(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

Hey, thanks mummies for your comments and advises. But what is this cushion seat? Whr to get it? miaon and cola, your bb so good, the problem is, mine doesn't even want to sit in his potty, not sure if he's ok with sitting on the toilet seat.

Abt sterilising, I'm still sterilising milk bottles, teats and pacifier. Yah, was also wondering when we can stop all these.


when i go out nowadays, i'll use the stroller but bring along the carrier. Cannot shop with him in the ergo all the time now. very tiring..

regarding busybuddies, the class is not that bad, quite similar to JG. But overall, still find JG better..
u try to distract him with things when u let him sit there? try starting when he is in a gd mood and if he dun wan, juz let him be and repeat everyday? would that work? i started off that way as well. =D
I still sterilize my gal's bottles, but for teats and bowl I only use hot water, as the teats very easy to spoil if always sterilize. already changed more than 20 teats, some only use less than 2 weeks then spoil, so I decide to stop sterilize teats after my gal turns 1.


we still use baby bottle detergent and oso baby clothes detergent, all my gal's cloths/towel are hand wash by me or my mum.
re: sterilising

stopped sterilising since the day i stopped pumping. never used baby bottle detergent since day1, been using mama lemon. handwashed with pigeon baby detergent since day 1 till maid left. now dump into the washing machine but separate from adults clothes.
I havent started potty train.. cos my sis told me her son started too early at 1 year, and now he just refuses to do (2 years) and will hide to poo or pee in his diapers.. so my sis can't see and quickly bring him to toilet.. so I think best try 2-3 years old so it's like something new to learn..
High Five, durian lover...kekek

wa, 20 teats a lot ler. How u know the teats were spoilt? At most changed colour only right?
I still sterilising. cos also a good place to put my bottles.. heehee
Still using the pigeon detergent cos it's organic right? best thing I like is that it can clean off the kitchen oily stains without much effort!

Still using kodomo clothes detergent and in the washing machine since day 1 in laundry bag in washing machine..
RE: Potty Training
I understand that you start doing that when they can walk reli well and able to take off and on their bottoms easily?

Also esp when they are reli aroused in potty. Then they will learn fast.
miaon, im scared to give tap water to steve.
We always buy the 500ml alpheus distilled pure drinking water for him.
i dont buy the big water bottles, cause distilled not so pure anymore if opened and stay for long days.
so 2x500ml is enough for the day, ensured once open will be used within the day or latest the next day.

Really thanks for all your comments. I'm more relieved now. Will wait for a while then. Another problem I have with my boy is he still refuse water from cup, so till now, he's still drinking frm his milk bottle and also, he refuse to hold his own bottle, so lazy.

hehe, my mum good lah, she said baby cloth so thin she wash it only need few mins. and I also scare use washing machine spoil the dress that I bought from oversea spree.haha.want to keep for my #2 if #2 is a gal again.


the teats can't be use after a while as when my gal sucking the teats just shrink and she can't drink any milk. then we have to throw away the teats though from appearance it looks normal.


my gal also very lazy, till now never hold her bottle, always my mum feed her and hold for her.that day at shopping mall I saw one mummy push her baby at stroller and that baby lying there drinking milk with her hands hold the bottle, she looks so small like less than 3 months, I was staring at the baby and think so amazing why ruoxi never do that.haha.maybe we spoilt her liao, she can't crawling and can't stand from sit position though she can walk now.
Nope. Citibank promo is only for my gym. Maybe we can arrange for a my gym trial next week.
Can you please pm me your details, like name, contact and baby name please?

Not yet. My mil says kedric needs to be standing on his own before he can be potty trained. Don’t know how true is that?

the trial is for busy buddy. Discount only for my gym trial.

The trial is for busy buddy. Expensive I tell u all these trials.. haha.. but bor bian, have to try before can commit.

yea I also bring the stroller but kedric sometimes don’t want to be in the stroller and want to be carried.
Carrying him in the sling is no joke man.. hahha

Oh okie then I will go for the trial. No choice.. JG only have weekday classes.

I also still sterilize the bottles and teats.. is it ok for me to continue sterilizing coz I very anal about the hygenie.. hahah

Me also!!! Handwash still!!
i'm interested in the sat class at woodlands, do u know what are the activities for the class?

currently my gal refused to eat porridge or anything from spoon, only take bread, biscuit, or anything that we feed using our hands. only my in law managed to feed her porridge. anyone can advise how i should feed?
They have replied but not really to my question on what kinda activities, see the reply from mygym:
"My Gym kids have loads of fun as they develop strength balance, coordination, fine and gross motor proficiency, agility, flexibility and social skills. The most important benefit the children gain, however, is the building of confidence and self-esteem."
I dont think I can do the trial cos the timing is Ike's lunch time.. he won't eat much if I give too early..

yes yes I also just dump all to washing machine since day 1 hahaha.. previously always use kodomo detergent but now same detergent as mine..

but still sterilizing cos same effort as washing with hot water kekekeke..
hahaha Ike and Kedric can compete eating strawberries now! Hey I think u have the yellow bear playmat also ya...
Re :sterlising
I still do so now for bottles & teats. rinse hot water for bowls & spoons

Re: Potty Training
Has attempted before but it requires patient. Probably will wait for another year
re: Food

I tink I am not adventure enough. So far oni let constance take fish, carrots, vegetables. Gerber snacks apple & banana

Dunno bbs can take durians ?

high5, u handwash kedric cloth or u have maid to help?


bb can't eat strawberry?my gal love it and everyday she eat 1 or 2 leh.

Been super busy, still struggling wwith tons & tons of work!!

Eat snake & come in to take alook... hehe

Thanks for all the wishes, Javier can walk longer distance liao but sometimes like lazy, dun want to walk, wanna crawl instead!!

Walk not very steady yet & wants to run like that! Bth him ah, like act clever!

Am still sterilising milk bottles & teats too, untensils only rinse with hot water before use, still using Pigeon wash to wash bottles too.

Am using Pureen 2 in 1 detegent/softener since day 1 till now, still have a few bottles at home!
Usually we will buy 6bottles at one go... kiasu

Potty train.

Every morning when Javier finish his porridge, he will signal us he wants to "ng" so we let him sit on potty & do his business, more or less become a routine.
I guess these bubs want to have speed so must still crawl hahaha.. Today hubby just said Ike walked all the way without stopping between his room to his play ground.. that is like 10 meters!! yeehaaa...
yeah i am still sterilizing the bottles. not that i think it's necessary but since i need a storage for the bottles, might as well just press the button and sterilize and leave inside.
somemore now fasting month hahahahahaa... I hope I can loose at least 5 Kg, then my knee will feel better..
yes, that was HT cereal i bought. reported directly to NEA, not much response. back in jul, chatty also found 2 bugs in her box. recently she just open another box and it is full of bugs!!
i am waiting until paige can walk before thinking abt it. personally dont feel a need to rush it. the cushion seats go on top on our adult toilet, think you can buy at almost everywhere that sells potty.

what kind of potty did you buy?
hi ladies..

long long long times din log in le..

how is every one...

ethan nw learn how to walk le without holding onto any tins
but hor...
he seem to be like a drunker man..
kekeke... n like to walk fast fast...(like running)..

nw he like to climb high n low...
gonna to chase like mad le...
yea! high five!! we should hold a durian and strawberries feast gathering. Durians for the mums and strawberries for the kids! hhaha yea the yellow bear mat is good de

Congrats on Ike walking so far and fast!!

never mind, we try to have a trial for my gym at a later time. is GWC good for you or woodlands? I cant make it for 9.15 class with Glee coz kedric still in lala land. hahha

i started giving kedric strawberries last sunday. hehe and he loves it.

haha i and hubby the maid loh. kakka
paige refuses to hold her own bottle, she def knows how, lazy pig. aidan and paige can hang out then. but they'll need us around to feed them. ;)
ethan too dun wan to hold his milk bot wen he is hvin his milk..

he will onli hold his small bot where he will hv his plain water in it..
yep yep can have durian and strawberry gathering, but where? kekeke... I dun think my place allow consuming durians in common places.. else maybe go to gathering at botanic garden kekekeke... will they allow?

Woodlands is OK for me.. but timing is very important hooor .. anything between 10-1 or 3-6 is good..
anyone has this problem? i tot this will come later?

every morning paige will wake up when she hears daddy goes to take a shower and refuse to let him leave. cry, scream, and cling on to him. even if he pretend to sleep in bed and let her sleep between us, she wants to crawl on top of him to make sure he doesnt leave. she normally doesnt wake up until noon/1pm but this week she wakes up at 8am just to prevent him from leaving. if i try to carry her from him, she pushes me away some more. after he leaves, i have to calm her down, feed her milk and she will go back to sleep until noonish.

so fast start already? *sigh*
jete, the potty I'm using is passed down frm my nephew, thought it's just for pee and poo, so didn't want to invest in it. But now, I'm wondering if I were to get the cute ones or one with music, will Aidan be more receptive.

nin, Ike can walk now, congrats! an_gal is right, you can slim down very quickly now that Ike is walking.

Hey, all your darlings so good, willing to eat fruits, I don't know what's wrong with mine, refuse to take fruits, only the pureed ones. When in school, everytime when they serve watermelons, papaya or honeydew, he just refused to even touch them.. The moment he touches them, he would give that "yuck" look and throw them away.
ethan still dun hv tis problem..
he onli will like be gd to hv his milk finish if his daddy is ard in the morning...

ne i go to wk.. he din even bother abt mi..
so sad.. keke
yaya Ike also lazy to hold his bottle.. he knows how cos he learned few times before.. then few days ago he wanted to hold his bottle when he was too thirsty, ended up he pushed the teat too far in and he gagged.. and then he didnt wanna hold anymore..

hahah we're muslim laa so fasting month fast laaa.. I didnt fast tho last year cos BF ing, hubby fasted alone and completed the whole month himself..

pooh astro,
how ya doin'? great to hear ethan walking like a drunk hahahaah Ike too like that.. funniest when they try to drag the toys and suddenly got shocked something following them kakakaka..
i bought a cute one with 50% off at kidzloft, so cute i want to sit in it. LOL it looks like a mini toilet.
Rich is anti durian hahahaha... When we lived in tiong bahru nearby the market, there were few durian sellers outside the shop houses, he will walk way away from the durian sellers hihihi..
