(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

Darmae, Hung, Pillow,

I actually didn't start with exclusive latch on. In the beginning, my nipples were so sore I had to cup feed my child. Then I gave in to the bottle like Hung. My son rejected my nipple after that (also probably cuz I had engorgement and milk wasn't flowing). I think some of you knew that I was very sad and stressed in the initial days with family pressure coming from both sides to bottle feed. Subsequently we tackled the engorgement problem with the help of my son's latching. It took a while for the LC to get (force should be the word) my son to acccept my nipple again. After that, I insisted (amidst strong objections) that he doesn't touch the bottle till he is 4 weeks old. Currently at 4+ weeks, my son takes the bottle once a day (3am feed) so that I can rest and so far there's no problem with him accepting bottle or breasts. But I noticed he'll get a little impatient if my milk flow is slow (happens when he demands a feed after a pump). I still feel a little sad giving him EBM via bottle once a day but like what angel say, just decide on what's best and be happy with it. Anyhow, after we settle into some routine without my mil, I might start ful latching again so that my hubby can sleep rather than wake up for feeds.

I encourage all mums to latch baby as often as possible and don't give up trying. I'm now enjoying the bonding of latching my son and also the convenience of steriliser free, bottle free, ice-pack free, formula free, pump free, etc free outing with baby. My diaper bag has only a few sets of change of clothes and some diapers and diaper cream. When he is hungry outside, just find a private place and nurse him. Very convenient. We also enjoy nursing in the comfort of the car. It's special time for us both. But that aside, for mums going back to work, EBM is the way to go. (Try not to introduce the bottle before 4 weeks or after 6 weeks, as baby might reject either breasts or bottle) So latching will probably be at nite, which will be even more special as you are away from baby for many hours. I read that some babies are so smart they will eat very little in the daytime and when mummy comes back at nite, they will start their feeding frenzy on "fresh milk". And mummies' body actually will change to cater to this need.

Hi Bena

No leh, my express didn't increase and in fact, it dropped to half this week
Now only can get about 60ml at one pump. Was abit stressed but decided to put it out of my head and continue to latch. So far he can still last 2-3hrs so should still be ok for him. Confirm I suck at expressing. Maybe it is really the pump problem, like what the LC said but I refused to buy a dual pump since I have to stop BF after 3 months.

You are really my idol for your determination in increasing your milk supply leh. Looks like your efforts have paid off

Hi Amy, my baby also wants to be carried ALL THE TIME. Must walk around somemore, cannot sit down one. Very frustrating. Dunno how to kick the habit. He doesn't like being swaddled, will struggle and kick so that method doesn't work for me leh. Any other suggestions please.

my bb is only 2 weeks old and he also wants to be carried all the time. Funny thing is that if i put him nex to me, be it on the sofa or bed... so long as he can see me, he will snooze off...hmmm...

Anywas, getting a sarong might help lessen the tiredness... those that you tie around urself... had that for my 1st kid... and in the end, i was wearing the sarong all nite long... even fell asleep with the bb in the sarong...
Oh! i must say I very impressed with you gals leh! Jaga bb by yourself and still got energy to breastfeed and pump...

For me, once CL ciao, will stop BF or EBM liao... Figured i'll be too tired to do that + catering to bb and his kor kor's needs! Cannot afford to fall sick cos if i do, HB got to take leave to take care of all of us liao, and i dont thk he can manage.

btw, noticed most of you gals brought bb for check-up/ injection in 1st mth. You gals went for the 5 in 1 yes?
Just a gauge ... at about 1 month, how much milk
does your baby drink now?

Mine I usually give around 130ml but just now cos I only managed to pump around 90ml EBM, I supplemented with another 60ml FM. Total slightly more than 150ml (cos after adding in the powder will be more) and he actually finished all!

So now I'm wondering if I have to increase the qty for his regular feeds.
Vicki, yah yah yah, very shacked! Once my CL leaves, the duty of looking after my boy falls under me, though I can always leave it to my maid (but I "bu fang xin"). Very very tiring considering I have to wake up in the middle of night to pump milk and also to feed him (sometimes the timing is such that I wake up at 3 am to pump, I have to wake up again around 5 am to feed him). Day time also ... my hubby always say I can nap in the afternoon but I also "bu fang xin" my maid look after, so I end up not resting ... that's why you all see me so often on net cos I rather do that than sleep when my baby's sleeping.
vicki, thats what i was thkg as well.. to stop BF or EBM after CL goes. but wo bu se de..... so still hanging in there... coz if stopped, means bb can't latch on.... i will miss out on this closeness....
blueskye, just curious. u have reserves of EBM. why do you make FM for bb ? why not use the EBM ? any special reason ?
Cos my EBM reserves are all stored in 100-120ml bottles. And because they are frozen, it is difficult to thaw them in time for feeding. Actually my "reserves" are more for keeping so that when my supply drops next time or when I am sick and have to temporarily stop giving my EBM due to medication etc., I can use them.

For now, I usually pump "fresh milk" to feed my boy if I time my pumping time well about half an hour to his feeding time. Only when I don't pump enough "fresh milk" for that feed, I will supplement the balance with FM. For those I store in the fridge (not freezer), I will accumulate the EBM to 130ml per bottle.

Hope it's not too confusing.

Heeee ... so basically I have 3 sources:
1. Frozen EBM (to be consumed w/in 6 months) - Mainly reserves (for circumstances like what I mentioned above)
2. EBM in fridge (to be consumed w/in 48 hours) - To feed baby when baby needs to be fed before I can pump out "fresh milk" for him
3. "Fresh Milk" - To feed baby right after I pump
bluesky, wah! super impressed. still got categorise your EBM for different needs! vaguely rem my first boy was drinking about 120ml or more after 1st mth. Cannot keep up with him in terms of milk supply so always seem to be pumping, feeding EBM, supplementing with FM... got too tiring after a wk.. so decided to go FM fully after 1 1/2 mths.

We dont have a maid... HB dont trust maid and refuse to get one. So, day time, its really me and bb... nite time also me and bb <this time around, got kor kor also - daytime he goes childcare, so at least no need to jaga him full time) (decided not to disturb HB too much cos he drives alot during the day lah)

So, although "bu se de" also no choice in a way... if not i sure fall sick one!

U gals going bk to work after 3 mths? what's your arrangement for bb? Anyone sending to infant care? Me am!!
hello~, hope everyone is fine & doing well...
Was so busy & tired that i hardly find time to log on to net...

Motherhood is really not easy, esp we hv to juggle between learning to take care of newborns, to learn the cues b4 they cry (hysterically..colicky), feeding them on time (warming EBM takes time & bb is so impatient!) & to PUMP to prevent blockage...& not to mention severely lack of sleep & 'paranoid' when bb starts to cry... wooah! its really not easy to be a MOTHER... Almost fell to post natals initially cos im doing without the help of confinement lady... It's a mistake! But luckily mum got her sister(my auntie) to help out on nite feeds & pacifying bb while i can rest & build up my strength during confinement..

Re milk ss: i seldom latch on cos of v sore nipples & now i hv blocked ducts..sighz! Milk ss is not suffcient to meet bb's needs too, but i am ok to supplement with FM..not willing but i noe i hv to, now trying my best..hope ss will increase soon...& ducts CLEARED soon!! Hv thot of giving up...its really not easy to BF (be it latching or pumping... hv to literally keep pushing myself to endure..since we all jus want to give the best to our bbs..esp my bb is borned rather tiny too...

anyway, my bb is now 3wks old.. & i look forward to him growing up soon, hahaha! :p wish me luck when confinement is over, cos it will be real on the job training for me~ 1-1 with bb...so scary~!
pillow, yah! understand how you feel also. Cos also had that feeling when i wanted to stop BM for my 1st kid...
Hi char siew,

Dun worry... after awhile you'll get the hang of it.

I rem the first day i was with my older kid after the CL left. He poohed, so i put him on the mat to change...

Once i remove the pampers and lifted his butt to clean the mess, he peed (rite onto his own face -- somehow... boys always have this prob if you are not careful with where he's aiming). Worse, after he peed onto his own face, he viomited milk!

I looked at the mess, and didnt know whether to cry or what!! (It was a total mess - cos he had too much pooh and the shirt/ blanket to wrap him and the pants all kenna shit!

Haha! After taking awhile to pull myself together, i somehow managed to clean up the mess!

That was an experience which i will never forget... *stress*
Hi char siew,

Dun worry... after awhile you'll get the hang of it.

I rem the first day i was with my older kid after the CL left. He poohed, so i put him on the mat to change...

Once i remove the pampers and lifted his butt to clean the mess, he peed (rite onto his own face -- somehow... boys always have this prob if you are not careful with where he's aiming). Worse, after he peed onto his own face, he viomited milk!

I looked at the mess, and didnt know whether to cry or what!! (It was a total mess - cos he had too much pooh and the shirt/ blanket to wrap him and the pants all kenna shit!

Haha! After taking awhile to pull myself together, i somehow managed to clean up the mess!

That was an experience which i will never forget... *stress*
Don't give up yet!! Just keep giving whatever breast milk you have to baby..it's alrite to supplement FM every feed. That's what the LC advised me to do and that's what I did at my 2nd week. One day your supply will increase suddenly. Remember we are all trying to establish our BM supply and it's normal to take 2 months to do that..

60ml at one pump sounds a lot considering you are latching full time. It's 2 oz right?

You are really very organised!
At this point, I'm trying to establish a routine with baby, ie, feed, bathe, sleep roughly at the same time. But the problem is I'm really quite bored. I'm really not a routine person and every day, I'll be thinking of going out with baby. But that will really destroy the efforts of getting things into routine.. sigh..dilema. Also, life is so colorless now.. it's like I'm whole day in my pyjamas, hair messy and all, and do nothing but cater to baby's needs. Really feel so bored and lifeless. Before he was born, life was so fun. I'll work part-time and have a lot of time to meet up with friends, do sports and engage in church activities. Now, I'm so tired and ugly. Do you all feel the same?
When will life return? I guess life will return when most of you go back to work.. but I'll still be stuck with baby cuz I don't work
Not sure if I can tahan another week of slaving for this pitiful little being that's totally reliant on me, cute nonetheless.. sigh.. I'm looking forward to the day that he can talk back to me.
charsiew! *wave*... so long never see u, i still online everyday leh...even if no post, got read but not as frequent as before as need to take care of baby, the same for all of us, netting time has dwindled.
Hi <font color="0000ff">Bena</font>..
Be patient! I feel the same as u too. Life is boring, staying at home with baby all day. I've established a routine for my little one too. Basically, my daily routine is as follow:

- Wake up as soon as baby wakes up for milk, usually ard 7am - 8am
- Boil water, sterilize bottles & teats
- Do laundry etc
- Bathe baby around 11am

- Baby usually takes afternoon nap after shower from 12noon - 4/5pm
- I will also take a short nap when baby is asleep
- I will bring him for walk downstairs at 6pm for half an hour

- Baby usually goes to sleep by 8+ pm.
- Have a little time to read / surf net / watch tv after baby goes to sleep
- Sleep around 10pm

Basically, life is the same everyday. I wish I can go back to work soon.

Endure 2-3 more weeks, and you will be rewarded by your baby's first SMILE!

They maybe able to say Ah-Goo-Goo too!
Hey Emily! Waaah...your routine is so steady...your baby takes such a long nap in the afternoon?!! Am amazed...how did u get him to do that? You can even sleep at 10pm, very good leh, by the time i get to sleep is close to 12am! I suspected my baby is colicky, put him down to cot and he will ek ek ek, wants to be carried to sleep. Night time even worse, don't want to zzzz till very late, after his 10pm feed, he will stay awake and seek attention till sometimes pass 12midnight and then there's the 2-3am feed and he will also ek ek after feed, wants to be carried before falling asleep Am sleep deprive, we all do i know. Sometimes i wonder if it's a mistake to start a family(wrong thinking i know!) but i miss my freedom badly!

Bena... when your little one really start toking, you will wish that he was back to being in the playpan.

My elder one is 3 and have a endless energy span. He will take out different toys to play every half hour... and conveniently forget to keep it... and when you ask him to clean up, he will go "mummy, we clean up together." No prizes for guessing whose the one doing the cleaning up!!

Nowadays, he's so full of "whys?" its never ending...

Better enjoy the babyhood first...

Anywas, i think the best combi is to send junior to half day playgroup in the morng (so that you can hve some free time to urself) and only jaga him when he's back in the aft. However, it will be an expensive option (if only hubby is wkg).
Bena, you havent finished confinement yet? Maybe can go to your neighbourhood mall?

Luckily my mom isnt that strict with not going out and stuff.. so far have brought baby out to Geylang to get Hari Raya preps done, to Causeway Point to gai-gai.. This Saturday we'll be doing some visiting eventhough she's not yet a month old baby. Can't imagine sitting at home while everyone else enjoying Hari Raya man!

Last Saturday hubby and me went out without baby to run errands. After 2 hrs running errands around our neighbourhood (and calling my mom asking how is baby every 15 minutes) we went back, picked baby up and zoomed off to Geylang with baby in tow. Miss her liao! Hehe.
Bena: Thanks for the encouragement. Very disheartening cos baby has been pooing non stop after every feed today...want to talk about a mad woman? That's what i felt like today. Non stop running around...feed, bath, clean, feed, clean...she wailed like i was abusing her.

When my mum got back from the supermarket, i shouted :I resign! Not in anger but in resignation really..

All of a sudden looking forward to going back to work.

TinyVoice: I know how u feel too. Tell myself its all worth it and feel so bad if i get negative thoughts too.

Vicki: I went through the terrible 2s and 3s with so many cousins of mine its really awful with the WHYS and when they watch TV with you they keep asking Why what happened? Why is she crying? Why this why that....hahah
I've finished confinement last friday. Now, alone with baby in the day time quite sian really. Sounds like you will have a lot of fun on Sat! You know what, since he was born, he has never really left me as I'm the "bowl he feeds from". Maybe I should take a break from him - deposit him and some EBM at my mil's place and just go jalan jalan. But I guess with me so sleep deprived, I'll rather sleep. And being away from him means pumping away since I'll be engorged..

At least with a 3 year old, you can reason out and you know why he or she cries.. this little being cries like nobody's business and I dun even know why...

Your routine is unbelievably confortable. My baby requires a feed every 2-3 hrs (regardless of day or nite). How do you do it? How old is your baby?
Hi <font color="0000ff">Voice</font>..
Generally, my little one sleeps abt 15 hours daily... if undisturbed, he can sleep abt 4 hours in the afternoon...

His sleeping & feeding time & activity time r rather routine now..
Bena, I think some time off is good. Not for too long, coz I'm sure the natural feeling of missing your baby will come before you know it
Then you'll treasure the time spent with baby even more..
Hi <font color="0000ff">Bena</font>..
I din list down all the feeding time.. he needs to be fed every 2-3 hours in the day and 3-4 hours at night..
hi anybody have confinement lady to intro? need it very urgently as my friend's sis in law juz give birth today and play out by her own sis. now nobody to takecare of them!!
Em, good on you...you can relax and plan your own stuff since he slept most of the time.

Mummies, can i ask if baby drinks milk for 45mins (120ml FM), issit normal to take such long time?
my last day of confinement is next tue so my cl is only available by then.. will that be too late for your friend's sis in law? my cl is very experience and not the naggy sort.. if you keen then i will pass you her tel...
Tiny voice, is normal for my baby lor, he can sleep and drink at the same time and drag till an hour to finish his milk!!
bluesky: yes, i eat normally from the start, indulged in foods i couldnt eat when pregnant too like a slice of cake and what not.

Oh and sips of cold drinks too to satisfy my craving.
hi peck: ^5, my boy also like that, drink halfway sleepy..and had to slap him up...haahaaa!

blue: once in awhile i will steal a sip or two of cold drink frm my hubby. haahaa! can't wait for this torturing confinement to be over!
hi mommies!!

atinarin, me also... i'm more like supplementin bm to my gal.. cos she's mostly on fm now as my supply is really really low... i can only pump out 60 max for the whole day!!!! SOBZ... i'm so tired tat i cant be bothered to pump.. tryin to latch her back these few days to boost the supply.. but dunno whether it'll work..

blueskye, i already started eatin 'rubbish' durin the confinement period.. the cold drinks i started takin on the day of my gal's full mth which is oso the last day of my confinement..

voice, maybe ur bb slow drinker.. its alrite bah..
her name is yun4 hao3 n her tel is81946986...
btw is it ok to post her tel here.. dont know the rules and regulations...

me ordered macs for supper during my stay in TMC liao... even had ice-tea.. sharp pains shot up into the head after that few sips though..
then subsequently with much begging and coaxing.. my hubby bought my medicine - coke for me to drink and now my fridge is filled with coke even though confinement is not over yet..
jme, thank you very much for your help... i think is ok to post no ba :p
btw she is a malaysian?

wow... you damn good leh can drink coke!!! i cant even drink plain water leh
pck.. guess what... i also not allowed to drink water. but i secretly take a sip or 2...

bo pian... too hot and thirsty liao lah! somemore, my aunt brewed those "hot soups (vsop with black chicken.)

drink already whole body sweat like crazy! No water or aircon i will be totally dehydrated liao!
bena... haha! yah lah... the good thing about a 3yr toddler is that he can articulate things, so easier.

but a 3yr old + new born no joke man!

funny... i got 2 boys liao... some pple are asking me if im gonna have a 3rd kid!

hmmm... cant even cope with 2. i wonder how does anyone cope with 3 kids!
Haha, I feel better now ... was still feeling guilty for eating chocolates, chips and few sips of coke ... seems like you all even more "notti" than me!
can u imagine, i actually lost a bit of sleep last nite coz today my CL's last day ....
she just left, missing her already.

today is the full month of my bb and also my first day without my CL. plus hb busy at work, can't take leave.

wish me luck
pinkyj:glad to know im not alone..Which formula is your bb on? Mine is on similac but changing to enfalac soon..

I hate pumping,prefer latching on.
Hi <font color="0000ff">blueskye</font>..

I started eating all sorts of food liao, plus cold drinks...

Dun think its an issue la... I always say "Ang mo also no confinement, and they also eat all sort of food"... why shd we be different?

hi bena,
yah..my girl also demands hourly feed at daytime, at nite, its 3hr interval. I'm a 24/7 cow leh..and the milk smell..my girl opens her mouth so big, towards my breast, whenever I carry her..and that's not her feedtime yet..she just wants to suckle. I tried pacifier but she rejects that. I also gave her some water, she'll suckle a few sips and reject after that.

till now, I'm still enjoying looking after her..then the thot of returning back to s'pore and back to work..so sian and stress then..hope time will pass slowly..hubby also feel sad about leaving usa..we love it too much here..hahaa...
