(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

ade: thanks..cant help worrying

bebeng: i read online yesterday that mums food doesnt affect breast milk composition but smoking is definitely out. Its a cause of SIDS. Keep baby away from smoke or anything that smells like it.

Hi gals,

my baby is 12 days and she is drinking 80-100ml of bm daily!
If I feed her 80ml, her next feed will be faster, vice versa.
She isnt rejecting nor pushing away the milk and she finishes them all, I cant be feeding too much right? She doesnt er-ni often/alot too. But after reading the posts from the mummies here, it seems like my gals is really drinking alot!
I hope Im not over feeding.
gingerleaf: woah thats alot, at least in comparison to my girl. SHes coming to 3 weeks and taking like half what your baby takes.
Hi Bebeng,

Have faith and look on the brighter side... Everything will turn out fine... :)

I guess your hubby is also feeling the stress/ uncertainity with the new addition at home and may not know how to react appropriately. It takes time... give and take... try to talk things over calmly. :)
BebeNg: Take care. All of us i think feel the same stress and hubbies are no exception too. Its like a new member of the family arrives and everything changes, they are also stressed that they have an additional responsibility and they sometimes need an escape.
Talking about stress, think the stress level will be double when you have 2 kids! Last night I almost went berserk with 2 kids fussing at the same time and my hubby not in town! Basically, it's like I'm all alone handling the 2 rascals!

My gal has been very demanding these days and likes to scream and shout when her demands are not met. Last night when she fell asleep w/o wearing her diaper, I wanted to wear the diaper for her. She unreasonably screamed and kicked crazily and no matter how nicely I asked her to lift her bottom up so that I can wear for her, she just continued screaming and kicking. At the same time, my baby boy was also crying ... usually he's very "guai" one, always sleeping and very independent. These days he always wanna be carried for comfort. I almost went crazy ... I lose control and I hit my gal with all my might using my hand (on her legs and buttock), until my hand also pain!

Now I know why some people can get post-natal blues ...

aiyo why company so inflexible... considering the fact tat u hv to fly back all the way from usa. sure hv problem adjusting lor... at least grant no pay leave oso not bad.
my gd fren migrated to canada with her newborn (6mths old) 2 mths ago... poor bb and mum had hard time adjusting to the time difference and climate. all go haywire.. now slowly in pace.. but not all wel yet.


dun worry, u are not alone. we, new young mothers. all ned to grow and learn along wif our bb. no doubt its gg to be diff becos all bb are diff oso.. even bet 1st born and 2nd. smoking is def a no no... dun resort to tat...
take care ya...
Hi Ada...,

Thanks for the advice...i think my blues r getting from bad to worse...esp. when it comes to my hubby...his bo chapness makes me feel so upset...i'm like "fighting the war" all alone...I even tot of divorcing him lor...! no joke man...i'm so disappointed in him...i really hope its my hormones causing these probs... =(

As for the BM...,i did try latching him on again to stimulate supply...but he always seems like not having enuff milk leh...and i think he's used to bottle feeding tat he's having nipple confusion now...his mouth open really small now...having probs to insert my aerola into his mouth...haiz...very often he will "pull" my nipple too! Painful lor!

Thank u gals so much for the support...haiz...my hubby's not tat "caring" sort of husband and daddy...he's really focus on his career...find him quite "hard-hearted" sometimes...he's more engross in his online game than to me or baby...tats y i'm feeling so neglected...

Emily...,like u...,i'm the do-all mum..even when my hubby wana help...i can't seems to trust him...he always makes alot blunders...seriously...,sometimes i can't trust myself either...let alone my hubby! the only person i can trust is my dear mum...if not for her, i wld have break down big time...
my msn is [email protected]
Hi Em & BeBeNg, sometimes we need to let loose and let hubby takes over the role, else we won't know and see results if he can handle or not. Men are not so expressive as women and alot of times they don't show their stress and fustration outwardly. Women are more emotional and will burst out by crying while men are made to be stronger and won't display their weaker side easily.

BeBeNg: Perhaps your hubby is letting our stress by diverting to online gaming?!

Today i went to do my hair and leave baby to hubby to take care, he didn't went berserk leh..haahaa! Actually it's easier to manage newborn now than to wait till they grow bigger, ie. toddler..then will be a handful.
hi BeBe, till now i am still not 100% comfortable with latching on coz bb still tend to "play" with my nipples. its damn painful. try practising 1-2 times a day , then slowly increase frequency.

i do notice milk supply increase with latching on (and sneaking in pumping sessions after latching). over last few days, i would alternate feed with EBM and latch on. so one feed EBM, another feed latch on , so not so siong. now each pumping session (3-4 hours interval), i can yield 150ml to 230ml. took me around 1 wk to see the increase in milk supply.
hi BeBeNg

i was a smoker and always has the urge to smoke during pregnancy and even confinement.. when my bb was diagnosed of high jaundice and needed to be admitted into hospital, i wanted so badly to get out of the hospital and buy ciggy..but i didnt give in to the temptation as i know it is always that first stick that causes the downfall...so please hang in there ok..

do you know our bb born on the same day? at least you can still breast feed your bb.. i cant le.. had very serious mastitis...very bad infection.. each time i expressed, i had to pour away the breast milk.. heart really pain and depressed... now completely stopped breast feeding and always feel bad towards my bb...
hi mummies

do you all shave bb's hair on their first month old?or intend to do it on their fourth month? is it really true that if we dont do it, their hair will not be nice in the future..sorry that it is a stupid question.. cos i dont intend to shave my bb's hair yet afraid that the myth might turn out to be really true... now dilemma whether to bring her for haircut tmr for first month celebration..
my father in law insisted on shaving bb's hair so now my bb is botak. looks a bit strange.... sigh.... i didnt have the energy to fight over such things...

after shaving, notice a v flaky scalp in patches. rubbed a bit of J&J baby oil, all gone liao. now at least its smooth and round.
Hi <font color="0000ff">Voice</font>..

You r right! I am trying to let my HB to take over some responsibility, including the night time feeding. I try not to grumble when he is slow n clumsy. I cant take all the responsility by myself, else I will surely break down one day.

Maybe when I have more confidence in him, I can let him handle our baby alone and I can go for hairdo / facial etc
Hope the day will come soon. I really need some "makeover".. looking very "run-down" after my confinement.. hair is super messy and I need a facial too...

Hi <font color="0000ff">BeBeNg</font>..
Have added u to my MSN.
Hi <font color="0000ff">jme</font>..
My mum never shave my hair during my first month... but my hair is fine now.. there is no truth to it, just a belief of our old folks..

Dun intend to shave my baby's hair anyway..
hi mommies, my hb also very clumsy wan... never tot tat he can handle the bb.. but to my suprise... he did a good job actually.. he is doin all the nite feeds and also changing of diapers, washing and sterilizin the bottles... i think we need to let go and let our hb learn on how to take care of the bb.. if not we'll be addin unnecessary stress to ourselves if we want to do everything ourselves.. we also learn thru trial and errors isnt it? so its okie if our hb makes some mistakes at times..
^5 pinkyi, my hubby also doing the wee hour morning feed, 2 or 3am! I simply cannot tahan, hee hee...very zonk out at that hour.

Hi Em, glad to hear you're slowly learning to trust your hubby to take care of Edison...am sure he will improve each time he handles baby. Remember we must still look good as mummy, all the more cannot look haggard! We must be pretty mummy ok.

Had 1st month celebration and baby dedication for my son today, he's so blessed with so many gifts and angbaos, most of all, love from so many friends and loved ones. We did not cut shave his hair, like the look of his style so we're going to keep it longer and also keep a ponytail for him, hee hee!
Hi Bebeng, i think many of us here went thru some sort of "blues" so do cheer up ok, cos u're not alone in this journey. =) maybe ur hb seems bochap cos he really doesn't know what to do? i had a minor tiff with my hb too during confinement cos i felt he wasn't too supportive (esp with my bfding & low supply woes), but after a good talk, i realised he was also rather stressed with his work too. I guess it's all abt managing our expectations and communicating to one another often. Now, my hb's really hands on (or i get rather hands off when he gets back home from work. I try not to make comments & just close one eye cos our styles may be different, but he's still trying his best). He'll bathe baby and take care of the diaper changes when he's home. He even makes breakfast for me too so I'm not complaining even though i'm still the main milk provider & got to do "nite duties". heheh =)
Hi all K it been a long time since I last postK I really pei fuK all of you.. can log on and chatK I cant seem to get enough timeK. It either baby, washing bottles, sterilizing or housework

I have a few questions.. can you gals help.

FM- all brands claim their FM is closet to BMK how true? My baby is now on SimilacK a lady from Frisco called me to said their FM is closest to BM, some said NAN isK I am so confused.

Baby V for those mummies who gave baby FM, does your baby poo daily? And how do you gals clean their tongue?

Jabs - If you take the 6 in 1 jab at 3mths, do you still need to bring baby back for checkup on 6th week? I read the past posting done by all mummies, seems like you all went to do a baby assessment at 4 to 6 week?

Do you gals feel pain down there when you cough/sneeze?
Hi <font color="0000ff">mummies</font>..
Today is a public holiday, hope everyone can go out and unwind yrself. Have anyone started bringing your baby out? I went shopping at Suntec yesterday with my baby.. Well, I must admit that it is really NOT easy.. I have to bring lotsa stuff - diapers, wet wipes, handkerchief, towel, milk bottles, milk powder etc.. Have to "plan" the journey according to my baby's feeding time.. I always think that it is quite embarassing when baby is crying out loud in public, I have to learn to cope with this as well.

For those who have started going out with baby, care to share your experience here..?
emily, hahah. its not easy to bring the little one out.. last time is.. wanna go out.. okie!! then now must pack a 'luggauge' along... i brought my gal to causeway point on sat.. abit tiring.. but it was fun.. the only thing is she tends to be a bit cranky when she's back home.. think over stimulated...
Hi <font color="0000ff">pinkyj</font>..
No doubt its troublesome with the "luggage" etc.. I believe we will get used to it soon and will "enjoy" the company of our baby
hee hee.. its quite fun lah.. except tat she always choose her timin to wake up.. haha.. she'll always wake up when we're eating..
its also quite easy to bring her out in the sling..
Baby piglet,
I didn't bring baby for the baby assessment. What is it abt huh?

I've brought my baby out a couple of times and I feel the most difficult part is planing the journey around his feeding time. Imagine shopping halfway, or having a meal halfway and it's baby's feeding time. For me as I latch him, I have to drop everything and find a private corner or a nursing room. Also hubby cannot help out and has to wait about an hour for nursing to finish. Yesterday, we went to church and halfway through the sermon, I had to leave the worship hall to go nurse him in the nursing room. Really quite disruptive..In this respect, I think mummies of bottle fed babies have it easier. At least they can feed wherever they are, and daddies can help out too.
Hi <font color="0000ff">Bena</font>..
I agree, its more challenging to bring baby out when u r still nursing.. For me, I have stopped BF, so just count the # of hours and the required feeding amt before we go out..

Sometimes, finding a place to feed and burp when u r shopping halfway can be tedious..
Have not brought baby out but HB and i went shopping for a little while yesterday and that did feel good though i was missing baby all the while...i have not finished my confinement but i thin all that walking yesterday helped cos out of nowhere, a blood clot did come out,..imagine, it was stuck inside for so long...really dont think resting too much during confinement is a good idea when it comes to recovery...of cos i suffer from back aches after just a bit of walking...hope its not the epidurals side effect but more of a, never been shopping so long type of ache.
bena.. i think it to measure the baby growth.

emily.. i have brought my baby out... a lot of times... since his full month.. it was fun... but i got nagged by a lot of people.. hee... been to Jurong point, marina square, suntec, vivo, shenton way... initally i used pram.. but it a real PAIN...

now i bought a baby carrier.. it a breeze... he sleeps thru.. only wakes up to look around.. or drink milk.. just make sure baby does not feel cold.. when they are cold.. they cry/yell as well.
Hi <font color="0000ff">baby piglet</font>..
Try to delegate some of the works so that you can haf sometime for urself..

My HB does the following -
laundry for baby & himself
general cleaning of the house
sterilizing bottles & teats

I am trying to let him take over some responsibility in taking care of baby, feeding etc. I used to do it all by myself, but slowly, I realised that I need to let him try..

I engaged a part-time maid to do house-cleaning every fortnightly.. Only $10/hour.. cheap and good!
emily.. you are so lucky.. i do those myself including his laundry... but on Fri & Sat. I totally wash my hands off baby, he will feed, bath, clean his son.. i only feed if baby wants BM...

your part time maid.. Singaporean?
babypiglet:The lady from Friso called me too. I switched to Enfalac and prefer it to Similac cos Similac is more difficult to dissolve.
hi mommies!

we survived the first two days of hari raya
baby was extra fussy at the end of the first day, too excited over the day's activities i think. i didnt latch baby on whole day, didnt pump also. brought EBM and FM just in case.. at the end of the day my boobs was so HARD lol. latched her on when we settled at home and she slurped my boobs clean, phew!

here are some pics, of me using the hotsling to causeway point.. and of us during the 2nd day of hari raya


baby piglet, wldn't the bb head be turning around and u will need to support his neck? i had one and try putting my bb in but he keeps turning his head and i'm so worried that his neck is too fragile for it.

btw, do anyone put their infant in infant car seat when driving? my husband insist that the bb is too young to be placed in the infant car seat and he's already 1.5mths old. always quarrel with him abt this whenever we go out..hai
I think bottle feeding is more troublesome lor..got to bring the milk out, find hot water and heat up the milk, in the meantime baby will be wailing impatiently! Nursing is so much easier than bottle feeding lor...just find somewhere quiet and pop our breast into their mouth!! Now almost every shopping centre has a nursing room, or can do it in the car.
Hi Amy
Would like to reserve the size 6-12 mths: GAP06, GYM20. size 12 mths: OKG25,41,52.
How do we proceed from here pls advise.

Hi mommies
any recommendation on baby car seat, which can be used for new borns till 6 yo, and where to buy. My daughter is 1.5 mths old, cos frens advise to let baby get used to the car seat if not when she's older she might not want to seat in it.
hi mommies, when i latch lying down position,its messy coz milk will tend to drip from corner of bb's mouth.

is it the same for you guys ? or is my latching the problem
Does anyone know why baby will burp out milky water after waking up from 2 - 3 hrs sleep? Is it that i feed her too much? Did properly burp her after each feed but it still happen.
Hi Wendy,
I've been putting my girl in the infant car seat since we brought her back from hospital. Whenever we're in the car, she's buckled up safely in her seat! If we ever get into an accident (touch wood it doesn't happen!) our baby will surely fly out of our arms. My friend working as an ambulance driver always tells us gruesome stories of children dying or getting seriously injured from car accidents! If only their parents would buckle their children up!!

Hope you do start buckling your baby up...your car seat is meant for infants right? Get a additional head and neck support cushion if your hubby is worried about the neck, but seriously, your baby is not as fragile as he thinks.
hi angel, that's what i have been trying to tell my husband. i even told him the same thing you are telling me and he still insists that bb is too young for car seat. and the car seat we got is from infant to 4 years of age. every time we went out, i was hoping to bump into traffic police that will tell my husband off or better still, give him a fine - 1) for not putting bb in car seat and 2) i'm not buckle up cos i'm carrying the bb. evil rite?
Hi <font color="0000ff">angel</font>..
My car seat is meant for infant too, convertable, so we put to rear facing for my baby..

But I find that he is too small for the car seat.. I do not know how to buckle him since his hands and legs r so tiny.. At this point of time, I still carry him whenever we r travelling..
Hi <font color="0000ff">baby piglet</font>..

My part time maid is from Sri Lanka.. looks like Indian.. she is good, normally she takes 3 hours to do the cleaning.. so oni $30.. worth it!
Hi hi, how's everyone doing?

Yesterday I ventured out with my 2 kids w/o my hubby for the first time (he's out of town)! Went to church in the morning and after that, had lunch with my sis and family. Only headed back to my in-law's place after 4pm. Quite alright for my first attempt ... heee, except that my boobs felt so heavy after not being able to pump for 8 over hours (in between latched my boy but I doubt he drank much cos he was sleeping most of the time).
hi emily
can i have the contact number of the pt maid...my friend is looking for one...

btw any mummies already started potty training for their little ones? my cl started for my bb when she was 3 weeks old.. and she is leaving tmr which means i have to ummm ummm ummm her every morning and evening... dont know whether got patience to do it not..

wah seh blueskye, very steady leh. can managed ur elder + bb. kudos to u...
i went out tdy wif HB + bb. she was sleeping fine in the sling initially. at her 'milk time', she suddenly cried so loud.. i tried to nurse her when i secured a seat on a bench. but she struggled and wrestled so much tat i juz cant do it. no choice lor, HB and I hurriedly scrambled to the car.. with her screaming along the way and all eyes on us. stress lar
