(2007/10) October 2007 MTB

annie, oic...dats gd for u. So u able to work from home or gotta go office? Is ur office near ur home?

Feelin so sleepy now *yawnz* -_-

gingerleaf, shoo shoo the viruses away!
ayden smiling? i tink itz more like reflexes la. i had to lie next to him and took more than 30 pics to get this.. hahaha..

annie, but one good thing is dat ur job is flexible!!
Hi all thanks for asking abt Carlson ... psychological ya i also scare its this reason that he vomit ... but at time i know that its not ... but again there are times that i know it is ... so i will try to work out myself on all those reason .. NUH IS SO HOPELESS LA >>>I NVR say anything cos i dun want to waste my time ... i will not go back there again for this Vomiting thingy again ... i need to find a place that i can admit Carlson if need to to get over his vomiting issue when need to so will likely go to PTE one next time and just find any doc or pd that can let him admit for a day or 2 and also can give me the medi that i know what my son need ... i think he just need to see "Dr Yeo" that is me can liao and den i will ask for the medi i know he needs for other docs ...

Hi Annie ... I miss U ... how are U ha yr "ANG" also dun help u at all ... me too both our ang same same ... I am also NOT HAPPY oh dear so sad to hear that U r like me ... but now i try to make myself happy if not i cannot live liao

I am back here so happy cos the weather here so cool and nice ... when i am back in SG aiyo my skin all dry and peeling off

But now back here Maid Issue again ... now is $$$ my maid went to tell her friend which is my new maid that my that old maid earn 700,000 and she is now asking for that price ... !!! she told my hb 600,000 last week when hb is back ... den told me 700,000 when i am back yesterday !!! they think that I am a fool??? her pay was 500,000 when i want to employ her ok NOW ??? gila man i ask my maid to tell her friend that i am going to give only 550,000 if she is ok den work if not den PULANG "go home" this new maid dun know english ... cannot speak and cannot understand and i dun even know if she is good or what now i know she is not so good after all .,.. cos yesterday night i ask her to make milk for my kids @ 6am wake kids @ 6.40am ... @7 am need to eat bf or vit etc and wait downstair liao ... den 7.10am all must be in the car waiting for me ... DEN at 6.40am i wait in Carissa's rm for her to come and wake her up ... no not there ... so i do it myself ... when i see her i ask if she gave the kids milk ... guess what the answet is NO ... haven't give !!! so i need to go and prepare myself too so at 7am when i am done i saw that Carissa's hair cannot make it to school so i redo for her ... den ask her if she got her milk answer is again NO ... ok i went down ... i saw 2 bottles of Milks almost full bottle ... and i found that she open new tin of milk power too !!! i have already teach her how to make mail for my kids ok!!! i ask her to make 150ml for Carlson ended up Carlson's milk is 7oz ... i ask her to milk 180ml for Carissa and ended up hers is FULL BOTTLE WITH NEW MILK POWER and that is Isomil ... !!!see like that still want 700,00 ... i DUN WANTOT WASTE MY TIME MAN IF NOT I F HER LIAO ... AIYO COME HERE NEED TO VOMIT BLOOD FOR ALL THOSE TEENY THINGY cannot work still ask for so much ???
ha at least here the weather can cool me down if not they all die liao kekeke i cannot wait to go for my creambath ekekekekekeke
morning all

cm... duno to laugh or cry if i'm in ur shoe!! tis maid really can 'kill' ur brain cells man!!!!! if u cannot tahan jus ask her 'pulang'... no point waste time to teach some1 dun learn at all! LOL Dr Yeo?? ya, i tink u much better in handling carlson than any1 else... if u find his vomitting gets out-of-hand again, pls do not hesitate to send him for 2nd opinion... i still tink there's something wrong w the valve or anything.. cannot b keep vomitting de.. wat totoro said u can tink abt it... according to geomarcy..mine both lack of 'water' in the 5 elements. faster go for ur creambath & u'll feel more better liao =)

annie.. 'big wave'!!! u r v missed here =) so u still working the same company & 'looking aft ur boss fishes'?? keke.. believe k must b v tall & like a big gor gor now.. come in here & rant whenever u not happi ok? got nxt meeting must come arh!

tiffy.. glad u r w ur hb tat day & not fainted on the escalator... phiew! try grab something to fill ur stomache or carry an umbrella when u r out under the hot sun... sherry really a sweetie pie the way she care for u =)

gingerleaf.. hope both u & lyn recover soon...

hippo.. hahaha.. 30 over pixs to get tat shot?? wow!! but worth it la... see wat a smiley ayden =)

ecookie.. monday blues? half day gone liao.. v fast can go home see yr/yz liao =) so good u still hv 4 wks ML to rely on..

ariajo.. wow.. u hv 1.8L ss per day? tat's v good liao.. still not enuff for both gals? 4mths can eat cereal liao la..

zhenzhen.. u also can feed deb w cereal loh..

dodo..paisay.. i remembered u asking how big was lance when 9 mths? saturday brought him for uti review & saw his health book stated 10.4kg 76cm. now he 14.5kg 88.8cm, he also not v tall =(

kathy.. i tink if on the same day u request to investigate still possible, now aft sometime abit difficult liao. i dun tink they shd hold grudges on the kids.. if so, can start looking cc for ashley le...

can either way go office or work fr home. My office, just above my unit. I stay 4th floor, office 8th floor. Oh i'm staying wif my parents. my mum's friend got this job for me. Good right!!! Boss good, everytime good.. even got free lunch. Boss dad cook for us. ha ha where to find this job.


hi.. u're not staying in Singapore? sorry nv update myself.

sigh..wat to do with this type of "ang"!! their upbringing lai. Ask him to play wif k.. he just sleep on the bed and let k play by himself. I go cook for 15mins alos cannot. Within 5 mins K sure make a big fuss!! sigh
ayden will sure be a handsome guy! he got those shap chin like "wu zun" and "wu yan zhu"! *slurps* :p

heng u didn't faint and hit something else! i was like u also, very giddy when preggie.. u may like to highlight this to ur gynae in ur next visit.. avoid crowded places and sudden motions like stand up from squating position etc.. take care!

thanks! u sure got good memory leh! how's lance's review?
i just measured and weighed zq on last saturday also (2.5yr old exact), his weight is 14.7kg and height 95.5cm.. he dun look tall also, coz most of his classmates taller than him though they are only 1-2months difference! wonder is it china kids are taller or maybe zq's height is just very average..
dodo.. zq 95.5cm v tall liao la!! 'mai hiam' liao hor =D
thks, his review as usual loh.. tis time can drag till august then chk again, mainly to replenish his anti-biotic quarterly nia.. tis time prof said likely to stop medi aft 3yrs if no occurrence.. but i doubt they'll jus let him stop medi so easily, sure gonna go thru the stupid test again.. hiaz.

karrie.. 2day mea 1 yrs old?? time really flies.. she must b v cute cruising all around =)
Ya karrie,hahaha copy dodo's
happy 1st birthday to sweet Mea! :)
kuai gao zhang da! aunty muacks & hugs!
SHe will feel yr love for her ok even when u r so so so busy with work ...

Annie ... hugs we have the same HB !!! kekeke no la but same upbringing ya i am in indonesia now .. hb here for courses ... but will be back in Nov 2010 ...

Maid ... ok she agreed to get 550,00 liao if not she can leave anything but need to advise me 1st if not No PAYto take hahahaha 

I AM THE BOSS ... LISTEN TO ME IF NOT I WILL MAKE U CRY WORK FOR NOTHING  this type of issue really cannot let hb handle man ... he wanted to pay her as what she asked !!! 

Now I don't care. Just bring k to Sch and play wif him myself loi. Waste my saliva tok so much! K is my everything now!!! I luv kids wish to have at least 2 but wif my hubby like dat I rather don't give birth anymore!
annie, WAH...ur job really shiok leh. :p boss dad cook lunch some more. BEST ah...
hey dun let ur hb "get in ur way" for wantin to hav #2.
I like kids also. My ang also bo chap one. Gotta keep naggin for him to pei Travis. But I won't change my mind on #2 juz bcoz of his bo chap attitude. :p

CM, er...*salute* dunno wat to say but gotta hand it to u for being able to tahan all these maids' nonsense.

Is not easy loi if hubby cannot play a bit in taking care of his own child. Sometimes, I think my hot temper is due to him not helping at all. Den I let my anger out on k!!! Sad..

This 2 weeks k sick. Slight bronchitis, I so busy taking care ok k. Guess wat he reach home dun even bother to play or tok to k. Just go bed at 1030pm while i have to pei k and make sure he is well and ok.

Sigh.. U Noe I keep thinking. Can have kid dun want husband lor!! Ha ha

Think my ang family is like dat. Tok to my SIL the hubby also sama sama!!! Cannot make it!!!
maruko: went to take a look at loef website. hehe. but i think i cant order leh. most of the dresses are too short for me. the shoulder down is ard 31-32 inches.. too short for my height.. @_@. unless wear w leggings but like so ma fan.. so loef not really for me.. also good lah. they have some nice tops though.. but lazy to look through all the collections..they still have stock for older collections?
annie: poor K. hope he will recover fast fast! and dun take it out on poor K when you are angry w ur hb. lash it out on ur hb instead. :p
can try talking to him to interact more w K. not say help you out but more of building his r/s with son..
ecookie, yes they do hav if its not stated sold out. :p but u gotta email to check lor. I forget u quite tall. hahaha...so the dresses might b too short for u liao. :p

annie, actualli for my ang...he didnt handle travis much also except helpin me to take this n dat upon my orders. hahaha...dun tink negatively. I was once at ur stage but oredi 看开 liao. Oct'07 mummies rock! So im sure u can handle #2. :p
junnie, haha! dun like dat say lance la. adri is shorter! la la la..

dodo, *slurps*.. u just made me imagine wat it would be like when ayden grows up.. piangz. the 2 guys u mentioned are confirmed genetically modified one! where got so perfect features!! aww..
and dear.. heng adri is not in china. i m sure they'll whisk her off to the "dwarf" amusement park lor.. LOL!

annie, ur work place is a godsent man! i also wan.. ha..

CM, agree with maruko! reali kudos to u for being able to tahan such shit man..

karrie, happy burpday to mea!! have a great 1st bday!!

i told him so many countless time already. To me dis show he dun even abt his son. K now dun even bother or respect Him.My parents and I dun even dare to leave k alone wif him. Sure got things go wrong.
To me he and his dad the same whole family MCP!


my hubby handle the household chores (good side of him). Think since k born he prepare his milk less den 10 times! My boss say I set high expectation on my hubby when taking care of k.

Yeah best job I ever have.. But It won't last long loi. Waiting see end of this yr how. If no more job, need to become full time mummy again!
annie so good yr ang knows how to make milk!!! my ang dun even know what is what man ... i also think that sometimes i also let my anger out on Carissa ... why her not becos Carlson is a boy la its becos when i have Carissa ... i got no maid ... and also my MIL said want to help me ??? ya ya ya better den nothing i know hwlp to cook confindment food nia ... i look after her 24/7 with no break and my back is breaking till 1 yr before i have Carlson ...

Maids ... i got no choice ... either i tahan the shit or I do housework myself???ha i think shit i a little more fun den housework kekekekeke
Annie, at least ur Hb noes how to do housework. Mine dunno got sweep or mop in his entire life or not. Even if he wash dishes, his fingers seem to b afraid of touching the water. -_-

CM, hahaha...shit seems more fun den housework? LOL
annie annie ... ya ya ya my ang also SUPER GOOD in housework ... hahahahahaha hmmm why does MCP good in this ??? kekekeke they are BEST OF FRIENDS kekekekeke hahahahaha

Maruko hahahaha ok la fun to play them also " hope so "
morning mummies!

yest my 1st day back at work. apparantly yr knows how to recognize people and he resisted my MIL alot!! so much so that he cried alot yestreday till his voice was hoarse! *heartpain*
this morn voice slightly better but "changed hands" to my mum place liao. hope he can adapt fast and dont cry/scream so much!
morning mummies:

ecookie:eek:h dear...he start to recognise ppl. Hope he can adapt to both granny & grandma soon. Now i oso facing similar prob,javen start to reject fil to carry him when he wanna sleep. Only wans mil or me.
Gd morning mummies...bz bz but still wanna sneak in for awhile. :p

ecookie, wow...YR so fast recognise ppl liao ah? Could it b the "smell" dat he is recognisin instead?

CM, gd dat u view it in an optimistic way
keep it up. Dun let the "shit" get over ur head. make sure they noe where they shld b. kekeke... :p
U r so miss in this forum ah! Don’t MIA again ok? Aiyah, sometimes I wonder better to have a bochap hubby or too chap hubby like mine? Sometimes things he’s so particular on certain things and we don’t agree and will escalate to quarrel.. Fedup man. I don’t mind having a 3rd child but seeing my hubby like this, better stop at 2. He also say stop at 2…Haha..

Aiyoh, so dangerous ah.. Luckily your hubby is with you.. Next time, make sure someone accompany you to go everywhere, ok?

Actually enough for Naia lor but milk monster Aria not enough ah.. She’s really v v scary man.. Like yesterday night, she requested milk at 1+ am. I gave her diluted EBM, she also whacked habis. Then 4 am + requested milk again. I gave her full 200ml and secretly praying she will not ask milk at 7am. But no such luck, Woke up cried for milk. Asked maid to warm the milk and dilute the milk again. She really “siao” my EBM man.. I really think it’s a habit rather than being hungry and I have make up my mind to wean her off the midnight feed. Going to slowly dilute the milk till no taste and hopefully she will give it up. Really sang nao jing..

I made a mistake on Aria’s height…hehe.. I measured her last week and she is 90cm…hehe.. so I guess she’s not that short hor?

Update on Aria:
She is getting more samseng and notti.. I thought I have a demure gal, chey… when she sees any metal bar, she will attempt put both her hand on the bar and swing like monkey!! aiyoh!! At home, she jumps here and there..And when she dance, like seow char bor twist her and there..haha....Hubby said must train her psycho motor to get her ready for childcare..

Naia: She’s 7.6+kg nia but she really look v v chubby. I hv posted a pix of her bathing and you can see all the folds of her skin..haha…I think Naia size is going to be like jiejie. I compared the weight and height, she’s almost the same as Aria :p
morning all

eunice.. yahor!!!! i totally forgotten abt it!! paisay arh.. may b we make it wednesday can?

eunice,ariajo.. elvis & aria is definitely not short.. lance oni 88.8cm nia leh =(

cm.. ur housework vs maid so funny =D dun 4get do housework is exercise too ('wink wink @ jas) (note tis 'wink wink' is not tat 'wink wink' hor) muaaahahaha.. =D

ecookie.. ur MIL got special 'smell' tat yr likes? kekeke.. i thot they usually will recognise ppl when abt 5-6mths onwards... gv him his beanie or chou chou to bring along to ur mum's plc jus in case he crying again..
junnie : ok for 2molo. must remember. hahaha....

actually tall / short got gd or bad. bad is kena caught by bus / MRT personnel must pay fare if more than 90cm
but hor they not yet 3 yrs old leh.

I also have not pay for Elbib. *touch wood* so far I din kena
eunice.. ok ok, u sms tmr in case i dun sms u in the morning hor =) i also didnt pay for zann leh.. oops.. she jus got her ezlink card lask wk & she so happy.. cant wait to ask me top-up her card! she v small size, at p1 oni 18kg & 110cm nia..
junnie: me at a loss. yr really v fierce.. he doesnt really cry just like to scream alot hence the hoarse voice. we brought all the pacifiers n chou chou over one. sigh. mum getting the pomelo leaves n flowers to bath him.. any other idea to "tame" his fierce character?

hippo: remmeber u mentioned adri was fierce last time. how was she like? how did ur mum n gramps deal w it?

I totally agree MCP good in housework.. my FIL and BIL also!! ha ha next time shd intro them to one another.

aria jo,

ha ha ok next time wont MIA!!! will try to cum in more often. think iphone is really good!!!
my hubby totally bo chap on K school. search sch, enroll blar blar all i do. Sick also i settle!! Nv even give feedback or comment... damn


anyone know of music program for toddler? learn piano, violin , learn music notes blar blar.
tot of sending K to learn music.
ecookie.. dun bring him out/back too late.. dun talk infront of him if u tink he's pantang.. eg. he v noisy, he difficult to look aft, etc.. try sweet talk to him every now & then... hope w the cleansing water he's much better.. is stages, some bb jus like ppl to cuddle him all the way esp if u hv given in.

annie.. really 'xin ku ni le'.. u r equally tolerance as maruko =D nvm, k is ur baobei so doing everything 4 him is 直得的! nxt time ur hb will feel the pinch when K grow up nt close to him..
sidetrack abit :
mummies wearing fake lashes.. are u all w perfect eyeside/content lens? cos i'm wondering is there any special design one for ppl wearing glasses? if not the lashes will keep touches the glasses leh.. TIA.
annie, keep cool
tink it in another way. U r bondin wif K every min u spend wif him. Ur hb will feel the pinch sooner or later for not spendin the time wif him.
My hb oredi abit regret liao coz there r times when he wanna pei Travis but end up Travis said "go away" to him. Dats when I will suan him for not spendin more time wif his son.

junnie, I take dat as a compliment :p hahaha...
Gd Noon MUmmies!

Reporting here again as I lunch in. Too BIG and feeling lazy to go out for lunch.

WOW! Great to see you back here again. Haha... If you still remember me...

Dun worry much so long you know that you are trying your best to care for K. Dun you feel 100% satisfied & pleased when he only wants YOU and no one else?
BTW, I read that there would normally be a phase for young children (age 3-4) to cling onto daddy. Not sure how true this is, if not this may just not works for Dads who simply bo chap.
J also wants me only though I am his 'everything'. But I feel good though, @ least he is MINE. Hahaha...

I am not sure if J is the kinda, but I am the kind super pantang.
Just to share... Not sure how true, but I try to do these when I remember...
Perhaps you may want to play some classical/soothing music during the day for YR? Since he is still young, maybe can apply Yu Ree oil on his tumtum, back, feet soles everytime during his change/washup (but note not to apply too much since he is still young). If you dun mind, can apply Bedtime Calming lotion before he turns to dreamland @ nite.
I do heard from elders that young children who are more fierce can try to avoid full-mth parties or preggie woman (not letting preggers touch, unless is mother herself then no choice).
Once in a while when I am free during OFF days, I will bring J to temple (e.g. Guan Yin Miao @ Bugis) to pray.
I am trying all these coz @ times I can feel that he is abit quick-tempered (just like me).

J has this habit of asking his dad 'Daddy, go work work. Come back later.' when he only wants ME and no one else. This normally happens when he is turning to dreamland and the daddy ask if he wants him to sleep with him. So funny... Then I will smile happily and give the 'haolian' look to my hb. Hahaha...
So satisfying lor...
Oh dear! Read about your post in FB... You have to take extra care and avoid crowded places. It's no joke... Maybe you go to parks, beaches and take in fresh air and avoid the super duper crowded shopping malls. Good for you and Sherry too! Muz remember to have someone by your side if you really need to go crowded places. Have some sweets in your bag too and have them when you start to feel slight unwell. Take gd care ya?

Hope you are better now... since with your 'lalalalala' post in FB. Cool down hor. Remind yourself with the neh-cock and you will smile ya?
Adri doesn't mean it lah...

How's Lyn? Feeling better after the virus are shoo-ed away?

U have great tolerance about helpers. That's a good thing coz no point getting stressed up about them. Try not to be so bothered by them. Not happy, just change so that they have no chance to step on your tail.
doobom, hahaha... ^5 tink me got the same psychology as u :p though there r times when I wan Travis to ask for daddy, but when he wans ONLY ME, inside my heart super happy also. kekeke...especially the times when he also ask my mil to "go away"...muahahaha... :D *evil grinz*
My hubby too chap.. so till now we have not decided on the school..haha.. at least, you can decide all by yourself.. sometimes the extreme really no good hor..

Aiyoh, wear mei mei lashes liao, must wear contact lense lah. Else defeat the purpose right? The spectacles will block the lashes. But if you still want to wear spectacles, I guess choose those natural lashes which is 1cm length? Then surely will not touch the spectacles bah?

Do you think 2nd baby will tend to be more vocal? Naia also screams a lot every day! Sometimes I really find it v amusing. From young, she already start to communicate with us. Her screaming is a way to tell us she wants to change her diaper, she’s too tired and want to sleep, she’s hungry, she’s cold, she’s hot, she wants to be part of the conversation, she doesn’t want to be ignored, ie left in the baby cot, etc.. Aria that time still “ben ben” . Yesterday brought Naia for her 6 in 1 and pd commented she so fast can sit unsupported liao. Usually she expect this from a 7mths baby and that also to sit for 5 seconds unsupported. Naia can sit much longer than that. Also, Naia is showing signs wanting to crawl!! V scary lor. She can inch forward to get the thing she wanted. Aria at 8 mths still can't sit properly!!
thanks junnie n doobom for ur suggestions. im actually not so pantang cos yz is all along a quite ok baby to handle. but yr is really fierce beyond my imagination. i will try my best to not bring him out more and talk to him in a nicer way. maybe he just "eat soft not eat hard" one.. sigh.

aria_jo: yah yr is deifinitely more vocal than yz. when he is in a good mood, he can coo and make squeals so loud it tickles all the adults. but his voice is raspy n very hoarse now. just now called back to my mum and can hear him screaming with all his might, bordering on losing his voice temporarily liao! even when my dad was carrying him and trying to pacify him!

sorry mummies if i sounded down and whiny. but i was actually very disturbed by yr's screaming and his voice. he lost his voice once when he was younger than 1 mth and i was quite depressed back then. now that its happening again, i getting very worried and stressed up again. sigh
hi all ... new story new story ... this mornign while on the way to send my gal to school ... my maid's hp rang and said her brother passed away !!! so she went off after we drop off my gal and said that she will come back tomolo at 7am ... but when i reach home and asked my another maid she said the new maid got to go sme where very far so dun know when can come back ... just told hb abt this and he said find new one ... he dun like her and my gal also dun like her :[

heng man i went for creambath yesterday liao kekekekeke ohh tonight hb wanted to go massage but now "sigh" no one to look after kids liao
ecookie ... cool ... dun think too much now u r at work ... hope that he will get use to the ppl that is taking care of him ... he missed U ... soon soon ... end of work soon time to go home in just 3 hrs
can understand your anxiety because i was worried that Naia will lose her voice too or hurt her vocal cord. so, whenever she screams will pacify her or talk to her or distract her with things. perhaps ask your MIL/FIL distract him with toys, etc? may be he's in discomfort, hungry, cold? there must be something he's trying to tell them!
ecookie, sayang.. understand ur worries. tink cos yr cnt verbalise his needs. datz y shout so badly.. esp when they dun reali understand e harm yet. u bear wif it n sayang him k? Hugz

doobom n mummies who read my fb updates, paiseh i gave u all a scare. she didnt bully didi. she bullied me! she refused 2 sleep wif me 4 3 days le. only wana sleep wif my mum. her behaviour gg crazy n making me crazy too! Plus e postnatal hormones? Piangz. bt i m ok le. aft crying buckets n lashing out at all in e family. haha.. thx mummies 4 ur concern!
it's normal i guess cos she needs sometime to adjust to didi. give her time. Aria was v v cranky in the first few days too. I guess different babies manifested adjustment behaviour in different manners.
Mummies...travis havin high fever. Sigh..juz rushed back home. He looked so listless wif no energy at all. My poor boy. Can't do anything except wait now. Oredi given med. Will bring him c doc once clinic opens.
