(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

Hi Chiangs,
Yes you are really blessed!! I totally agree with you on the part that babies need to be filled during the day otherwise they'll just make it up at night. I 'trained' Jade that way too by increasing her feeds during the day, and she started sleeping thru the night from 1 month+.

Hey Darmae,
You must be really tired waking up so many times at night to feed maegan! Maegan has switched day to night liao. Your MIL still not waking her up to feed her in the day? Oh btw, thanks for Baby Kingdom's number! Will call them later

Re: Diapers
Caelen has been using M size once he reached 6kg. Have tried Nepia M size - ok, but I really liked the NTUC brand of diapers. Cheap and good! Fits him well too
You ladies might wan to try... Esp with the rain these days, been using disposable cos' cloth diff to dry. Tried Prokids before too but it leaked a few times so gave up.

Hi Bena, if you are getting the float, can help me get one too? M size. Thanks leh.
hi chiangs, my boy just turned 3 mths. he tkes 4 ounce every 3-4 hourly. so usually around 8.30, 12,4,7pm. i would sneak in another feed at 11.30pm. but he would stil wake up at around 3-4am for a feed
Hi darmae, Caelen is still waking up every 3 hours at night too
Last night was 2am, 5.30am, and 6.30am. I read about filling him up in the day to make him last longer but he refuses to drink more than 3-4oz everytime. Even then, sometimes he won't want to drink after 5hrs. So I take the night feeds as a means to increase his calories so cannot stop feeding him at night
I am already resigned to waking up for long term liao.
Re: float,

You can try jing hong guang chang, ޺㳡, near huai hai road. My sister bought a similar float for me at 25rmb = S$5 only. She noes all the cheap lobangs as she has been working as an intern in shanghai for a yr, and she is a shopping queen.

RE: Sleeping thru the night
I totally agree with The Chiangs abt keeping her full in the day time. Thats why instead of feeding her at every 3-4hr interval, i feed her at every 2+ hr interval from 6pm onwards. Guess baby's stomach are still small, so cannot take much milk at one go.
Hi Peapod,
If Caelen is lasting more than 5 hours without a feed during the day, it means that he's physically capable liao..so you just need to make him do it at night rather than in the day!
Poohwei, thanks!

Peapod, 1 M size is it? Ok. I asked my friend to get for us liao. Hope he can find. I dunno if how much it'll cost though...
Regarding feeds, actually now Zac is still latching on once or twice at nite. He sleeps from 8 pm -8am these days and when he cries in the middle of the nite, I don't know if he's hungry or just need some pat pat. But I took the easy way out and latch him so that I can continue to sleep. If pat pat, it'll take much longer and I have to wake up. Also it's too much work to reduce my supply at nite so that I won't have engorgement. And it seems like he needs less food in the day and can last longer between feeds because he takes at nite too. So I have more free time in the day. I think I'm doing it all reversed liao but it works for me now, though I think I might suffer once I wean him off cuz will have to wake up and make fm. So maybe won't wean him off so early..hahaha...
bena, u don't need to wean ur boy so early lah..since u're a SAHM.

Angel: Sam is also 7kg now...hee hee! Chubby babies we have...

Poohwei: PetPet diaper is good eh? How long can it last?

Atinarin: You also going holiday with bb eh, enjoy! Hubby and me going BKK end Feb for our wedding anniversary..but not bringing bb, cos' BKK is not a place for babies nor toddler!

Charsiew: yo! don't be kancheong spider ok...ur baby is growing well..heehee! My baby also need to wake up for 1 feed at night, i thinking to wean him off his 1 feed soon but sometimes as parents, we will not bear to let him go hungry.
Haha you really are funny! You can latch him and continue to sleep?? Amazing! Btw, how's yr trigger finger?

Ya! *high 5*
re: feeding
i will need to let bb drink from 6am to 1130pm at 3.5 hours interval, 6 times in total. 4 ounce each feed. then he will get his enough milk feed of 720ml per day. is it right to count like this? then bb does not need to wake up in the night already?
The aim is to get yr bb to drink his daily intake of milk during the day between 7am to 11pm (or whatever your waking up and bedtime is). So lets say currently yr baby is taking 720ml in total. If yr baby is waking up in the middle of the night e.g. 3am and drinking 4oz, then you can try to spread that 4oz out between the 6 feeds she takes, so give additional 0.5oz at each feed, or shorten the interval of each feed to 3 hours so that you can fit another 4oz feed before her bedtime.
Hi angel,

My sister is a shopping queen! She went from shop to shop. The price also ranged from 25 rmb to 100++rmb depending on where you go.

Hi Tiny Voice,
Pet pet can last abt 4-5hours in the day time (cos she drinks more in the day n would poo poo by that time). At night, can last abt 8 hours?

still sama sama lor.. my maid tells me maegan still sleeps alot in the day. skipping milk time oso... haiz. cfm she takes day as nite lor.
mil oso feel pacifier as wonder tool. even she is not sleeping, mil oso slip pacifier in her mouth. still can tell me, maegan very gd wif pacifier. faint lor. i oso duno wat to say and react.

i have become the soon to extinct pandan with my dark eye rings.


welcome to the 'xiong mao' club. i really hope both caelen and maegan can consume more in the day and then dun wake up that often at nite. so we can have more beauty sleep.

but fm the rate my mil is gg, i think very diff cos maegan sleeps alot in the day. except for weekends when i'm around. but she fuss and become cranky esp when i dun let her sleep so much. however, 2 days (sat and sun) too short to 'train' her. then she has to revert to mil's style liao.
hmm...have to count and see it works today. i gave him 120ml from 6am in the morning. then every 3.5hr will give him 120ml till 11.30pm at night. see if he can sleep through till 6am tomorrow. wish me luck!

darmae, cant u ask ur hb to talk to ur mil? wont ur hb's sleep be affected too? maybe she will feel heart pain for her son instead and change her ways?
Hi Mummies... been very very busy at work... Argh.. sometime i really feel like quiting my job to have more time with ryann....

i really envy all of you .. ur babies drink so much.. Ryann just turn 3 mths ytd but he is only drinking 5-6 feeds a day and each feed range from 80-120 see his mood!! BTH!
There was once he only drink 500 plus. Maybe my BM doesn't taste good. That demoralize me to continue Breastfeeding. nowadays, he also slp thru the night max is 1 night feed. last feed btw 10-12mn. there was once 11pm last feed at 8am next morning he is still playing and not crying for milk...
How huh??

Bena, i am interested to get the float!!

Pinkyj, you start classes already?? =p

Re: Diapers
I am already using my 2nd pack of drypers M size (84 pcs) Got this happening place sell very cheap. i brought at 15.90 for (84 pcs) as compared to 19.20 at kiddy palace. Other brands also cheaper there.

BTW, is baby kingdom at kaki bukit??? i got a colleague who's best fren work at this baby wholesales place at kaki bukit and i think she can get discount.
ben mum,

yeah,.. HB oso affected. in fact he has frequent headaches since monday due to insufficient sleep. mil super sensitive type... she's the type tat will go around telling ppl esp her daughters that hubby side me and not her. for eg. when she was cooking confinement food for me... hubby was juz telling her nicely to reduce the amt of sesame oil she used (becos its simply too much, the chicken seems to be swimming in oil lor). but she went and tell her daughters that i complained to hubby tat her cooking is bad. twisted the story lor. dun wan my hubby to be trapped in such situation.

i am considering infant care. however, hubby not that keen.
Ai yoh your MIL hor...really can *faint*! Ya I think weekend is too short... I think maegan will be very stressed if you try to 'train' her during weekends and then only to go back to your MIL and kenna 'train' back again. Poor girl will be so confused haha!

*Cross fingers* for you!
But dun think it will happen overnight leh...give it a few days. He probably will still wake up due to habit, but don't feed him immediately, try using pacifier or give him some water first. If still cry then feed him
yeah angel....

i'm sure maegan gets confused and stressed up. somemore MIL is the type tat cannot say one... haiz. hubby has 3 elder sisters.. he oso under tremendous stress if MIL complained to her daughters. Hubby will kana all sorts of "questions" by his sisters... duno hw long my hubby can "tong" oso... if he cant, then he will give in to infant care which i personally dun mind, given the current "style" my MIL is going
where is the happenin place? nope, not yet.. wanted to go and have a look see of the place first.. having tummy upset for the last few days...
will start soon.. want to look slimmer for cny.. haahaha

actually under such circumstance, it is good for u to place maegan in infant care...her rountinue will be more stable...
You should park Meagan at your Mil's place for a week.. Let her take care of Meagan day AND nite.. let her have a taste of waking up at nite. :p

Ya.. actually even for working mums, if can direct latch baby at nite, no need to wean baby so early. Some of my friends who are working do that. I call it dream latch.. hahahaha..It's actually very good cuz the instant I latch him I fall asleep (cuz too tired liao). I don't even know when he unlatches himself and how many times I actually latch him. And I sleep 12 hours sometimes cuz I sleep when baby sleeps :p. Last nite baby and I slept from 6pm till this morning 8.30am cuz was so tired from the church retreat! I didn't even take dinner!

My finger is still triggering
. I'll wait till I can't move that finger before I get it operated. Did you go to the doc I went to? I dunno if the radio frequency treatment he provides really work leh.. u gotta qualify him first hor?

My bones are falling apart.. they say each pregnancy will destroy your bones once.. nowadays I try to drink DOM more conscientiously to build up my health. Hope it works.

What size you want for the float?
angel, actually, my bb last night went without milk from 11.45pm to this morning 6am. he started cranking at 4.40am. but he din cry. just make noise every now and then. then he fall back into sleep on his own. i just kept awake to see if he will cry for milk but he did not. does this mean he is sleeping through?

darmae, sighs...that is the problem with having SILs and MIL together. somemore ur hb only son. i am really lucky to have no SIL. r/s with MIL is quite okay, thou sometimes i feel she is 'kidnapping' my son. lol.

yeah, i'm all for infant care if MIL contd to chun pattern. but still hv to come to an agreement with hubby.


hi-5, i have that thought too... but i "bu she de" to let maegan sleep with her during the nite.

going home liao... pick my daughter . chat tmr morning
Hey Peapod and Phoebe,
Paiseh, can't get the float for you girls liao. My friend in Shanghai could only manage to get one float- the last one left on the shelf. He says that it's winter now and no stock from where he shopped..
You took your childcare leave already? Take 2 days off and then with the weekend, it'll add up to 4 days with you. Maybe can win the sleep training battle against your mil?.. sigh I know it's hard lah.. maybe infant care is really a better choice. But judging from your mil's pattern she sure make some nasty comments if you move Meagan out of her place to infant care lor..
Bena, it s okay then... i try to check with my colleague at shanghai if she can get for me but she will only be back to singapore in Jan.
Which part of shanghai can get huh???

pinkyj, the place at Sengkang rivervale plaza.. 118 i think... when the HDB branch office is.. downstairs got this like medical hall shop that sell FM and Diapers as well.. i think their FM also cheaper leh... =p
tinyvoice: begor embarking on a holiday further from sg, we were thinking of a weekend's stay at a hotel this dec to celebrate our anniversary but we definitely wanna bring bb along...very significant cos she was conceived at the same hotel a year ago... heheh
bena and angel.. dun wait till ur finger 'die' liao then go lah.. go and get the treatment early.. if not ur darlings will also suffer leh..

mommies, any nice place for high tea buffet to recommend?
bena, then better fast and pray! hahah

atinarin, i just went to marriot for their high tea.. not bad lah.. but orchard very crowded on weekend..
must learn how to take mrt on weekend liao.. cannot take taxi as and when i like startin from next week liao...
its gettin so ex to live in s'pore...
everything is increasing price.. even mac.. tot of orderin the mac b'fast this mornin then realised tat they increased the delivery charge to 3 bucks!!! hiaz..
Ya!! Everything increase price so significantly lor...I got a shock this morning coz the infacol from $6+ now $7.22! Increase by $1+!?!
I went to NTUC to stock up on diapers which were on sale!
Haha I also praying hard everyday that my wrist will heal by itself! So I dun have to see doc. Think will be expensive to see specialist
Wonder if my company will cover when I'm on maternity leave.
angel: which i was on maternity leave, i also submitted my medical claim and bb's too. haahaa! If it's PAID Leave, medical claim shld be covered.

Atinarin: am going to Carousel next thurs with my family, hope the hi-tea is nice, never tried b4.
Enjoy ur anniversary celebration, location doesn't matter...whether overseas or local...most impt is the person you're celebrating with!
tinycvoice: Carousel is always crowded too...queues form before it starts...

cake selection not bad, fondue, kueh pi tee, sushi...compared to marriot, its more asian food.
I prefer Mariott...going next week with colleagues...yes looking forward to the hotel stay but im sure it will be very diff with bb to care for.
Good morning mummies,
Finally it's TGIF Yeah!!!

May i check if any of ur babies sleep very little in the day say 30min or less per nap?

My boy always wan to talk & wan ppl's attention dun wan to sleep much. Everyone can tell he's super tired but he just dun wan to sleep in the day & wan to talk...
Past few nights quite bad as he was sooo tired until he's very cranky at night. He'll sleep soundly when u carry him but once u put him in his cot he'll start to cry badly. By the time he sleep will be 12am liao then i still need to pump milk some more. I'm feeling very tired & ask myself why am i torturing myself shld hv given up BF long time but i feel bad if i dun BF him. Wat shld i do?

My hubby even ask if we shld bring him to see a PD & ask if there's any medicine for him to eat & sleep in the day faintz...
Hi hi, it's TGIF! How's everyone? So long never come here and chat liao ... been so busy at work!

Have everyone gone for the 3 month assessment already?
Irene, my boy also sleeps less now that he's older ... like yours, he likes people to play and talk to him ... he likes the presence of people around him ... don't like to be alone.

Blueskye, exactly like tat but he cannot lie on his own for long also wan ppl to carry him lei so it's very tiring for my mum

If he never get to sleep, he'll keep rubbing his eyes pulling his hair then cry as if i torture him like tat at night then i got to pat him to sleep
