..
so sad 2 hear abt ur colleague. reali hope he cn pull thru..

ecookie, datz e thing abt cc i m nt comfy abt. like they r nt precious anymre. bt on 2nd tots, i c our oct kids in cc doing ok ar! still mummy's baobeis.. such is e irony n pains of our modern parenting world! hurhurhur
sugar nut, aiyo...maid probs again? kekeke...its neverending... :p u gotta check wif the agent on the change of maid. If she oredi clear her loan wif u, den u can decide wanna bring her back agency or juz send her back to her country. But most agency will ask u bring back den they can transfer her mah.
HI mummies!!!

Finally hb coming back from china tmr!! I am having cold war with him also.

Monday: Hb left at 530am and woke me up tell me he is gg off. I couldnt sleep after that n went to make soup for lyn's lunch. No intention to send her to sch as she was down with flu. I started feeling worse as I felt funny the night before. My immune is so crap. Imagine me catching the virus from lyn.:S
Drove to Jurong to see my usual doc n I asked for antibiotics, jus incase I needed it. No PD for lyn as we have meds for her flu. She was very cranky and all, cried till puke, refused milk, drove me up the wall when Im feeling so crap myself.

Tuesday: No sch for lyn also even tho she is in good spirits. I am getting worse and the antibiotics came in handy as Im getting greenish discharge(nose la). Hb told me at night he is gg to Macau(!!!! >=( ) tmr as they(his bro) managed to finish their work in outskirts of Guangzhou. I was irrated coz Im sick and struggling here and he is gg Macau to play!! Felt damn sore.

Wed: Lyn begged for sch and since she is okie, no more running nose, I sent her there. Came back to do housework and everything. Day went well and teacher told me lyn helped to feed lunch to another new gal in class. Commented lyn is a very helpful gal. Brightens up my day.

Thur: day went well too. Lyn started to cough and it must be from sch or part 2 of her illness. Noticed alot of kids coughing n sniffing in sch too.
Hb mentioned they will be back in GuangZhou today as they are gg to a trade fair which is starting today. Spoke at night and realised they didnt go! They only reached Guangzhou at 630pm and realised that they went shopping at Zhuhai till late!(Must be my SIL, coz she joined them for this trip.) Damn pissed off as 2 days were wasted on leisure instead of work. Why go China 2 days earlier if thats the case? So cheezed. Hb tried to pacify and say will give me morning call tmr and that got me lagi more worked up. Why give me morning call only tmr and for the other days of the week, when Im dying, he didnt even bother? Shut down msn totally to end the vid call.

Fri: Lyn is at sch now. Catching some me time as there isnt anything much for me to do. Made a PD appt for lyn later since the meds is running low.
Hb did call this morning and lyn picked up the call. Heard hb's voice and immediately blood boiled. Ended his call immediately.

Sry for ranting, but been feeling crap this days. Somemore hb didnt check his trip intinery and got duped into 2 days of leisure in this so call biz trip. His bro is such a gambler. I know I am so pissed coz I am sick. If Im well, I prob couldnt care less. Haah!
He is gg on biz trip next week also. Grr.
I kept telling myself I can do it even tho I am sick coz when I think of dodo and jas handling the 2 boys alone, I know mine is small case.
Thanks to the 2 of u who kept me gg in spirit

Hannah is so cute! That pic is a classic!

she is much better cept for her coughing.

hope ur colleague will be well soon.

my frd's grandma passed away due to a failed heart op. Saw ur status in FB and thot they were the same person coz same timing!

Dun be angry with those brats. Society have got no places for brats. Spike their food with laxative la! Get back at them in a mild manner. Hahhaah. If you cant sock them, spike them!
thanks Maruko.. no loan with me liao ever since I took over. And no agency arrangement on my end, cos' I only went to that agent purely to settle the transfer. I would prefer to send her home cos' she doesn't intend to stay long, so no point to transfer.

haha.. i agree maid creates a lot of problem. But as FTWM, seems v difficult to handle 2 myself. At least for me, that's why Junnie, ecookie etc is really super zai lah! Even if send to childcare in morning, after coming back fr work need a lot of time to pack, wash up.. where got time to interact with them?
morning mummies:

hippo: dun be upset wif ur mummy & granny. Hv a gd talk with them & ignore ur cousins.

gingerleaf: dun be upset le. U r sick,so most impt is to nurse back ur health.

sugar nut: maid giving u prob? Hope u get a new maid soon. I agree with u re:no time to interact with them in the evening. Really like mad woman rushing here & there though wif help of in-laws.
sugurnut: oh dear, hope ur maid will say she will stay till end of 2 years contract w u. in the 1st place is she really responsible for the sink or just an accident. even if its her fault, just have to give her 1 chance and remind her to be more careful next time.
and im definitely not zai. i ta-bao yr to my mum's place for 3D2N everyweek.
now struggling with my hb to handle the 2 kids when they are both at home or just yz when didi's not ard.
far cry from last time when yz was away at my mum's place for 2 nights!

gingerleaf: u are just feeling crappy cos of the sickness. rest well and get well first. im sure when ur hb back, you will be happier liao./
"sigh" sian sian sian ... the new maid was not here yet since she left on Tues Morning ???

Cold war with hb cos he got so many night programs (school Program cos of some ppl leaving etc etc so got dinner... singing etc etc) den when he came back from that ... he on music ... close door (wanna why cos no maid at home) i open it and ask ... why need to close hte door .. he said i he wants to poo and shower ... cannot even have "me Time" to do his business mah??? he still got test the next day and etc etc ... SO ... when and where can i poo peacefully??? i always need to leave my door open so that the kids can see me or reach me if they are scare etc etc ... they are infront of me almost everytime i poo or bath ok ... still need to answer them what is pad what is the bleed on it etc etc ...

Called me just now and he is going golfing now ... and this and that and ask us to meet him later so that can have early dinner together... wow so nice right ... den after that .. he told me that his classmate are not going back to their kampong tonight cos tomolo morning we all got event again need to meet at hb's school at 6.30am ... see la want to go out again with the low class ppl ... and do what ... what else the low class thingy la ...

ha while tpying hb called again ... later he book the foot reflex ... but i still dun no he going out with the low class ppl or not till now i dun want to ask too
now i need to go and perpare my gal's lunch and bring for her ... den after that i am thinking of goingo wash my hair ... kekekeke even lazy to wash my own hair liao ... no la cos tomolo morning need to see ppl again la
Hello mummies!

Hope everyone is good. Hope everyone has made up with the Hbs from the cold wars.

Sugar nut, I changed my maid in early mar. I give 50 bucks for my new agency to settle her departure, as in bring her to the airport. We did everything hush hush, bought her tix and on that day, wait til the agent come then ask her to pack and bid goodbye.
dun get so worked up over them gal... cool down ya.. u are still doing ur confinement, hv a good rest and dun think so much at the moment.. dun get angry wi ur mum & granny also, i believe they love u & adri more than anyone.. they may have their difficulties coz they need to take care of the twins and i believe there are certain things beyond their control.. so as a daughter and their closest one, try to be more understanding towards them ya.. they are doing a great job taking care of adri so far.. for the childcare arrangement, yes u may like to work out something on this, but discuss wi ur mum amiably on this..give some cool down period for all, im sure the last thing u wan is to see ur mama get upset over this.. hugs dear.. rest well and dun think so much at the moment k...

hug hugs.. hope u are feeling better now, both physically & emotionally.. i understand that feeling, being sick and still have to take care of kid and keep house running, hubby away and seems not to bother can really make blood boiled.. but he's a good papa & hubby so far, so "pang chance" for once ok.. i think he also 身不由己 wi regards to the programmes going on there.. cheer up gal! hope mama n nn recover soon!

seems like it's a ranting day! and i got my fair share also!
been sick for 3 days, started from sore throat then coughing badly now.. so scared will spread to the boys.. so hv been self medicate but didn't seem to work.. then i quite buay song wi my hubby, didn't even suggest to take leave and bring me see doc.. i cant go myself and leave both boy alone at home wi ayi.. bu fang xin to do that.. then when he saw me coughing away, he kept asking me to eat panadol! super piss off wi him! everytime i sick, be it coughing, running nose, fever.. all he ask me to eat is panadol! is it elixir?! shit. not sincere at all. i told him i can die but cannot get sick right. then he suggested to bring me see doc after he sent zq to sch but i dun wan liao. fed up.
but i try to console myself at least he's very hands on wi kids and do everythg when he back home so i can relax abit.. he will settle both to bed, and in the morning, he normally feed both of them milk & breakfast before waking me up.. but i still buay song! im now compiling the list of things to by when we back at SG this may, i told him i must bring many many boxes of panadol here, coz this is the only med i can eat when i fall sick!!!!
ecookie, it is not entirely her fault and I din even scold her for it. The sink was a bit loose liao but she contributed to the collapse cos' she din empty the basin in the sink but let a lot water accumulate inside. Yah, I did tell her she should improve her performance if she really decides to stay 2 years, cos' I think nowadays she will daze into space not not efficient anymore.

chintz, thanks.. I remembered u did something like that but I thot u sent her to airport yourself. Now I can't really hush hush cos' it is her own intention.. except that I dunno if I shd wait till new maid comes or I just hv a gap in between.

Cherie_bear, long time no see! I met ur HB once in the morning only.. but every night lleyton will tell me "I want to go shanice's house".. i thk he still remembers the playdate v well. Then he will tell me "shanice tired, wants to sleep". We should arrange one again.. when I am more settled with my work / maid, I can open house for more mummies to come too.

hippo.. dun be upset k? I sometimes hv prob with my mum too. Cos' of the things she says and her own assumptions. I also buay tahan but keep quiet. If I say something back, she will say I v defensive. Aiyah.. but when we need their help, must try to keep a balance lor. Basically I am one person who cannot really accept pple talk bad abt my closest kin one. So if she says bad abt my HB, or my HB talk abt my mum.. I dun like it. Can say lah, but dun say in front of me.. haha.. I no EQ hor?

Tiffy, good to hear that you are ok. Any photo of your short hair? U always change hairstyle, I like!!
hi mummies,

hippo, cheer up and don't let the twins affect the relationship that you have with your mom ok.

gingerleaf, dodo, cm, i totally understand how you gals feel. sometimes our hubbies can really make our blood boil. but remember that your hubbies care about you, despite all the rubbish that they do. can take comfort in that.

hope that all sick mummies and kiddos recover quickly!
sugarnut, long time no see! sorry to hear about your maid problems. maybe should consider getting a new one, since your current one don't seem to have much heart already.

sugarnut ... if i were u i will just arrange for the maid to be send off by myself ... will not tell her ... but buy ticket and all ... once donw ... off she go even if she wants to stay till Oct ... what for ??? make U and mum unhappy again !!! just send off
