(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

emily: hope u will find a good maid!!good luck!

and im finally going to start feeding my baby cereal this sat!! when he 5 1/2 mths+ finally!!!! wish me luck!! *wee*
got instuctions. That day pillow left a link on teaching all the various methods!
its cosy but can get hot if not in aircon areas.
atinarin, me also go to that temple since young. i also do some chanting myself, just simple om mani padme om. will chant n ask buddha to bless u with good health. be positive girl, we're always here for u. as for your hubby, man thinks differently on certain matters. hopefully there's also some good friend around him giving support.

gingerleaf..really make me gian lor..bad bad leh...
gingerleaf: if u read into the brief manual given, looks like just roll up the beco and only belt at the waist leh. The rolled up part is the seat for baby.

u're soooo naughty lei! tempt ppl with the beco. i just tempt with words and u tempt with pics!!

i hv not tried piggyback yet. maybe shld try one of these days.
atinarin: can you drop me an email at [email protected] with your mailing address? My colleague bringing me more copies of the book tomorrow. Am still reading the book though, just reading the foreward and preface brought tears to my eyes. I hope this book will touch your life too and God will give you strength to carry on.
ya, that is another style of hip carry, but another hip carry shown in the website was, u buckle the belt up, then push it to the side, put baby in, then lengthen one strap n buckle it across the body. Then the extra strap is to buckle it across the waist.
i think its called cradle carry.
the one voice mentioned hip carry is correct. juz roll to become a seat on the hip.
paisey.. there's cradle carry and hip side carry.
yes i recalled on the instructions manual. hv tried tat too...
darmae: the other style of hip carry is the one that gingerleaf mentioned in her latest post, i saw in the link where pillow posted earlier.
yes yes.. i recalled now after reading her description. blurrr man.
i post then saw her reply. hee

gingerleaf SAHM, can model for us wif bb on the diff carrying styles. hee
poohwei/gingerleaf: we stay jurong west, can have a mini beco meet-up, hee hee!

vone: Can you book ur function room for gathering? I know it's far west, but the last time we met up was at far east sengkang!
EVIL! u had to emphasis the SAHM!
Dowan. lol

I juz asked vone abt her function room today!
We are gg to her place for a dip!
waaaah, u 2 SAHM very hor mia ...can go dip dip in pool while we slog at work...grrrh! Why don't you 2 org. 1 gathering at Vone's function room? It's quite big, cos' i did Sam's 1st mth celebration there, hee hee!
for mummies who are keen to buy the beco, you may wish to buy from theportablebaby.com . only website as far as i know can ship direct to singapore thru' May 1st. Limited design they have though. Save on shipping cost when you buy together.
Wow piang.. all talking abt beco carrier..
Made my heart itch.. but heng lor.. cos my kbb size, i dun think is suitable to use carrier...
I keep telling myself.. Ayden cannot use..so dun buy... dun get tempted!!
gingerleaf... wah piang.. you ah... argh...
I just let go of an opp to get beco. Brand new and the seller wants to sell at 190 to me. ANd must self collect some more. Troublesome man! Furthermore, i don't like the design. Addison Print. EE.. aralyn looks so cute! does she perspire or squirm alot in the beco? I will be a good GIRL and wait for upcoming BP which will be in May- June. SO must ren ren ren...
my sarah is now 7.89 kg and is 70 cm tall. Both ht and wt around 75 percentile. Lean ah?? I see many babies soaring above 8 kg already... envy!

your kbb can use the carrier. the carrier can carry up to 45 lbs. so kbb is SUITABLE SUITABLE SUITABLE for the BECO BECO BECO carrier.
justme, Addison is a very popular print! I think alot of ppl wanted to get that print but cant get.

Meko, u worse than me leh, say I tempt ppl.
I guess I am not one of those majority who like Addison! hehe.. I prefer the yellow print.. can't remember the name.
not evil leh... sahm gd wat. although 'slog' 24/7 like wat vone said. but u get to see n experience all the bb's 1st leh.

when i came back fm work, my maid told me tat maegan was standing by the cot for few seconds. i think it shd be smthg like the way faith did. but i dun get to see leh. sad sad...
tinyvoice: have mailed you...

amy: where is the temple, am i correct, the one behind Fortune Centre, there is hindu temple nearby too?
Atinarin: no worries, my lips are sealed..hee hee! Am a PA by profession, so all secrets are well kept by me, heehee!

Have added you on MSN, thanks!
alamak, i just got email from ashley, the sole retailer for BECO in sg. Turns out there won't be any BP anymore for this carrier. ARGH. so i guess I DID miss out on the opp to get "cheaper" Beco eh? sigh... don't think opp would come knocking twice on my door.

The new stocks will come in but no telling when. And the price will be as per recommended on their webbie. ooooohhh....sob sob. THe only consolation is probably more designs for me to choose from lor.
atinarin, do be strong. if not for ur own sake, for bb's sake, for hb's sake. dun bother about the what ifs. think about the benefits and good that right decisions will lead to. the more positive u are, i am sure the chances of 100% recovery is higher. will be keeping u in my prayers. =D

wah....topic still on beco sia. better run far far. me buy p3 le. cannot buy beco. run run run! u all no good la. cant even help me to save some money. sighs.

blueskye, how ur girl's schooling problems? be SAHM and can have 3rd one liao! hahahahahahaa. can see all his/her firsts! good hor?
Good morning mummies,
Yipee it's TGIF!!!

U wan to buy BECO? Let me know if u manage to get one & tell me how u find it. Very tempting to get one but i've spent too much liao so better put a stop
morning mommies,

any of your bbs knows how to drink from sippy cup yet? mine still dunt know leh. any tricks to teaching them to drink from sippy cups? or bb will eventually get it by themselves? they must suck the spout is it? mine is magic cup.

voice, meko, yoki: it was very nice chatting with all of you last night on msn

Re bb purees,
IS it safe for them to eat red skin potatoes?

My girl rejects everything. Heinz cereal, apple, she doesnt want them.
