(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

hi angel~
ya, motherhood is so tiring & takes up 90% of our time.. haha...im using bit of time to read for tips so that i can learn from u all

my mum applied Ru yi you, but bb still cries alot & jerks his legs, so i reckon hes hving tummy ache - wind in his tummy...but will still continue to apply, cos apparently old traditional passed down methods last for a reason~ hee...

oooh, din tink of using a syringe, sounds gd! will get it soon too~ yea!! writing down list of things, gadgets to get to relieve bb's excessive crying...heehee...

oooh, so ur using Nuk pacifiers, i hv seen the shape of the teats, so i reckon shld be the same shape? hmm, shld get this & try too..cos i want to 'shut bb mouth' so that he wont take in too much air...tho this is also a bad habit..sighz...but cant help it......

hi mommies...

ru yi you is good.. so far my gal is benefitin from it.. whenever she's 'gassy' i'll apply for her.. then aft tat she'll start to break wind.. or poo..
the rubbin btw ur palm will 'warm it up' so when u apply it to the tum tum they will feel the warm warm feelin and babies like it!
i use the telon oil that my massage lady provided. no strong smell.

think i will resort to pacifier soon too...shes so cranky again today that i havent even had my own shower..
Ya the NUK pacifier has the same shape as the teats. Actually most books I've read like the Baby Whisperer and Gina Ford recommend using a pacifier...they say babies need suckling time especially in the first 3 months. I know lots of mums out there don't 'believe' in pacifiers, I used to be one of them too! But I'd rather let my girl suck on the pacifier rather spend hours carrying and rocking her to sleep or letting her suckle on my breast!

Ya my baby likes it too! This ru yi you thing is a life saver! I used to take at least 30 mins to an hour to burp my baby after feeds...and sometimes after that she still don't burp and my hands are so tired from all that patting!!! But the past few days I've been applying the ru yi you and now she burps and farts so loudly!!

if after feeding, ur bb cry and pacifier dun work, it means there is wind and bb is not comfortable. u have to ensure he burp. u can try to put bb at ur chest (u sit in a armchair and slightly lying down) and pat his back. most of the time it works.
if after feeding bb cry and he sucks the pacifier very hard, it means he is hungry.

re: ru yu oil
pls do not apply more then 2 times in a day. NB bb skin is very delicate and thin. ru yu oil may be too hot for his skin.
taurus, darme and bena,
yeah..my girl cries so loud when I refuse to let her latch on as its not her feed time..my hubby also cannot do much. I tried pacifier but she just use her tongue and push it out. I'm also worried abt overfeeding and letting her have the habbit of latching..imagine when I have to go abck to work once i returned to s'pore..my poor mil will be suffering with such a demanding baby and I'm afraid mil will then tell me to wean her off breastmilk then.

btw, my sister sent me this cupcake link..looks so sweet and yummy. sharing with u gals to check it out.

charsiew, my boy started sucking on pacifier the moment he's home! Haha ... he loves it! We don't see any reason why we can't introduce pacifiers ... if he can suck that for comfort, why not?

We are for Nuk pacifiers ... my elder one started using that. Only when she was older then we switched to other brands depending on which designs she likes.
Maybe you can try to introduce it to your baby during her waking hours when she's not so cranky, in between feeds or after a feed. Coz when a baby is crying and cranky she will not be in the mood for something new!

Also try different types (latex or rubber) and different brands. NUK seems like the best coz it resembles our nipples. Also must make sure you position the pacifier properly - position it so that it hits the roof of the baby's mouth, and hold it there for a few seconds till she starts suckling, even if your baby starts to cry. Putting it on her tongue will make the baby's tongue go flat, and she won't grasp it with her lips.

If you persist, your baby will take to it
It may take several tries till she gets it.

Hope this helps!

the first years bags hv ziplock-type function to seal. i kiasu.. will store the bags into another ziplock bag b4 putting in fridge.


same here.. bb treat breasts as pacifier for comfort. quite jialart, will cry if i dun give in.. spit out pacifier too. faint man. i oso worried she overfed.. esp when i see she merlion.
duno hw.... when u coming back to SG?
You are my roommate!!! We were warded on the same night on the 17th Sept. :) How's everything??

I used S26 partly becos the nurse told me that S26 just added Alpha Pro... something that's quite similar to BM. Also, after my baby discharge from hospital, the staff from S26 also called me... then she also mentioned something like that.
I'm actually using Gerber bags to store the EBM. They cost abt 14.90 I think - from Kiddy Palace. Also the Ziplock kind and there are abt 20 of them in the pack.

I've found a way of soothing my boy today. He immediately quietens down when I hold him in upright position and walk around the house. And he sleeps through on my bed beside me in the day time. I enjoyed the bonding too and when it's time to feed, I just latch him lying down. I've not had sucha long sleep in the last month. And no more backache from latching him using cradle hold. Hope this continues

Have started my pumpimg regime between feeds again. Seems like baby is not able to empty my breasts and the second one offered often seemed quite full after he finishes. For mummies who wants to increase milk supply, do pump between feeds. Because of the frequency my breasts are being emptied, it's full after 1 hour's rest. There are pros and cons to it. Pros is that you won't be worried abt supply problem. Cons is you have to keep pumping if baby doesn't latch within an hour. Else the second hour, you will feel quite engorged..
hi charsiew
I checked with PD and other friends, they said the snorting and deep breathing sound from babies are normal, even my gynae said so. Not to worry..cos' their nose is flat and nasal passage not fully developed. Swaddling is v. important, cos' babies like the same environment in our uterus, warm and snug so do swaddle baby tight tight and try holding him in a side position, face facing outwards, under your arm. I was watching a dvd earlier and tried on my boy, so amazing...almost immediate he quieten down. There are 5 different calming reflexs to calm a baby.

This DVD Is titled "The Happiest Baby on the Block". you can purchase it online too,
hi voice! hw's everything w u am bb sam? yarh. i hv not been loggin in for a long time as i m bz co-ordinating my hse renov works n taking care of damien. he has been an angel so far and i really enjoy motherhood to such extent that i dun feel like gg back to work. haha
hi charsiew, amy

yes i thought I am the only one with this problem.. u know i feel so useless and helpless when baby cries and cranky and is not time to feed her but she just keep open her mouth big big and want to latch... i really scare overfed then a few times i give in let her latch then she vomit milk out so though she quieten down but then another worry scare she overfed and feel uncomfortable ai yo very san niao jin..

actually i let my charlene try avent pacifier to calm her down but it does not work.. she seems to suck till so pek chey ...
i want to go buy nuk or pigeon pacifier my cl says these pacificer better avent one too hard liao not sure true or not lor but i really hope to find a way to calm charlene down esp when next tues my cl would be gone by then
hi Bena, can i ask when u latch your bb lying down, when do you switch sides ? coz i fall asleep with bb on one side. thinkg whether necessary to switch sides, esp at nite.
Sometimes I also fall asleep nursing baby in the wee hours. And I realised that he also fall asleep and unlatched himself. Usually I will wake him up and latch him up the same side (to ensure that he gets the hindmilk since we don't know when he fell asleep and unlatch himself), till he decides to unlatch himself. Then I will offer the second breast. But sometimes I will just offer the next breast. Cuz too tired liao wanna cut short nursing time, plus the other side feel full need him to empty it for my good nite sleep
How do you bring EBM out? Just wondering if I want to feed EBM instead of latching when I go shopping, how to ensure that it stays fresh.
bena, do you burp your bb ? i absolutely have no energy to wake up while latching lying down, to burp before changing sides....
I supplement my BM with FM cos my parents don't allow me to store BM in the fridge and when I'm sleeping in the morning (looking after baby at night) they will usually give baby FM so that I can catch some "real sleep time".

My girl is also 3 weeks... currently she drinks about 100ml-110ml of BM every 3 hourly.

As for supply... tried to "rub" towards the nipple (as if like clearing blocked drain pipe)... my friend taught me this method many
years ago and it works.

Latch on no need to burp right?
Pillow, at all times, I don't burp before changing sides, as baby will complain as he absolutely cannot be interrupted in a feed - will wail and scream. My challenge is burping baby in the wee hours after nursing. He's very prone to vomitting alot out ( Almost like the whole feed). I am quite worried actually. Wonder if something is wrong with him as I don't think I've overfed him. But it seems like he vomits more when I feel engorged so I suspect it could be that the milk flow is too fast and he just gulp and gulp and gulp..??
ssmummy, a bit confused . different pple say different thing. some say latch still have to burp..

in the day, i have managed to burp the bb after latching.. hence not sure ..
If your baby is not windy and won't erni, then no need to burp lor.. I think it depends on the baby.. mine definitely needs to burp.

I think abit of erni is not cause for concern
Haven't weigh her recently but two weeks ago she's at 3.4+kg. Now should be more. :)

I'll burp baby when bottle feed but not when latch on.

However, I have some problems, whenever I latch my girl, the feeding interval will be less than 2 hours. If feed from bottle, it'll be 3 hours. Also, I think my girl prefers the bottle!! I'm having a hard time latching her. :-(
hi mommies.. went for the 6 weeks jab today.. took the 6 in 1 jab and the rotavirus oral vaccine.. hopefully my gal will get the fever.. everything is growin well.. she's 4.9kg and 58cm long..
Baby probably has nipple confusion liao. Try to replace bottle with latching, or use a syringe or cup to feed baby, instead of the bottle. You can resume using the bottle when latching is stable. It's normal for FM to last longer than breastmilk

My baby is abt 3.7kg and taking >110ml. I don't know how much he's taking actually as I'm a total latch on mum. But I've started giving EBM through the bottle once a day, so still trying to figure out how much he can take. Last nite he took 110ml effortlessly so I'm increasing 10ml every day to see how much he can take. Some of the babies on this thread has quite good appetite, taking 130-150ml already
Yah! Bbs increase their milk intake very fast!!

Mine is 2+wks old and he's taking about 80-90 every 2 hours!

pinkyj, did you go pd for the jab?
bena, she's on mostly fm.. sure put on weight..:eek:p

vicki, yup, i went to the pd.. paid a total of $549 today. $440 for the 6 in 1 package(inclusive of consultation and meds), $99 for rotavirus oral vaccine and $10 for a bottle of colic med..
yar hung...

3 weeks there is a increase cause its the growth spurt period...

i'm aso using the NUK teats but my bb suck so tightly aftertaking off got a round mark at his face..my hubby and i always laugh at her look like clown...


i tot 6in1 jab its taken at 2nd month? me wana let bb take but they me to wait till 2nd mth...

Now my bb starting to drink 3 1/2oz can last 2plus hr or 4oz for 3-4 hr at 7 week liao...

my bb started drinking gripe water at birth..actually cannot cause write 1 mth above but mil started early and i cant say much... but luckily now have pass the 1 mth liao...

Tried Destin creamy cause around $12 plus at guardian but must get from pharmacist..So far pretty good...no diaper rash but i always make sure i put diaper cream at her butt after her diaper rash problem so now ok...Drapolene aso pretty good ... Using both one for prevention and the other for diaper rash prob...
puppygal, i think 1.5 mths can take liao..

i tried the destin cream but dun really like the smell.. and its very thick too..
oh dear...my baby is coming to 3 weeks old and only takes 60ml if i am lucky...usually less. And thats every 4 hrly or so, at night it can be evenlonger.
atinarin, ur baby drinks so little eh, is she putting on weight? my boy is into 4th week, taking 100-120ml abt 4hourly feed. My boy not the chubby type, he is only 4kg now(i carry him and weigh).
Atinarin, dun worry abt ur baby's intake cos if she's really hungry, she'll definitely let u know. ;) u mentioned she's less than 3kg rite? so her tummy's still too small to take in too much milk. she'll consume more when she's bigger (remember, diff babies diff consumption cos every individual babies is diff) i shld know since my baby's only 2.54kg at birth & i was constantly worried abt her weight gain too (she's at the 3%tile at birth, and still at the 3%tile now). As long as your baby's producing enough wet & soiled diapers, looks alert when awake, you don't have to worry too much. =)
Hi Mommies...,

My boy is going to b a mth old on th 15th...he's also drinking abt 120ml every 3-4hrs...so sad...my BM seems to decrease lately...i gave him FM from 11pm onwards to 11am the next morning...now my BM seems more like a supplement to the FM...

My baby also having the snorting probs too...like as if he has breathing difficulty...very worried...he always had those huge,sticky and greenish pi sai too! Feeling really guilty...wonder issit due to my food intake during my pregnancy...i took alot of mac and cold drinks like coke...haiz... =(

Anyone knows whether drinking coke and smoking will affect the BM???

I'm so stress lately...i need a smoke badly though i noe i shldn't...have been quarrelling alot wif my hubby even since my baby is born...my mum was saying tat women having confinement shld avoid crying... coz will cause the eyesight to fail...but i duno cried how many million times oredi lor...think going blind real soon... =(
think smoking is always a no-no..but that's my guess only lah. must ask the experts. But do note that if breastfeed, mothers must really take note of what she's having.

bena, darme and taurus, I am giving my girl nuk pacifier leh..she still pushing out. I will try again. her nose vv hard- so my sis says she's the stubborn kind..hahaa..darme, I'll be touching down on nov 10..sian ah..but keep telling myself to be positive. I have only 8 wks maternity leave from company cos baby is american, not s'porean ( just because she's born in usa!!) and company says like that only 8 wks maternity lve and also not granting me no-pay leave..so angry and bek chek lor..I have to
report work on 12 nov actually and some gd friends manage to find out for me that I still have annual lve and so I'm taking 3 days lve from 12-14nov and report work on 15nov..still, think of it makes me so stress..

btw, last nite baby gave me a fright. she demands feed about every 1.5-2hrs. when hubby came back from work, he carried her and she cried badly. so hubby kept saying, she wants feed again. so i feed lor..and guess wat, she turned merlion and milk also flow out from nose! I feed her lying down and was in shock seeing her like that, like choking..then i lost temper with hubby saying ' see, u keep telling me to feed her...'..after the vomit, girl just quieten down and slept..like nothing happen..sigh...

hi angel, thanks! will try the pacifier again definitely.

puppygal, the creamy desitin is $$12 plus ah..ex hor..I saw over here in usa is us$3 plus. I bought one yesterday and tried. its a bit thick, rite? and my baby butt is like putting on mask..haha..i will try the desitin clear one next time.
Hi mummies,

I'd set up a blog to sell some children's clothings bought from usa. Intend to post them in BP a week before I go back. However, think of offering to sept mummies first. those interested can PM me direct and I'll reserve the stuff and post them out when I return to s'pore (nov 10).

Hi Bebeng, I guess you're hit by the "blues" bug. It's a passing phase and very soon, you'll feel much better. It's becos of hormonal changes in our bodies lah. I also cried buckets during confinement - worried abt milk supply lah, worried abt baby's growth lah, unduly upset over my DH not communicating to me much lah, etc. Come to think of it now, it's actually quite trivial, but when we're feeling it, it does hit us hard. Dun worry, u're not alone, so don't cave in & smoke cos smoking will affect baby in ur BM.

As for u being worried abt supply, if you're consistently feeding in the morning, your body will ultimately tell your brain to provide that much for your baby (demand = supply), but if u've not been breastfeeding during the nite, supply at that period of time will definitely drop. I guess it's not much of a big deal if u consistently give FM during the nite, ur body will just tell ur brain not to produce milk during that time - supply during that time will drop, but if u need that time to rest, then i guess it's ok bah. But if u really want to exclusively breastfeed, then it's best u drop the FM. Ur supply will return with frequent nursing. Dun give up! =)
As for the pi sai, it's common lah in babies... even we adults have pi sai regularly which we need to clear. So just keep cleaning ur baby's nose everyday, shld be fine.
tks everyone

its assuring to noe that the snorting & sort of hving difficulty in breathing is common.. actually im concerned & parnoid cos my bb will wake & cry hysterically out of the blue at many times during the day & nite & i can hear alot of sniffing & seems like his nose is full of mucus..so im rather worried if hes really in pain or discomfort..
but i guess its all part & parcel of growing up phase.. i think..
btw, my bb is abt 3wks+, hes drinking abt 80-100ml every 2hrs+...thot of increasing his intake so tat he can last longer, but its pretty risky as he may merlion too..i guess my bb is rather small to take in too much milk at one go, so we are going by the many small meals way... btw, hes abt 2.5 kg at birth, so tiny & fragile... wonder whats his wt now... cos opting for 6 in 1jab too... so means i hv to wait for some time b4 we can visit the pd to weigh him... hmm...
Hi <font color="0000ff">BeBeNg</font>...

I totally understand how u feel... B4 I deliver, I thought that relationship with HB will improve with the arrival of our baby.. But things get worsen.. communication breakdown, quarrel etc..

Last night, we had another BIG quarrel... we trashed things out and managed to sort out some of our problems... I admit that I am over-protecting my baby, I'm a do-it-all mum.. I'm too focused on my baby until I skipped my meals.. I will learn to slowly let my HB take over some of the responsibility... Learn to open up and discuss things with HB... Afterall, he is part of the family...

If you need someone to talk to, you can MSN me.. my MSN is [email protected]

So, pls stop crying and cheer up!
Hi <font color="0000ff">Voice</font>..
Thanks for recommending the DVD. I just bought one online. Hope can learn something from it.

One tip of how you can weigh your baby. If you have a digital weighing scale at home then it's more accurate. First, you weigh yourself. Then you weigh yourself carrying your baby. Your baby's weight will be the difference.
