(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

atinarin, i give my bb Nan. Gave my 1st kid similac... but they kindof change the formula abit (i think) halfway through when he was about 6 mths and he didnt take too well to the new similac so i was like mad woman (went around the whole of Spore buying the older version - bought about 30+ tins (to last from 6mths to 1 yr)).

This time around, i tot of trying nan first (most x brand - so without any idea which is better - decided to buy the most x brand - hoping it will be better - gees... i sound like a sucker here... the more x, the better *sigh* dont know whether i make sense of not.

can i know why you changing to enfalac?

atinarin: my boy also on enfalac, tried Dumex Mamex gold on him but think he doesn't quite like it as much as enfalac.

vicki: i heard Nan is the closest taste to bm, issit true? What's the different between Nan and Nan HA? I was also comtemplating to let my boy try Nan but don't know of anyone tried before.
HI vicki: I'm changing cos we found that baby was like having diarrhea a bit on Similac so out of worry as first time parents, we decided to change.

Read that Enfalac A+ has ingredients close to breast milk...
HI vicki: I'm changing cos we found that baby was like having diarrhea a bit on Similac so out of worry as first time parents, we decided to change.

Read that Enfalac A+ has ingredients close to breast milk...
Hi atinarin,

The massage lady u recommend is very good indeed... i can see some effect on my body swelling going down...

BTW, can u share how much did u hire her? She did not discuss price with me yet... mayb she assume it's the same as yours b'cos i told her u recommend...

I'm also giving Enfalac to my bb... but juz a word of caution. Do not buy from M'sia even it's cheaper >$8! Milk powder from M'sia undergo repackaging process unlike S'pore's milk product, were direct import instead.
I'm giving S26 Gold... so far so good. Heard that they have added something extra in their FM.

For my first boy, I used tp give Enfalac A+.

I am counting down to my last few days of confinement. :)
amy, my bb same as yours. oso demand hourly feed during day time.. nite interval 3 hourly.
do u pump? i find it hard to pump cos her demand is so frequent.. can tahan.
she oso dun like water...

btw, any mummy noe hw long can a bb on TBF go without poo? today 4th day liao, my bb stil dun poo... but wet diaper (urine) as per normal. very worried.. bb kept breaking wind but no poo. i called and check with PD, he say not to worry.. but i still worry leh. any mummy's bb hving similar situation??
Mummies, another interesting read: Here's an extract from the Baby Whisperer on how to increase your milk supply and snacking problems.

The key is to stimulate the sinuses in your breast, either by pump or latching your baby:

No pump method:
If you don't want to pump, put your baby on your breast every 2 hours for a few days, and that will get your milk flowing. By latching on, the baby stimulates the sinuses, which sends a signal to the brain to produce milk. Your baby will then be able to go 2.5-3 hours between feeds, because he's getting the proper amount to eat. If feeds don't automatically extend within the next 4 days, make sure he's not becoming a snacker.

Pumping Method:
Pump straight after feeding or wait for an hour after the baby is fed and then pump. If your baby is feeding every 2 hours, it might seem strange to pump afterward, but by pumping you will empty the reservoir completely. At the next feed your baby's suckling will then signal your body to produce more milk, rather than his drinking from the reservoir left over from a prior feed.

Either way, after 3 days, your milk supply should increase.

If you're worried about your supply or you're not sure if your baby is snacking, do a yield to find out how much you're producing. Once a day, 15 minutes before a feed, pump your breasts and see how much you get. Lets say its 2 ounces - you can figure that your baby would have gotten about 3 ounces (physical sucking is more efficient than any pump). Then, give her the EBM in a bottle. If you haven't introduced a bottle yet, use a cup or syringe. You could also put your baby on your breast first and let him empty the rest, and then give him whatever milk you pumped out.

Make sure you get enough sleep and eat well. Too little sleep can deplete your supply or even reduce the caloric value of breastmilk. You have to double your intake of liquid: drink 16 glasses of water everyday. You shouldn't be on a diet when you're breastfeeding. You need to eat an extra 500 calories when you're breastfeeding - 50% from carbs, and 25-30% each from fats and protein.

Supplement with formula if you have to while you are trying to increase your milk supply.


PAY ATTENTION TO THE LENGTH OF YOUR FEEDS. Be wary if feeds regularly take less than 10 or 15 mins. If the baby goes 3-4 hours in between feeds, then its not a problem and it could be that your baby is just an efficient eater. But if your baby doesn't last more than 2 hours between feeds, you may have a serious problem. Do a yield to rule out that its not a supply problem. It could also be that the baby isn't latched on properly if your nipples are sore or if you're getting engorged, it could be a blocked duct, in which case I would recommend for you to see a lactation consultant. But here's what I see alot of breastfeeding mothers go wrong in the first 6 weeks: They don't leave the baby on long enough to get a full feed (hind milk is not reached) or the baby falls asleep on the breast after 10 mins. With a very young baby, you can get into serious problems if this pattern is allowed to persist. The baby doesn't gain enough weight, and his longest naps are 45 minutes or so, and the mother can't get the baby on a structured routine. When a baby only takes in the foremilk and doesn't get the fatty hind milk (which starts flowing around 15 minutes into a feed), the fore milk isn't enough to sustain him. Utilize all wake up techniques to get the baby up to feed more - change his diapers, put him in an upright position while feeding, talk to him for a few minutes, do cicular motions with his legs and arms while layed down, etc. The baby should be awake within 15 mins, by which time the oxytocin in the foremilk would have made its way through his system.

Babies can develop a kind of eating pattern in which they never have a good solid meal but just take in little bits at a time. It usually starts in the first 6 weeks but can continue for months as the baby gets into the habit of snacking. If your baby is 6.5 pounds or more but doesn't last more than 2-3 hours between feeds, or he never takes more than a few ounces of bottle or 10 minutes of breast at each feed, he's a snacker.

What to do?
If breast-feeding, check for a proper latch on and do a yield just to rule out those problems. And make sure that you feed from only one side at a time, make sure he gets enough from one breast first so that he gets to the richer hind milk. If your baby starts crying after 2 hours, use a pacifier to hold him off - just 10 minutes the first day, 15 mins the second day, so he lasts abit longer between feeds. By doing this, you'll also increase your milk supply. If its impossible to hold him off, just give him a smaller snack - less time on the breast, or an ounce less of the bottle - and then he'll make that up at the next feed. It may take 3 or 4 days, but if you're consistent, he will feed more efficiently....especially if you catch it in the first 6 weeks.
Hi dArmAe, i am also on TBF and also faced the same situation as u. my bb din poo for 5 days straight when he is abt 1 mth old. His PD says there is no cause to worry if bb is not pooing for 6 days max as long as urine output is ok. If after 6 days still don't poo, then have to insert glycerine suppository to help them let go. Apparently, BM is so well digested by bb that there is very little waste products! Since then, my son(6 wks old now) still don't poo everyday. he poos like once every 3 - 4 days.
thanks angel for extracting and posting the information. my bb dun last 2 hrs now.. i realy ned to chk and see wats the problem.

ah ren, thanks so much!!! at least i noe tat i'm not alone. not tat i'm gloating tat our bb dun poo so often, but glad to noe tat BM is well digested by bb. really sweat man when i dun see her poo-ing.
dARMae... i had that situation with my first kid (he didnt pooh for a few days also).

My aunty recommended this remedy... we tried, it worked (not sure whether coincidental or not)

She told us to buy spring onion, and use the bud of the spring onion and wave it in front of bb's anus... apparently, there are some smell/ chemicals that the bud will release and it will stimulate bb's bowels.

we did that and he poohed within the hour. (as i said... not sure if coincidental or wat) just take note, dont let his skin touch any part of the bud or the spring onion... apparently its hiam hiam one.
she is malaysian but find her trustworthy...

may i know why you choose s26 gold? my girl also drinking s26 gold becos got a few free tins so dont want to waste but cant help thinking it is a very 'old' brand and not as good as enfalac or similac...

can i have the massage lady's tel as well... cos my massage lady put me aeroplane.. and i still look like 4 months pregnant..sigh!
Hi Tiny Voice,

actaully i also not sure which FM is best for bb. Some of my frens say nan taste closest... some say enfalac...

for me, i kindof tasted nan and similac... tot they taste alike.

guess if bb have not adverse reaction to the FM, should be ok bah.
bb43339: Good that the masage is working for you too...my last session was yesterday...i extended by 4 days.

Her package is $450 for 7 days, all medications etc inclusive.

I ordered enfalac from NTUC, should be from singpaore right
mummies who use The First Years Easy Pour Milk Storage Bags,

so when we express bm, we just pour in the bags, no need to buy other things like a screw top or nurser bottle to b able to use the bags? do advise thanks
can i check with you gals regarding FM....

i have seen both the similac and nan mailk powder and i think it is abit on the rough side... is enfalac/ s26/ friso on the rough side also or is it like smooth sand?

the old similac that i used for my first kid has a very smooth surface (aka like smooth sand like that) -- but subsequently they change their pdtn center and certain ingrediants (thereby resulting in the rough surface).

Havent seen other FM so wonder how they are like.
mommies, according to my pd.. similac and friso are the least 'heaty' fm among all the fm.. so if ur lookin for something tat is not so heaty u can try the above 2 brands..
what i read is the 'heaty' theory does not hold true because the portion of water added to FM is high, or at least high enough to ensure its not heaty.

If you do fear the heatiness, can give a bit of water.
hi vicki,

i'd tried these 3 brands:
friso/enfalac - smooth sand
similac - rough

i'm giving my girl Friso all along, with the exception for the sample tins of Enfalac and Similac. and now, i'm giving my boy Friso too.
mommies whose babies are 3wks+, do your babies sleep less or takes a longer time to fall asleep when they're around this age? coz my dahlia sleeps in spurts of 1hr or less in the daytime.. my back is so sore from 'dancing' around the living room trying to put her to sleep..
shotbyfau,i was in the same situation when my bb was 3weeks+ old. don't want to sleep in the day and i'm so worried that he has insufficient sleep. After the 1month celebration, he is getting longer afternoon naps and sleeping better. According to my CL, she said it's a phase. Now, my latest challenge is getting him to finish his milk without putting on a fight. He likes to "push" his bottle away the min feeding starts...almost a nightmare at times.
Read that as babies grow bigger they don't sleep as much as the first few weeks. I noticed that my girl is awake alot more these days and doesn't want to be put down to sleep...like for 1-2 hour stretches in the morning and afternoons she'll be very alert, eyes big big. I will put her under the musical mobile, sing or talk to her.
Pillow.. I know how u feel... next tues my cl would be away already too and I would be all alone.. hubby too busy to take leave too

I really worried I can cope or not sign.. I wish u luck
Hope we can cope well!

Amy, my gal also whenever I carry her she smells my milk she just want to latch for comfort even though is not feeding time yet... I refuse to let her latch for fear that it would be a habit then she would cry louder.. sign.. when pass to my hubby or cl she just yell abit thus i feel so sad.. I tell hubby n cl my gal don't love mummy everytime cry so loud when mummy carry.. then my cl would say no cos she smells me and cannot latch she more angry .. sign i don't know true or not...

I thought I must go get a pacifier or else if my cl leaves i all alone.. who help me carry her then sign.. headache

charsiew, me here long time never hear from u .. ya we are all learning and trying to be independent!! hope we can all make it well!
Amy btw if ur baby wants to latch for comfort even she is full.. u would latch her?? I am worry she is too full... my gal always watch to latch when i carry her esp so when she is cranky or wants to sleep...
my boy poo poo quite often. since yesterday, he starts to make poo noises, like constipated, trying hard to poo. he is on total breastmilk and poo v regularly so can't be constipation. last nite , had a hard time with him, coz he keeps making want to poo noises and seems to be struggling hard to poo.

anyone of you experience the same thing ?
Hi low,

I too have the same feeling... when my CL left, felt helpless whenever my boy cries and my hands are tied up almost 24hrs except during his sleeping hours. Sob Sob...
Hi angel,

I'm also experiencing the same pattern as u... normally didn't know wat to do but to keep rocking him to sleep..

Your method seems interesting, will try today. So that he can have a variety of simulations beside sleeping only ... hahahaha
Hey mummies, try not to rock or pat your babies too much ... it will become habitual and next time you have to keep doing it! Serious!

You all may try playing music ... I love the Abbott Soothing Music. I played that since my elder gal's time ... she always listen that to sleep. Now my boy also. When he cry cry, I will on the music and he will "play on his own" and sleep when he's tired. Try it! Esp since young! If not doesn't work liao!
mummies who use The First Years Easy Pour Milk Storage Bags,

so when we express bm, we just pour in the bags, no need to buy other things like a screw top or nurser bottle to b able to use the bags? do advise thanks
hi bb4339 yalor don't know why the cl can smoothen my gal so easily... sign feel so useless at times... i hope once i get a pacifier is easier for me to smoothen her

Do mummies who bf all have this problem huh.. baby full still want latch but cannot let them latch all the time ma later overfed no good....
Hi mummies, anyone introduced pacifier to your bbs already? i gave it to my 3wks old bb already cos hes so colicky & kept crying nonstop..(hes already hving so much wind in his stomach & hes hving stuffy & blocked nose - note: not flu), but i realized that hes not sucking his Pigeon pacifier correctly..it kept dropping out & added on to his frustrations... Any brand to recommend? tks

btw, anyone knows how to remedy blocked & stuffy nose ? (saw some green hardened nose dirt & managed to get out using cotton bud, but i kept hearing bb making noises like sniffing & hving difficulty in breathing..
) tried using the nasal cleaner to suck it out, but it doesnt wk! :<
and also i noe gripe water can oni be given to bb when they are 1mth old, but anyone has any good methods to relieve bb? to remove excess wind in their tiny tummies - so that they don cry so much & take in MORE air...

also, my bb is refusing water, how do u guys manage to 'force' bb to drink? tks ya....
Haha sounds like your baby has gas! My girl also keep doing that - making noises like trying to push her poo poo out! That day I went to see my PD and was asking him abt it - he told me its gas and asked me to rub some "ru yi you" on her tummy (I was shocked that a PD actually recommended ru yi you coz I thought this was TCM way! But he said it is very effective!) And it really worked...she keep burping like nobody's business.
Hi low, so qiao! we post abt the same time..does Charlene cries alot too? i'm really clueless what i can do to pacify bb, esp hes jus being fed..cant be giving him more milk rite?? Given him pacifier but hes spitting it out too..same for plain water..rocked him, carry him, pat him, sayang him, dance with him, walk ard with him, sing to him...talk to him.. he hates to be swaddled too.. im really witless.. & cant imagine i hv to deal with this nex wk when no other help is available...
so scary...
tks dramaqueen, i thot the tweexer i saw at Pigeon is metal tip, so its actually plastic material? ok, i think i will get hb to get from kiddy palace later..tks ya! mus try all ways to relieve bb...
but how abt mucus? think hv to wait for bb to sneexe to self clean rite? does this mean bb is too heaty? hmm....

(my mum said its bec i hv been consuming too MUCH chilli & heaty food when i was still pregnant & passed all the heatiness to bb, don sound logical to me...anyway....)
hi blueskye, this is a gd suggestion.. think i will try playing some soothing light music to bb..hope it wks for me/him

Hi charsiew!
Long time no see! My girl also very gassy. Try ru yi you!!! IT WORKS!!!

Note: Don't apply directly onto the baby's tummy. Put a drop or two on your palm, rub it between your palms first for 5 seconds to spread it, then place your palm over the baby's tummy.

Regarding water, have you tried giving using a syringe? I find it works better than cup or spoon, its less messy! I bought the syringe from the pharmacy for 40 cents.

And yes I have gave in to the pacifier! I held out for a month but after my CL left things got abit too crazy for me! I am using NUK pacifiers...heard its the best coz its shaped like our nipples so baby won't get nipple confusion.
