(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

hi mummies!!
baby is 19 days old now..and demanding feed every now and then for these 2 days. vv deprived of sleep cos she wakes up at evey 3 hrs interval at nite. and now, she wants to be carried and we need to walk, cannot sit down with her. vv fussy girl. anyone uses the yo-yo/sarong already for 3 wks old baby? and any growth spurts at abt 3 wks old?

Hello, here comes baby and mummy Jordan!

Just came back from our 1 month gynae and PD follow-up ... for mummy, Dr Wong confirmed that wounds already fully healed and also did a pap smear. Green light has been given to intercourse. Anyway, we already "tried" on the day of "man yue" but was unsuccesful.
Somehow can't go in and that part became sore. Dr Wong said we tend to get dry down there so encouraged us to try again by applying more lubricant.

For baby's follow-up, he's 4.62 kg today! Dr Ong said he's growing very well as most babies put on only 1 kg after a month ... he put on about 1.6 kg from his birth weight of 3.015 kg!!! Heee, at least that proves my EBM is nourishing enough ... haha.
You really have a talent to make people laugh.. might want to consider it as a profession

Then why do you think I'm so exhausted? Actually I cannot take it liao..initially I pump cuz I was easily engorged. Now I pump cuz need to stimulate supply further and also son's gaining quite an appetite plus I think I got no energy to latch him at nite liao wanna give ebm. Supply is still pathetic. So far only can get 80 ml max per session. Gotta rely on reserves..

Today first day alone with baby.. really praying he'll give me 1 hr of peace and sleep through to his next feed..

Peapod, I seemed to be more responsive to pumps liao.. initially could only get 10-20ml per session. Now much better can get abt 60-80ml per session. I think it's because I switch it to a lower power and my breasts are not as traumatised so could relax more and induce a let down. I wonder if it's the same for you and have you tried pumping at least once to find out..?
anyone babies making alot of sound when sleeping at night? My DS has alot of ek ek..and snorting sound when he sleeping at night, also breathing seems harder too at night. I spoke to PD and my gynae, both said it's normal for babies to have alot of noise as their nasal not fully developed, wonder when will these noises go away?
I read that 3rd week is the time for growth spurts. But eating at 3 hour interval (even at nite) from start of feeding to start of next feeding is normal for a baby that young. So won't say that's excessive really.. Maybe you can try Gina Ford or Tracy Hogg's routine to correct his feeding habit at nite. Mine gives me problem in the day when I'm alone with him, sometimes demanding feeds every hourly
Bena, well done! Continue pumping ... jia you! So how much reserves have you stored liao? That time we had about same no. hor?
Now I have 17 bottles in freezer and 2 bottles in fridge ... having problem with storage now ... thinking of switching to store in milk bags to save space but wondering how to make the milk bag stand before the milk freezes.

Voice, Jordan also has lotsa noise when he sleeps, not only at night (of cos night time being quieter, the sounds become more audible). My PD said it's normal too just now.
wow blueskye... really envious on ur bb's growth rate. mine oni at 3.8kg at 1 mth old.
ur supply must be alot.

u cfm drained.. cos its like working non stop round the clock.

my bb oso mk tat noise. oredi chk wif pd, he say normal leh.. but i'm still concern

i lao nua oredi... so much reserve n ur bb is growing well. my bb 5 weeks nw.. but i dun thk my supply is sufficient... cos her feeding can be very near.. less than 2 hrs interval
It's certainly more tiring having to look after our babies at night. I've been doing so ever since my CL left. Often, it was the "ek ek ek" noises that set me awake. Had to wake up to pat him, then when he's quiet, I go back to sleep ... 1 min later, same cycle repeats. That's the tiring part. When my elder one not around, at least I can put him beside me on the bed which makes patting easier. But can't do that when she's around cos she has the habit of climbing up our bed in middle of night ... if that happens, then the poor baby will be flat!

I'm suffering from backaches now after all the bending, getting in and out of bed etc.
My supply still hasn't reached the level when I had my elder one. In fact, these few days seem to have dropped ... probably due to less pumping on Sun during the baby shower and also cos of fatigue.

so meaning double up wif pumping plus latching does help to increase supply a great deal? looks like i'm not doing my job well.. oni rely on latching.. then started to pump last week aft bena's advice. but i oni pump 1x or max 2x per day, oredi 'too much' for me.
normally hw long u pump per session?

btw, on the storage bags.. i bgt first year storage bags.. tis wan can stand by itself even b4 freezing. u might wan to try.
dArmAe, combining latching and pumping should increase supply ... but how many of us will be as disciplined as Bena? Solely expressing is already tiring enough for me ... I still try to latch him on at least once a day though the feeding can be really short ... nowadays he always become impatient after about 10-15 mins ... in the end still have to warm up my EBM to feed him. Tried latching him on in the middle of night but gave up cos he's more fussy at night these days. Rather just quickly pump and go back to sleep.

Last time I need about 30 mins to pump ... now shorter around 15-20 mins. Maybe I'm also becoming impatient ... wanna get it done asap.
for those who had a c-sec, do u go back for weekly review? I am on weekly review...cos' had an infection on a small part of my wound, thot gynae said is surface skin abrasion like that.

re: bb's noise...sometimes it's worrying cos' i wonder if he has breathing difficulty issit...though now i know it's normal.
yeah blueskye,
discipline is really the key lor.. bena is really my ou xiang.. i realised tat i can either do latching wif few pumps.. or pump more than most mummies than latch few times. my pumping yield not so encouraging.. 20-40ml on average (both sides). i really hope by increasing pump sessions will help.. cos my gal can be lazy when she latch... fell asleep very easily.. always hv to wake her up.
smtimes she can sleep for 30mins then wake up feeling hungry cos she din hv enuff the prev round. very xiong...
hi darmae,
I got the list from the mumcentre's website. Need to keep myself armed with the info coz I like to go out and 'jalan jalan'.

hi blueskye,
I use the first few years milkbags mentioned by Darmae and place the flat in the freezer coz they take up less space. So far so good, no leakage.
Hope this helps:

What is normal when it comes to pumping output and changes in pumping output?
Most moms who are nursing full-time are able to pump around 1/2 to 2 ounces total (for both breasts) per pumping session. Moms who pump more milk per session may have an oversupply of milk, or may respond better than average to the pump, or may have been able to increase pump output with practice. Many moms think that they should be able to pump 4-8 ounces per pumping session, but even 4 ounces is an unusually large pumping output.

It is quite normal to need to pump 2-3 times to get enough milk for one feeding for baby (remember that the pump cannot get as much milk as a baby who nurses effectively).

Many moms are able to pump more milk per session when they are separated from baby. Milk pumped when you are nursing full-time is "extra" milk -- over and beyond what baby needs. Don't get discouraged if you are trying to build up a freezer stash when nursing full time and don't get much milk per pumping session -- this is perfectly normal and expected.

It is very common to have more milk than baby needs in the early weeks, which regulates down to baby's needs over the first few weeks or months. When your milk supply regulates (this change may occur either gradually or rather suddenly), it is normal for pumping output to decrease. For moms who have oversupply, this change often occurs later (6-9+ months postpartum rather than 6-12 weeks).

It is normal for pumping output to vary from session to session and day to day. Having an occasional low volume day is not unusual.

During a growth spurt, don't be surprised if baby drinks more expressed milk than usual, making it harder for mom to provide enough expressed milk. Growth spurts are temporary - try increasing nursing and adding a pumping session or two at home until the growth spurt is over.

Menstruation or ovulation can result in a temporary drop in milk supply. You might also notice cyclical dips in milk supply before your period returns, as your body begins the return to fertility. Hormonal changes also cause milk supply to decrease during pregnancy.

Remember that the amount of milk that you pump is not a measure of your milk supply!
I never count how many bottles/bags of BM I have in the freezer. I think should be less than 17 bah. Sigh I've been giving baby EBM. Have given him twice on Sunday full month celebration and twice last nite. And once just now cuz he projectile vommit all that he took latching. When I feed him with a bottle I feel very sad. I know it's very pian tai but I feel that he shouldn't be sucking from anywhere else but me. Now, after a full feed, he still refuse to sleep, whereas I'm so tired. I dun pump so frequently liao.. cuz too tired.. losing steam liao. I also noticed that after giving him bottle, he expect the BM floiw to be very fast when I latch him. Like your baby, he gets impatient very fast.. I feel so sad. Shouldn't have given him the bottle in the 1st place.
I'm using Medela PIS Advance. I set it to the first dark black dot. I realised I can pump 70-80ml every hourly in the wee hours of the nite. Then in the day time, my supply is lower. Can only get 50-60ml max after latching. My supply sounds quite impressive but actually it is not. My boy still fusses at my breasts.. drink a while, fall asleep. Then 1 hour later, wake up asking for more. With the fatigue, really feel like giving up, but there's no way for me except forward. Handling baby alone is really so tough. If only my mil is with me now. I really misses her!

Thank you.. I'm not so discipline liao.. but dun be discouraged by me ok? I think 20-40ml is good liao, not forgetting that you direct latch.

I don't go back for weekly checkup for my c-section wound. Mine is monthly.
Hi <font color="0000ff">Voice</font>..

I am seeing Woody on monthly basis... so far, my wound heals well...

Take good care of urself..
Hi Mummies,
Went to see PD for my baby's 1 month check up and Heb B jab yesterday. She is 4.7kg already! She was 3.2kg at birth and 3kg when she left the hospital. Doc said average weight gain is 1kg per month. So mine overweight liao!

Regarding baby snorting at night...mine was breathing heavily and snorting really bad last night. Then when I was feeding her, I saw some of her 'pi sai' in the corner of her nose...I pulled it out with a cotton bud and got a big shock man!!! A GIGANTIC piece of pi sai came out!!! My hubby and I were so amused. After that she stopped snorting liao...then we could sleep peacefully!
Hi Em
How r u coping with baby now that your mum has gone back?

Angel, waaah...ur baby really big leh...u really nurse her well! WELL DONE!
My boy had a nose suction done last week due to alot of mucous in his nose, cos' bb's nose is flat and it's difficult for them to breath properly i think so had to clean the mucous inside regularly.

i juz latched on demand. but very xiong cos can feel tat breasts not full yet. the thing is my bb does not latch on long enuff.. usu 10 mins on 1 side then she dozed off. diff to wake her up.. so usu i leave her sleeping.. she will wake up then i nurse on the other breasts..
hence very diff for me to slot pumping unless in the aftn.. usu she takes abt 3.5 hrs nap..then i 'dare' to pump.
otherwise, the other timing might 'drained' my breasts and she will be fussy cos poor supply
Peifu you.. these few days my baby demands cluster feeding too and I'm going crazy with his demands.. I got no brain cells to detail down what happened these few days.. it's bad enough though..
Angel, haha, was also sharing my boy's 1.6 kg weight gain ... he was only 3.015 kg at birth (was born early at 37 weeks exact) and today at his 1st month check, he's 4.62 kg. We were kinda shocked cos didn't expect him to gain so much. Heeee

i oso lose it too..esp to poor HB.. he always' get it' from me if i get too stressed n vexed.
almost wanted to give up n give FM.. but like wat u say b4.. always hv the 'give up tmr' statement.. n it keeps dragging.. actually reluctant to give up after trying so hard
Wah your baby also gained alot!
My girl also born on 37th week. Ya my hubby and I were shocked too. Think both our supply quite high that's why our babies put on so much issit?

Jia you k...giving him the bottle has its goods and bads. I initially also feel sad that I started using the bottle so soon (started during 1st week), and baby seemed to be more contented drinking by the bottle and will go longer between feeds. But it really helps me that my hubby can feed her too, gives me some time off to rest or just do my own things. And my hubby can 'participate' and bond with her too. Whatever you decide, most impt thing is that you are happy k...don't be too hard on yourself! You've been doing a great job so far and you're the envy of so many mothers lor!

Instead of using the yao lan, maybe you wanna try swaddling your baby to sleep? My baby also wanted to be carried all the time (my CL always carried her when she cried so I think she got used to it!). Read up in the baby whisperer and gina ford books that swaddling babies helps to calm them and give them security coz it feels like they're back in the womb. I found that swaddling her fully again helped a great deal. I don't have to carry her till she sleeps anymore now. When its time for her to sleep, I just swaddle her, lay her in her bed and she nods off to sleep on her own.
Haha how to multi-task? I don't seem to have the hands free to do anything else when I'm breastfeeding or pumping!
Can ... my left hand hold the electric pump, while right hand hold the manual pump. Sometimes when my right hand too tired from pumping, I will stop a while and surf, while the breastpump is still on my breast and resting on my lap (have to bend down abit lah).
Haha...breast pump on your breast and resting on your lap?!? That sounds like a very uncomfortable position!!! My back is aching badly as it is.
Ok lah, not as uncomfortable as you thought cos I usually pump at my study room and I can cross my leg higher on the table. Aiyah don't know how to describe ... heeee.
I bottle feed. Initially when supply not established yet, every drop of EBM is so precious. I will spoon feed till the last drop if he's sleeping towards the end.
I bottle fed him from his very first day. During hospital stay, I did try to latch him ... he suckles well but unfortunately, milk supply hasn't come in then till the 3rd day. After that I 100% bottle feed my EBM till when he was about 2 weeks old, I started introducing my breasts to him again (just for fun). Surprisingly he accepts my breasts and suckles. So I will try to latch him at least once a day thereafter.
Hi Mommies!
I juz went to gynae checkup today...managed to weigh myself at last...! so glad tat i hv oredi shed 10kgs in 3weeks! 6kgs more and i'm bk to my original weight...My dear Ashton is abt 4kg+...gained 1kg in 3weeks!
Think he's experiencing growth spurts...He's more alert now too! He dun slp straight away after his feeds...
Haha...Shotbyfau...same here...!my boy's eyes r always as wide as marbles after his feed at ard 2am...I was oredi half-dead by then...alot of times, I fell aslp b4 he does!

Hi Blue...,
I also lao nua at your supply man! i can only pump twice a day...150 to 180ml each time...whereas your's is 3 to 4hrs! Now i hardly latch my baby any more...bottle feed EBM in the day and from 11pm onwards, i gave him FM till the next morning abt 11am...was feeling guilty tat i'm unable to give him BM 24/7...my BM r so precious now...but my naughty boy dun finish it all the time...so wasted! so heartpain lor! haiz...

Hi Angel, Voice...
My boy makes alot of snorting noises too...during feeding and sleeping...and i realized tat he was breathing wif his mouth at times too (sleeps wif mouth open)...when i ask my PD, he was telling me tat his nostrils r small...and its normal...but i'm still very worried leh...duno whether is it bcoz of phlegm...haiz...does drinking coke affects the BM???
I was so unsettled tat i went to buy this nasal pump from pigeon..(the one wif mouth tube to control suction) and tried using it on my boy...to my surprise, it worked! i managed to suck out this huge, greenish "pi sai" from his nose! I was both freak out and glad...!
aiyo... 1st, i lao nua on the abundance supply of mummies BM, next is the weight gain of bb (my bb skinny leh, same worry as bena, duno bb gd weight or not?), nw is the weight lost...

BeBeNg, envy u leh.. lost 10kg in 3 weeks. i thk blueskye oso back to pre-preg wt rite? i oni lost 6.5kg aft 6 weeks, halfway oni.
i guess its genes lor. my mum n sis nv regained their figure aft giving birth....

hi mummies,

i gave my bb EBM yest thru bottle.. she rejected it and kept crying. she took a few mouthful then started crying... i put her to breasts then she calmed dwn. this is her 4th time on bottle, the prev time she ok leh. duno wat happen tis time.

bena, do u hv any problem introducing EBM via bottle since u exclusive latch on oso.
So far anyone gives your baby water? I know baby on breastmilk by right no need drink water ... but I discovered something just 2 days ago. Sometimes when it's not time yet for milk and my baby is fussing, I give him just a little water (between 5-8 suckles) and he is satisfied, and will settle to sleep a while more before the actual milk feeding.

Maybe you all can try? Think little bit of water is also good for babies right? If not only got milk ... somemore mine take 1 FM feed at night.
blueskye, i gave my gal water oso.. cos she's on quite a fair bit of fm.. so can be a bit "heaty".. no harm to introduce water to them lah.. so they'll learn to drink water.. if not when they are older they wont like to drink water...
hi hung, my bb was on bottle EBM and refuse latching on . but from wk3 onwards, i started practising latching on with him (started off with once a day, slowly increasing). now he can latch and also dont reject bottle EBM.
Sorry digress abit ... anyone of you done permanent removal of armpit hair before? Only IPL can do it? Any recommendations?

hi hung, i have sore nipples if latch every 2hourly... so trying to "toughen" my nipples everyday, by slowly increasing the number of times i latch bb. i have not gone onto total latch yet coz think my nipples not ready for that. hahaha. my bb also quite rough.

i don't quite like the breast feeding pillow so stopped using it liao. but i used another hard pillow as support.

for mummies suffering from engorgement, try latching on , more effective. yesterday, i went back office to work so only pump during lunch time. at nite, breasts engorged. despite massaging (very painful) and pumping 4 hourly thereafter, i can still feel the hard lumps this morning. so i latched bb on, within 20mins, the lumps gone
its truly amazing.... i guess its really true when they say the bb's suckling is the most effective.

i am definitely still gonna continue bottle feeding coz i dun wan bb to reject the bottle, then very siong on me to be the 24/7 caregiver of milk :p
