(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

My goodness, all the babies so cute..

Very weird. I think I experience the same thing. Did the 2 hourly pump thingy and now supply is haphazard. This morning pumped out 190ml with just a 3 hr break from previous pump session. But no doubt, that exercise has increased my supply too. Btw, the Nov 17th gathering :
Suggested venues: Paragon, Plaza Sing, Vivocity

1) Angel - Anywhere central.
2) Bena - Anywhere central too.

I have encountered baby latching for 2 hrs plus before. It was very tiring and frustrating for me. I think he was going through a growth spurt then and had to drink more..
I used to start off pumping just 10-20ml as I latch baby exclusively and my supply was low then. Then as my supply build up over the next few weeks, now baby at 8 weeks old, I could pump more between latching sessions(abt 30-60ml). If I replace baby latching with a pump session now, I could get around 100-190ml after a 2-4 hour break. I guess regardless of whether you can pump more or less, as long as baby is satisfied and growing well, it should be alright.

Sat working full day? Else we can always meet in the afternoon and you can join. Btw, I drink 1 small cup of DOM and I breastfeed. Normally I drink right after a feed/pump so that the body can have some time to digest it before the next nursing or pumping session.

Kudos to all mummies who went back/are going back to work. Really not easy juggling family and work. And doubly tough for mummies who need to travel excessively for work. Sure miss baby like crazy!
I didnt drink any DOM at all during confinement only eat food with some rice wine which my mum specially made... Tat mean it shld be ok to drink DOM right? anyway does it really help in improving our health?

Bena, Ya.. sat i work from 9.30 to 6pm..

I am gg bk to work most prob this Friday! Boss nagging at me to go bk le... Lots of work waiting for me!! hai...

Mummies, My son gg to take his first vacine this wednesday le... I took the 6in1 pkg from His PD. Gd thing is only 3 injections. 2nd,4th and 6th month so less chance to get fever. I think i sure heart pain see him cry during the injection.. Any one took vacine already? can share experience?

North east moms... my son's PD is at SengKang Kidslink. Dr Vanessa Tan.. She is good!! thumbs up for her.. very nice nurses as well. can try!!
Emily, I share the same thoughts as you. Family comes first. LAst time, i always stay late at work and help my staff cover shift. Now i dun think i would want to do that becos the first thing in my mind when i start work is i must finish work fast and rush home to see my son.

Plus due to the industry i am working in. I need to get back in shape fast thus need to exercise more, i wonder where gt the time lor..
Don't worry abt the injections. My girl went for her vacine on 2nd month (I'm taking the 5-in-1). When the needle went in, she was still smiling. Then after one second, think she realised pain, then she frowned and let out one "eh" cry. And that was it! Hhaha...I told the PD I was expecting much worse lor. He said its like that one. Looks like its not that painful?

How often do you pump or latch on? The trick to increase BM is to do it more frequently coz demand=supply. The more we pump or latch on, the more our body will produce. I started pumping every 2-hourly for 3 days, and my supply went up

Yes you can take medication from the doc to stop breastmilk from producing. Or alternatively if you want to do it the natural way, when you feel your breasts are full, express or pump abit till you feel comfortable, but don't empty your breasts. Our body will not produce so much coz no demand, then eventually will stop.
Good morning everyone,
Hope u've a great day ahead

Hi Emily,
Imagine a few days b4 i return to work i already start to feel very sad as i can't bear to leave my son though he'll be taken care of by my mum in the day. I even thought of quitting & be a SAHM but it'll be super siong if i do tat. So no choice still need to work hard so tat i can provide the best for him. I'll wake up at 5am everyday to prepare stuffs, feed my boy, burp & pat him to sleep then i go bath/pump milk. When i'm in office i'll call my mum a few times just to make sure he's doing well & always look at my watch hoping 6pm faster come

I can understand how everyone feels since we've been taking care of our babies from day 1 till now then need to drag ourselves back to work. It's really not easy but slowly we'll get used to the routine & everything will goes smoothly as usual. Those still on maternity leave try to enjoy this precious time & bonding with ur bb. Those who start work liao work hard & look forward to the end of the day & cheong back to see our little ones
Good morning!

On drining DOM, think should be ok since it's only a very small quantity in a day. As for Martell and other alcohol ... so long as it is cooked, it's alright cos the alcohol content will evaporate with cooking.

On stopping breastmilk supply ... what I did when I wanted to wean off my elder one was ... you increase your hours of pumping ... for example, if you normally pump every 4 hours, try to to drag your pump to maybe every 6 hours, then increase to 8 hours, and eventually once or twice a day, and slowly no need to pump. No need medication lah I guess ... unless you want faster response lor.
Hi Irene

Long time no see your post already. How you tahan wake up at 5am?? Just wondering, can you share what is your daily routine is like in more detail? Is it very tiring? Does your mum stay in your house or do you have to send your baby to her place?
Hi all,

Gathering at Vivocity today has been CANCELLED.

Mummies interested to go for Nov 17th gathering pls indicate preferred location:

Date: Saturday, Nov 17.
Time: 2pm
Venue: Either Paragon, Plaza Sing, or VivoCity

1) Angel - Anywhere central.
2) Bena - Anywhere central too.

Hi Irene! Wah, 5am is really tough leh. I don't think I will be able to do it. I will be going back work soon too
My main worry is that my hours are not always regular - sometimes I gotto start work at 7am or work late. Nowadays I compensate by sleeping early at about 10am but won't be able to do that once I start work. Sian.

Hi Pillow and Star, I am also planning for 2 weeks to stop my milk supply. For me, my supply has never been alot in the first place so should be relatively easy to stop. I have already started to drop one evening feed but unfortunately my son doesn't really like the bottle. He only drinks 2oz before rejecting it
I am trying out the NUK Latex teats these 2 days.

Is it really true that our body knows to produce milk only at specific times of the day?? Do you think I can train my body to only produce milk in the evenings and night cos' I can't express at work. Was really hoping to continue to latch baby even after work.
Hi Angel,
Ya lor long time no post. I also cannot tahan lei but no choice cos i need to go out of my house by 7.15am, send my boy over to my parents house at Queenstown then my hubby will send me to work. Though i only start work at 9am lah but we try to avoid ERP charges b4 8am heehee... we r kiasu lah but can save $ mah

My daily routine as follows:
5am- wash up, brush teeth, pack stuffs
5.30am - feed my boy, change diaper, burp then pat him to sleep
6am-6.30am - pump milk
6.30am - go bath & prepare
7am - pack all the ebm into the bag
Then drink essence of chicken b4 i leave the house

Back in office i can only go to the nursing room in Suntec & pump during lunch time then pump again at night when i return home. But my supply not as much as u lah
only enuf for the day.

Overall though it's very tiring but everything's worth it once i see my bb at night

I believe this routine will continue like tat unless i no longer hv any BM to feed my boy then won't be tat tiring liao but I hope to continue to BF him as long as i can until no more supply.
Need a favour from Mummies that registered before Nov 2006 (one year ago)

Hi hi. I would like to sell my Avent Uno pump as I won't be expressing when I returned to work. But the WTS threads cannot accept postings from Mummies who have not been a member for at least one year

Can I trouble one of you to help me post up the sale? All corresponding emails and contacts will be going to me directly and I will monitor the thread. Please please
hi to mummies who have gone back to work..
me also feel sad when thinking of going back work..when I had my elder one, I remember crying for 1st few days. SHe's taken care for by my sister and shd be alright but I just felt so sad leaving her then and so will tell my sister to wait till I reach my mum's place and I'll bath her, but could not do so often cos they said it's late (7pm) and baby shd bath earlier..now, for this baby, I'll be asking my mil to help look after- another stress factor cos we've never stay together for such long period b4 and will bound to have differences in the way we want baby to be taken care of..so I'm really stress out...

btw, brought nynke for check up today, at 6 wks 4 days old, she's 4.6kg, was 3.1kg at birth. boy, I really think she's a sumo..putting on so fast!
hi mummies, does yr bb poo daily? i give my bb FM, initially he poos everyday. Now, it has been 2 days since he last poo. I'm so worried. I've stopping my BM and thinking of starting again to ensure bb poos everyday. how to go about starting BM again? Anyone has any idea?
Hi Peapod,
Yes our bodies will produce milk only at certain times. So you definetely can continue to latch your baby like in the AM before going to work, and when you come back in the evening. And our baby will also learn that certain feeds is bottle, and certain feeds is mummy's breast! Just slowly stop pumping at the times when you don't want it to produce, and continue pumping or latching at the times when you want to.

Thanks for sharing your routine
Very siong man...then what time you sleep at night? How do you transport your EBM to your mum's place? Is your baby on TBF?
Hi <font color="0000ff">Irene</font>..
Despite yr hectic schedule, you still find time to express milk for ur son. I admire ur determination.

I think most mummies will feel sad few days b4 they start work. I hate this feeling too. I am still considering whether to quit my job. But as you mentioned, everything is $$$ if we want to give the best to our baby. We need to start saving for their future. In fact, my HB & myself has opened a joint account to save $$$ every month for our son's future education's need. This is the most costly.

You r lucky cos yr mum can help to take care of ur baby. At least, you have lesser worry that those with infant care, babysitter OR maid.
Hi amy,
My girl also becoming sumo! She was 3.2kg at birth, 4.7kg at 4 weeks, and 5.7kg at 8 weeks. I'm so scared to weigh her now.

Anyone experiencing pain in the wrist? I suspect my girl getting too heavy that's why I got pains in the wrist now.
To mummies who will be starting work soon..

Start to put up your baby photos in your laptop & mobile phone so that you can look at them whenever you miss ur darling.

Also, print some photos & frame them. Good to put in your office too!
Hi <font color="0000ff">Angel</font>..
Pain in the wrist is very common for mothers. Its the results of continuous carrying of baby. The weight of our baby causes the strain on the wrist.

You can see a doctor to get some gel. I am using an Orthogel, prescribed by my gynae, its good.
Hi Angel,
I sleep only at 12am

I bought a fridge-to-go from pigeon then i just freeze the bar inside then put all EBM in then bring to my mum's place. No i need to supplement my boy with at least 1 or 2 feed of FM at night. He'll cry out loud when he wakes up so really no time to warm the EBM heehee... but hor my supply not so good & really no time to pump milk so i just give watever i can express out but better than nothing lah haha...
Wah you opened joint account liao..so fast! I also considering whether to quit...really want to take care of my baby full-time but I'm scared of losing my financial independence, and gotta watch every penny spent after that!
Oh thanks Em, will go see doc later. I keep thinking I'll drop the baby one day coz my wrist feels so painful. Then today my chest got weird pain. Haiz...feel like my body is spoilt!

Oh goodness 5 hours of sleep?! I really pei fu you! And ya, some EBM is better than no EBM at all
Baby got stronger immunity and don't fall sick so often.
Hi Emily,
My mum got no choice "bo bian" cos she's also helping my bro to take care of his 2 sons.
I can understand how u feel as u will "bu fan xin" if u leave ur son with infant or nanny. Unless u really quit ur job to be a SAHM. See how it goes when u return to work then u decide lor. Dun think too much & enjoy ur bonding with ur son while u still on ML. Take care

Hi Angel,
Everyone say tat also & ask if i style my boy's hair but i didn't lei. He's born with lots & thick hair like me & my hubby heehee...
Hehe Wise, Jerald surely got alot of girls 'chop' already lor! But Jade dun mind to wait in line
He's so adorable!

You never style ah? Hahaha...so natural!
Hi Angel, thanks, I will start stopping the day feeds first and see how my nite supply will be affected.

Hi irene, your boy's features are very nice.. looks like Aaron Kwok last time heehee.

Hi Wiselyn, thanks very much, you are a dear! I have sent you the details in a PM

I am also thinking of opening an POSB account for baby soon. Is anyone also getting insurance for baby? My prudential insurance agent already proposing some policies for baby - savings cum insurance or investment cum insurance. I am also thinking of getting a rider for childhood illnesses. But quite siong, about $250 per month.
Hi <font color="0000ff">Peapod</font>..
I am planning to buy Enhanced Incomeshield Plus Rider for my son. I just need an insurance policy to cover all medical expenses. I don't intend to buy those savings cum insurance plan. Its rather costly.

The easiest & cheapest way is to buy Medishield for ur baby. Only $36/year deductible from your Medisave.

I advise all mummies to start a joint account & start saving monthly with ur HB for ur future baby's expenses.
Hi <font color="0000ff">Irene</font>..
I will enjoy the remaining of my ML while it lasts.

It seems that you only sleep 4 hours a day (sleep at 12am, wake up at 5am, assuming u wake up 1hr for midnight feed). You r a superwoman! But I am concerned that the shortage of sleep over prolonged period of time can affect one's health. So, try to sleep early if u can.
Hi <font color="0000ff">Angel</font>..
Yeah, pls see a doctor asap. Dun endure the pain, as it may gets worse if not treated. I applied the Orthogel 3x a day. On top of that, I put on a Salonpas at night (double the power!). The pain has stopped now, thank God!

I agree that quitting means we will lost our financial independence. We can no longer spoil our baby with new clothes & toys as we wish. Every single cent counts and we have to spend wisely. So, its really a big sacrifice.
Hi Angel,
Ur Jade wan to chop Jerald huh? Can i'll give u a queue no when we got chance to meet up haha...

Hi Peapod,
Ur boy also very cute & handsome. Sure a lot of girls go after him

Hi Emily,
I'm used to it liao even b4 pregnant i'm already a night owl

I try to sleep early but i can't lei maybe i'll only know when i grow older

Can i check if anyone's baby sleep on one side huh? My boy loves to sleep on his right side until a bit flat. Try to shift his head & also bought a pillow for him but still no use lei.
Angel, You might be suffering from carpal tunnel. do see a doc.. try to exercise ur fingers n wrist.keep the blood circulation gg. and keep ur arms warm.Take care.

I am buying the medishield for my son from AIA also. Hospital bills for bb are ex!! so very impt to buy.

As for savings acct, my sis did a research. Seems like MayBank gives the highest interest rate. SO will go to maybank to open acct.

I just did PAP smear and insert IUCD today. Abit painful lor.. Sob Sob...
My son also like to slp right side.. i turn him left side he refuse to slp...I also scare his head will be flat.. some ppl say try everyday sayang the head and "soh" the head in circular motion but dunno will help or nt.
for me.. afternoon i let him slp yao lan night slp bed..
Hi <font color="0000ff">Phoebe</font>..
Talking abt getting back in shape.. I just renewed my membership with Amore Fitness for a year last December. One month after that, I discovered that I am pregnant and put my membership on hold.

Now, I doubt I can find time to go exercise.
Hi Phoebe,
All of us try to "soh" his head everytime after feed but it has been like tat since he came back from TMC. Is there any other ways beside buying a yao lan? We dun really like it lor.
Peapod, Pillow,
To avoid breasts being engorged and painful, its recommended to slowly cut down the time spent expressing. Cannot just suddenly stop totally. Eg. Day 1-3 pump for 15 mins, Day 4-6 pump 10 mins, Day 7-9 pump 5 mins, Day 10-12 pump 1 min. Eventually body will stop production...will take abt 2 weeks.

Emily, Guess wat.. I work in Amore Fitness!!... Which outlet u go?? tell me ur mem number i help u check when i bk at work =p

Irene, when you gave birth to him, is his right side already flat? some bb are born like tat..Some elders who are more superstituous would blame it on some things that we do when we are preggy. OR did u use forceps?
Hi Em, I am also on IncomeShield so will talk to my Income agent about adding the rider. Thanks! But purely savings account very little interest leh, especially with the higher inflation rate nowadays.

My baby's head is also abit flatter on the right side. Tried to turn him every he sleeps but he will turn himself back after a little while. The ony way is the let him sleep on his tummy, then his head won't turn.

I have started buying new clothes to prepare for work. I no longer hold any illusions about fitting into my old clothes liao
Looks like will be wearing my maternity pants for a while.
peapod, me too.. cant fit into any of my pants or skirts for work... already spent 200 + to buy clothes for work le!!!
Anyway, at how many weeks did u let ur bb slp on his tummy? i dun dare leh, till now i still let him slp on his back.
Hi Phoebe,
His head is sui sui when i gave birth to him. I delivered him via c-sect with epi so i dun think tats the problem. I think i just need to continue to "soh" his head everyday hopes it gets better soon.
My Gf use a very soft pillow for her bb, so the head not flat leh.. maybe u can try.. i better check my son, i also abit scare cos he slp on bed the whole night. Tml i gg to see my son PD, i help u ask any remedy..
Hi all,

Wah! Finally have time to log into computer. After my CL left, dun even have time to read newspaper... non-stop feeding BB, doing hsewk, pumping, changin diapers etc!!!

Finally, have time to relaz alittle.

Phoebe Low.... i let my bb sleep on his tummy since he was 2 1/2 wks old... he's 6 wks old liao and i must saw he can def sleep longer when he's on the tummy...

ssmummy... the metro sale is only at causeway point huh? usually every year, metro will have a 20% sale in 2nd wkend of nov and 3rd wkend in dec (dec one usually is only 1 day affair). Good time to buy things and presents for christmas...

Was reading some of the post... how come you gals gotto go back office so early? Are most of you only taking 8 wks instead of 12 wks?

Me taking bb to 6in1 injection nex mon... and then go and collect his passport... haha! planning for a holiday liao!!
hey irene, my gal is exactly the same as ur boy!! she loves to sleep on her right and her eyes are exactly the same as ur son!!! the left side got very deep double eyelid and the other side is very mild!!!

Hi vicki,
My big boss ask me to take 8wks first as there are shortage of staffs so no choice but to say YES

Hi pinkyj,
so ciao hor heehee... His right side one will only show when he wakes up after tat disappear again so i'll wait patiently & wonder when is the day haha..
