(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

dun quite get ur question.
if u are using Heinz rice cereal, just add hot water or milk (breastmilk or formula). initially try a runny consistency. then slowly make it more viscous... viscous is easier to feed actually. but must check if ur boy knows how to swallow or not...

if u are talking abt adding to the milk feed, i read that it is not recommended so i didnt try that.

have i answered the question???

i find this very good.
one for semi-solids, the other for juice/soup/water

hi mummies

wow we are really good at making this thread fly!!!

dunno why these few days enci will start crying the moment we put her to sleep for the night.she's ok for the day naps but even if i do the full sleep routine and pat her she'll still cry and scream.resorted to doing PU/PD but she's still screaming really.took me 1 full hour to get her to sleep just now

how ah?she's on the EASY routine and has no problems feeding and napping.just the night sleep these few nights.dunnowhat happened!!!major sigh....

Same, my boy will also choke on his own saliva at times and always hiccups.


Yup I tried at around 5pm++, finally got through. Their weekend classes all fully booked, thus will try out the trial on a Friday. Have you booked the trial class yet?

Isetan sells the combi chair ah. Good I have Isetan card, so will have further discount. But maybe would go and take a look at the one chatty has as well.


For the Parents and Babes, most likely will register my boy to attend in April, since they say must wait till exactly 8mths than can attend. Yesterday went there, alot of pple, I think there's a new class starting thats why so many pple.
Alsie, what abt tickling him, maybe it'll work. Everyday when I try to remove my boy's shirt to change him, he'll start giggling.

jang, just now I showed my hub your boy's pic, he asked how old is he, and when I told him same as Aidan, he went, huh.....ke...ke...

Aidan choked on his own saliva also.

My leappad has arrived, will be collecting them on Sunday.

anybody, whr you stay?? I walk to the mall nearby my place, I usually use baby bjorn. As for further, I'll usually drive. But so far, it's driving to meet my parents or husband. Will try going shopping with him next week, hopefully no rain, thought of going to holland village to look at some clothes. Cin, you want to join me??

jete, so you're tied up by this 5yrs thingy. Well, guess it's good also, then you can decide later where to move to when Paige is older. We're now hoping that the property price will go down, then we can look at houses ard Novena (near to SJI Junior)

bliss, thanks for the info. Will try again tomorrow to make it more runny for him. Hope he eats it.

Alsie, you going to the trial class next Friday? Will see you next week then.
are you writing to me? cos u mention "anybody"... typo error? hehe... jus put baby to sleep.
my baby is heavy... no strength to carry her.. prefer to use stroller.
i stay at Bishan... how abt you?

My boy also scared of tickle.. he will giggle but for awhile. After that he will get angry and start screaming. I book the aquaducks on 22nd Feb because now still working, school holiday only starts in Feb.
tks Alsie for your info... will take a look later. aug threads is too fast... cant catch up. difficult to trace from morn msg.. blur
huh.. what makes u tink ur maid is cruel? sometimes maids realy do give lots of problem, must be realy lucky to get a good one. i also nvr scold my maid but she super jia-lat, cant even say her, if not her face machiam i owe her $$$

i bought my combi high chair at around $390.00. it has a storage box, reclining angles, adjustable height, rocker mode. most impt, the seat cushion material is cooling and comfortable.

yeap.. the 4 swivel wheels are lockable.

dun worry, practice makes perfect.

yeap, agree that the roanju is a good buy.
jaeden looks so happy in the jumperoo.. btw, is the jumperoo veri huge and space consuming? btw, ur boy looks like he is already 1yr old leh hehe

so far i haven seen bb fell out frm stroller on escalator, it mus b terrible.. ur frend haven gav birth buy double set?? her action was so fast haha.. too bad now no sales leh.. like the 20% off storewide ting.. i'm sure soon will hav cos cny coming..

hope u n hubby ok liaoz.. carene better today?

re:spoon for feeding semi solid
am currently using pigeon ones but will most pro get 2 more sets from combi..
hi all,

remember I said Jed only pooped 4 days after I started him on baby rice? So I stopped... and now he's still pooping every 4 days! Do you know what it means? Should I go back to giving him baby rice then? Sigh.... when my boy doesn't poop, it feels like I'm getting constipated myself..... ;D I just keep thinking about his poo the whole day.....
i have the opposite problem as u.. chloe has been having watery poo poo ever since she started the new mamex gold. nowadays she can poo poo anytime anyday up to 3x/day compared to last time only once a day at a specific time, it's been 3 weeks and has taken 3 tins of new mamex but her situation is still the same. sign...
that's the set my friend recommended too. will have to go check it out IRL. cant imagine the material from pix.
could it be just a phase? or something changed in her bed that she doesn't like? paige was like that for a week or so. she didn't scream but she started complaining if she sense we're in a position to put her to bed.
not sure how the isetan card works but i think it's like the robinsons card that you're supposed to get a % off? we went to isetan to buy it with my sis cos she has the card. we were told when we pay that there are no instant discount but we'll get back the % discount in voucher. on top of it we got a combi toy as free gift.

i suggest going to the isetan at scotts, cos not every isetan has kids dept.
i used to stay quite close to SJI and ACS. we'll be looking to move to that area as well if paige gets into the school i want her to go. :p
the mommy was going down and couldn't hold the stroller well enough. dont know why the baby wasn't striped in properly, so he launched forward. poor thing.

what's the feature on the combi spoon that makes it good? the material? the design?
i think babies just keep changing their "pattern". paige was pooping once every 4 days for a long time. then it became 2 days and then daily for the last week. suddenly now it's every 2-3 days.
bliss, i uses the same spoon, initially use another type of spoon but Shannon just refuse to eat.. So bobian went to buy the pigeon spoon and it helps..
think probably it's smaller so can fit her mouth.
bhi alsie n mudpie

u gals going for trial next fri? that is the beginning og my confirmed class. yeah! we can take turn to bathe then while one of us look after the babies. it will be fun, if u gals r not in a hurry, we can drive down the road to dempsey for tea. : )

hi mudpie
going holland? no prob. tell me when in advance. hey, why not fri after class we go?
u looking for a hse now? i doubt the price will go down. wait for another 2 years when most of the projects "top", the en bloc fever dies down, the irs completed, then u come into the market n buy. now is not worth it. a unit in newton now cost twice the amt! dun worry, if your hubby is an old boy, i am sure he can get into sji.

hi bliss
if u r driving alone, i would advise u to buy a baby mirror. i got it from robinson, i thk abt $30. u put one infront of the baby's seat n one at your front mirror. at least when u drive, u can see what is the baby doing?

hi ytanh
i find my maid very cruel becos of the way she deal with animals, but maybe she stays in village n these r norms to them? but her hsework is good, so normally i leave her alone.
once during my pregnacy, i found a big fat lizard dropped into the kitchen sink. i m very scared of lizards!! i screamed very loud n asked her to pick the lizard out n throw into the drain outside. wah!!! she boldly pick up the lizard, gave it a twist at the neck, dismantled the lizard into two n threw into the plastic bad in split seconds!! yucks!!!i eas so tramatised by the sight!
sometimes during raining seasons, there will be cats hiding in the garden. i asked her to shoo the cat out the next day cos they destroy the flowers. wah!! she picked the cat up single handedly n threw it over to the small road from garden . only at that moment i realise cat has got 9 lives.

going for baby's 5 in 1 jab, pray for no fever n crankiness man...

your baby is more like a boy!!haha!! your bm has got power. u really the old folks wrong that bm babies cant grow big.well done! going to see how heavy titus is later.
morning mummies,

i have a $3 off voucher for similac follow-on FM, voucher is valid till 30 June 2008, save $3 when buy a 900 can of similac follow on FM at cold storage or shop n save or guardian. anyone intersted can sms me 96467066..

u very daring lei. post ur HP number here.. hehe...

suddenly realise u are not in the classlist. shall add ur number in.
gogomummy rent out the jumperoo at $35...

itz so expensive but den i tink the rainforest one looks even more interesting!

we are ok liao lah....was on MC y'day and i did the housework, fetch my girl...den i tink he felt gulity lor...i din wan to talk to him and i guess he has cooled down liao....so stubborn of me rite..hehe
wow, cant imagine wat happen to the bb felling off the stroller, so poor ting..
the combi spoon according to my frend is soft tip so wont hurt the bb gums if they bite too hard. I had not touch and used it personally so hard to explain, mayb ytanhn can let u know more

haha tinking of renting 1 but if space consuming then mus think twice, now house oledi super cramp

haha ur description of cats had 9 lives damn funi sia haha

haa is normal lah.. i oso felt after hav bb, our temper wont b so gd like last time.. is getting frm bad to worse haha..
hahaa...i was cracking my head how to explain to jete on the material of combi spoon then saw ur msg to her, i laughed out.

my friend recommended combi spoon cos upon comparison of all those she used, she said combi is the softest and 'gum friendly'. the material of the tip is TPE (according to the label but what's tat??). anyway, it's soft and unlike those typical plastic ones. hope it helps...

hope u recovers soon... do have a good rest.

everytime i tell pple chloe's age, they will also go "wow... dun look like hor". oh dear, so young so 'chao lao' liao

no joke.. i went soft when i read how ur maid 'murdered' that lizard. OMG.. just the thought of lizards make my hair stand. Yuckss...

what class list are u referring to?

i think it must be the hair that makes our babies look "chao lao".. :x

u dun have the class list? its a list of contacts of mummies here.. ur name is in the list too!
hi mummies

thank you for your concern!anyway we found out that she's coming down with flu,so just came back from PD(so crowded!) and she seems better after putting the nose drops,although when the nurse fed her the oral medicine she was so cranky and didn't want to swallow.nurse said enci is very difficult to feed medicine and told us we have to be hard-hearted and pinch her nose so that she swallows.but just now when we fed her the panadol she was ok leh,maybe she just didn't like the nurse(nurse too pretty for her liking haha?)

actually we suspected that she caught a cold for a few days already,just that her cough didn't get worse.but think last night her nose was getting congested thats why in the whole hour i spent getting her to sleep,even though there were a few times she's drifting to sleep,she had trouble breathing thats why she cried again.so poor thing..to think i did PU/PD to her when all along she was just having trouble breathing!

anyway this morning at 5+ she woke and cried again.then after 1 hour she suddenly sneezed and 2 strings of mucus came out,then her 2 blur parents realised that it has to do with nose congestion!anyway fed her at 6.45am,and used the karvol drop squeezed onto a hankerchief to put close to her pillow,and she slept blissfully for an hour,and woke up happy.think it helped.

she wasn't feverish but we decided to take her to the PD anyway,and PD confirmed that she's coming down with flu,so to let her take medication before she worsens.but to send her to hospital if she starts having high fever and won't subside with panadol,pray hard that she won't get worse!!

but now she's sleeping blissfully,hope she can have a good long nap,and recover soon..heartpain when i see her suffering!sigh...


a colleague said we can try giving a teaspoon of prune juice diluted with water for constipation.u can try?since he tried semi-solid already guess prune juice should be ok right?was going to try that but dunno why enci's constipation stopped,now passing motion regularly again,once every 2 days..

ya i thought of that,even was wondering if she didn't like the smell of baygon electric mosquito repellent..but think not due to that la..
they are made of silicone. not plastic. dun think u will be able to tell cos the spoons are packaged.

thanks! i'll check out the mirror. think it will be useful.

I have check the brand of the spoon, the spoon that I told U that the tip will turn white whn the food is too hot is Nuby Hot Safe Spoon, comes in 3pcs in a pack for $5.90. And the other one that comes with flexible tip is Juniors soft bite spoon, this one I got it a the Metro closing down sale at $1.20 each, I bought quite a few and have pass 2pcs to dot16 that day as she hv twins, and not sure which type to get. Also have 2 pcs from Avent.


The porridge rice my mum bought it loose from the market, they call it young rice "Sin Bee" (In Hokkien), NTUC should have also, have to go and check.

Just got home around 2+ and its storming over here now. Chloe wnt for her 6 in 1 jab, surprisingly, she did not cry a single bit. Also given my boy the pneunoccocal jab as he is attending nursery now(too many kids there). Chloe didnt gain much weight leh, maybe cos she has slow down on her milk intake, she is just 8.2kg at 5mths 1 week, her last visit there was 18 dec'07 and weight at 8kg that time.
Jete: I got my parcel, finally! One week after it was sent! Can’t believe how inefficient Singpost is. I wonder whether I finally got it because I called and asked the manager to look out for it or whether the organizer got them to find it or what, ‘coz it came in the original packaging which was in perfect condition.

Alsie: James used to choke when I used the Avent variable flow teat, because the flow was too fast, even when adjusted to No 1 level. So its possible that your baby can’t cope with flow speed.

Muddypie: Thanks : ) Will check out Taka then…


Glad to hear that your granny’s better now. Hope she makes a full recovery soon.

Let us know when your friend’s BP comes up.

Alsie: Jete and I have the same Combi High Chair, just that mine’s 2nd hand.

Muddypie: Ha! Ha! My hubby also mentioned that nearer the time we may also need to rent a place near SJI Junior…as we have no plans to sell our present house.

Ytanhn: I think your Combi Highchair is the highest model they have, since it’s the most expensive and the only one with a box attached.

Loh: Hope you are feeling better now.

Cin: Wah! Your maid is soooo scary. I wouldn’t let her touch the baby…

Leooh: Glad to know that Enci’s better now.

Jang: How do I see the pic of your baby in the jumperoo?
Venue:Globetrotters Restaurant (United Square)
Date: waiting confirmation, Feb/Mar weekend
Timing:3.30pm-5.30pm or 12nn-2pm (anything)
for 3.30-5.30
-minimum 30pax(children under 2years old are not charged) at $14.90++/pax
-additional cost of $120 for room

for 12-2
-minimum expenditure $1000 or $200 room charge

2. zhuzhu07 (2pax)
3. jang (2pax)
4. wiselyn (2pax)
5. Adeline(minnie the mouse)-2pax.
Maid will tact along to help but nt eating
6. Mel (2pax) *but depends on which date u all decide on*
7. an_gal (2pax)
8. bliss (1 pax cos hubby overseas!)
9. woof (2pax)
10. Chattypheyling (2 pax)
11. Muddypie (2 pax)
12. ytanhn (1 pax)
13. pst (2 pax)(depends on date also)
14. Gold..piggy(1pax and depend on date)
15. Pooh_Astro (2pax)(maid coming along but not eating)
16. Lyn_baby-Sherlyn (1 Pax)
17. Alsie (2 pax)
18. Ivy (2pax)
19. rc_cola(2 pax)
20. xman(2 pax)
21. jete (2 pax)
22. cin (2 pax, depends on which date)
Venue:Globetrotters Restaurant (United Square)
Date: waiting confirmation, Feb/Mar weekend
Timing:3.30pm-5.30pm or 12nn-2pm (anything)
for 3.30-5.30
-minimum 30pax(children under 2years old are not charged) at $14.90++/pax
-additional cost of $120 for room

for 12-2
-minimum expenditure $1000 or $200 room charge

2. zhuzhu07 (2pax)
3. jang (2pax)
4. wiselyn (2pax)
5. Adeline(minnie the mouse)-2pax.
Maid will tact along to help but nt eating
6. Mel (2pax) *but depends on which date u all decide on*
7. an_gal (2pax)
8. bliss (1 pax cos hubby overseas!)
9. woof (2pax)
10. Chattypheyling (2 pax)
11. Muddypie (2 pax)
12. ytanhn (1 pax)
13. pst (2 pax)(depends on date also)
14. Gold..piggy(1pax and depend on date)
15. Pooh_Astro (2pax)(maid coming along but not eating)
16. Lyn_baby-Sherlyn (1 Pax)
17. Alsie (2 pax)
18. Ivy (2pax)
19. rc_cola(2 pax)
20. xman(2 pax)
21. jete (2 pax)
22. cin (2 pax, depends on which date)
23. Inu (2 pax, depends on date)
jang...i also thinking of letting jaelynn try the jumperoo, my BIL has one..so i am gng to borrow from him since his son is now 2 yrs..dun nid liao..

today jaelynn went for her 2nd 5-1, pneumococal, and 2nd rotavirus...so poor thing, one jab in one thigh. she cried only when jab, then a while ok liao..so not too bad..now she a bit feverish..just fed her paracetamol..hope she ok tomorrow.

at 5 mths today, she weighs 6.2 kg and 61.5 cm. kinda small..only 25th percentile, but pd says only le, dun need to worry. i asked abt starting her on semi-solid, pd says no hurry, wait till 6 mths..so i guess i will wait.

went to buy teat #3, and realised on the packaging says, it is for 3 mths and above..me all the while using #2..bad mommy..luckily got this forum to remind me of things like that..so thanks to u all mommies..

it's not the first time I post my hp# here liao..haha..what classlist?

anyway, have reserve the $3 voucher for an_gal..


your jaelynn is almost same height as ruoxi, ruoxi is 61.8cm at 5 months, and weight 6.8kg, seems ruoxi a bit more fatter, both small size bb..like father like daughter lor, my hubby small size one, only 163cm...
re: teat
I am still using Avent teat#1.. Just now changed teat#2 for my boy.. He cried n choked. seems like #2 is too fast for him.

btw, what is the difference between airflex teat and variable teat?

i dun hv the class list u mentioned. possible to email to me? thks..

hope enci recovers soon. i'm also worried that chloe will 'ganna' flu from my parents and nephew who are all down with flu now.
