(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

hi dear all can i check if put the digital thermometer in armpit huh.. what temperature is consider fever? if my gal temperature is 37.3 is she feverish?

Thanks to enlighten me thank you

Hi bena & peapod. I brought baby to pool.. but only for 15mins once he is out.. we wrapped him in towel & gave him warm water to drink : )

Peapod.. Braun thermometers are fine PD uses them as well.. I used it on Jun le he is ok with

Hi Mamee if baby dont poo.. give them water la not barley

One Month

Swim pic

Today - 2 Nov
Hi atinarin,
The meet up was fun
Most of our babies were compliant haha. Mine slept thru the whole thing!

The ppl who came into starbucks all had funny expressions when they saw all us mummies, esp at one point Bena, Aidanee and Wiselyn who were sitting next to each other were all nursing their babies at the same time!

Next time join us ya? We planning the next gathering in Orchard on a weekend.
Ya Atinarin,
The meeting was very enjoyable for me..esp after so long of being void of a social life! And the babies were all so cute
You should join us next time at Orchard! Wanna c your cute little sleeping beauty.

Baby Piglet, your boy so cute in the swim wear! How did you manage to get such a small piece?
Hi all..
Long time no post..
All babies grow so "big" liao..
So adorable..

Where u bought ur swimsuit for Ayden??
I also thinking bringing my Ayden for a swim..
Hi all mummies here,
Looks like our babies all light sleeper... I also have to pat him to sleep... my PD told me not to rely on yao lan cos if he use to it then next time he wont want to slp on the bed. So now after night feed when he is "half drunk" i pat him on the big bed. some time manage to slp 1 hr. but his mummie become panda =p

Baby Piglet,
2 mths can swim already?? tat is so fun.. my son love water... love bathing..
Hi mummies..
Thanks for all the pics.. All the babies are super cute! Let me join the fun..

Edison @ 3 days old. Just discharged from hospital:


Edison @ 1.5 weeks.


Edison @ 1 mth 3 weeks, taken 2 days ago.


Hope more mummies will post their baby pictures for all our viewing pleasure.
Hey angel, so are we still meeting up next tues? Today i met up with Wiselyn & Clement and bb Clara, Wise said she may try to join in if possible and if it's still on.

Anybody else still game to meet at Vivo city next tues?
Hi everyone, long time didn't come in to the forum. Juz finished my confinement yesterday (2 Nov). BB suppose to be due on 20 Sept but did not arrive till 2 Oct, after i went for 8 hrs of induction then went for c-sec. Hope everyone is fine here after almost a mth. Was doing my confinement at my mum place so don't hv any internet access till now.
Hi Tiny,
Yes I'm still ok to meet on Tues...hopefully more mummies can join us. Hope to see Wiselyn and Clara again too!

Hi ssmummy,
Come join us for our gathering at Vivocity on Tues if you can then

Hi BubuMama,
Hope you recovering well from your c-section. Your baby is such a cutie pie!
Hey Bena, will try for the next meet up. My sleeping gal nowadays sleeps less esp during the day.
Her choking problem is a worry. Even after 15mins in the upright position after a feed and even after burping, she will suddenly stiffen up and choke, water or ilk will come outta her mouth and nose. Very pitiful.
I was so tired that 2 alarm clocks couldn't wake me up and baby wasn't fed his 1am feed till 3.30am.. he was wailing like crazy when his yaolan stopped.
You still need alarm clock to wake you up? My baby has been my alarm clock lor!

You are lucky baby decides to sleep less during the day and not at night haha!
Angel, that's why I'm really not an advocate of the yaolan (though I'm using it), if a mother can help it. I think it makes baby so drowsy that he didn't wake up though he's hungry. Only severe hunger pangs could wake him up and by then, he's crying so angrily for food..
Angel, Same here... my son is my alarm clock and he is super accurate with time...

Bena, I am also using yao lan but my son will still wake up when it is time for milk. Are u using electronic kind or manual?

Atinarin, Could it be feeding too much tats why she will be like tat? so poor thing... u sure heart pain. pls take care.

BubuMama, I had 18 hrs of induction n labour pain before C section too... Hope u are recovering well... i would say wear a binder.. it helps in the recovery.I brought mine from guardian.

Emily, Your Son Edison so handsome... big eyes and cute=p
Hi Northeast mummies and Angel...

paisey tat i cant make it to the gathering. my gal was sooo cranky when we were in town shopping for a housewarming gift after my gynae checkup. dunno why she kept wailing, not feeding time, tried to latch her but she went wild oso. no choice.. me n hubby rushed home. haiz...

hope to make it to the next gathering...!!!
Think the yao lan very comfortable so he sleep through haha...Actually you shouldn't wake baby up for feeds at night...let him sleep and if he can sleep thru past his feeding time, it means that he can go longer between feeds.

Hi Darmae,
No worries...join us next Tues lah.
Come eh, come eh...all Sept mummies, join us for the next meet-up session:

Venue: Vivo City (STARBUCKS)
Date: 6 Nov (Tues)
Time: 1:30pm

Mummies who are going:
1) Angel n BB Jade
2) TiNy VoIcE n BB Samuel
3) Wiselyn n BB Clara (Tentative)
Hi <font color="0000ff">Phoebe</font>..
Your son is very cute too, looks nice in that little blue romper!

Btw, I delivered on 11 Sept in Mt Alvernia Hosp. Just one day b4 ur delivery!

My son doesnt have any sleeping problem so far. If I give him pacifier, he can go to sleep within 5 mins by himself. I don't want him to get addicted to pacifier. So, I will carry him & pat him to sleep. It usually takes 10 to 15mins, then I will put him to bed once he is asleep.

My son usually gets tired after waking up for 1.5 hours. So, he take few short naps between 30mins to 1hr during the day. At night, he usually sleep by 9pm till 8am the next morning.
Bena: We have not taken her to paed for this one.

Phoebe: Cant be feeding too much cos this little one at 5weeks still takes barely 60ml.
nice meeting the NE mummies...

sorry hor, i think you din finish your sentence..u meant "all were compliant,except aidanee's'??? hahaha....he was the only one that day who was catching the attention of the public. me was sweating like mad. hahaha....

seems like after changing to the medium flow nuk teat, he takes even longer to finish his milk. very tiring...he is also drinking lesser? and seems to prefer my boobs to the bottle? oops!tat's my greatest fear.

think my son went tru what yours is going thru. so even after keeping upright for 30mins,and after burping,i will lay him down on inclined rocker instead of to the cot. Even then, he will spit out some milk. when it comes too suddenly, he gets choked. his condition is getting better each day as he grows older.

hi bena,
let me know if u can spare the bags,okie.thanks.......
Angel, I was hoping to feed him at 1am and then he sleep thru till 7am..his last feed was 10pm. End up he woke up at 3am!

Aidanee, can can.. collect from me? I'll sms u my address.. let me know when you are coming.

Phoebe, mine is electric.

Darmae, mine was quite cranky that day too but surprising he turned compliant the moment I stepped into Starbucks. I was thinking if there's anyone who would understand when a baby is cranky when outside, it would be the Sept MTBs.. that gave me the courage to still go for the meeting lugging a wailing baby. ;) Join us next time! We are organising one on a weekend at a more central location
cool Bena, u are such a brave mummy!! i wish i cud hv ur courage. somehow, i freaked out when she was cranky. the only thing on my mind is to get to the car quickly and head for home.
sure, i'm looking forward to meet wif the sept mums.

waah.. all ur bb can sleep so long thru the nite. mine stll wakes up 3-4hourly. very tiring.. 2-3x during the nite
i tried latching for a short while, giving less feed but she will cry and refuse to get back to sleep.. so in the end hv to give full feed. hw??
Tks Angel. Me is recovering. Juz started my post natal massage last thursday. Now feeling very uncomfortable with the wrap, can't sit straight and BFbb well.

Wow Phoebe, u hv 18 hrs induction, still can tahan till so long.....so pei fu u... mine started on 11 am till ard 8pm, i buey tahan liao, told my gynae to c-sec me, & almost kanna scolded by him, as he is a pro-natural doc and sd y decided to hv c-sec when i hv already gone for so long induction w/o epi...(as i refuse to use it).
bena, thanks.u sms me...most prob the following wk when i have the car. HB is travelling.

i usually drag his last feed to 11pm (dinner feed at 7-7.30pm)so that if he does wake up, it will be 3.30-4am. not so siong. only once he slept thru to 5am...but that is it. wow...u mean after 1am feed, he will sleep tru to 7am? if i can sleep early at 9pm, i would man!but i ever overslept few times and our fren woke up at 1am and then 5am. worse! so now i ask my hb to do the 11pm feed so that i can rest early.

NOW he takes 45mins-an hour to finish 130ml of ebm. something is quite wrong here. anyone has upgraded to NUK large hole for thicker feed?
Aidanee, cuz I'm a nite person so 1am is still alright for me

Darmae I jus wonder if it'll help to give baby express milk instead in the middle of the nite, and get papa to give the feed? Baby smell mummy sure won't be satisfied to just have a little of you?
Dunno why today supply very low. Whole never pump but just direct latch. Then just now decided to give ebm and went to pump fresh for son. only can pump 85ml... sian..

dun stress hor...stress milk supply sure low one....happy mummy will have better milk supply..then can feed baby well then will have happy baby..so equates to happy mummy = happy baby
aidanee, my son using NUK bottle too, now he takes abt 30-45mins to finish 140ml, using M size teat. For thicker feed, it shld be when it is time to add some 'cereal' to the milk then use the size L teat. You can modify the teat lah, using my method, 'safety pin brand'...hee hee! You see the NUK teat has 2 small holes which is sealed, you can poke yourself for faster flow.
Hi Tiny,
Starbucks is on Level 2, I know it opens out to the children's playground that's in the centre of the building, but can't remember which side its near though...I have to go look for it too.

Hi Aidanee,
Hahahaaa ya I didn't wanna say only your baby naughty! But I think you really very cool...managing to stay calm throughout the whole ordeal!
It was nice meeting you too

How's your massage and binding going? I did it for 10 days too...but couldn't stand the binding for long...always take out after a few hours. So my tummy now still very big! So if you can tahan, wear as long as you can...overnight better!

Just wondering, when you feed your baby at 1am, when does he wake up next? If he wakes up before 7am, then he is waking up twice during the night...more tiring for you right?

Regarding pumping, don't stress over your supply. I realised that the amt pumped at each session varies at different times of the day and somemore your son is latching so sometimes he takes in more, so you have less to pump out. I have been keeping track of my pumping volumes...Here's what I recorded in 3 consecutive days:

Day 1:
7am - 270ml
9.30am - 75ml
12pm - 120ml
3pm - 130ml
5pm - 180ml
7pm - 60ml
10pm - 120ml
12am - 120ml

Day 2:
7am - 165ml
9.30am - 130ml
11.30am - 120ml
2pm - 120ml
5pm - 80ml
7pm - 60ml
10pm - 210ml
12am - 100ml

Day 3:
7am - 240ml
10am - 140ml
1.30pm - 120ml
4pm - 90ml
7pm - 60ml
9pm - 120ml
11pm - 140ml

Wow your baby sleeps from 9pm all the way to 8am without a feed?!? Mine last feed will be 11pm and then sleep till 7am I thought very good liao!
Angel, I normally don't sleep before 1am. So if my son sleeps at 1am and wakes up at 7 am, that, to me, is considered as not having to wake up for nite feeds at all.

Wow, I've never pumped more than 160ml before.. your supply is very good. Hey don't you feel engorged every morning, having not emptied your breasts for 6-7 hrs? I'm always awoken by the feeling of fullness and have to pump if baby does wake up for a feed. I remembered waking up with breasts feeling like rocks. I've also tracked my pump output previously and they were quite consistent ie I think it was abt 100-130ml every 3 hrs. Can't help feeling a little affected as I judge my output on a 3-hrly basis.

Aidanee, normally, my son finishes 140ml in 15-20 mins using NUK Premium medium size teats for 0-6months.
Wow, so many cute babies pics over the weekend!

Here's mine ... heeee.

At Birth - small baby born @ 37 weeks ... 3.015 kg


1st Month - getting "fleshier" ... progressed to 4.64 kg


Taken @ 7 Weeks - 5.7 kg

Hi Mummies...

Wow...all yr babies r so cute...! Here's my boy! hahaha...

Ashton @ 2days old

Ashton @ 7weeks old
joining in the fun & sharing..

bb YH at birth - tiny bb...


bb YH at 1 mth - taken after a bath...haha sleek hairstyle..


Hehee all the baby pics so cute~!

Oh your son sleeping thru the night liao..that's great! When my girl started sleeping thru the night, I decided stop pumping at night to stop the supply. At first I was engorged every morning lor...sometimes milk will leak coz its so full, but after a few days no more engorgement. The body just stops producing milk at that time. Amazing!

My pumps used to be quite consistent too leh...abt 120ml every 3 hours. But after I went thru the 3 days pumping every 2 hours to increase my supply, the volumes abit haywire, but overall still increased.
