(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

hi all,

i bought the MIM sling and tried it out before bb was born with a teddy bear. it seemed to work fine, but when i tried it out on bb the other day, i didn't know how to use it! think it must be the anxiety of putting a real life bb in it since they are so fragile. afraid their delicate necks can take the sling... anyone else experience the same thing out there?

Cheryl, I'm very bad at slings too! That's why I ended up selling the sling I bought before I even actually used it. Still prefer using baby carriers.
I had to try the sling at home twice before finally getting it right. It helps if someone who knows how to use it show you. A friend of mine showed me and it's "oh.. that's how I should use it ah ".

I can imagine what happened to you. I had a similar encounter yesterday, except that I'm a little luckier as I was just getting into the car. Still, it was stressful as I was fumbling with unhooking my nursing bra and lifting up my nursing blouse while carrying a fierce and wailing baby. Normally I nurse my baby at home braless and yesterday my fussy baby was actually crying angrily and refusing to nurse cuz he's not used to me having bra on! I believe I have a very fussy baby. Sometimes he doesn't even allow me to sayang his head when he's nursing!! And I cannot lean back when nursing or he'll complain! That's what's causing my backache now.. nursing leaning forward 8 times or 8 hours a day is really no joke!
yup yup.. cl said good to start early cos bb will be used to the routine.. do it after bb's first feed in the morning b4 their bath.. then do it again in the evening...
but hor she only started potty training after i cannot give her any breast milk le... cos bf bb poo poo more frequently.. so maybe not so easy to train...
hi em, waaah..ur hubby v. good leh ..help out so much in the house. What's the name of your Sri Lanka maid? I used a pt time Sri Lanka miad before too.

Pillow: I using MIM sling...actually didn't know and have no confidence in using it, hubby was the one teaching me the correct way...haahaa! Actually quite easy...i used yesterday and today when going out with baby, like what Bena said, handsfree! I still try to support baby's neck with the sling for extra safety, hee hee, KS hor.

jme: waaah, potty trained for 3wks old? I thought baby will by default poo by themself after feed? Mine like to poo halfway when drinking milk, so farnie!
jme, i read b4 that we shd not potty trained baby so small, not gd for their internal organs development. that was read some years ago when i had my 1st grl. but i do hear now and then about mummy pottty train their baby since a few mths old, yours is a ' surprise' leh..start so early.

vice, i have the MIM sling too. still struggling with this baby when I tried to use it. Bougt the babyBjorn carrier in usa too cos some frens here strongly recommend it and 2xPHd fens told us that the babybjorn one is gd for baby's hip development while the MIM sling/hotsling types restrict baby's legs and head development. THey PHd in medical research ..so we take their words lor..even though I told hubby that we used the sling n elder one and she turns out fine leh..haha..

darme, me also scared of the jet lag and time difference when i return s'pore. ya lor..so angry with co and hubby wants to write to teo chee hean to complain..so u can roughly guess which ministry i work for..haha..

rxsti, cannot pm u leh. i can reserve the items now for u and post them when i return on nov10. meanwhile, pls provide me with your email so that we can correspond/ u can email me at [email protected] too.

shotbyfau, wow, u look great!! must be having a gd 'show time' at hari raya hor..haha..you lok vv pro in the hotsling too! i tried using one yesterday at a frens house but unsuccessful and hubby said 'no no, cannot buy'..a fren got it at us$20 at a website called lucky babywear. maybe some mummies can check it out their sale items quite nice and i'm so tempted to buy but hubby voiced his opinion liao..so must restrain.
I bought a sling from Little Pods too... but till now, no confidence in using it.. I prefer a stroller as baby can sleep in it without much disturbance...
<font color="0000ff">Changing Formula</font>..

Dear mummies, I want to change the FM for my baby. How should I change it - complete switch-over OR gradual change? How do I know if the new FM is suitable for my baby? Any advise. Thanks.
Hi mummies..

I received this "Abbott Baby Soothing Music" - free sample. It's quite good, I am playing it now, and my baby falls to sleep..

The music is rather soothing and ideal to be played during nap time..

Its free from Abbott. Go & request for the free CD.
babypiglet: no complaints about Enfalac. Its good.

Emily: I just switched completely, not gradually...how would you do it gradually though? Alternate? THink that would be confusing.
yeah Bena, its really a struggle having to nurse bb discreetly ourside. haha, same here - i went braless at home. keke. so sort of gabra lor when i need to nurse her outside if fussy.

amy, haha, yeah tat was a give away hint lor. keke.. gd to raise your concern on it. I support writing to him.

Emily, gd leh, ur bb sleeps in the stroller. it wasa struggle for us to get her to stay in there. even when she fell asleep in my arms, she will wake up when i attempt to put her dwn. duno why.. she cant even stay in stroller for 5 mins when awake.
but with the sling.. she can dozed off to slumberland easily and sleep for at least 3 hrs.
duno hw next time.. invested in a stroller but end up not using it.
darmae: sling is definitely more cosy than stroller as baby has close contact to your body and can smell you.

Yesterday i brought bb to office and hubby's office to distribute cakes, bb was zzz throughout in the sling...so comfy to him. Machiam he always daytime sleeps alot, wee hour in the morning awakes for milk and can't sleep! Now am like a zombie...going to zzz later after my maid cleans up the room.
yeah voice.. u hv a gd point. now she still young and small, i dun mind using the sling. but hope she get out of it and ready for stroller. if she always on sling, duno hw to go toilet ah... without passing her to HB. sometimes it might stir her up
For those who asked about switching FM, you shouldn't switch completely esp when baby is still so small. Should do it gradually ...

2 Methods:

1. By the scoops (recommended for smaller babies): If your baby's usual feed is 4 scoops for 120ml water, then start with 3 scoops of the old FM and 1 scoop of the new FM. Do it over 1-2 days and then change to 2 scoops each of old and new FM. Gradually increase the no. of scoops for the new FM till completely changed. Each increase can be over 1-2 days so by the time it's completely changed, it may take up to 5-7 days.

2. By the feeds: For example if your baby is having 7 feedings in a day, start by introducing 1 feed of the new FM for the 1st day. Then increase to 2 feeds, then 3 with each day. You may do it slowly ... maybe increase 1 feed every 2 days.

Hope the above info helps.
Emily, that's the CD I was sharing with you all about lah! I always play that for my baby to sleep ... back then since my elder gal's time!
amy, the slings look good! would you consider consolidating orders and bringing them back to sg? hehe.

anyways, i'm looking for lobangs for used infant carriers/car seat.. anyone? :D
shotbyfau, the marketplace "WTS" and "WTE" sections always have people wanting to sell and exchange used infant carriers / car seats. You can check it out there!
Hi <font color="0000ff">blueskye</font>..

Thanks for ur advise on the switching of formula.. I will follow #1 since it is more suitable for smaller babies...

Oh, I din noe you recommended this CD before.. Yup, I agree its good for baby..
Re: Baby Sling

Yoz gals, not sure if you have the same worry as me. When i put my bb in the baby sling, i felt as if he's backbone has been contoured to a weird position - macham no good 4 backbone formtion rite?

And its becos of this worry thatis y i went out to get a bb carrier instead - tot it was better.

Anywas, oni used e sling for like 2 mths (2nd n 3rd mth). Once head is strong 2 hold by itself, it was a bb carrier all the way. With tat, i could even squeeze thru e IT crowd during the previous IT fair!

Also since e bb carrier is secured safely to me, i also just secured e car seat across both of us... i know not very ok... but it sure beats a screaming bb in the carseat in the car which will be a major distraction to the driver lah.
Hullo all,

when did your bb have the growth spurt? i read in books that its abt 3 weeks? How often do they feed then? And each time, how long is each feed?

My bb is suddenly demanding to feed at strange times of the day (she used to be more accurate than an alarm clock) but is taking shorter feeds now. Is this usual? Anyone experience the same thing?
Hullo all,

when did your bb have the growth spurt? i read in books that its abt 3 weeks? How often do they feed then? And each time, how long is each feed?

My bb is suddenly demanding to feed at strange times of the day (she used to be more accurate than an alarm clock) but is taking shorter feeds now. Is this usual? Anyone experience the same thing?

my bb is in his 3rd week now and i must say that i think he's currently having a growth spurt.

He's demanding for 70-100ml of milk (we alternate between EBM and FM cos not enuff to EBM to feed him) every hour!!!

*faint* Finish 1 week (takes abt 1/2 hr), wash and sterilise and its time for nex feed liao! Sometime, also got no time to run to toilet!!
bluesky, thanks for the tip! i just looked thru

cheryl, i usually latch on baby once she's hungry, but because i feel she's not getting enough even after 15-30 minutes of latch on, i make 60-90mls of FM for her..

anyone giving their baby Mamex? are you thinking of changing to another formula if you are, and why?
I just did a major revamp of my freezer cos really running out of space for my EBM! Share with you all a tip. If you have those big Ferraro Rochere (not sure of the spelling) box, don't throw! Very useful for organising your EBM.

Basically each pc of the box (one base and one cover) is just the right size to fit 3 rows of 4 hospital glass bottles, each of 120ml. So you can use that as a tray. Base 12 bottles, then you stack the other on top, you have another 12 bottles ... 24 bottles all for the space of 1! Am very satisfied with my "creation" ... haha!

Now my freezer looks more spacious ... got space for more EBM!

Just did a quick count and I've got 28 bottles of EBM now. Think must slowly take those "older milk" out for baby's consumption and replenish with "newer milk" liao.
blueskye.................. lao nuas!!!!!!! i'm drying up liao... cant even reach 180mls even though i never pump for the whole day...
now latchin on my gal to try to stimulate the flow... hopefull can re-establish the flow..
waaaaahhhhh... me lao nua too!!!
i can't fill up the glass bottles so used disposable milk bags instead, due to the 'air space' with my pathetic 40ml per pump.

by the way Blueskye, cannot mix the milk together rite?
Hi <font color="0000ff">shotbyfau</font>..

I am planning to switch from Dumex Dulac to Dumex Mamex...

Actually, the hospital has been giving my baby Mamex for the first 3 days after birth. After discharged, my HB bought the wrong Dumex! Instead of Mamex, he bought Dulac..

I realised that Dulac is a cheap FM.. Content of AA and DHA are rather low, as compared to Mamex.. so being "kiasu", I'm changing from Dulac to Mamex now..
Talking about the green papaya soup, me long time no drink liao. Quite miss that soup ... I like it with pork!

dArmAe, can mix ... but you have to mix those in the fridge before transferring them to the freezer. Cos once frozen, you cannot mix liao.
yoz gals...

any of you feel as though like eat too much confinement food (aka "hot" food eg: ginger, sesame oil, boiled chicken liquor) until like you macham feel as though gonna fall sick soon?

Gees... my throat hurts now... like gonna be done with fever like that.

Abit worried liao so i ask my CL to cook more "cold" food - she suggested eating more fruits eg: pear, watermelon - cos its "liang" and i shd feel better.
oh yah!

can i chk with you gals who have bought your bb out shopping liao...

for ur clothes, are you already wearing back your pre-preggie stuff? Tried to fit into my pre-preggie pants and i cant zip out!! *sob sob*

wonder when can i go back to my old size!!
And yes, I'm already wearing my pre-preggie clothings ... in fact, I'm so happy they are even looser than it was before.
wow blueskye

Me envy you!! How long you took to shed the extra kgs har? It seems i got quite some time to go... now wondering if i wanna go out, should i buy new clothes or temporary use my old maternity pants!!

Anywas, yah.... my CL also told me by rite cannot. But, cos i like gonna fall sick liao so tempted to eat the "liang" thingy so that internally i can liang more body faster!!

Haha!! Dunno whether i mk sense or not!
I was indeed very blessed to have lost all my pregnancy weight within 2 weeks. But anyway I didn't really gain much this time round lah. Only gained 8.9 kg compared to my first pregnancy of 15 kg, of which I took about a month to shed.
blueskye, think your genes r those slim slim type lar. even the 15kg from your 1st preg, you oni took 1 mth to shed.. me oso gain abt 14-15 kg, now 7 weeks liao. only lose half. sob sob

oh for the BM, can i thawed liao then mix? cos some of my pack with low, limited qty leh.

shotbyfau, where did u get the hotsling? looks easier to use than my current MIM sling leh.
No lah, I'm not the slim slim type ... my usual weight is around 55-58 kg so where got slim?

Thaw liao can mix but once thawed, try to consume within 24 hours.
I managed to fit into my clothes too...lost the weight in the first week but im worried about long term effects...body is just not the same anymore...i thin kmy wound is not healing too well too..

as for confinement food, its too heaty and i think sometimes its for the benefit of the mummy and to the detriment of the baby if the mummy is ill.

I was told that im not to eat fruits, if the notion that what i eat affects my BM is true, wouldnt it make more sense to take more fruits? I mean, bb gets the vitamins right?
blueskye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! really envy u leh!!!! ahahha.. though i lost most of my preggy weight.. i still cannot fit in my bottoms... some cant even go pass my hips!! hahah.. but tops can wear lah...

i've not weigh myself since the follow up at my gynae's clinic 1 mth ago... dunno whether did i lose anymore weight or stagnate liao...
