(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

can i ask when u girls say bb feed 2 hourly or 3 hourly, do you count from start of feed or end of last feed ?

darmae: not advisable? but my mum and aunt who was a nurse, says its good and baby starts to crawl faster later too.

Anyone else any comments on this?

As for pumping, i tried just now and both breasts only 20ml in total. Feel so depressed.
I'm so angry with the binding. I can't nurse baby properly cuz the binding is in the way and I'm also almost in pain! Today, not only is it pressing against my ribs, it also presses against my hip bone. I'm so fed up!! Arghh!! I see results as my tummy actually sharnk. But baby has to suffer from bad nursing..
Today is only the 3rd day!
Hi Pillow,
I count from the start of the feed...my boy feeds abt 3hourly...how much r u giving yr bb?

Hi Mommies...,
My boy is now 2weeks+ old...he's taking EBM in the day and abt 3 bottles of FM at nite...the number of times he pooed has decrease these 2days...issit normal?? He only pooed twice today so far...
hi BeBeNg, my boy takes 110ml of EBM 2-2.5hourly.. just started latching him more often today. but max, he can only last 2 hours...
Hi Pillow...,
Oic...same here...but i'm not latching him tat often now...he took very long to get full when he latched...how long r u latching yr bb?
Hi low, yep I latch almost exclusively cos' pumping too depressing for me :p

Usually I wait till he slows down his sucking considerably and the suction power drops (looks disinterested even after I stroke his chin). I then try to burp him before switching breast. But I will try to keep him on one breast for about 10-15mins. I gauge how much he is getting by the time between feeds so if he last 2 to 3 hrs then should be enough

Yar yar! Caelen also has the bad habit of suckling for comfort. My CL and MIL says it's call "nian nai" and will ask me to let him suckle for abit when he refuses to settle. At first I was quite hesitant but caved under the pressure of the crying. The problem is that it works like a charm and it became the easy way out

Err... I got rid of this bad habit by replacing with another bad habit - the pacifier. Well, at least books like GIna Ford is ok with pacifier so I supposed it is not too bad a habit. Most importantly, someone else can give him the pacifier without me being around

Hi atinarin, yar Bena is right, 20ml is ok lar. I also only have about this amount after latching and I am already one month. That's why I stop expressing so as not to depress myself.

Oh, I also put baby on his front whenever he is fitful in sleep. Last time parents used to do but now it is not advisable for fear of suffocation. So I only do it in the afternoon and will pop in to check on him more often.

Hi Bena, i also cannot stand the binding when latching. Feel that cannot sit properly and that baby is breathing in the fumes from the massage oil. So I ended up removing the bindings after 4-5hrs.

Oh, my baby is 4.2kg at one month
Put on 1.5kg since discharge from TMC. Doctor says got abit of overfeeding but ok lar hehee... makes me feel good cos' seems like baby is getting enough from my BFing. Can use that to shut anyone who says I don't have enough milk hehee...
Bena and Peapod: Hi ladies. The thing im worried abuot is that when i latch her on, nothing or very little is coming out. Thats why she will continue crying till i give her FM. Feels like a losing battle.

She hasnt pooed even once today. Your babies feed so often. Mine is like 3-4 times a day only.
Bena; pls dont torture yourself. If its too tight, endure for 8 hours then remove. Notice my skin has become darker where the binding is. I will remove mine soon cos its been 10hours already.

Suffering like you, yesterday was my hip bone being compressed. Today its my ribs! Keep feeling that this is not right.
So envious! Your baby actually put on 1.5kg! Hope mine will put on good weight too at his full month
Guess what? I'm sacking my massage lady tomorrow. After the binding today, I couldn't nurse baby well the whole day. Just took out the binder a while ago and my milk oozed out! The binding actually restricted the flow of my milk. Feel so guilty towards baby.
So envious! Your baby actually put on 1.5kg! Hope mine will put on good weight too at his full month
Guess what? I'm sacking my massage lady tomorrow. After the binding today, I couldn't nurse baby well the whole day. Just took out the binder a while ago and my milk oozed out! The binding actually restricted the flow of my milk. Feel so guilty towards baby.
Question on latching ... does your baby gets choked and then cough when he falls asleep and the milk flows too fast? Mine always have this problem ... then when I pull him off my breast to burp him, he will "angry" and cry.
how do you all manage through the day? Do you look after baby yourselves or a CL helps? In my case, its only my mum helping out and i do mostly everything for baby. Middle of the night when she wakes, hubby helps but its taking a toll on him cos of lack of sleep and then having to go to work.

So stressful.
Bena: Yes thats strange...the binding is below the breasts what.

ANyway if you are not comfy dont go through this mental torture. I have 2 days to go then i m home free so i will continue.
Blueskye, Atinarin,
I have absolutely no idea why! Maybe it's psychological??! Really the moment I took off the bind, I started leaking milk like I normally would before a feed. Before that, whole day never leak milk. Then son also immediately drank and slept. He as cranky the whole day.
hi darmae,
yeah, read that sleepin on tummy increase chance of SIDS, so do be watchful when u let your baby sleep that way.

aitarin, I was told by nurse over here that we can place baby on tummy when they're awake for abt 5 mins per day, from day 1 old..helps them to start training their neck..I started doing that and baby really seems to enjoy, but really only abt 5 mins only, longer than that, baby seems to be struggling.

sometimes super ke-lian, she's struggling her head so hard when i force my nipple inside her mouth she'll scream out loud!
now i'm latching my right boob via the lying down method, my left boob the normal cradle method.

anyways, hari raya is next week so the big question is... is it safe to rebond my hair since i BF? my hair is so messy i will be the spokesperson for maggi noodles anyday now!
hi bebe, mine latch for abt 15mins-30mins, depending on his mood. but i do notice that if i offer both breasts, he seem to be unsettled faster. maybe coz he only taking the foremilk and fall asleep quickly. i tried longer by offering only one breast yesterday (around 20mins+), to ensure he gets the hindmilk, he can sleep for 2 hours.

but latching on is really confusing...coz i feed EBM as well, and latch on only 1-2 times a day. now trying to latch more often before my CL goes home next week, so that when i am on my own, latching is easier esp at nite.


I have been having this deep shooting pain in my breasts, usually after feeds when my breasts are empty or sometimes during a feed as well. I don't have engorgement issues and its not pain from let-down. Anybody experience this before?

I am wondering if I should go see a doc..in which case should I go see my GP, lactation consultant or my gynae??

Who did you go see for your mastitis previously?
I experienced leaks too when I took off the binding. I don't think the binding is actually restricting the milk production/flow. Just that when you take it off, you feel a sense of relief and relax more so you experience a let-down. I get that too when I take off my bra!

Regarding the 5-in-1 and 6-in-1 jabs, I decided to take the 5-in-1 and take the Heb B jab separately. Coz my PD said 6-in-1 jab got a very high risk of fever. I'm going to do it at my PD at united square on 8 Oct - he is charging $120 inclusive of consultation. How much is it at the polyclinic?
Hi angel. I too have been having pain in my left breast after feeding. Only started yesterday. It is a sharp pain that repeats for about 5mins then disappears. Was wondering what it was too.

Hi atinarin, if you are really worried, can just pop down to see a LC. Can check on latching and also give yourself peace of mind. But I think feeding 3-4 times a day is quite little, may not stimulate your breast enough. Is it possible to wake her up to feed at least 8 times a day?

Have you heard of breast compression? It simply means pressing your breast when baby starts suckling (somewhere at the middle, not too near the nipple) I have been doing that towards the end of the feed when the milk supply slows down and he seems disinterested.

Hi shotbyfau, I asked my gynae before. She says it is ok to colour hair after giving birth. I remember Dr Khi rebonded her hair about a month or so after giving birth too. I think it really depends on the comfort level of the mummy.
Hi angel, can you share who is your PD? Is he good? I am still looking for a PD for my baby. Didn't want to go back to Dr Ong EK cos his clinic is super crowded and the parking at TMC sucks.
Ya.. I also felt that the binding doesn't feel right. And after the massage I actually have slight menstrual cramp and started bleeding again. Some people explain that it's the blood clots dissipating. But I really dun know. In the end, I decided that I will not go thru this. Just take the natural way to slim down. This way is too man-made liao.

Hey how do you know "very little" comes out when you are breastfeeding baby? How do you tell? You are still a very young mum.. normally it takes 4-6 weeks to establish milk supply. Meanwhile, don't be discouraged or afraid to latch baby on. After she's done drinking from you, if you think she's still hungry, you can always top up with FM..then slowly reduce the FM when your milk supply is established. I'm sure you can do it.. don't give up!

For me, I also do not have a CL. During confinement, my mil takes care of the day shift while I'm in charge of the nite shift. My mil will cook for me, do some light housework, burp, change and bathe baby in the daytime, and soothe him when he is cranky. I am solely in charge of feeding baby and getting as much rest as possible so as to gear up for the nite shift. After confinement, I forsee the only problem I have is soothing baby when he's cranky. My mil is so good at this I can't match up to her.. very scared of what's to come cuz I know it won't be easy alone at home with baby..
Hahaha.. you funny woman. I also have the same question. Wanna color my hair for upcoming full month (though I'm not the star) but dunno whether safe or not. Then I checked the internet and so far, none of the info states that it will harm baby.. so I'm going ahead to do it
Probably time it way before the next feed..

Eh you are too softhearted lah.. sure kenna bully by your daughter next time
You are feeding her my girl. Mummy knows best...
Hi peapod,

I switched PDs too...the PD recommended by my gynae at Mt E was damn ex and super crowded. Now I'm seeing Dr Ong at Aglow Baby & Child Clinic at United Square (next to Toys R Us). My friend recommended to me. I've only seen him once so far, but I find Dr Ong is really nice and patient, and most imptly he really took the time to answer all my questions and explain things to me (I really hate docs who give me one word answers)! The staff and nurses there are very nice and friendly too. I find his charges very reasonable - fyi first time consultation is $60-70, but subsequent visits is $45 flat.

Another plus is that can go shopping after that haha! United Sq got alot of shops for babies.
Oh is it? Hahaha.. the binding was sure making me crazy..Regarding the jabs.. let me check and get back to you..

I do breast compression too (when I'm not tired
I have the same fear as you. Of all the things that motherhood entails, I fear I won't be able to soothe my baby when she's cranky. The other night my baby was crying and I couldn't calm her down, tried feeding her, changing diaper, burping, massage, rocking and patting, shhh-ing method, etc. and she was still crying. And the instant my CL took over, she stopped crying! It really freaked me out...and needless to say I was crying after that and thinking I'm such a hopeless mother. I'm so worried now coz my CL is leaving in 2 days. Hope I have your strength to cope alone!!
Oh is it? Hahaha.. the binding was sure making me crazy..Regarding the jabs.. let me check and get back to you..

I do breast compression too (when I'm not tired
Hi Bena: I feel that very little is coming out because despite latching her on for 15mins each, she will still be cranky and need FM.

Just finished my massage, lady trying to advise me to continue for another week and she will do more of a scrub and what not but i dont know. Expensive and time consuming.

In my case i take care of baby the whole day and night, mum sometimes helps to carry but other than that i do and i also tidy up the house cos i feel its so tough for mum to go marketing, do cooking, laundry , cleaning etc on her own.
Oh one question, baby didnt poo whole of yesterday. Should i be worried? Till now still nothing.
Maybe shes drinking too little i dont know. HEr feeds are usually 5hours apart. Vomitted badly this morning poor thing she got such a shock from her own vomitting. Started crying loudly.

Do you all clean baby's mouth and tongue? How to do it? Its all white with milk.
hi amy,

yeah, i hv read smthg abt the risk of putting bb to sleep on their tummy. but no choice for me cos my gal 'jerk' alot when she sleep and often waking up crying as if she has got a bad shock. but i oni dare to place her on her tummy in the day so tat i can constantly check on her...

she's been rather cranky these few days esp aft the full mth celebration. haiz, probably due to over stimulation...
hi bena,

can i chk wif u on blocked ducts? do u get blocked ducts occasionally? i found some block ducts on my left breasts today.. very diff to clear. hw do u normally clear it?
the last time, i had to visit LC twice for this.. dun wan to keep gg back to her. she taught me to apply hot compress then massage hard and pushed twds nipples while bb is latching on... but wif bb latching on, i cant really do it properly.
Hi angel and Hung, thanks for the recommendation
I will try out Dr Ong next time. And yes, one of the draws of United Square is the SHOPPING!

Hi angel, after my CL left, my PIL came over to stay and help out. Think I am a useless and lazy mummy, everything he cries, i will try to soothe him abit but after a little while I will give up and pass to my MIL ;p The night wailings are the most stressful, usually will just stuff his face with my breast hahaa. Luckily at least this will definitely work.

Hi atinarin, my CL use a wet, smooth cloth to wipe the tongue. But not everyday, only when it's white. Someone gave me a baby toothbrush for full month. I have no idea how to use it! Supposed to be able to massage gums too but like very weird leh. Scared that baby clams on my fingers too, like the way he clams on my nipple.

How to go do hair?! Typically, a cut and colour and treatment will take me almost whole day liao. Unless I excuse myself to go express, how to stay at the hairdresser whole day? Probably have to go like 3 times to do cut, colour and treatment separately

me sama sama situation as u... oso cannot handle my gal when she cry... during confinement, its either my mum or mil... unless i do the same, stuff her face to my breast. smhw it works everytime. but i wonder hw long can i do this, esp when we are dining or shopping outside.

me oso wanted to do my hair badly... last sun confinement, my cousin say i look like ah soh cos i hv my hair all tied up, fringe pinned up as well. with BF, diff to get away lor... wif bena's encouragement, i finally get dwn to pumping but yield pathetic. wonder when i will hv enuff to last her the whole day if i go out.

if hairstylist can do home visit good hor... but he has to bring alot of barang barang.. my wishful thinking lor
I think you can use a hot towel and massage the hard areas like how the LC taught you. But must be very patient and must massage hard. No need to do it when baby is latching. But always latch your baby on that side that's blocked first so as to clear it. And also, don't worry abt the low pump yield. Just treat the pumping as clearing your breasts so as to allow it to create more!

Atinarin, what did the PD say abt your bb's situation? Has she pooed already today? Sometimes baby's vomitting could be due to mummy's diet. (Eg milk, peanut, etc)

I DIY color my hair.. takes at most 1 hr
Then go downstairs cut. Very ah soh one

Anyone has recommendations for PD in Redhill/ Tiong Bahru?

Baby is 16 days old. Need to go for jab soon. Also, if need to go polyclinic for jabs, must make appt??
Hi Hung,
We have the same PD
Re massaging, the massage lady won't massage your breast normally...unless you got blocked duct and want her to clear it for you.
Hi Poohwei, yes, if go for jab, need to call to make appointment.

Today I like hit a setback in my breastmilk supply
Baby cries for feed almost every 1.5hr. Very stressful... Makes me wonder if my supply dropped cos' on Tues I went out for lunch with my colleagues. Turned out the lunch took much longer than expected and I didn't express nor feed baby for almost 6hours. After that my breast was so painful!
Hung: My massage lady masages breasts everyday but its not painful type. It provides relief and milk starts to flow more too bad its when shes doing im not breastfeeding.

Bena: Still no sight of poo. Just back from the polyclinic. Arent we supposed to drink milk when breastfeeding? I thought its a good thing to do.

Do you eat fruits. I am so confused. Chinese friends say dont eat, its cooling, will have pains. Whereas western medicine advocates a well balanced meal. Including alot of fluids, which again Asians say will cause bloating or pains. So confused.
Hi experience mummies, pls help. How do i koe if bb is having a fever? is 37.3 degree high? bb has been vomitting little bit of milk whole day after each breastfeeding.. is it normal? I'm so worried that he's sick..
hey bena,

i happened to smell my EBM juz nw. its very fishy... izzit supposed to be like tat??? i was abit taken aback.

btw, any mummies can advise hw much EBM a 4 weeks old bb shld be taking per feed.. i wanted to start feeding my bb EBM using bottle soon.. becos i will go back to work eventually and caretaker can take over.
Hi Atinarin,
Haha ya chinese and western always contradict each other. My CL say cannot eat fruits cold, and only certain fruits cannot eat (citrus fruits is a no-no). So I've been eating apples, pears, and grapes.

As for milk, yes we need to have alot of calcium now. Otherwise the calcium stores in our bones will be depleted and we will get osterporsis (sp?) when we grow old. I hate drinking milk so my gynae gave me calcium supplements.
Hi Kym,

Re vomiting, was it just abit of milk or did she throw up alot?

Spitting up milk is normal, its called possetting. This is because the sphincter muscle between the stomach and the esophagus (the tube from the mouth to stomach) is weak and immature. Infants normally spit up small amounts during or soon after feedings, often when they're being burped. It may also be a sign of overfeeding and they're just spitting up what their stomach can't contain.

If your baby is feeling feverish, better to bring her to see a doc!
Same here. Today, baby is perpetually on my breasts. Makes me wonder if something is wrong with my supply. Then Angel told me could be growth spurt.. tomorrow will know his weight liao..Hope he's gaining well. I'm so milked dry now.. Only managed to pump once today..

You so cute.. went to smell your breastmilk. I've never smelled mine before.. but don't worry.. whatever comes out from us will be good for baby (regardless of the smell). Sometimes our milk can be green color too depending on what we eat..but it's ok for baby.

Atinarin, I read somewhere that some babies might be lactose intolerant and will throw out mummy's breastmilk if mummy drinks milk. As for eating of fruits.. since chinese and western contradict, like what Angel said, I will eat fruits that are not 'liang' (eg apples).

Kym, my baby has been spitting up after each feed too. The quantity ranges from half a teaspoon to 3 tablespoon. I'm also quite worried and wonder if it's something I ate, cuz he's on TBF. I will ask doc tomorrow...
Baby got pee? I read that pee is a better gauge of whether he's being fed well. Got 6 sopping wet diapers?
hi angel,

my bb oso throw up some milk.. smtimes when she's being burped or when she is lying dwn after burping. so its a sign of over eating??

these few days, cant calm her dwn by carrying, changing wet diaper etc.. except for latching her. i guess she has gotten extra intake of milk becos of the latching for comfort. but tat does calm her now though.. tried using pacifier.. she dun wan, cry even louder.

any clue or experience u had on crying, distressed bb?

haha bena,

juz had the 'natural reflexes' to smell my EBM. well, i guessed its occupational hazard bah...
i'm a food chemist.. smell n taste food is my daily job... haha, mayb not working for 1 mth, abit siao. keke

i'm bringing my bb for hept B booster tmr.. hopefully she's in good growth rate..
