(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

Hi atinarin,
Re sterilizing bottles, I also in dilema now.
I'm going for a short trip. Initially I thought I'd bring my steam sterilizer along, but too much to pack liao. So I intended to get sterilizing tablets but must bring a big tupperware/container to sterilize in...also quite bulky and I've never used sterilizing tablets before but heard bottles will have funny smell after that. So hmmmm...thinking of getting the travel sterilizer.

Anyone know how much is the travel steam sterilizer? What brand is it and where can I get it from?

atinarin, ya.. got back two fridays ago.. the first day i was at work i called my mom 5 times :p the 5th time i called she said, "your baby dahlia is sleeping ok.. i'll get her to call you back."

-_- now not so bad. though sometimes i come back late from gym and she'll already be in deep sleep, wont wake up throughout the night.. i will purposely rouse her from sleep heh.
Hi angel, i bought the pigeon travel steriliser from baby kingdom, they were having sale, bgt at $30+, saw it at isetan scotts selling at $50+. I will also be travelling with my gal during CNY to Taiwan so happen to see it and at a discounted price so just buy it first. It can fit in 2 avent bottles, claimed by the salesgirl, i have not tried it. Operation is the same as normal steam steriliser, put water and press button. Quite compact, is like the bottle warmer bags but taller.

Hi dArmAe, how many doses to take cos I plan to bring ariel for holiday too, around Feb after CNY. PD told me to start at the next jab which is early Jan 08.

Hi mommies, does any one of your babies get hiccups very often especially after feed. Why got hiccups? is it too much gas in the stomach or too full from feed?
My gal is now drinking between 110 to 130ml is it normal? dont seem to progress.... sometimes after burping will spit out mouthful of milk.... but sometimes ok.... Always wanted to stop feed halfway to burp her but once I remove the bottle, she starts screaming and crying.... so no choice have to feed her all the way then burp.
Anyone can advice, tks
rxsti ,
i read somewhere that babies hipcups because they are full. their full stomach is compressing on their diaphem (dunno right spelling or not =p)
thats why will hip cups but it is normal and no worries.
my bb aso will cry when i try to burp halfway. he is drinking 120ml every 3.5 to 4 hours now @ 10 weeks. my bb aso always get hiccups but i not sure why. my CL used to say it is their way of burping too.
Hi rxsti,
Re hiccups, my baby hiccups very often too...at least once or twice a day and its usually after a feed. I asked my PD before, he says its common among infants and no one knows why it happens. Its not gas or too full. It will stop by itself and you don't have to do anything, the baby is not feeling any pain or discomfort. But some old folks will tell you to give baby some water, this is really only to make us feel better he says! Hahaha!

Re feeding, I also feed all the way then burp. Unless she's uncomfortable halfway while feeding she'll cry and then I'll stop feeding her to burp her. Not all babies need to be burped between feeds. My girl drinks abt 120-125ml too. She has been drinking that amt since 1 month old until now. Its normal for babies to bring up small amts of milk so dun worry, its not because she's overfeeding.
Oh and thanks for the info on the travel sterilizer! Will check baby kingdom out later
Hope they still have the sale goin on! When did you get yours?

Hi shotbyfau,
Haha very long never see your post liao and you're still as funny as ever!
Your girl poor thing...kenna tortured while she's asleep!
hi rxsti, my bb has lots of hiccups too..i tink its common, tho i worry abt it too myself..
ah yes, he also spits some milk now & then...haiz..

btw mummies, can i check how much milk is ur bb taking in 24hrs? my bb is taking abt 700+ -800+ml, hes coming to 3mths, is this normal? cos if we go according to some calculation posted by some mummy previously, then my boy is not taking enuff.. so strange...
charsiew, dun worry.. my gal is taking abt 600-630mls per day, 4 feeds a day.. accordin to her weight she shld be takin abt 900mls per day.. but its alrite as long bb is gainin weight.. double checked with my gal's pd..
Hi charsiew

My girl also takes abt 750ml a day, 6 feeds per day...PD say its ok. In fact, my girl is overweight. Today at 3 months old she already weighs 7kg.
Hi Charsiew,

My gal is also taking abt 700-800ml of bm. Recently, she takes abt 6-7 feeds each day and will sleep thru from 12 to 6++am. Appetite seems to have increased slightly. Any babies out there who are taking close to 1 litre of bm already?

Hmm...my gal dun seems to be gaining much weight leh...still hoverin ard 5.++kg. She will be taking her second dose fo 6 in 1 and rotavirus next week. Will check with GP if she is growing well.
Hi Ben Mum,

I am a nasty mum. Tried to ignore my gal in the middle of the night unless she screamed for milk. After 2 week plus, i realised she could sleep thru.
I think my baby might be taking more than a litre now. I direct latch him at least 8 times a day and I suspect each time is abt 130-140ml, cuz that's the amount I get if I express.. He's 3 months and 5 days old and weighs abt 6.4kg last week.

Angel, I brought Zac to Msia for a church retreat and just came back. Remember to bring a bath tub and his own towel to bathe him. I also brought insect repellent patch. I also brought a big swaddle to lay on the bed as hotel beds may not be as hygenic for baby. Are you still latching Jade? If so, maybe you don't need to bring so many things. Just latch her.
tks mummies for your replies~ oic! then its normal then, hee..

tho i keep telling myself that the calculation is jus for reference, a guideline, but i can't help thinking & worrying if bb is taking enuff.. think its jus a common panicky trait of a new mum bah.. :p
wow pinky, wow! only 4 feeds per day?? how old is ur bb already? im still doing 6-7feeds per day, 1 to 2 feeds per nite..

hi angel, wow! 7kg! my bb still has plenty to grow, hes abt 5kg+ only..but im alrady happy that hes growing well, cos hes only a mere 2.5kg @ birth, so scary!

hi Poohwei, don worry, my bb is also 5kg+, & will also be taking his 2nd dose of 6in1 jab nex wk
hopefully hes gaining wt hee..
btw, sometimes i also stuff pacifier to bb when i hear him ek ek during the nite..
i felt bad too..but am trying to train him to sleep thru..
when u all mean sleep thru the nite, does it mean able to stretch 7~8hrs without consuming milk?
erm..im alittle confused.. tks!
charsiew: how old is your bb..mine born at 2.6kg now not even 5kg yet.
She's only taking 400-500ml a day. 2mths old.

angel: the travel sterilizer is still big to me. Didnt buy. $50.40 at Robinsons.

Bena: I think hotels do provide for baby cots right...maybe only some..thought bb can bather in the hotel bath tub too.
hi charsiew, she's 3 mths 2weeks and 5days old
her last feed will be abt 9 plus then she'll sleeps thru till the next mornin abt 7 or 8 plus..

atinarin, dunno the cots are clean or not leh.. next year i'll be goin for a church camp in june... so i bot a travel cot for my gal.. think i'll bring some disinfectant to the hotel to "sterilize" the tub first before usin... lol
Hi atinarin, my bb is coming to 3mths nex wk.. fret not on bb's wt, cos they have alot of time to catchup
tho bb is small, im alrady happy when he drinks his milk, poo & grow well

wah pinky, ur bb really has lots of reserves! i hope mine will slowly cutting down on nite feeds so that i can rest better too.. haha... :p
pinkyj: i will wash the tub with soap then let hot water run once...should be fine la hot water kills germs..

as for the cot..we will lay a sheet over before swaddling bb and putting her in...

aiyo for us, bringing her anywhere is such a rarity cos no time and hubby pretty worried, protective. trying to expose her more no doubt worried but its like, cant keep her in a bubble la
angel, my gal also since 1st month drinking 120ml till now, im slowly increasing the feeds, now trying 130ml BM, 125ml FM. i think my gal has wind in the stomach, so went to buy colic drops to see if she will stop er milk out. I bgt mine about 2 weeks ago.... one of the Sep mummies also bgt from baby kingdom @ sales price.

charsiew, my gal also drinks around 750ml 6 - 7 feeds per day, shes 3mths and 3 days, her weight is 6.8kg. i'm trying to train her to sleep thru the nite so her last feed will give her FM. BTW pd told me that as long as baby's weight at 3rd month is doubled or more of the birth weight then its normal and healthy.

benmum, my CL oso told me that babies that hiccups often, will grow faster.... but to us we find it very uncomfortable for them.... heart pain. well i still feed her some water.

pinkyj, does your gal moves a lot and make noise during her sleep at nite, cos my gal will make some noise and sometimes shake her head few times and fling her hands in the air, though shes not awake. Any idea what it means??? Cos when she make noise I will wake up and check on her, but actually shes still sleeping..... very siong .... sigh
Hi rxsti,
I'm also trying to increase her feeds by 5-10ml now, sometimes she finishes all but sometimes she doesn't. Then I see my BM wasted feel so sad
Haiz...but can't help it. I wonder if our babies are the only ones drinking the same amt since 1 month? Seems funny that they never have growth spurt since then hor?

Good luck on the sleep training, I read a book that said most babies at 3-4 months with healthy weights should be able to get thru the night without a feeding. A tip is that when baby wakes up in the middle of the night, don't feed her straight away. Try to settle her by putting her back to sleep coz sometimes they just wake up at that time out of habit and not out of hunger. If she can't go back to sleep, try to give her a pacifier or some water first to delay the feeding time by 15 mins or longer if she can. Slowly she will start waking up later and later.
Mummies, fyi

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poohwei, u mean by ignoring bb in the night for milk, bb can learn to sleep through? it takes 2 weeks?!!!?!?!?!?
rxsti, i always laugh at my bb when he is hiccupping. my mil feel the heart pain. i see him whole body go up and down, laugh everytime! me bad mum...lol
my gal will do tat sometimes.. hahaha.. very funny but its alrite.. maybe they are dreamin or they are jus tryin to find a comfortable position to sleep.. jus like us adults, we also will move here and there to find a comfortable position rite..
Hi Ben Mum,

Yes, my gal is slowly sleeping more n more during the night time. So long as she does not scream, i will not attend to her. I will just let her ek ek or play on her own in the cot. Also, avoid changing diapers for her as she will tend to wake up. Try to delay the night feed as late as possible: i.e: 12am?

Phew, I finally had my 1st attempt of not using the sarong to coax my gal to sleep. (Previously, i need to put her in the sarong b4 transfering her to the bed.) Hopefully i will succeed again.
how to avoid changing diapers? it will be very full and wet isnt it? when is the last time u change the diaper for her in the night?

my bb currently drinks his 5th feed at about 6/7+ at night. to ensure he drinks 720ml, i will feed a sleeping bb b4 12 mn. so i should delay his next feed as long as i can?
Hi Ben Mum,

I will use a better diaper at night (i.e: pampers brand). Its slightly more ex but it is worthed it. Day time, i will use pet pet..much cheaper.

As for evening feeding, i will feed her at 6pm, 8pm, 10pm and latch on at abt 12midnight. Each feed may be abt 100 ml. Try to keep her full at night. Day time, she will drink at every 3-4 hrs interval.
Hi Bena,
Thanks for the travelling tips.
Wah you bring Zac for holiday very easy hor...just latch him will do...no need bottles, sterilising, pumps, etc. I wish I could do that too...Jade's mostly on EBM now coz she doesn't want to latch on.
can ask u all mummies what size diapers are ur bb wearing? my bb is still wearing pampers small size at 10 weeks+ old. is it time to change? how do u tell if it is time to change diaper size?
My girl is 3 months + still wearing small size - pampers brand. Getting abit tight so prob need to change to Medium size soon. You will know its time to change when you're fastening the tapes more and more towards the ends. There's also a guide on the pack which says what weight its suitable for.
Hi <font color="0000ff">Angel</font>..
After I finish the current pack of Pampers S, I am also switching to M size.. The S size Pampers are quite tight esp at the thigh area now...

Didnt login for few days cos my son has been sick.. sigh! Having fever and ulcer... Now finally recovered and go to infant care today.. Phew!
Hello Angel,
U really feed ur Jade well hor

Wow... ur gal still can wear S size diaper good lei. My boy can still wear S size but it's getting tight liao so i let him wear Pet Pet or drypers M size at home. Seems like a lot of mummies using pampers brand. May i know which one is good huh?

Hello Emily,
Poor boy... glad to know tat ur boy has recovered
U must be feeling very tired taking care of him for the past few days. Take care
Angel, ya no steriliser and bottles but I brought the Yaolan! Yes, the whole thing including the metal stand. You know Zac- he always chut pattern...

Hey the float from Shanghai - do you remember the shop name? Thinking of getting a friend who's now in Shanghai to buy it... maybe can also buy for any sept mtbs who are interested to get it.
Hi Irene and Angel,
Yeah, I took leave for 2 days to take care of him.... Really stressful, cos he was so cranky.. I think the ulcer caused some pain to him when he drink milk, so he keep crying after drinking... Poor boy

Luckily, my work is rather "mobile"... With internet access and handphone, I can work anywhere.. So it really helps....
Hi Angel,
Ur Jade not "tam jia" lah i believe she's just "hung ni" heehee...

Wow.. Bena. Really pei fu pei fu... no need to bring steriliser & bottles at all for ur trip. Soild lei u still bring along the yaolan lol. I dun think i dare to bring my boy on a trip yet haha..

For those mummies who has starts to work, dun forget to take CCL by end of Dec
Irene, yalor.. it was to a church retreat. I put the yaolan in the seminar room where all the activities are, and he just slept there. Some of my churchmates laughed at me and asked me if I brought my whole house there..
I also brought the rocker hahaha.. I siao liao.
Hi mummies,
With regards to prolonging your baby's sleep through the night, I think the secret is making sure she is full in the day -aka at least drank up to 650-700ml of milk by night time. This has also been affirmed by my nanny who has 10 yrs experience.
My girl drinks 150ml every 3-4 hours, 5 times, at 8.30am, 11.30m, 2.30pm, 5.30pm and her last feed at 8.30pm lasts till the next morning when she wakes up at 7am.
She is coming to 3 months on 15th Dec and she has started sleeping through the night when she turned 2 months. So I've been really blessed. Perhaps you can try and let me know if it works for you?
gd morning mummies...

waah... i have missed so much. hee.. smhow i cant access the thread yesterday. machiam down leh.


Re : pneumococcal and rotavirus. PD say 3 doses in total but spread over 4 mths period. maegan will be due for the 2nd dose on 28/01. we planning holiday in mid april... so by then, completed liao.


i oso bgt the travel steriliser from baby kingdom 3 weeks ago. info oso from rxsti. but i bgt the 2nd last set tat time. not sure if they still hv it. but i must say it is really slim and compact. can go in cabin size luggage...
i use it in office to sterilise my pump accessories.

u may wan to call and check before going down.
baby kingdom 6547 1677
Pigeon Compact Steam Sterilise retail $50.40 (sale at $39)

u really steady wor.... bring yaolan during ur trip. but ur boy kwai leh, can sleep in there while u attend the activities

chiangs family,

i will try your nanny's method of making sure bb is well fed during the day. i yearned for her to sleep thru lor. esp nw that i hv returned to work liao. very tiring... she sleeps at 9pm, wakes up at 1am, 4am, 7am for milk. then i leave for work at 815am. still chun chun, 3 hourly... xiong man!!

Hi Bena,
You brought the yao lan and rocker!? ROFL!!! I guess I better bring something familiar for her to sleep in too. Otherwise if she dun sleep I will be in trouble!
Re the float, I dunno which shop leh. But they say any shop selling baby's things will have...and there are many brands.
