(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

Where are all the westerners?! Looks like nobody else coming for our gathering at Vivo haha! Shall we make it on a weekend instead? Maybe will have more mummies.
yeah bena,

i will get daddy to give ebm at nite to test out. hopefully she can sleep longer.

hi angel,

looks like increasing pumps (every 2hrly) does help to increase yield. i wud oso want to try tat out. but must be very disciplined... i hope i can achieve tat. hw do u prep urself before pumping? did u do anythg to help?
Hi... I also want to "show off" my Ayden..haha
1 week old

7 weeks old
Good Morning Mummies!

What a way to start Monday!...see all bb pic...hehe

all so cute...hehe

Magoo!...ayden so cute
anyone heard about the immunizations causing autism or something?

a friend said she is afraid of that i it got me thinking too.l
Maybe becos u use electric tats why too comfortable already. Actually my mum say if the baby never wake up it is ok as long as bb is still growing and gaining weight regularly.
For my case, my yao lan is manual but Ryann slp on yao lan or bed also no difference cos he like alarm clock n hungry baby sure wake up one!

bubumama, actually i still can tahan w/o epi one, when i having intense contraction every minute i thot it is time but my gynae came and she say at least another 7 hrs, i almost faint..=p cos cervix onl open 3cm after 14 hrs. then no choice took epi and increase dosage for induction but end up still only 4.5cm nia...

atinarin, Oh so poor thing..Aidanee is right .. dun worry maybe ur bb will outgrown the problem.

Aidanee , Tiny, Same here i also using Nuk bottles... my son is drinking 110ml EBM take abt 10minute. using small teat but sometime he very funny he will be like asthma like tat.. take one deep breath then eat again.. do u all think maybe the hole too small he need more energy to suck tat y he behave like this??

dArmAe, As angel said dun worry abt supply, the more u stress the lesser u get. find a quite place to express out. Your pump is also impt.. i use Ameda and i find it better then medala as it is so silent. i can pump with Ryann slping beside me. I pump every 4 hr, abt 200ml sometime i drag to 5-6 hrs will get 250ml. Got a few times i too tired overslept and pump at 8 hrs interval and i pump 340ml... feeling like a cow but it will effect my supply later. So must be very discipline lor... Jia You...

Magoo, Ayden so cute... =p

Emily, so good edison will slp tru the night.. my hungry bb wont one lor... I shld have joined this forum earlier then can see u in the hospital.. =p

BTW, any Mummies here stay north east? SK or PG?
Hi mummies!

How are you gals doing?

Bena: Angel is right - just gradually stop pumping in the middle of the night (you can taper off by pumping less and less each night) and eventually, say in a week or so, you can cut out the night pump altogether and not be too engorged in the morning! It's amazing how breasts can be 'trained' to pdce milk every 3-4 hrs in the day but not between 11pm-7am. I'm constantly amazed at how 'smart' our lactating bodies are.

<font color="0000ff">bumper playmat</font>
Is anyone keen on buying a bumper playmat? I have an extra brand-new (still in packaging) one, which my hb bought directly from LG in Korea. Letting go at significantly cheaper price than the BPs cos I just want to make some room in my flat. Pics are up on the July thread. Specifications are as follows:

LG Prime PVC Playmat
Size: SuperLarge - 2300mm x 1400mm x 15mm
Design: Mickey Mouse
Price: $225 (collection from Kembangan) or $235 (with delivery)
Available immediately.
PM me or email me ([email protected]) if you want it.

<font color="0000ff">yaolan/sarong swing</font>
I also have one of these - used a couple of times and in great condition - so if anyone is interested, pls let me know.
Thx, and my baby due in May'08.

Seeing so many gorgeous and adorable babies, really makes me looking forward to May'08.

Organizing most photogenic Sept'07 Baby?
Hi <font color="0000ff">Phoebe & Angel</font>..
No, he din sleep through.. What I meant is he sleep around 11 hours at night... he wakes up twice for milk, around 12 midnignt and 4am...

He cant sleep with hungry stomach..
Hi <font color="0000ff">angel</font>..
You r really a super dedicated mummy.. I found that taking care of baby is already so stressful, I hardly find time to pump.. thus, I gave up...

You still pump so regularly, how do u do it?
Hi <font color="0000ff">dArmAe</font>..
It happened to me couple of times where my son cried badly when we r shopping halfway that we have to leave the place immediately...

First time, he cried badly in the nursery room in Taka. 2nd time, also the same. I'm wondering why. But he behaves well when we go to Suntec. He even smile when we put him in stroller & walk at Carrefour.
I love meeting up at weekend if possible...cause next week starting to work full 5 days liao..oni now is mon and fri not working..

Add on 1 more pic taken yesterdae...

Alicia saying HI to all mums...

Yup it really works! Just 3 days. Let me know if it works for you.
I usually take a hot drink brfore i pump, apparently helps with the let down coz the blood vessels are expanded os something like tat.

Ya i agree with you, I'm using a PIS but got to try my sis's ameda. The ameda pump is so silent, and I like the soft breast shield attachment. I didn't feel any pain at all using it.
hi phoebe,

thks for the encouragement.. smhw i went into the panic mood seeing my bb drinkin more tat i cud pump per session. as i will be returning to work after my ML, ned to ensure tat she has enuff food lor.

Im oso using ameda pump. did u get the ameda flexishield? i heard tat it will hv some massaging effect and stimulate milk flow while expressing. duno if it work tat well.

Hi Emily,

coincidentally, last fri my bb was cranky when we were at taka as well.. thot she hungry, went to nusery rm to nurse but she wailed even louder. hw come ah???
That is sooo cute!!! Is that a yao lan he's sleeping in?

Your girl is so adorable! Feel like pinching her cheeks!

Sept mummies,

Shall we do a gathering on Saturday Nov 17th? Can we have a show who's interested and the preferred place of gathering:

Suggested venues: Paragon, Plaza Sing, Vivocity

1) Angel - Anywhere central.
I just got this email...soemthing sure to make you smile

Thirty things that change when you have a baby by Rebecca WoolfLast updated:

1. You finally stop to smell the roses, because your baby is in your arms.
2. Where you once believed you were fearless, you now find yourselfafraid.
3. The sacrifices you thought you made to have a child no longer seem likesacrifices.
4. You respect your body ... finally.
5. You respect your parents and love them in a new way.
6. You find that your baby's pain feels much worse than your own.
7. You believe once again in the things you believed in as a child.
8. You lose touch with the people in your life whom you should havebanished years ago.
9. Your heart breaks much more easily.
10. You think of someone else 234,836,178,976 times a day.
11. Every day is a surprise.
12. Bodily functions are no longer repulsive. In fact, they please you.(Hooray for poop!)
13. You look at your baby in the mirror instead of yourself.
14. You become a morning person.
15. Your love becomes limitless, a superhuman power.
And from our readers...
1. "You discover how much there is to say about one tooth." Ashley's mom
2. "You finally realize that true joy doesn't come from material wealth." Anonymous
3. "You now know where the sun comes from." Charlotte
4. "You'd rather buy a plastic tricycle than those shoes that you've beendying to have." Sophie's mom
5. "You realize that although sticky, lollipops have magical powers." Roxanne
6. "You don't mind going to bed at 9 p.m. on Friday night." Kellye
7. "Silence? What's that?" Anonymous
8. "You realize that the 15 pounds you can't seem to get rid of aretotally worth having." Brenda
9. "You discover an inner strength you never thought you had." Ronin andBrookie's mom
10. "You no longer rely on a clock your baby now sets your schedule." Thomas' mom
11. "You give parents with a screaming child an 'I-know-the-feeling' lookinstead of a 'Can't-they-shut-him-up?' one." Jaidyn's mom
12. "Your dog who used to be your 'baby' becomes just a dog." Kara
13. "You take the time for one more hug and kiss even if it means you'llbe late." Tracey
14. "You learn that taking a shower is a luxury." Jayden's mom
15. "You realize that you can love a complete stranger." Dezarae's mom
hi mummies, can i ask u, how long do u normally take to pump out each time?
i see tt its a 2-3hr interval, but does it take very long each session to pump out 100ml or so from both breast ?
thanks alot
Ya, he is sleeping in a yao lan then i took those pix. =p

I using ameda Lactaline dual pump. It can be use as dual to save time but i cant manage so use only 1 side each time. To increase milk supply, i heard can drink some fish soup with green papaya or smthing. Those who gave birth in TMC would knw. Drinking a hot drink b4 pump would help too. enuff rest and fluid thru out the day. Use warm towel to massage can increase the blood circulation and thus faster let down.
most impt, Dun stress.. mood changes and hormones will effect milk supply too.
Happy pumping... =p

I would say Ameda is really good and comfortable. Moms in mind is selling at $320. the rest is 350. but gt someone in the forum selling $120 second hand but shld be in gd condition ba since she brought less then a yr i think.
And 1 gd thing is the pump wont back flow to the tubes like medela.

Mummies, Sat, i cant cos i am working on Sat at bugis.
It depends on your pump and ur flow. In fact the longer u stimilate, the more supply u get. I usually take 35-45 minutes for each time i pump. Supply varies.. smtimes 180 to 250ml... When i have engorgement whereby i need more time to massage to clear all the block ducts, smtimes need 1 hr..If u dont clear, supply will drop and u might get masitis like me.. infection due to block ducts..high fever .. and have to throw away the milk u pump.
Hope this help.
Hi unice,
I take around 20 mins to pump...sometimes no time then I just do 10-15 mins. I use the medela PIS dual pump.

Oh one thing I realised is that when I was using the ameda pump, it doesn't clear my breasts very well. Like when I don't pump for several hours, I will get blocked ducts and have to massage too otherwise there will be lumps. But the medela PIS clears very well each time. Never had to massage.
thanks Phoebe ...
cos i have juz delivered 2.5 weeks ago, ss not as much yet, so was wondering roughly when ss will reach stable volume?
i m using PIS advanced medela... each time pump only 15mins (didnt know need 35-45mins, no patience
), can get 30-40ml if bb didnt latch on for the past 2hrs...is it ok...
thanks angel...
do u all ever encounter ur bb latching on for 2-3hrs continuously last time?
my bb will wan to drink left breast, right, then left again..half hr each side ..total can feed him 2-3hrs sometimes... is it normal initially?
but aftertt he can zzz for 3-4rs..
my bb didnt latch at all thus i am nt sure if that is ok but usually the more u pump the more supply u will have. Me by the end of 1st week can pump abt 60 - 90 each time. maybe i have more becos mm bb didnt latch.

Angel, Ya.. i always have to massage maybe becos the pump is gentle thus wont clear that well. but as long as no pain and quiet, i dun mind becos i take care of my son myself while i m still on leave or at night. Hubby slp like pig.. never help.. sob sob... at least with this pump, i can still see Ryann slp.. =p
Hellooooo ... me first day back to work! Haha, heng both my bosses not around ... so today still can relax abit. How are all of you?
Hi <font color="0000ff">blueskye</font>..
Enjoying yr work after a long long vacation? Sure got lots of things to catch up with ur colleagues. Who is taking care of ur little darling now?
Hi <font color="0000ff">blueskye</font>..
Enjoying yr work after a long long vacation? Sure got lots of things to catch up with ur colleagues. Who is taking care of ur little darling now?
Haha, today practically haven't start working cos everyone's in Mon Blue mood ... everyone chatting on and off, snacking etc. Haha.
Hi Blueskye,

Today also my first day back to work and same here, boss not around hahaha ....

AND i miss my baby so much
Hello everyone,
Long time never post.

All the babies r soooooo cute.
Today also my first day to return to work
i wake up since 5am till now so tired
Really can't wait to go off at 6pm & rush to fetch my boy. I miss him since i left him at my parents house.
Been a while since I posted
So many cute babies! Here's baby Dahlia, who turns 7 weeks tomorrow


1 day old @ TMC

almost 7 weeks old
Hi unice,
At 2-3 weeks, my baby was latching for ard 20-25 mins each side so ard 1 hour + each nursing session, including burping. They do get more efficient as they grow bigger and take less time. But you say yours take 2-3 hours...hmmm...don't think that's normal leh.
To Mummies who have started work..

How do u cope with feeling of missing your baby? Perhaps you can share with all mummies here... We will sure feel the same way when we start work..

It would be another challenge for all of us, to balance between work & family life.

I will be assigned new responsibilities when I go back to work. Hope it wont be so tough, as I don't think I can still put in the same amt of time to work like before. Family comes first to me.
hi angel,
normally he takes 1 hr (both sides plus burp)...then can sleep for 2-3hrs...

sometimes, ard once a day, he will make noise even after his normal feed and i will start him all over wif 1st side again lo...so total will feed 2hrs plus....
then he can sleep for 4hrs straight...even wake him up he oso bo chap..
I had a pic of Ashton wif the shrek ears too! Alicia's so cute!!!

Who will be going to the gathering tomorrow? issit still at vivo? very tempted to go leh...but ashton's kinda cranky this few days...duno y...
Hi Angel, today is my 5th day of the massage + binding. I still can bind the stomach for overnite, maybe not very tight enough hahaha. & got a problem also, buttock too big so everytime the massage lady bind it at the tummy, the bind will auto flick up. Mine only 7 days package. so need only need to tahan another 1x 2mr as the 7th day she will not bind for me as she need to collect back the cloth. btw angel how u managed to hv so much breast milk, my milk supply is so low that i really can't believe it....used to be 1 pump per day at only 50ml for 2 breast
any tips to increase.

I'm oso using NUK teats, for Milk i used the Medium flow and my babe is drinking his 150ml milk for abt 15min. For water, i bot the thin liquid teat. I prefered the Premium bottle and using the Silicone teats.

Sometime i find my babe drinks his milk until very tired, like sucking very hard like tat. So I'm trying to expand the hole on the teats. Is is true that the 2 hole in the teat is meant for us to create faster flow?? Can the silicone teat be steralize using the boiling method?

Me goin bac work nxt mth and i want to stop my BM completely now. My supply has gone dwn tremenously since my CL leave and i found tat if i dun express it, my breast will become harden. How can i stop the milk? Take medicine fr doctor?

Any mummies here drink soup with Martell or drink DOM when Breast feeding?
Is it ok to drink? My mum say i look weak n unhealthy so cook soup for me with martell... but scare that it will affect my EBM...
