(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

I just did a count for the fun of it.. I've got 20 bags of EBM in the quantity of 100-130ml... wah this seems to have become a hobby-collecting EBM. Tonite will give baby EBM twice instead of once. Hope my fear of supply dropping with reduced latching is unfounded as proven by you..
Good morning everyone.

Wah! After a good nite'sleep + panadol + lots of water, today feel much better liao (aka not having the gonna fall sick feeling already!)

Anywas, Bluskye... wow! u lost your weight very fast. Do you do anything (eg: mild exercise) that somehow can enable you to lose the extra kgs?
Hi <font color="0000ff">Bena</font>...
Collecting EBM as hobby? Wow! Hee Hee..

I have totally stopped BF, my baby is on 100% FM.. The part tat I hate most is the leaking of milk from breasts when I was still BF. Need to put breast pads, and it is so uncomfortable and warm!
IS it engorgement when your breasts hurt, sharp pains through the nipple to the whole breast?

Think im really getting depressed, cried so much yesterday cos i feel so damaged by the whole process of child birth
wah.. bena.. how did u do it?? u always say u low supply... where got leh.. 20 bags leh...!! i dun even have a single bag...
Haha bena, now that you mentioned, you made me realise that I've also taken up the new hobby like you - and that's collecting EBM! Haha! Abit obsessed ... every now and then when I got nothing to do, I will open the freezer and "admire" the sight of bottles of EBM being piled up. My mum said I'm siao! Haha ...

Vicki, I didn't do anything to slim down. In fact, I'm eating like nobody's business as to begin with, I am a big eater ... I love to eat! These few days kept eating chocolates and I realise I seem to have put on 1 kg ... sob sob!
my bb latch on with no problem during the day. but for night feeds, he doesnt latch on well. he seems so sleepy, eyes closed and doesnt really open his mouth. so its a bit of a struggle these nites to try to "shove" my areola for him to suckle. and when i succeed, he would spit it out after few suckles. takes a while for him to latch on. thinkg whether its easier for him to be on bottle at nite instead....
Pillow, I also find it's very difficult to latch him on at night! Initially wanted to do away with pumping at night and replace it with latching ... but can't seem to do so. In the end, I still have to pump and my hubby / maid will bottle feed him the FM.
blueskye, me also wanted to do away with pumping at night. but bb is not "clearing" the milk that effectively, and moreover, he seems contented with only 1 breast (then falls into deep sleep), which leaves the other breast engorged

wonder how other mummies manage to be able to "wake" their babies to latch properly and need not pump... its too tiring to latch and then pump...
When my breasts were engorged a few weeks ago, I was in depression as the pain was bad and I felt that parenthood is really tough( Couln't see the light at the end of the tunnel then). But on the bright side of things, you know that your milk supply is coming in. (Otherwise, you wouldn't be engorged in the first place!) Do see a doc for your breasts pain, and know that this is just temporary. With the right medication and follow up action, engorgement clears in 48 hrs.. My milk supply only kicked in after the engorgement ordeal.And if it feels better ranting it out here on the forum, feel free to do it. We have a couple of mummies here who's been through what you are going through now and still survive! One step at a time, girl. Motherhood is never easy but it'll get easier as we go along..
Pillow, try changing diaper and wiping baby's face with a warm cloth before nursing? And tickle baby's chin or burp him if he doze off halfway?
Thanks Bena and Emily, just the pain bothered me, feel like i tore my episiotomy wound too, a bit of reddening. Then just feel lousy. Weight loss doesnt make me as happpy as i thought it would. Still feel awful. Tough pregnancy, tougher labour and now even recovery is so tough. Just feel like there's no end to my sufferring.
Hi <font color="0000ff">atinarin</font>..
No doubt that the journey from pregnancy to parenthood is tough... but when we look at our little one, so cute and adorable, all the sufferings are worth it...

Just look at the face of ur sweetie, and tell yrself u r lucky to have him/her...
I thank god for her she's really a gift, but someitmes feel like im such a lousy mother. I got to snap out of this before i really lapse into deeper depression.
Hi <font color="0000ff">atinarin</font>..

I believe you have done a great job for ur sweetie.. dun worrie, and be happy! Everything will be fine, just need a little & patience.. okie?
Hi Atinarin,
Take it easy - what you're going thru is completely normal. Its called MOTHERHOOD!
It will get better. Our babies will start to sleep thru' the night at ard 3 months or so, so we can look forward to peaceful and uninterrupted sleep! And we will certainly start to enjoy motherhood more when we hear our baby utter their first words, take their first steps, and start talking back to us!

Regarding your breast pains, are you expressing using a pump? I had sharp shooting pains in my breast too - it would come and after a few seconds it goes off. Dunno if you're getting the same thing - it happened mostly after I expressed or nursed my baby. Found out it was because my milk ducts were 'traumatized' by the pumping using the highest speed and suction. Now I use the lowest speed/suction and I don't feel the pain anymore.

Hi darmae,
I bought the MIM baby sling too..I find it really troublesome to use lor - need to adjust here and there and it takes forever to get the baby into! And by the time I'm done adjusting her she's wailing from discomfort! Then after carrying my girl for just 1 hour my back was hurting so badly!

I bought the babybjorn baby carrier from Mothercare and have been using it...My girl loves to be in it...I went shopping for 4 hours straight with her in the carrier hehehe! Its so much easier to use, and she feels really light like a feather. The back support is terrific too!! I didn't feel pain at all. I think its the best thing I've bought so far!
Btw check with you all ... have you all "migrated" your babies to the big bottle already? Think I might have to soon since I'm already giving him milk filled to the brim of a 125ml Avent bottle ... so that should be about 140ml.
Oh yes another thing ... last night I realised my boy very strong ... he actually "kicked away" the sleep positioner on his tummy and also the blanket which I tucked the side to the bottom of the mattress.
Hi <font color="0000ff">angel</font>...

I have the same problem with baby sling too... My son can't settle in it, prob cos of the discomfort and being warm inside...

How much is the baby carrier that you bought at Mothercare? I thot of buying one too. Is it good for baby 1mth old?
Actually I still feel that my supply is low. Cuz sometimes baby just ain't satisfied even after 1 hour of nursing.. I feel stress when he starts rooting after a feed, as my mum (when she's around) will comment that he's still hungry.

My son is also taking abt 140ml per feed. I've been using the small nuk bottle as it's easier to wash
In fact, I've just bought another small one. Now you made me wonder if I should use the big one instead - didn't occur to me that my baby's appetite will actually increase -so blur.

Regarding baby kicking, do be very careful as they are actually very strong. I stopped placing the bean sprout pillow on baby's chest as he actually wriggled and moved till the pillow moved to his face and almost smothered him. There were a few occasions he kicked and moved so much he did a 180 degree direction change in his cot. It's quite scary. And he's only 4.1kg - very light compared to some of your babies. Imagine the strength your bigger babies would have - so do be watchful!

You made the baby carrier sound so good that I'm tempted to buy it!
Yah yah yah, last night his position also shifted ... first time for him.

Hmmmmm, looks like I gotta switch him to the big bottle already. Probably introducing him 150ml milk next week as he's always hungry before his 3 hours is up (currently on 130-140ml milk).
We all feel inadequate at one point or another. But all of us are trying our best and that's good enough isn't it? I always feel that my baby is an unhappy and tensed baby as he cries alot. My mum commented the same too. So now, for him, I try hard to be a happy mum as I feel that the reason why he's unhappy is that he can sense our unhappiness and tension. Babies are very intuitive. So do cheer up and know that you have done what you can, and all the pain will pass (It may be gone next week or even tomorrow). I was hospitalised and on bedrest order and medication since gestation week 32, had a 22-hour labour before going through an emergency c-section, suffered the pain of engorgement and the naysayings and extreme pressure from my parents, and post delivery skin problem that drove me crazy. Even though now baby is a little cranky, I've managed to come around and baby is on TBF. I think the worst will pass very soon for you too.

By the way, the only reason why I can post forum messages in peace now is the baby motion sling (Chinese call it Yo Mua!) I bought. My baby falls asleep much easily now. We are all slowly learning to cope. So don't give up finding ways to make things better.
Bena, same case for my baby. When putting her to sleep at 1am after a feed, she will be at the 12 o'clock position. When she wakes up at 4am for her next feed she will be at the 3 o'clock position.. bean sprout pillowon the mattress instead of her chest!

Angel, how much is the bjorn at Mothercare? And can start using when baby is at which age?

Atinarin, hope you'll feel better soon. How about going out for a while, leave baby at home with your mom so you can destress? A little time out may be what you need most now..
blueskye, 3 hours is a luxury to me... till now, my bb is still demanding 2 hourly feed (occassionally 2.5hr). be it EBM or latch on.
Heee, if he demands a feed before 3 hours, I will try to "delay time". Sometimes when he fuss for milk around 2 hours, I will carry and pat him to sleep so that can delay till 3 pm.
for those who is interesed in the baby carrier... it can be use from birth.

retail price was 180 at mothercare.. i bought it at 20% discount from the marina square store.. the sales staff there can let you try first before you decide if u want to buy
Highly recommend baby carrier.

Very handy and convenient (as compared to pram). For me, tried all 3 liao (pram, bb sling and bb carrier).

Most add that later when bb grows bigger (agak when 10kg or more), the pram was more useful though... otherwise, like carrying a stack of 10kg rice everywhere you go (aka shoulders will get very suan!)
The Avent 125ml bottle can take up to 160ml or more!

Heehee... I always transfer my EBM from Medela bottle to Avent one before feeding. So today I pump out more than 150ml and after I transfer, there's still some "space". Aiyo.. my agar-ation very bad so far. Always thot that I'm pouring in 140ml, when in fact, it's more than 150ml!
thanks everyone...helps to be comforted by all who have gone through what i am going through now...

Angel: My pump is manual but the pains come when i have days that i only pump once and dont latch baby on. But hte pain is so intense i have to take painkillers.

Bena: Didnt know you had it so bad too yet you seem so positive. I will endeavour to be more positive though i am not the optimistic type.

I wonder if theres a problem when i can pump milk from the right breast but only like 5ml from the left breast. Now something wrong with my breast also? Sigh..no surprise.

Shotbyfau: I know now how you felt when you cried the last time. Its just uncontrollable sometimes, beyond reason.

Emily: Thanks dear will try to 'wake up' and not lapse deeper into depression.

Its not just me actually. I see other babies drinking so much and mine is 3 weeks and barely drinks 60ml if i am lucky. And her feeding intervals are more than 4hours apart.
Keep telling myself all babies are different.
ssmummy, you sure the 125ml Avent bottle can contain more than 160ml? Oh dear, nowadays I always fill to the brim. I thought at most also 140ml only. That means my boy has been drinking more than 160ml milk???

Later got to go do an experiment!
ssmummy, I tried giving my milk to my 3 year-old but she doesn't want. Sometimes when she sees me nurse my boy, she says she wants also. Then when I ask her to suck, she laughs and runs away.
atinarin, she drinks 60mls coz she falls asleep during feeds issit? my girl also drink 60mls sometimes but we alternate her feeds. 90mls - 60mls - 90mls like that. also i latch her on to stimulate milk supply for me to express.. usually latch her on for about 15-30mins coz she tends to fall asleep during direct latch..

ssmummy, hello fellow 1-day wardmate! so coincidence to see you here also
Oh yes on strollers / prams ... when you wanna let your babies sit in it when they are too heavy to be carried around, it might be too late. Sitting in strollers / prams has got to be trained from young. If you only start to sit them in when they are older, they wouldn't wanna sit in it for long.
shotbyfau: She just refuses the milk, someitmes yes she sleeps but usually she just spits it out. Then feel very bad also because i think shes too tiny her tummy cannot take it cos when she drink a bit extra, she spits it out after ten mins.
hi mummies,

i'm down with serious flu today.. woke up in the mornin, with head feeling so heavy. then followed by runny nose.. kept sneezing, oredi finished whole box of tissue w/in few hrs.

seen doc, although i specified tat i'm on breastfeeding. he said tat the medication he has given is safe. but i'm still hesitant to take.
if i dun take, dun thk i will recover soon enuff. and oso worry tat i might pass the virus to bb...
can i check how do you bring baby out with FM? Bring along a flask for hot water and Fm powder?

Sorry never brought bb out for more than one hour before.
ssmummy, I went to test ... really like you said, the 125ml Avent bottle to the brim is indeed 160ml! This means my boy has been drinking 160ml milk since last week! Oh dear ... still thought he's taking about 140ml.
atinarin, bring the bottle, fill it with the amount of cool water you would need, bring hot water flask and FM. When needed, pour the right amount of hot water and FM in and milk is ready!

better to bring the milk powder and boiled water (place in the milk bottle) will do. unless you need to be out for a long time.hot/warm water usually can get from eatery.like that less bulky and easier
Hi mummies

Can someone please advise me on this. It is driving me crazy for the last 2 weeks. I feel very stressed latching my baby cos' he always cries and struggle very badly. It is very odd. Always happen at the end of the first breast so at first I thot that the flow is slow. However, he continues to cry even after I give him the second breast. With the second breast, he will suck a few times then cry. Sometimes he will cry and suck at the same time. So poor thing, my heart is really breaking. But I am at a loss about how to help him. The oddest thing is that this will repeat itself at every feeding during the day but none at night (which I should be thankful for).

By the way, is anyone using yao lan for your baby? I had resisted using one but my MIL just now suggested that we buy one so that baby will sleep better. Actually she has been hinting a couple of times liao but this time cannot pretend didn't hear.

The thing is that she will be taking care of baby after my ML and it would not be fair to ask her to carry baby around all the time (bad for her back too). If the baby sleeps better, it would also give her more time to rest and do other stuff. So I feel compelled to give in. On the other hand, I am worried that baby will refuse to sleep in cot after that which will give us alot of problems at night when we bring him home. What is your take on this?
Actually sleeping helps baby to grow, so it's not a bad thing too..

I experience the same latch on problem as you sometimes. Also wondering why baby reacts this way on the breast. But mine shrieks rather than cry at end of first breast. Then shrieks and suck the 2nd breast at the same time.. I wonder why. Dunno if it's because he's too hungry.

I used yao lan for my baby for the first time today. I think some people are concerned that it'll be bad for baby's spine development. Also, it's like sending baby into a state of comatose all the time with the up down motion. I tend to agree with the second point but am simply too overwhelmed by baby's demands that I gave in.
Hi Bena

Yar, mine cries at the top of his voice like someone poke him with a needle
Initially my MIL will chiong into the room thinking something terrible happened but now she is used to it. Just that if this continues everytime I feed him in the day, I will go mad.

Sigh, if only I can express like the rest of you. Then I can give him EBM in the day. My expressing amount seems to be getting lesser and lesser. Now I hardly see any 'squirts' coming out from it.

Oh, I have the same problem with MIM sling too. My baby seems rather uncomfortable inside. When I used the cradle method, he seems to be twisted in an odd position around my tummy as his head has to be inside. When I tried out the snuggle hold (against my chest), he cried and cried. Think his feet is in an odd position
Dunno to give up using or not. He is getting too heavy to carry liao.
