(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

so good, sarah can drink already from magic cup, i think my myra still have long way to go with it.
My hb got to pay for his own BECO hor..he has been wanting to get a baby carrier & I told him abt BECO loh..show him them link but hor what is the different between butterfly & 4th generation?

Yo, forgot to ask you out for lunch liao this week!

Next week which day you free?

You are at Raffles arh? I am at TP..err, can show you but then boh "model" leh..how??

Ask your hb to get one BECO also..hahahaa
Wah lau, my hubby will say siao, pay so much for a baby carrier. In any case, he doesn't need one. We train Jordan to sit in stroller so no need carry. Haha. Anyway I also got a baby carrier which I only use when I bring him for jabs (cos we walk to the clinic and the stroller usually in our car).
today everyone got FRIDAY mood..

justme > the magic cup that u r using, similar to what Low is selling? Got the picture for me to see? thx

Btw, i wana ask about the Beco price. The authorise shop in SG that sells Beco is Cozybabies. http://www.cozybabies.com.sg/

Any one can tell me how much is the price in SG? Coz looking into the Beco website (US), price in USD range from 123-139.

i be trying out pigeon mag mag cup just got it lunch time. are you going to harbourfront MOTHER of all mothercare shop this weekend? hehe
I think the price for beco, depending on the range of course, varies. Cheapest is Omni (i think) Most ex is butterfly. 4th gen no more.

think around 200 plus if we are talking abt non-bp price.
think best you email that lady whom email addy is found on the website.
thanks justme..
will drop a mail and ask about the price.

yeah!another 15mins noc off for those who work 5pm and another hr to go for 6pm..

so good your hubby reach home so soon. My hubby takes 1.5 hours to get home. argh... now i am dreading to cook dinner.. dunno what to cook...
lina, havent! tomorrow got bbq, sunday maybe sentosa with baby (wanna let her step on sand for first time ha!) you went?

mummyhan, oorh icic :p

waiting for the clock to strike 5.45!!
hi ibs, ya me at raffles. need "model" meh, i don't even know how to "rope" the thing properly leh. then how to meet u, shi fu? really want to learn it leh. pls help.
usually i will be waiting for the clock to strike 530pm. but today.. at 5pm i will cheong... cos tell boss ned to leave 30mins earlier. hv dinner later...
5mins.. err 4mins... counting dwn.. hahah. **grins
I wan to ask u, mummies! U all will wait for long then u will attend to ur BBs when they r crying non stop(being naughty)? My gal veri naughty, can cry for more than 20 min screaming veri loudly n crying until she sweat, hair wet n face red. This is after she had been fed n change diapers. I can confirm she is being naughty, coz when do other stuffs( like play wif her or others), she will immediately stop n smile to u. I dun wan to pamper her as I hav c nwdays children r being way too pampered. I dun wan my gal to be a spoilt brat or behaving like a spoilt brat.

When I scold her or beat her lightly, she will scream more loudly.....n (after I attend to her)when she hav stop(only for a while), she will bu kan yan on how I juz treat her n ignore her, she will cry again. stop n cry...stop n cry...

Naughty until I buay tahan....

I juz wan to know how to discipine...sigh....afraid she will get out of hand when she grow up....
yoki: i check for u already, the singapore retailer is selling the beco around S$210, this is non-BP price. You should ask merkon how much she ordered from theportablebaby.com , if price not much different and u looking for 4th gen model, only some US retailer have balanced stocks. The singapore retailer do not have anymore 4th gen, discontinued model.
Funny, I tell you hor, nowadays kids are very hard to discipline. I never pamper my gal since young ... am that kind who will "wait" till she cry very loud then carry her ... if "ek ek ek" I will just wait and see. But hor, now she grow up liao coming to 4 years old hor, also become very naughty. Sometimes can really get out of hand! Really wanna shout SURRENDER!
Hi <font color="0000ff">atinarin</font>

I'm sorry to hear about your ordeal
You are a brave lady and mummy. I am a pessimist like you and I am always paranoid about my health.

Recently I had a scare with my breast and I went through the same worries and worst imaginings - that my baby will grow up not knowing his mummy, my hubby will grow old lonely and sad, and even my hubby remarrying :p Even cried myself to sleep at night once. I was spending all my time and energy worrying and can't find the 'mood' to enjoy my baby and hubby.

In the end, got big scolding from hubby and Mum. They told me that I should start the actual worrying when the thing happen and in the meantime, I should try to live life to fullest. Otherwise, if anything do happen (chioh chioh!), I would have even more regrets. What they say made sense to me although it is really not easy. I must force myself to push the bad thoughts out of my mind.

So try not to think of the worst, your chances of full recovery is very high. In any case, you should enjoy your baby now and create the best memories that you can.
We are all behind you, and more so your family and your darling baby.

Even she cried veri loud, I oso dun carry her....but hor I dunno she will cried until dunno how long then stop....after more than 20 min I oso nvr carry, I juz do watever I nid to do like feed her cereal or change her or watever....she will stop after tat...but on n off keep crying coz she bu gan yan how I juz treat her....
Funny, I can't really advise you on that cos my gal also very naughty ... she's the very stubborn and rebellious kind ... even if she's scared of something now and apologised for what she did, she will do it another time and same cycle keeps repeating. Very tiring.

Recently she has this bad habit of blinking away at people. I threatened to use the spoon to dig her eyes out which really freaked her and immediately cries for apology. But she still do it leh ... and same cycle happens. Sigh ...
thanks. If 4th generation discontinued, no more other designs? like tat how to buy ah?

can share with me how much u bought ur beco after adding the shipping cost?

Do u talk to your bb when she cries? Coz i saw my mum doing tat, sort of telling her like if u naughty, no1 will sayang u, must be gd girl..blah blah...and it works

Dun wori, nw is abit young too say that we pamper her bazzz..think the time to start is when she noe how to walk and talk..coz can punish by eating bitter gourd, chilli when naughty, nt bringing to shopping, etc..haha..
Yoki, I did that too when my gal was young ... doesn't seem to work oh her leh ... maybe she's naughty by nature cos she already gave us hell during her 1st month!

lbs, depends on where you all meeting lor ... my office nearer to Chinatown leh ... it's the other end of Raffles Place! Furthest I can venture should be Market Street there liao.

I talk nicely to her like wait mummy nt free or watever...but still no used! She will cry n scream like nobody business...*faintz*...n the worst thing is the more u talk the more she angry....
HAPPY 7th Mth to Carlson, Edison and hmmm one more bb i cannot remember liao ...

Atinarin dun worry ... hugs to you ... I was once been suspect of having nose cancer too ... but i just pray and did not go back for review etc ... praying that god will heal me ... I will pray for you Atinarin yr hb need you. love yr hb and bb the same ok ... he will love yr bb as much as you love him hug him too a personal touch is the best for comfort.
Hi blue! We still dunno what causes the blood in urine leh. Caelen seems alright these days, as active and happy as usual. But still on antibiotics everyday till 23 Apr which is the kidney ultrasound and doctor's review. Hopefully by then can get all clear
funny76: i think maybe ur baby just insecure? cos i think at 7mths + they still dun understand "reason" and its no use scolding + beating them , they cant link it with naughty...

try to talk to her nicely.. think if she respond to u cuddling her means she just like ur touch..

before long, she may not want ur attention + u to carry her.. and u ll be sad how fast ur baby grow up ././. so treasure this period when they stick to us.. haha
RE: Pea and corn puree

Mummies who have done the peas and/or corn puree, can advise how do you remove the skin after steaming. cos i will be doing it tmr.
yah the temple is near fortune centre. the one next to the indian temple. youdont have to go specifically on the lunar day 15th, it will be crowded, any day will do. Normally i will buy a stalk of lotus flower as offering and a kind donation after praying.

Dun tink so being insecure! I am always wif her n sayang her...cuddle her n hug her....she is juz being naughty...mayb when she get older n more tong shi, I will discipine her...mayb nw she too young to understand bah... when she grow up, she will know...Hahaha...
funny, but after steam it will be soft, if we sieve it wouldnt the peas be in pieces? How about corn, i bought those frozen types, is it the same way to do it?
nynke also cry easily nowadays and i ignore her for 10-15 mins. without anyone at home, i can do that but now in laws just came again..they rush to her so there's a 'confused discipline tactic' to her. bo bian...anyway, i feel she just want attention. baby getting smarter already. when i go to her, she'll cry and strtch out her hands sometimes..want to be carried. once carried, she's 'silent' liao..with my elder one when she's about this age, i also attend to her after 10-15 mins of crying and same thing, she also want to be carried. my mentality then was she'll grow up one day and when we want to carry then also cannot carry liao..so carry..carry..carry lor..hehe..so with nynke, think i also same mentality leh. btw, next tues or wed lunch at PP, ok??

any other sahm at punggol keen on gathering??

nynke started coughing..sound phlemy..a bit feverish on head too, abt 37.4. my mum said its the teething symptoms..plus her lao sai episode..nowadays poo is sticky cum watery..hard to describe. her gum also whitish..just hope she can go thru this phase fast and get well soon..again i feel sad...i like her bo gay leh...my baby.... i think i will have no. 3 just because i want to always have a baby in the house...crazy hor..
hi atinarin

me too hv claustrophobic... i can understand how U feels when doin the MRI. it's horrify to be trap in a 'tunnel'. as many mummies mentioned U nid to be strong and go ahead with all the procedures. I guess yr family members will feel better when they see U coping well. I'm not good in words, just wanna tell U to share all yr worries and sorrows here, okie ; ) Speaking up with help U to release stress


yr baby very cute leh... she looks so sweet

Angel, wow ur maid saga very dramatic leh. Sometimes i do feel that maids mei you liang xin, no matter how gd we treat them, they dun appreciate. they always do the unexpected things. Can you PM me yr agent incase my is the same as yours and i'll noe what pattern they are.

sign, sign, this wk theo is very cranky at nite. He slept for a while N woke up sleeping. Cried very loud with tears. i failed to comfort him and feel so sad. HB is away for biz trips and oni IL and maid can settle him. wonder isit baby nt close to me N couldnt find comfort in me ???? ; (

i bought my beco from the BP thread at $190. Mine is butterfly. Non BP price I think is $210.

4th generation was selling at $170 at BP if I remember correctly. Non BP around $190?

glad to hear tat caelen is active these days. he has definately recovered...

waah.. lunch gathering ah. so tempted.
but i cant join... dun work in town nor cbd area.
re: discipline bb

I have concerns abt leaving bb to cry. Can I know if any mummies here have seen or have toddlers who are really well-behaved as a result of the "left-to-cry" method???

I dunno, I believe in responding to all bb cries. VERY VERY tiring and yes, i lost my temper once on sarah, but so far now, Sarah seems to be a well-behaved girl (as said by many strangers and friends). Maybe, she knows, I try my best to meet all her needs, tt y she cries less and even if she does, its not those deafening, annoying sort.

Bb cries are their only communication. ANd for the first year at least their wants are also their needs. They are a tiny being (not young adult) in this big, strange world. They can only rely on their parents. If the parents ignore them, who can they turn to?? So if we parents learn to gain their trust to respond to their needs (be it hunger, fear, pain &amp; loneliness), I believe they will be easier to be disciplined in the near future.

Anyway, I think many will beg to differ. But this is just my 2 cents worth.

I only have 1 child, and a SAHM. Maybe that's my advantage lor, no stress from work. So can fully concentrate on bb. But the cons, I have no excess $$ like you working mummies! =P I want to invest my time and attention now to sarah. The returns in future - will be much, much more than I can ask for.
funny: my boy also like your gal ... can cry cry then break into smiles suddenly. i don't think it's bcos they are naughty. it's more bcos they are too young to regulate their emotions. they are like that lor. happy=smile, not happy=cry.

beco: i bought it online from portablebaby.com for $195 (inc of postage sharing) with another mummy. not v much more ex than the BP price.
Yeah its finally the weekend! But tmr I have to work cos got workshop...

Same thing with faith also, she is very naughty these days. will scream and scream until she is picked up and sometimes even after carrying she will continue crying. hubby n i try not to carry her immediately also but have to bear with her screams.

All these talk on beco is very tempting lei...but no excuse to buy since sling is working fine for me and now hubby also learn how to sling faith already

Yesterday i carried my girl for a few hrs with baby bjorn, today my shoulder felt so tired, how I wish I have a Beco.........

low family ;thanks so much...

peapod: are u ok now?

CM: u didnt check again? no symptoms? DO take care too.

Thought i'd share what i wrote about my MRI experience:

1) The moment you tell me not to move, i have to move.
2) Once i am told that i cannot swallow, i badly need to swallow, 4 times at least.
3) 2 and a half minutes can seem like an eternity.
4) I am indeed claustrophobic.
5) To experience being buried alive, go for this test.
6) Telling me its like going into a space capsule does not help. NOT ONE BIT.
7)Injecting the dye into my veins and ignoring me when i say im nauseous is not wise. If i had vomitted i would have gagged on my own puke.
8) Being in an enclosed capsule, and wearing ear plugs makes things worse because everything you hear is muffled.
9) Ear plugs are nonetheless essential because the noise is deafening.
10) Having baby on my mind and hubby there to hold my feet got me through it all.
