(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

Hi Darmae,
My girl is overweight according to the doc! So yours is not small! Hahaha!

And ya you need to catch up with your baby! Need to increase your supply by pumping or latching every 2 hours in the day...within 3 days your supply should increase.


tiny is looking for uurgently, can give her a call, i pm you her number....or can angel help sms bena to tell her i pm her voice number...
Oh shoot...I was expressing using my PIS pump then suddenly the tubes got all filled with milk and going in and out of the pump!! Anybody experience this before? Dunno whether the milk still ok anot...hope I dun have to throw away!
Latest update.....

Date: 2nd Nov 2007, Fri
Time: 3pm for teabreak
Venue: At compass pt starbuck

Mummies n BBs going:

1) Funny76 n Summer BB
2) Wiselyn n BB Clara
3) Emily n BB Edison
4) Bena n BB Zacchaeus
5) Joey (BeBe) n Ashton

All r welcome.....lai ya lai ya...
Sorry Angel, I can't mit u n others mummies in Vivo City, hav something on tat day! Hope to mit up u all some other day.

Hi all,

Come join us for a gathering of mummies and babies! It'll be nice to meet up with everyone here finally. :) Put your name down below.

Venue: Vivo City (STARBUCKS)
Date: 6 Nov (Tues)
Time: 1:30pm

Mummies who are going:
1) Angel n BB Jade
2) TiNy VoIcE n bb Sam
hi voice and Bluesky

I'm oso in the mids of looking for a maid. Can you PM me your time table. Also, any advice when sourcing for maid. Got gd agency to recommend?
Hi Mamee .. it perfectly fine to bring baby out, I brought mine out when he was 1mth and I brought him swimming when he was 2mths [but must make sure baby has Vac before bringing him to the pool]K just make sure baby is kept warmKand you have spare baby clothes & pampers as they might puke or diaper over flow :p if your baby is on BM.. less things as you dont have to bring bottles.. just plan your time around his feeding time before you venture out It good to venture out.. I realized my boy like to look at the surrounding and starts to baby talk )
hi angel,
u also getting a maid? I'll have to get one when i return. can ask which agency u go to? and what's the package like etc? I dun know shd get new or trsf maid, indon or filipino..headache...my sis says it boils down to our luck and i agree with her too..

I'm sorry...but me very blur one...haven't tried the PM function b4...wat u mean by do not accept..? ermm...i can't PM u too leh...here's my msn..., [email protected] ...u msn yr hp no.?

Haiz...its a bad day for me...quarrelled wif my hubby again...can't slp at all...Argghhh...wonder when will things clear up and change for the better.... =(
Hi Amy,
Ya I agree with your sis too, its a lucky draw. The bio-data that the agency shows us is all fake - written by the agency themselves!

I'm looking at a few agents...Bukit Timah Shopping Centre is full of them. Most of them charge agency fee of $200+ to $300+ for filipinos (cheaper for indos).

The maid's loan is ard $2000-$2200 (for filipinos) and will need to be paid upfront by you first, and then deducted from the maid's salary the first few months. Some agencies allow you to use credit card to pay 12 mth installment.

Check out this blog from a mummy on the forum re hiring maids. She's gone thru 8 maids so far!

hi angel,

glad to learn tat my bb weight ok. re: supply, thks for highlighting tat i shld set up wif pumpin or latching.. since i wan her to take EBM durin the day, i will pump every 2 hrs. but very xiong on the milk bags. haha, like bena become super user liao

hi funny,

hv nt recd PM yet. mayb slow lar. u can email to [email protected]
hi funny,

recd ur PM liao.. actually i was blur. thot the mail fm colleague cos u hv the same name n surname as her. wats more, she told me few days ago she intend to change hp no. keke

i will msg u whether i (with bb maegan) can mk it or not.
Hi <font color="0000ff">BeBeNg</font>..
Cool down.. dun be too upset with the quarrel.. its normal, I have lots of quarrel with HB after my baby is born - big ones, small ones etc..

We never quarrel during our courtship & after marriage.. But after our baby was born, things seem to change.. not my fault OR my HB's fault.. sometimes, its bcos of the pressure from this additional member in the family.. It will be worse if you r staying with in-laws... So, endure & stay positive.. it will be over soon..

We'll talk abt it later if you want to
Hi <font color="0000ff">Voice</font>..
Thanks for ur encouragement.. I will start slowly, with a short & nearby trip.. slowly gain confidence...

I must try to get him used to the baby carrier first, before I bring him out..
Hi piglet. We can bring baby swimming already? I was initially planning to only start him swimming at 6 months, but now was thinking of bringing him earlier as he seemed to like playing in the bath tub very much. He will cry the moment we take him out of the tub after his bath hehee...

Hi Bebe and Em, my hubby and I also seldom quarrelled before baby. Now, I find that the stress of taking care of baby will accumulate thruout the day until when he comes home from work, I will be in a super bad mood. Especially since baby is always cranky about 6-8pm. Will dump the baby on him to carry and complain "YOUR son" this and "YOUR son" that. He always reply "Not your son too meh?" Hehee... I am still trying to learn to take things easier so that at least hubby will still look forward to coming home

Any mummies have to start weaning their babies soon? I will be returning to work on 21 Nov and was wondering when I should start weaning baby. Should I start replacing the day feeds or the night feeds? I have been exclusively latching so far, only give him FM once in the night. He doesn't seem to drink much from bottle, only at most 2oz after alot of coaxing. I anticipate problems weaning him liao

Hey, how come Mummies have stopped posting pics of their babies? Most of our babies should be coming to 2 months liao, have they changed much? Got any before and after pictures?
Qn on Thermometers

What thermometers did you get? Heard that the ear thermometers are not suitable for babies as the insert is too big for babies ears so can't insert in deep enough to get accurate reading. Is that true?

Anyone got a forehead scanning thermometer? Are they accurate?
I fully agree with Emily on the 'pressure' part with the additional member. actually maegan is my 2nd bb. but im clueless like a 1st tm mummy... becos i din take care of my 1st myself. was too career minded n left for overseas stint for 6mths aft he was born. missed alot of wonderful moments i cud hv with him. i really regretted it.. told myself not to repeat the same mistake again with this 2nd one.
struggling with this 2nd bb but felt tat its worth it.

with the 1st kid, no arguements with HB oso cos i took it easy and lightly, felt career more impt. i left him fully with mil....me very heartless hor...bad mummy.
so i trying to kinda 'compensate' by doing everythg for my 2nd one, but i seemed to be very sensitive over little things. haiz..

cheer up BeBeNg...

casting the unhappiness aside... any mummies can help advise how long can we leave the EBM outside after thawin and warming up??
peapod, i got the forehead thermometer.. abit diff to get the temp when bb is awake cos she will turn here and there... but i tried it on myself and its quite accurate..

darmae, aft thawin the ebm, it must be consumed within 24 hours.. aft warmin up, it must be consumed within 1 hour..
Let me start first by posting pics

Do contribute... although I can't join you guys for the outings but I would really like to see how your little darlings look like

First week

Seventh Week
Talking abt quarrels...glad to know that you mummies are also facing the same thing. I also think my relationship with hubby is being affected...We used to be so loving...now we are so short tempered and snapping at each other all the time. Our meals have turned into 5 minute swallow-as-fast-as-you-can meals in case the baby wakes up. Our sleep is disrupted by the baby's grunting noises coz she sleeps in our room. As much as I love my baby girl and have been waiting so long to have her, I miss it being just the 2 of us. I think that's one of the main reasons why I want to get a maid...so that we won't be so angry at each other all the time...and we can have some of our life back!
Hi all Mummies,
I hope i am not too late to join this thread. I just given birth to my son Ryann on the 12th Sept At Mount Alvernia.
currently still struggling with my naughty boy who refuse to sleep.

Wondering if any mummies here have the same prob. my son always sleep for like 10 minutes then wake up again. i already resorted to Yao Lan and pacifier but sometime it still wont work. His eyes keep opening. I am gg back to work soon but if he continue like this, i wonder if i can take it by then. =(
Dear Mummies



A revolutionary new way to keep your expressed breastmilk cool for 10 to 12 hours. This is your ultimate mini-fridge equivalent if you are looking for a place to store your Expressed Breastmilk (EBM) in office or at outdoors.

No Messy Ice
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FTG features the cooling power of a refrigerator in a standard cooler bag size. The secret is in the patented "Surround Cooling" Technology. With this Technology, the bag is cooled from every side so that any contents stored inside is kept cold for a full day. When your bottles or packs of EBM is placed inside a fully recharged Fridge-to-go, it will take less than 2 hours to chill it, working just like a refrigerator.

Features :
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Surround Cooling 10-12 Hours
16W x 16.5D x 22.5H(CM)

Just fold your FTG and place it in your refrigerator's Freezer Overnight so it will freezae and be ready for use the next Day.
It is 100% Reusable and you may store FTG in or out your refrigerator freezer for as long as you like.

Original Purchase Price: $44.90

Currently selling at $48 at retail stores and online.

<font color="ff0000">DISCOUNT Price that I am offering: $38</font>
<font color="0000ff">Self- Collection at Redhill/Tiong Bahru/Outram/Chinatown</font>

Interested buyers please feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Hi Phoebe,
Welcome to the thread. Ya my girl also like that sometimes....sleep for 5-10 mins then wake up. Usually when she cries, I know its either her diapers, gas, or she's hungry. If she doesn't cry, then sometimes if I pat her she'll go back to sleep. If she doesn't settle, I just take it that she doesn't want to sleep.
Hi <font color="0000ff">peapod</font>..

I used a normal digital thermometer.. the one GP used to put under out tongue... For infant, we put under their armpit.. I think its cheap & good enough... Dun haf to invest a lot of $$$ to buy one.. That's what I think.
My son also don't like to sleep and easily arouse from his sleep esp. sleeping on his back, if sleep on tummy he can sleep longer. He also made alot of grunting noises at night when he sleep which resulting in me not sleeping well cos' am a light sleeper!
northeast meetup
weather abit dull. hope it wont rain later or i dun think i can manage to the LRT in the rain.

if it is cancelled, someone pls sms me at 91888619,okie....thanks......
So cute to see all the baby pics!

Aidanee, I'm tempted to go for the gathering at Compass Point later. Is Compass Point at an MRT station itself? If I take the northeast line from HarbourFront, how long is the train ride?

actually once you get out of mrt station is compass point liao..how come i can say sheltered...haha..me blur

Wow! 2 mths can go swimming already! Yes, babies seem to like looking at the surroundings..Same goes for my baby Zenn.

I'm planning to take her out this Sun. Hopefully everything turns out fine. Hehe..

Oh, is it safe for babies to take barley water without rock sugar? My baby has phlegm and I've tried giving her western medicine but it doesnt seem to help. My MIL gave her pearl powder but the phelgm doesnt clear up also.

My baby didn't poo for 2 days and they gave her barley water. I was against the idea but they insisted. I suspect the barley water caused the phlegm becoz baby only had phlegm after they kept giving her barley water every few days. Haiz.
it's thunderstorm here. if it continues to rain like that, i may not make it.cos no shelter from my pl to lrt station. if take cab,must call cab.

angel, hope to see u later......
hmm...phlegm in baby?...or is it just their breathing is heavy...if it is just heavy...it should be quite normal...as their air way not fully developed

not too sure if can take barley or not...if can...might as well say they can eat porridge?

of all advises u get...please...if in any doubt...please check your gp or pd...they are there for a reason...they are here to help and give RIGHT answer!
angel...dun worry...from habourfront mrt to sengkang is sheltered...and from sengkang mrt to compass point is also sheltered...no worry
The baby pictures really put a big smile on my face
Sooo cute all! Our babies have really put on weight since birth. Think all the mummies here must give ourselves a big pat on the back.

Hi Wiselyn, Clara looks so grown up in her dress. Is she coming to 3 months soon?

Hi Voice, Samuel looks very much like his daddy leh!

Hi Kynx, so great to hear from you again. I got your email, will reply you soon
Congrats again on your pregnancy. Is your baby due in Apr then?

Hi Phoebe, welcome to the thread
You are not alone, my baby also have problems sleeping in the day time. Also tried yaolan and pacifier but when he refuses to sleep, nothing will work. These 2 days I swaddled him tightly and dump him into the yaolan once he is sleepy. I then stationed myself next to the yaolan and pat and sing to him for 30mins. I noticed that he is a very light sleeper, and will stir every 5-10mins so once he start moving, I will quickly pat him back to sleep. Thru this way, I 'forced' him to take a 50mins nap. But very tiring and time consuming lar...
peapod: huh...don't like like me meh? Blue also said looks so much like daddy and not me. haahaaa! Your boy looks more like who? Forgotten how u look like...
