(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

Oic, choco... heed yr advise to lay him on his chest to sleep just now... it works and he's sleeping for >2hrs
Thanks, yr adivce helps...Appreciate.

b'cos he's been trying to sleep since 11am! making all sorts of noises, i can't help but to keep vigil with him... cannot go anywhere.

i taste my milk too.. sweet as well plus fishy. keke. luckily its 'freshly' expressed... otherwisei wud hv thot EBM contaminated. haha


i think u in same situation as me.. my gal oso cry n cry.. i can only calm her dwn by putting her to my breast.. but others like mil, mum can calm her dwn juz by carrying, rocking or singing.
my mum say cos bb can recognise our smell.. they noe who to 'bully' and noe tat they can find comfort in latching.. they can smell tat we are THE one..
duno hw true...
I also thought so. Baby recogized my smell and thus cry. But then isn't he suppose to stop crying since he knows food is on the way??
Ok, Darmae, Angel, you finally got me tasting my own milk. Ya.. chop stamp certify - our breastmilk is sweet and fishy tasting.

Anyone opening bank account for baby? Any ide which kind is good?
hi all,

juz like to check how do u'll decide on ur baby dialect name or is there any website which i can find? already hav the hanyu pinyin but dun know the dialect translation of it. Pls help!!

u r most welcome!!!
but u lay him on ur chest or on the bed. if on the bed, u must keep a close watch cos scared he face flat down.
Hi BB4339: I have Pm'ed you the contact. Hope it helps. For C-section i think you can do after 2 weeks.

Bena: Just thought it would be a good way to destress to have her do the body scrub for me instead of going to the spa. CHeaper too.
hi atinarin
my gynae told me for c-sec, only can massage after 1 month leh. Better to be safe lah..dun risk rupturing the wound.
Hi all,

Thk i must be one of the minority here who has started to think when to stop BF even as my bb is only 2 weeks old.

Not able to give direct cos too painful liao. So going for the pumping option around. With CL around now, at least got time to pump. But once she's gone, i will prob also stop this BF thing.

Difficult to cope with a demanding bb/ engorgment (pumping)/ older kiddo's demands with no help from anyone else and a HB that's always tired.

Rather give up then sink into depression.
Hi Jolene,

I'm Hokkein. We kindof decide what name we want in Mandarin first - plus the word to use - and then pronounce it in Hokkien - and that's how we ended up with the dialect name.

Hi bluskye,

Was just wondering - did you get your CL via a agency or through personal contacts?
hi gals,

i have purchased from a previous ovrsea spree.. but wants to sell it off..

got 2 box... one unopened and the other one got 14 tea bags.. (only took out 2)

BN box - $7.00
Opened box - $6.00

Organic Mother's Milk
Promotes Healthy Lactation*
Herbal Dietary Supplement

Organic Mother's Milk promotes healthy lactation* and is traditionally used to increase breast milk production.* This traditional combination of anise, fennel and coriander has been used for centuries by European women and is often recommended by lactation counselors and medical herbalists.

How does it taste? A pleasantly aromatic balance of sweet, spicy and slightly bitter.

can sms me if interested..hehe
prices not included postage.

Serene, I must say it's not easy to handle an older kid and a husband that isn't able to fully support you..How come it's painful for you to latch baby? No matter what, do give what you can for now..one more day of breastfeeding matters too..jia you.

my mum say bb stil cry cos they try to 'sa jiao' lor.. noe food on the way but wan it faster oso.. pushing us lor. keke
these days, getting siong. my bb is like an alarm clock..wants his feed 2 hourly in the day, 110ml. he is almost 1 mth old. so he is taking around 1 litre of EBM

can i ask anyone's bb also such a frequent feeder ? how long does your bb usually finish his/her milk ? mine need at least 30mins
I am not exclusively breastfeeding either. In fact bb only latches on so that i can keep her from crying until her FM is ready. Then she takes formula. Express also so little comes out.

What's the average that a 2 week old consumes per feed?
hi Bena,

hubby has decided on UOB jnr savers. he say they offer free insurance coverage (but depending on amt deposited)

btw, hv u tried to latch ur bb outside? hw did u manage.. i cudnt do it well and discreetly cos i ned to see her mouth leh.. otherwise sore nipples again. i tried yest.. almost wrestled wif her... very xiong.. and she kept crying

hi serene,

its nv easy to TBF, i noe hw u feel abt nipple sore and pain. i had to go see LC 3x inorder to correct latching problem. even now, once awhile, my gal does not latch well.. still can feel some pain.
like wat hung suggested, mayb u seek help fm LC then decd from there.. jia you!!

hi pillow,

2-3 hrly seems to be the norm for most bb.. actually i'm oso uncertain if my bb frequent feeder.. smtimes, it can be 1 hr apart for the feeding. but i oso suspect she wants to latch for comfot... she can nibble and dozed off to slumberland. at home still managable.. brought her out yest.. her 'demand' for feed is 1 hr apart oso.. diff for me to latch her in the public cos i'm not very gd at it oso.. in then, i cut short my trip and went home.. haiz

hi atinarin,

i'm not sure hw much 2 weeks old consume. i hv been on total latch on.. but cos i hv to go back to work, introduce EBM to my gal few days ago (1 mth old). gave her 50ml.. since my yield fm pumping not so much. but then she cannot finish it.. left abt slightly more than 5 ml.

some of mummies hv babies consuming much more than 50 ml at tis age. i guess diff bb, diff intake level

I am a Nov07 mummy to be... Anyone gave birth in gleneagles via Normal delivery without epidural? What is your bill size? Can share?
Hi Pillow,

Wow, ur little boy boy sure drinks a lot! 110ml in 2 hrs seems like a lot but i agree with damae, diff baby diff intake. I dun know how much my little gal drinks since i direct latch. Does he feed 2hrly throughout the nite too? How many times do you feed him per day?

so far when we're out the only places i've breastfed was in our car (thank god for tinted back windows!) and in a small room in the polyclinic. there was once we were windowshopping and she got hungry and cried. i was too kanchiong we hurried back to the car to nurse her hehe!

think must do research and print out a list of places to nurse when we windowshop
ya lor shotbyfa,

diff to nurse discreetly outside. i sama sama, nurse in the car most of the time. but tats not the soln long term wise. u r rite, we shld do research n get ourselves prep for tis.
dun wan to be stressed over feeding lor...
wah pillow..ur boy steady..surely big and strong at the rate he's drinking! Your bm sure taste yummy to him...hee hee! Most impt your baby grows well, doesn't matter how much he is fed. Mine fed on FM range from 90-120mil, 4hrly. These 2 days, he awskes earlier than his usual timing and bottles not yet sterilised and he wailed very loud as if whole day haven't taste milik! Think neighbours must be thinking we're toturing him. hee hee! He took very long to finish his milk, 30-45mins, can be quite tiring to do feeding. Still way to go man!
Hello all,

Yah - BF is really very difficult... be it expressing it out or direct!!

Was wondering.. if you gals express is out, does your nipple feel "sng sng" after the expression is done?

My 2 weeks old boy drinks bet 60 - 90ml (2-3 hrs feed).

Can i ask you gals about the injection thingy? Any of you went to Poly or the KK package? Was wondering if you know whats the difference between those 2? I tried calling KK to ask liao but still dont really understand what they tring to say...

Basically, Poly must go 1,3,4,5,6 mths.
KK must go 2,4,6 mths

Which one better har? Txs.
due to the frequency of his feeds, make me wanna consider gvg FM instead so that hopefully he can last longer.... instead of the current 2hourly feed... imagine, out of the 2 hours, he takes 30mins to feed, plus the time to change diapers,etc. prob due to his intake, he poos and wees a lot. almost every feed , every poo.

Ade, i record his intake in a notebook. so far, in the day, he takes 110ml every 2 hours. rarely can make it to 2.5 hr. at nite, his pattern is 12, 3 and 5am.
hi choco,
Appreciate your advise, now i will lay him on his chest whenever he's "cranky" kekeke... but it works! Wat a relief..

Hi atinarin,
Thank u for the contacts, have arrange for her to massage me already starting tmr
And my mother is coming to take care of my bb during my massage time.
vicki: At KK its a 6 in 1 jab but polyclinics are 5 in 1, from what the nurse at the KK Pte Children's Clinic said, its less jabs needed for baby. At KK its $450 for the 6 in 1, at month 2. This includes the assessment and what not.
bb4339: Hope you enjoy the massage! Maybe not the binding but at least when you see the water retention going off it feels great.
ladies, have u tried wearing your wedding band ? my rings can't fit. but i didnt suffer from much water retention... does it mean i have to resize all my rings ?
bb4339: The binding was itchy for me and many here too i think. That's cos we are perspiring away inside. DOnt worry if you cant take it, do what most of us did, leave on for a few hours then remove. You have to remove in the morning before she comes for the next session anyway. What time;s your session? I wont be having mine tomorrow, continuing on Wednesday, that's my last session.
Pillow: I tried both wedding and engagement bands and they finally both fit on one finger!

It takes a while i think, give it a few weeks. I have a friend who had bad water retention for 3 months. Since you dont, it should be fine soon.
bluesky: Must have been hectic to have the celebration? Is baby's neck more stable at one month? Or when will it be?
atinarin, huh ? give it a few more weeks ? me now around 1 mth after birth already, still dun fit ... :p
this november, its my 5 year wedding anniversary. so if dun fit still, maybe its time to get a new set
Hi Pillow, maybe your boy is having a growth spurt that's why he's drinking so much Have you tried giving me more EBM & see if he can last longer? If he's really going through a growth spurt, it'll pass after a couple of days or a week. Babies usually go through growth spurts at wk3, wk6, 3rd month & 6th month, but it varies from babies to babies.

I've not been wearing my wedding band cos i had water retention in my 2nd tri of pregnancy. Haven't tried wearing it again. =P
Hi Mummies,
Have been a long time since I last logged in coz my computer crashed. Hubby was so busy and had no time to fix. Told him to get it done asap coz I'm getting sick of watching tv liao and SCV keeps showing reruns (boring!)
Good to see all babies growing bigger and stronger and all mummies coping well with your lil darlings.
Here's some info to share on nursing and diaper changing facilities when you are out and about with your lil ones:

1) BHG (previously Seiyu)
Bugis Level 3, childrens department

2) Isetan
Scotts Road Level 4, children's department

3) Takashimaya
Level 3, Childrens Department
Other Services:
Childrens toilets at Level 3
Shopping Bag Deposits at Customer Service Centre at Level 2
Free rental of baby prams by depositing of identity card at Customer Service Centre at Level 2

4) Tangs
Baby Care Room at Level 3, next to washrooms

5) Liang Court
Nursing Room located on Level B1, equipped with a changing station, wash basin and power point in the room

6) Marina Square
9 family rooms equipped with a baby changing station and a small couch to provide parents with an area to make diaper changes and feed their babies

7) Paragon
Level 3, near Metro

8) Plaza Singapura
Nursing room on Level 3 complete with nappy-changing facilities and water supply
Other Services:
Free pram service for children below two - no deposit and available from
11am-8pm daily

9) Raffles City Shopping Centre
Baby's Room located at Level 3 (next to Lift Lobby B)
Other Services:
Baby strollers available for loan at concierge

10) Robertson Walk
Diaper-changing stations are available at male & female washrooms

11) Suntec City Mall
Level 3 Family Link (besides Kids Mall) #02-006 Les Enphant
Other Services:
Free buggy rides provided on Level 3
Loan of prams and strollers at Entertainment Centre Service Desk

12) Tanglin Mall
Level 3

13) Tiong Bahru Plaza
Nursing Room at Level 5 equipped with is a changing station, wash basin and power point
Other Services:
Rental of baby strollers, subject to availability
Rental of umbrellas with a fee of $3, refundable upon return within 3 days

14) United Square
Nursing room at #01-52A (next to carpark lifts)

15) Valley Point
Diaper-changing station available at Level 1 washroom

16) Velocity @ Novena
Nursery at Level 3

17) Isetan
Katong Level 2, children's department

18) Isetan
Tampines Level 2, near the washrooms

19) Century Square
Nursing Rooms on Levels 2 and 3, each equipped with changing station, a wash basin and power point
Other Services:
Rental of baby strollers, subject to availability
Rental of umbrellas with a fee of $3, refundable upon return within 3 days

20) Parkway Parade
Basement: Two nursing rooms located near Hello! Singtel and Gramophone.
Level 1: Located near Topshop/Topman and Dorothy Perkins (new fashion precinct)
Level 2: Within the ladies washroom, near Jean Yip Hub
Level 3: Within the ladies washroom, near Robert Piano
Other Services:
Kiddy cab, stroller or pram available for hire at $3 per hour

21) Tampines Mall
All levels next to washrooms
Other Services:
Baby strollers available for loan for free at Customer Service Counter on Level 3 (Outside Toys 'R' Us)

22) Anchor Point
Diaper-changing stations are available at male & female washrooms

23) Vivo City
Nursing rooms in restrooms in Lobby A and Lobby G

24) Ikea (Alexandra)
Nursing room opposite Level 2, opposite the Cafeteria
Diaper-dispensing machines are available in some of the ladies' washrooms

25) Causeway Point
Parents Rooms on every floor (next to the washrooms) Nursing room on Level 3

26) North Point
Diaper changing room located on Basement 1 (near washroom)

27) Compass Point
Nursing Room on Level 4 (near Kopitiam)

28) Hougang Mall
Nursing Room at Level 5, furnished with a changing station and two nursing stations
Other Services:
Free use of strollers & kiddy cabs, subject to availability
Rental of umbrellas with a fee of $3, refundable upon return within 3 days
Kids Area - Seating area at Level 4 where the kids can doodle with Hougang Mall Fun Book obtainable at the Customer Service Counter at Level 3
Thanks for the info. Ya I've bf baby in public. With nursing wear, cannot see our breasts. I just choose a quiet corner to nurse him..
hi mummies

i like to chk wif u how much is ur ebm per day.

for me, i pump 3 times a day, once in morning, noon n b4 i sleep. i realised dat even if i pump twice a day i get engorgement dat causes me fever n bodyaches for up to 2 days. i had fever twice due to engorgement last wk.

morning i can get up to 220ml, peak was ard 250ml
noon i get ard 150ml
nite also ard 150 to 180ml

i do not take a hot drink b4 i express. i do get find leaking milk on my t shirts in the morning. do i need to take nursing tea or fenugreek to increase milk supply? even though milk seems to b enough for Charlene these days but if they stay constant, i would hv to take nursing tea or fenugreek soon? or just by taking a hot drink can increase milk supply?

do advise. thanks
wow Dramaqueen that's alot of milk you can express. I can only get maximum 40ml per pump and i seldom pump. Engorged today, hurts like hell.

HOw do you clear blocked ducts?
Anyone has any idea why only 1 breast seems to be producing milk for me? Left one not working la.
I latch baby abt 8-10 times a day, and often pump in between feeds. This means I pump about 5-6 times a day to keep my breasts as empty as possible. I could only express about 20ml-70ml per pump session. If you wish to increase milk supply, try to keep your breasts as empty as possible by pumping more frequently, and latching baby.
hi hi mommies.. havent been loggin in... i'm dyin of lack of sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my gal is so cranky today!!! sobz...
then i think i'm comin down with a flu.. feelin feverish and having a sore throat...
I think I'm dying of fatigue too.. we really need to find a solution quick. How come no one else is compaining? Are we the only ones?
Hehe yah.. i think everyone too tired liao. Nowadays baby experiencing growth spurts so it takes a bit more effort to put her to sleep at night. I will be cradling her on my left hand, right hand holding EBM, my eyes puffy, my hair frazzled and my head will be nodding left and right as i doze off to sleep a million times.. all this while my baby's eyes are opened WIDE and probably wondering why is her mom looking like a monster at 3.30am.
hahahah shotbyfau, you're so funny! Never thought of the perspective of baby... you're rite, all these while, our babies must be wondering why our hair never seems to be neat, & why does mummy need to change my diaper in the middle of the nite??? waaaah... (that's what my baby did at 4am this morning when i heard her pooped) =P

I'm showing off my princess... morning!


thanks T_Teo,u sure hv alot of info on the breasfeeding places.

bena, i cant latch with wrestling wif my baby leh. she not so spontaneous in opening her mouth wide eunff. the challenge for me is to gether to latch without nipple to be seen lor.i must say u steady leh.. latch 8-10x still can hv energy to pump.. i oni managed to pump once a day..
