(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

Hi Emily since u r taking cab, can take the stroller liao...can ask the cab uncle to help u to keep the stroller in the car boot. Some cab uncles veri gd n helpful....

Ok Sept Mummies,

Testing response for gathering at Vivocity next Tuesday, 6 Nov at 1.30pm. Who can make it? Pls add your name below. Any suggestions for venue? I'm thinking of Starbucks coz they've got big round tables outside where the playground is...with lots of space for our strollers.

Mummies who are going:
1) Angel n BB Jade
2) Funny76 n BB summer

Looking forward to meeting everyone! We've been talking to each other in the forum for so long...it will be nice to finally meet up. :) All are welcome!
no prob for the north easterners to go ahead with the gathering this friday lah.

like what angel suggested, can meet again at vivo city..whoever is keen, pls input your name below.

Venue: Vivo City (STARBUCKS)
Date: 6 Nov (Tues)
Time: 1:30pm

Mummies who are going:
1) Angel n BB Jade
2) TiNy VoIcE n bb Sam
yah funny...love to meet your Summer! hee hee... we need some adult talk else, always talk to bb will go crazy sooner or later...haaahaa!
No prob for the north easterners to go ahead with the gathering this friday lah.

like what angel suggested, can meet again at vivo city..whoever is keen, pls input your name below. :)

Venue: Vivo City (STARBUCKS)
Date: 6 Nov (Tues)
Time: 1:30pm

Mummies who are going:
1) Angel n BB Jade
2) TiNy VoIcE n bb Sam
3) Funny76 n BB Summer

Hahahaha, yeah, Tiny Voice!
Hi <font color="0000ff">Voice</font>..
I would love to see baby sam too... If my HB is off next Tuesday, I will pop by to meet u all...
Hi Em, sure...i love to see everybody's baby...hee hee! You bring your sling lah, i can teach you how to use, initially i also don't know how to use, felt so useless but after a few times you will get the hang of it. Actually like what funny said, alot of cabbies if see u with babies, they're usually very helpful to assist.
west gathering timing me ok.. but not sure if i can venture tat far wif my bb. duno if i can drive wif bb in tow. hvnt tried tat. but sure is tempted since i cant join the north-east gathering - hv gynae appt lar.

can i check wif mummies.. wat is ur bb's sleeping pattern like in the day? today, my gal (7 weeks old) seems to be sleeping alot. she wakes up for feed then play for 30 mins then went to slumberland for 3hrs then wake up again for feed, nw she is sleeping for almost 4 hrs liao.. i duno if i shld wake her up. cos she usu dun sleep so long.. abit worried lor.
darmae, think ur bb is just tired lah, therefore sleeps longer, my baby sometimes also will sleep longer while other times will be restless. Actually daytime shld wake bb up for feed, night time is ok if bb don't wake up for usual night feed cos' ultimately we want bb to drop night feed.

If bb don't feel full during daytime feeds, they will tend to wake up at night for feed, that's what my auntie told me.
oic.. thanks Tiny.
i was quite worried on why she is sleeping longer today. happy to see her sleep well but on the other hand worried oso lor.
yeah.. think i beta wake her up, 4 hrs liao. keke... in case she dun wan to sleep tonite.
Voice, to me, VivoCity is west lah ... central is those staying Toa Payoh, Novena and maybe can include Bishan etc. Haha ... think maybe I should rename as "Central-North Gathering".
Hi Darmae,
My baby sometimes sleeps alot, sometimes doesn't want to sleep too. During the day, I will wake her up for feeds if she doesn't wake up coz otherwise like what Tiny says, she won't get enough to eat, then in the night she will wake up more often to eat..and after eating she won't sleep...its a vicious cycle!

u started massage tdy? hw old is ur bb nw?
nw tat my maid is taking over feeding bb wif EBM, i feel more relax.. wanted to start massage, hoping to reduce my tummy bulge. duno if still will be effective

my bb used to hv shorter naps.. so she surprises me tdy but oso worries me. i wudnt wan to be caught in the vicious cycle man...

oredi woke her up... maid feeding her EBM .

btw, u recommended ur massage lady nadia b4. is the massage effective to flatten ur tummy?
my bb sleeps alot too in the day the last 2 days.....

btw, i am using NUK thin hole for milk. when to change teat? hear alot of clicky sound lately.
darmae, my bb is just turned 6wks, my gynae advice me not to do massage for 1 month, that's why i waited till now. Just now i ask the massage lady abt the effect of massaging, she said is not so much of losing weight but more for blood circulation. Think result is dependable on individual.

Wah angel, u hooked on massage issit? heehee..
guess what my massage lady ask me to place over my c-sec wound before wrapping? a sanitary pad, haahaaaa! I find it so 'innovative'...
hi Mommies!

Hi, Funny...,
Count me in! I'm staying wif my mum at tamp this week so SK is not very far...hahaha...

Date: 2nd Nov 2007, Fri
Time: 3pm for teabreak
Venue: At compass pt starbuck

Mummies n BBs going:

1) Funny76 n Summer BB
2) Wiselyn n BB Clara
3) Emily n BB Edison
4) Bena n BB Zacchaeus
5) Joey (BeBe) n Ashton

Btw, Mommies...wats your real names??? I'm getting kinda confused wif all the nicks...hahaha...i'm joey!

NUK thin hole is for water, middle hole is for milk, it is stated on the packaging.

if u use thin hole for milk, bb will have to suck very hard and long to drink the milk and thus will take in more air.

when u buy the NUK bottle, the teat is middle hole, as stated on the sticker that is on the bottle
choco, my bb using NUK too but the middle hole that comes with the bottle is also too slow flow for my bb, we had to modify the teat, poke 2 more holes so that it's faster. Else bb will takes 45mins to an hr to finish his milk.
JOlene: I checked with the doc today. BB should be twice the birth weight at 3mths. Too overweight also problematic.
My HB also the same, very proud of his burping method. He can make her burp la actually. So i am like ok then you take over ;)

Bena, Ade: Ya trying not to worry also. She sleeps alot i cant help that part.

Out the whole day today from KK to running errands. Now breasts so engorged its not funny.

Anyone took medication to increase milk supply? Domperidon or something like that? Pill form.
hi angel
the brand of teat hole puncher i using is 'safety pin'...hahaaahaa! You take the safety pin and roast it over the fire awhile then hot hot poke into the teat lor...

Aidanee: can let you have a box of the milk bag, self collection only...sorry i no time go post office with a baby around.
I have 3 boxes of lansinoh milk bags selling at S$10/per box as well : )

Also have a pack of S size Nepia, selling at S$ 15 together with some balance of pampers dry and mamy poko size S

As for meeting up Vivo City might not be a good choice if there is a lot of mummies, as the Nursing room only has a changing area, chair & tap.

I agreed with Wiselyn, United Square is good. Other places with better nursing area are Paragon, Tangs and Suntec City
baby piglet,
I dun mind taking your Nepia diapers coz I was just gonna order and try
At the same time can try the mamy poko too. Lemme know how to collect ya. Where do you stay? Or are you coming to the gathering?

Check with you, currently my girl is using Pampers Newbaby size S. How does the nepia and mamy poko size S compare to the Pampers Newbaby size S?
hi darmae, my prob opposite from you, my baby doesn't wan to sleep in the day. He has the bad habit of only sleeping in ppl's arms. once we put him down on bed, he will wake up
at first we tot buying him a sarong will solve the prob but NOO..he still cries after 15mins. he can sleep at most 1-2hrs in the day and it comprises of all the 15mins added together which is not healthy
very worried... we also no time to do other things cos gotto entertain him all the time.

hi atinarin, i tried the domperidone after i went to the LC and they say i have low supply. took for a week. hmm...not sure if it did increase my ss cos you know me, i don't pump. But now i have enuf milk for him. should be more reliable than fenugreek...got it from gynae, so far no side effects for me.

I would love to meet you mummies and babies but really no confidence in bringing bb out by myself. v worried he will do his crying and screaming act when i feed him outside. he also doesn't take to the sling.
peapod.. sarong works for my gal most of the time but on certain days that she is cranky it does not work too le! So.. I got to pat pat her and let her suck her pacifier till she half asleep abit drowsy drowsy then place in sarong then she can sleep lor.. if i just put her inside without patting her she yell after 10 mins.. maybe u can try that
Hi Dear all

I have one new tube of avent nipple cream not used at all and half a packet of avent disposable breast pad .. intend to let go at $10.. pls pm me if u interested.. can post to ur house or self collection

Thanks to let me know
bena, i tot of getting from baby piglet too cos tiny stays too far in jurong. poss if i take 1 pack from u on fri?

i cfm after bena confirms with me...okie.

thanks for the feedback on teathole. i will use the safetypin brand.hahaha...
bena, i tot of getting from baby piglet too cos tiny stays too far in jurong. poss if i take 1 pack from u on fri?

i cfm after bena confirms with me...okie.

thanks for the feedback on teathole. i will use the safetypin brand.hahaha...
Umm...I actually intend to get all 3 of Baby Piglet's Lansinoh's storage bags cuz have been using the bags excessively - like 1 week >1 pack. Depending on where Piglet stay (if not too far from my place or my hubby's work place), I'll pass one to you on Fri
Hi peapod: i prob will try too.

Hi all, anyone took antiobiotics while breastfeeding? Gynae gave me amoxixilin to take to clear an infection but i am too worried to take.
hi ladies, how long does it take for your bb to finish a bottle ? mine seems to take forever, and he always fall asleep halfway through his feed.

i tried changing diaper, tickling him, etc. takes him at least half hour to 1 hour to finish a bottle of 110ml.
Hi <font color="0000ff">atinarin</font>..

Wow, so 'pei fu' your hubby.. burping is the difficult part... I used to lie him on my shoulder and burp him, I find this method is the best... But now he has learnt how to lift his head... he keep lifting his head up 45 degrees...

I have to let him sit on my lap to burp him.. This method sometimes caused him to vomit a little..
Hi <font color="0000ff">Pillow</font>..
My boy is a fast drinker.. 10 mins for a bottle of 100ml - 110ml...

He will also cry very loud when he is hungry! Very impatient baby!

Is the flow rate too slow, that's why yr son needs so long to finish his milk? I am using the two-holes teat now.
hi emily, wow, 10mins sounds real good !!

i have already changed to 2hole teat, and already better. with 1 hole, even worse...
