(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

Aiyoh just now my boy just went through a series of "fashion shows". I let him try the clothes I bought for him and realise many clothes he can already wear. The 6-9 mths ones are just fitting on him now. He can even wear 12-18 mths (abit loose fitting but length wise ok - so overall stil looks ok)!

I think I overbought clothes for him liao ... think have to start selling some of his clothes cos can't finish wearing since we only have chance to let him wear "mei mei" 2 days in a week.

Peapod, I seem to be carrying my little gal very often too, but I'm really enjoying direct latching her and carrying her. She seems so much happier nowadays since I feed her and carry her on demand. I know, I know, it's classic accidental parenting according to Tracy Hogg, but I really do enjoy cuddling her and latching her, so I'm now more towards attachment parenting (i even let her sleep beside me, cos I really do enjoy it. =P) I've noticed that she is crying less now and just give warning "ek"s whenever she needed attention. I can even put her in her own cot to sleep at night when previously she used to wail a lot (and I mean a lot cos Mrs Wong & my PD used to call her chilli padi when they heard her cry). Like u, i've stopped pumping too cos it's too tedious when I'm the only one tending to baby.
Btw recently my boy drink milk always gua gua jiao ... then after a while he suck suck gua gua jiao again. It's really a challenge feeding him these 2 days ... suspect it's due to "wind".

How much gripe water are you all giving your babies? Half a cap? How much water?
emily: yes i hate burping too especially whe nshe sometimes burps yet vomits after that. sometimes she chokes when i place her in her cot. Very pitiful to see her struggle.
blueskye, ya.. ur boy might have wind.. my gal also like tat when she's very bloated with wind.. i give my gal 5mls of gripe water mixed with 2.5ounces of water... cos she drinks alot of fm so better to give her more water...
Hi atinarin. I also took antibiotics for my cervix infection recently. The course was for 5 days, twice a day. I will take the medicine after I just breastfed even though gynae assures me that it is safe for breastfeeding.

Hi ade. Oh, then you should read Dr Sears instead. He seems for attachment parenting
I like cuddling my boy but he is more than 5.2kg now and it is heavier than lugging a sack of rice whole day long. He also tends to struggle to see things and he is quite strong so it is not easy. Like you, I definitely prefer latching to expressing...until he does his crying thingy. But he looked so adorable when he is intently suckling away. I took a few photos for remembrance sake too cos' I will have to stop BF very soon when I go back to work

By the way, for those mummies who are giving your babies Infacol for wind, does you baby poo very often? My PD prescribed Dentinox which is similar and my baby went from pooing every 3 days to almost 5-6 times a day. The texture of the poo also not so smooth, more lumpy. Is that a problem?
RE : Gripewater
can i put gripe water in EBM? cos my bb dun like to drink water, she spit it out the minute it hits her mouth. but cos she has problem wif wind oso... i need her to take some gripewater.

i juz bgt infacol oso.. will let bb try as well.

hi tiny,

i'm interested in getting the milk bags fm u. but duno hw to collect fm u leh..
my bb has been pooing many times a day since birth, and all of a sudden today, there's no more poop, just lots of pee. she's 4.5 weeks old. *panic* is this normal? she's on TBF.

does this mean she's not getting enough?
Hi darmae, we can buy infacol from Guardian?

Hi Cheryl, your problem seemed to be exact opposite from mine hehee... I think if it's just today, no need to panic. BFing babies can go for 5 days without pooing and it's still ok. As long as she is peeing means that she is still getting enuff fluids from the BM (provided you not giving her lots of water).
hi cheryl,

my bb went 6 days with no poo before. she oso on TBF. but once she didi it, explosive n quite alot.
some mummies here oso experience the same (no poo) with TBF. it is explained tat breatmilk easily digested. even pd oso say ok wif no poo-ing for 7 days so long producing wet diapers.

my gal juz poo tdy, aft 4 days lapse.

yes peapod, i bgt mine fm guardian. dun ned doc prescription.
peapod: Hi, does it mean that the antibiotic can clear from the system so quickly?

I saw from safe fetus.com that it can alter the bowel flora of the baby and what not. quite confused. Did u take the samtype? Curam, which is amoxicilin with some other ingredient.
Hi mummies,

FYI regarding Infacol, I just checked with my PD and he advised to give 4 times a day first, and if situation doesn't improve then can increase the frequency, but max is 12 times as stated on the instructions.

And my girl also didn't poo for 6 days...it happened a week after I started using Infacol so I asked the PD if there was any link. He said its probably just a coincidence as the Infacol does not cause constipation. He said its very normal for breastfed babies not to poo for several days coz most of the breastmilk is digestable like peapod mentioned. But if 10 days and still no poo, he said its advisable to insert a suppository or enema.
Hi Ade,
Actually its ok to carry and sleep with your child, its not accidental parenting if you are enjoying it!
Just don't start what you don't intend to continue.
I wana go for the gathering but I am working already...Sighh...sad man...

Monday I am not working but too bad its tuesday..sigh..
Baby Piglet, you staying in Jurong West too? Can get the storage bags from you tomorrow? I want all 3

Voice, any balance of your storage bags? If have, can I buy from you too?

Aidanee, if Voice has balance I'll let you have 1 pack, ok? Else it's really not worth my trip down cuz I stay in the Northeast and Jurong West is so far for me!!
Infant Care

Dear mummies...

Is anyone sending your baby to Infant Care after you start work?

I have enrolled my son to an Infant Care, just opposite my place. My original plan was to start one week before I start work. I need one week to rest before I resume work.

I went to an orientation at the Infant Care last week. Although the Infant Care is good, I felt that I am cruel to send my baby there at such young age. I do not know if the teachers there are really that "loving" & "caring" as they seem. Furthermore, my son is rather "pampered" at home, he may have to struggle when he goes to Infant Care.

I was thinking to quit my job for one year to look after my baby. But my HB and PIL are against the idea. Firstly, they don't want me to lose a $5K job just to look after my baby. I may not be able to find such good job in future. 2ndly, my PIL offered to random-check on my son regularly to make sure that he is OK in the Infant Care. 3rdly, my HB assured me that its a good training for our son, as he is quite temperamental at times.

I am quite lost now. Dunno what to do. My colleague told me that every mum experienced separation anxiety with their baby, and they will be able to get over it soon.

Should I quit my job? Hope to hear some advise from mummies here. Maybe some of you have already sent your baby to Infant Care, pls help to share your experience with me. Thanks!
hmm... my baby is still pooing 5-6 times a day so my diaper consumption is v siong. Sometimes she'll continue pooing after i've changed a new diaper & I've got to change her again! Sure hope she'll get into the stage of digesting BM better & poo less often. =P I noticed too that she's really difficult to burp... even though I can be patting her for 30 mins, I still can't get a burp out from her. But she'll let out gas together with her explosive poo poos though. Dun know if she's gassy or not, but she used to be when i was supplementing her with bottles. I don't give her gripewater or infacol at all, need i give it to her?
hi emily... can your PIL take care? I understand how you feel... so i left baby with In laws.. althought i really dont like the idea....

i have 2 GF who quit their job to take care of baby as well... they take up free lance job which they can do at home.. and earn around the same income...
hi bena/darmae

i only have 1 pkt of milk bag availabe since angel wants 1 pkt and i have sold 4 pkts to someone else. Hmm...i can go jurong pt tomorrow afternoon to pass to bena and can also meet up with bb piglet.

bb piglet: what on earth u going to do in jurong pt from 1-6pm eh? So long haven't met up with you too.

Hi em: My 2cents worth of sharing...if am you, i will put in infant care since near home. You need to let your bb accustom to more ppl so that next time he won't be 'mo sheng' around ppl. Next time ur bb will be 'anybody also can carry me' since he won't be coped up at home with just you or ur in-laws. Will also build up his immunity in the long run though initially bb may fall sick due to exposure to new environment and other babies. Too bad no infant care near my plc.

Went orchard earlier with bb and hubby, overall is manageable. My son is light sleeper, slept little while then wake up, vicious cycle. Anyone has any brilliant idea how to make bb fall into deeper sleep eh? My son also makes lotsa noise at night when he sleeps, i told my hubby, noiser than him...hee hee!
Hi Em,
I'm also in the same dilema as you - I took 3 months unpaid leave so that I can be with my girl longer and dun have to leave her so soon. Have you considered getting a helper to babysit while you're at work?
hi emily,
can understand how u feel. i wanted to quit my job too to look after baby and my sisters and mum think I should not since my job also pays well. hubby is supportive of the idea of quitting though. its impt to know how your hubby feels, if u quit and he's not supportive, that may creat some problems in future and he does not stand by u. That will make marriage and family life worse. Leaving baby at infant care isn't a bad thing after all, just try it out for few mths and see how things develop, if u still feel depress and unhappy about not being able to look after baby yourself, then think of the option abt quitting then..
Baby Piglet, you can't accept pm leh. I'm interested. My hubby will pick up the bags from you at Jurong Point. Is it ok for him to meet you at 3.30pm at Jurong Point? Can you email your contact number to me at [email protected] ?

Voice, is it possible for you to be there at that time or pass the bag to Baby Piglet otherwise? I've pm you my contact number

Many thanks to both of you!
Hi mummies,

I'm selling away this brand new nursing top I bought from Gap Maternity online. Selling at $40 (original price is $45).

Colour: Black
Size: XL
Material: High-quality imported stretch cotton. 95% Cotton, 5% Spandex.
Details: Crossover V-neck, empire waistband.
Item on website: http://www.gap.com/browse/product.do?cid=35426&pid=508078

PM me if interested. Collection at Queenstown, Bishan or Vivocity on weekdays and Bedok on Sundays.
hi bena

i will pass it to bb piglet since she will be in hair saloon doing rebonding...my bb feeding time will be around 330-4pm, i want to be home by then.

bb piglet: which saloon u be in eh? level what?
Hi Tiny,

i'll pass this time on the milk bags since Bena is 'super user'. keke. anyway i hv already 'lobang' aug thread mum on the spree of milk bags... shld be coming in 2 weeks time. i can wait lar.

wow Bena, u latch exclusively still can have 3 bags per day. steady lor.. usu me 1 bag of 120ml in total.. i accumulate in bottles when chilled than i pour all in 1 bag to freeze.

RE : Northeast gathering at SK

i hope i can be there b4 6pm after my gynae appt and some 'light' shopping. ned to get a housewarming gift for fren... mummies intending to stay till 6pm (funny, angel, wiselyn, mayb u can pm me your hp so that i can contact u on tat day. coming or not, i will sms.
Hi <font color="0000ff">baby piglet</font>..

My PILs are too old to take care of my son. They r already in their 60s, furthermore my MIL has health problem. So, I dun wan to put further stress on them.

You r lucky that your PIL can help to take care of ur baby. Treasure it, I'm sure they will do a good job like u.
Mummies who have full time maids...do you have some sort of schedule or routine listed out for your maids on what to do everyday?

I've decided to get one...cannot cope alone liao!
hi darmae,
I have to go to maid agency tmr evening. I probably won't be going for the gathering in Seng Kang...too far leh. Meet us for the vivocity gathering?
Hi all,

Come join us for a gathering of mummies and babies! It'll be nice to meet up with everyone here finally.
Put your name down below.

Venue: Vivo City (STARBUCKS)
Date: 6 Nov (Tues)
Time: 1:30pm

Mummies who are going:
1) Angel n BB Jade
2) TiNy VoIcE n bb Sam
3) Funny76 n BB Summer
Hi Mummies..

Sorry to intrude but I really need some advice. Is it safe to bring a 2 mth old baby out? What are the thgs I have to take note of when bringing a baby out? My MIL insists that babies are not allowed to go everywhere until they're 100 days old.

From Mon-Sat, I work during the day and look after my baby at night. Suns are spent at home, only baby and me. It's getting increasing frustrating for me because I hate to be cooped up at home and I'm sure my baby feels the same too. Whenever she's outside, she'll look around and not cry but when she's at home, she wants me to carry her and walk ard. After a while, she'll cry again. I think bringing her out to different places will do her some good.

My friends has been asking me to meet them and I really hope to meet them also but something is holding me back - I don't know if I should put baby in the pram or carry her using the sling. What if she cries in public and I'm unable to pacify her? Should I take a cab or the train?

If my HB is ard to help, it'll be easier for me. Sadly,he has no time for us at all. I need to learn how to bring my baby out on my own. We can't be always staying at home right? Haiz.

Where's Daddy?
Hi <font color="0000ff">Voice</font>..

Thanks for highlighting the pros of infant care. Among the 3 options that me & my HB have considered previously (maid, nanny, infant care), we still think that this option (infant care) is the best.

But I still worry. Worry that he will cry a lot, the teachers there may not be able to attend to him immediately, he will be disturbed by other babies - the crawlers & the toddlers etc.

My HB said that I'm a big worrier. In the long run, it will be more beneficial for our son if he start the infant care at younger age. Reason - he will have separation anxiety after 6 months, so he will cry even more if we send him to infant care later. Furthermore, we need someone to "discipline" him, cos HB said Edison will be "spoiled" by me if I continue to take care of him.
Hi <font color="0000ff">Angel</font>..
U r so lucky, your company allows u to take 3 months unpaid leave. For my company, they wont allow. Furthermore, manpower is short now. My team members are still struggling to cover my jobs during my ML.

What's ur plan after your 3 months unpaid leave? Who will take care of ur baby?

Hi <font color="0000ff">amy</font>..
Seems like we share the same sentiments.. No matter what, I still need to put my son with infant care for at least a month. Reason, I need to serve one month notice if I want to quit.

So, I just try for one month. If he is OK, I will continue with work. If not, I will explore other infant care OR simply quit to take care of him.

At least I give the infant care a try without quitting my job blindly.
Hi <font color="0000ff">Mamee</font>..
Actually, we can start bringing baby out after 1 month. Even my gynae advised me to bring my baby out after my confinement. But some ppl still reluctant until their babies r 3 months old.

Things to take note:
- Avoid crowded places & places with poor air ventilation.

- Make sure u bring all the necessary supplies & enough milk to last through your journey. I always pack the following in my bag before I go out with baby:
1. Diapers
2. One set of clothing (in case you need to change them)
3. Handkerchief (at least 3 for me)
4. Blanket (some shopping center can be quite cold)
5. Cloth Diaper (in case you need to change him in the toilet/changing area, you can use a cloth diaper to cover the place before putting your baby on the changing table. Also useful during feeding & burping, if baby vomit milk, your clothes wont be stained)
6. Baby wipes
7. A pacifier (will come in handy if your baby cries)
8. A bottle of water

If you go out in the evening, its better for your baby to wear long pants.

Frankly, I have NEVER bring my baby out alone. I still don't have the courage. Glad that my HB is always around when I need him. He will carry the stroller & pushes it. My son sometimes behaves well & settle in the stroller while we do the shopping. Sometimes, he will cry. So I just carry him around. If I am tired, I will pass to my HB.

Its rather tedious to bring baby out alone. But if your HB is really very busy, you have to learn how to do it. I saw lotsa woman out there who go shopping with their baby alone. They r incredible. I believe you can do it too.
Hi Mamee,

Ya its good for the baby to go out once in a while, for our own sanity too!
But you need to balance it lah...baby's immunity system is still weak, and they haven't had their vacinations yet so bringing them out in the early months has its own risks and maybe its wise to listen to your parents.

I always try to time my outings to coincide with my baby's nap time...which is usually after a feed. That's when they're most satisfied and won't make a fuss, at least for the first hour or so! If I have to go out longer and it cuts into her feeding time while I'm outside, I just scout around to locate a nursing room or a quiet place where I can feed her in advance. So that when she wakes up and starts crying, I can get there in a jiffy!

I carry her in a baby carrier when I'm out alone coz I won't be able to handle the stroller on my own with one hand carrying the baby. Most babies love the closeness to you when they're in a carrier or sling and will usually sleep in them, so invest in one if you haven't already. Getting the baby in and out needs practice but you'll get used to it in no time. Practice a few times at home first and leave your baby in it while you do your chores and see how he/she responds.

Its nerve wrecking to bring our babies out the first time alone! But maybe you can start by going somewhere nearby for just 30 mins or 1 hour first. Then as you gain confidence, increase the lengths and distance!
Hi Em, BELIEVE in YOURSELF, you can do it too, bring Edison out on your own!!
You never try you won't know ... just like infant care, you never try you won't know your son's adaptability to different environment. It's going to build his confidence when he meet more ppl next time and also build your confidence to trust others with him. For us, when we go to church..we just deposit Sam in the nursery, it's also sort of a 'break' for us, no need to feed or jagar him, the helpers in the nursery will take care of him for that 2 hours when we're in service listening to the pastor's sharing. From when they're babes, its easier to train them to be independent and socialise than keep dragging and waiting till they're older...it will be more difficult.
angel, bb so small can put in carrier already eh? How many wks is your girl now? We tried the Ergo bb carrier on Sam abt 2wks ago, find that the carrier is too big to fill him, though it says for 3.6kg bb and above..
Anyone has Baby Piglet's contact number? Still can't get her lah..need to meet her later to get the bags..

Voice, thanks for passing the bags to Baby Piglet. If you can contact her, can u pass her my hp number and ask her to contact me to let me know what time and where to meet? Xie xie ni!!
infant care isnt that bad a choice. i have taken unpaid leave till bb is abt 8months...then i will scout around for a centre...where is your bb going ?bbs develop faster in a childcare setting....i see it with my own eyes at my elder's cc. those kids who were there since 3months old are so independent and speak well. my feel is must find a good n reliable centre....but they are not cheap.
Angl, re: maids... yes you need to give them a time table schedule what to do everyday/weekly...etc and do up a list of house rules so that it's easier for them to follow thru'. No matter how many yrs of experience they have stated in their resume, it's good to train from scratch for them to 'DO IT YOUR WAY' and not suka suka their pattern...hee hee! If you need a sample list of house rules and time table, i can email to you though mine is not as detailed as blueskye..haahaaa!
Hi Tiny,
I'm using the BabyBjorn brand of carrier...which can be used from newborn. It has neck support for newborns. Ergo carrier can use for newborn too right?

My girl is 5.7kg now at 8 weeks...but she fit snuggly into the carrier since she was 5 weeks old.

Can you email me your maid's time table pls? My email addy is [email protected]. Thks!

Bluesky, can email me yours too pls?
hi angel,

yeah true, SK is rather far for u. vivo meetup - its oso abit far for me... frankly, singaporean but i'm not gd wif public transport.. plus wif a bb, i largi stress to venture.
im still trying to summon courage to go out alone wif bb in a car. i worry she go cranky when i drive, then i sure panic

waahh.. u gal 5.7kg at 8 weeks. mine bb like quite small. oni 4.5kg at 7 weeks. is she too small?

btw, RE: BM pumping. juz nw u train my maid to give EBM using btl. then i ned to pump 3 hrly (w/o latching).. but my yield only 90ml total fm both sides. so little.. but my gal taking 100ml EBM per feed according to the calculation. like tat i'm not providing enuff for her.... how???
Hi Angel/Emily,

Thanks alot..I'll just have to muster some courage and learn to take her out on my own. I have the Moms In Mind sling but still not very good at using it. Must practice! Hehe.


your ergo carrier is with out without bb insert..think with bb insert will be easier...i have seen my church friend use it before and it is good..
