(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

Hihi.. i'm very very sorry if i miss responding to any mummies.. our thread is really flying. Everytime when i finish reading, my baby wake up and cannot post liao.. PLUS... i spend a lot of time on BP thread lah.. hehee..

An_gal, yup started to buy again. Now buying CNY clothes loh.. 7788 (in hokien)..liao... Now the clothes are queuing to be washed..
How's the wipes, your son okie with it? Rec'd ur funds.. thanks... don't need to waste a fishhead.
And... All the best to your new job...

Angeline.. So ciao to meet you at kids clinic, hope your son is feeling better now.
Aiyoh, i so paisei.. think i'm well known for being a shopping queen. My sister's friend who doesn't know me also know that i'm a shopping queen..

Re: Stage 2 formula
Similac & Mamax is giving me stage 2 to try.. but have not rec yet...


yes i'm pretty sure that yee heng should be able to go without food for 5 or 6 hours,at 7kg.thats what my PD told me that tome when enci still woke once at 2/3am for a feed.but very funnily after sometime she slept thru herself without training.maybe cos one night she was stirring awake for a feed but me and hubby were so tried we didn't get up to feed her cos she wasn't crying,then she went back to sleep cos she wasn't really hungry anyway.

but we were lucky i guess.

support your decision to pat/use pacifier..good luck and wish you success!
Got it, will check out the highchair at Isetan first before calling Cheong Choon to order. I presume Cheong Choon is cheaper?

For the ice cube trays, how do they look like? I went Giant today, but don't seem to find it leh, or missed it since Giant is so big!

Ocean, Lilyn
Thanks. Yah, he does look more matured in the photos. Lily, I intend to checkout the highchair on Wed. Will let you know the pricing.
Brought Jerome to my friend's condo swimming pool today. This is the first time he swims and he is not afraid of water.


Guess what Ivan was doing this evening bathing time...?

Hhehehe, he was having his first milk spa in his life!!!!

does ur baby get very cranky after vaccination? jaelynn super cranky yday and today..cant sleep well n dun feed well. normally she will sleep at 730 pm and woke up at 3 am for feed. but last night she wokeup at 11 pm crying then at 2 am, 4 am n 6 am. today whole day she also cranky with slight fever...she was crying so hard just now that tears and pi ti (chinese) keep flowing out...finally fell asleep at 8 pm. at first i tot..die..flu again..then i was thinking not possible le...

re toys

exersaucer..have any mummies try bbies on this? was thinking of renting..chatty..i know you rented..let me know if ur bb likes it ..then maybe i will rent one n let her play...
alsie..where u get the swimming costume for jerome...errr i know i shouldnt call it a costume..but dunno wat it's call..i wanted to get something like this for jaelynn..can cover all body one...then jerome got wear diaper or not har?

loh...u got so much breast milk that you got to bath ivan in it? aiyooo....i am stil tinking that i need to start her on formulae soon as my ss getting lesser n lesser since i start work 2 mths ago..
Yup, he does look more matured to be a 5month plus baby. He is actually not afraid of water! The moment I put him into the pool he is happily kicking away. With the float, he didnt kick much, he just sit inside the float and enjoy the sceneries. Lazy boy!

I think it's called wet suit. I bought it from Kiddy Palace at $40++. Tell you a secret, I forget to buy swimming diapers :p So he is without any diapers .. opps...

Envy Ivan leh, still have milk spa! He seems to be enjoying the spa session. Did he try to drink the milk?
wow...ivan is so fortunate...not only can drink BM but oso bathe in BM...he will haf smooth smooth skin

wat have u been buying? peifu u leh..not working and can shop as u like

wow...jerome is enjoying his swim in the water..he mite be a national swimmer when he grows up!
the cny clothes at giant for boys too?

i bought 2 trays of bbcubes from little jet place.. gd to use.. u wont regret

bundle of joy,
for a start, i oni feed semi solid once a day.. those unable to finish i discard..

since yee heng is already 4.5mths, he shld b able to slp thr already.. need to put him on the scheudule and let him get used to it. currently, i last feed my son abt 12+/1+am then next feed at 8+/9+.. wen i start work on tues, i'll need to feed him earlier like 11pm cos i target to slp by 12am hehe..

yeah, wear the hair band liaoz sure is gal gal already hehe

the angel wipes so far so gd, is definately better that the JL carlson wipes
i haven call the sales person at angel wipes yet so dono isit the company closed down liaoz.. anyway oledi bought annaku wipes at JL yesterday cos hav 20% off so now still hav wipes to tahan at hm..tues start work liaoz.. so sian.. rem 2 sms me if any good BP going on ah.. u b our monitoring queen for BP too :p

wow, jerome so happy in water.. his float is nice.. where did u bought it?

wasay... i oso 1 the milk spa leh !!!! so funi sia.. ivan hav his milk bath hehe..
got bb boy cny clothing? any idea hw much? seems like alot of places selling cny clothes outside but all jin ex compared to BP..
wow..tricia knows how to pose for pic huh...

cant rem leh..maybe can try those X'tra NTUC...hypermart which sells many other stuff..
how are you feeling? better i hope?

wah, the milk spa must be good for bb's skin. scary how much ebm you have to be able to give milk spa.
glad the parcel made it to you! if muddypie and i move (eventually) to the newton/novena area then will not be far from your current place. i miss staying there, i used to walk to orchard even though it is quite a dist away.
i used to feed paige prune juice when she didn't poop very often. i buy the baby prune juice, comes in a jar like baby food, and dilute it. if you google it, you should be able to find the juice to water amt. i actually dilute it further by adding more water. it seems to help.

i did check with the PD and she told me it's ok for her not to poop for 4 days.
the katong isetan always dont have things. every time i go there looking for something another mommy mention isetan have, i can never find it. still find the best isetan is scotts. tampines has closed down their kids dept and wisma's isetan doesn't have a kids dept. prob the best deal will be just find a place to check it out then order from somewhere cheaper (like the store chatty got her stroller from).

baby kingdom or baby hypermart? has it. it is not too far from sk, but scotts can shop shop. ;)
ok, thanks! i just have the valves to pass to you right? anything else?

so weird the system doesn't ask you to pay for your item. you'll prob get an email from them with payment info.
should be able to go without feed through the night at this stage. paige went for 10-12 hours without feed starting from 9w old.
eh...... they look like ice cube trays with lid? heehee if you go to the giant tampines (the one near ikea) look at the end of the drinks isle (the end close to the back of the store). if i dont remember wrongly it is hanging there. if i go again i will hide in a corner and take a pix with my hp. :p

jerome looks like he had fun in the water. did you buy the float? how much is it?
have, have boys cny clothes too. quite a wide selection but many people buying. should have some more.
Since friday we've been bringing paige to the hospital to visit my grandma. she is soooo happy to see paige, gladly wake up to talk and coo. once we leave, grandma knock out and sleep very well. :p she even tell us must bring paige more often, so hubby and i decided we will go every day. even the other aunties and nurses in the same ward is happy when we bring paige. the aunties watch us play and smile. the nurses come and play with paige also.

it's so much better to go out with a bb. get extra service.

we went to taka to buy a new bag for hubby. a bunch of sales staff crowd around and play with paige, we literally stood there for 30 mins. to keep us longer, they polished hubby's new bag.

then friday night we had dinner at sakae (T2), one of the waitress offered to carry paige while we eat. we politely declined and she looked so disappointed. every 5 mins she'll walk pass and make faces at paige. we got a lucky draw form when we paid and the waitress said if we want to fill it out, she'll drop it off for us on her way home.

people can be so nice when you have a bb with you.
Alsie: If there is no sale at Isetan, then Cheong Choon is probably cheaper. If there is a sale, then maybe not. Plus if you buy from Isetan, you get 5% rebate vouchers with your privilege card…Jerome looks so comfy in the water : ).

Loh: Wah! Ivan is so lucky…just like Cleopatra….

Inu: James is usually very cranky, cries a lot and has fever after his vaccinations. However, its usually only for a day. I think its normal coz babies don’t feel well after vaccinations…Guess what? Rent-A-Toy hasn’t called me yet…wonder when they’ll deliver…will definitely give a review on it.

An_gal: Thanks for the babycubes review! I’m looking forward to receiving mine too! Regret not buying during the BP as it was much cheaper then…

Zhuzhu: Tricia looks really sweet! Really girly

Jete: Thanks! I’m relieved too! Hee! Hee! Next time we can meet for meals or shopping! Just move over here fast :p Just got e-mail from Little Jet Plane…5% discount given, but postage cost of $1.50 charged, so end up paying the same amount anyway. As for valves, I think that’s the only thing you have to pass to me. Wow! So nice to have people admiring Paige : )

I cant confirm my attendance regards the gathering yet. I might pop by ur place to collect, will let u know again


Nice meeting u on last sat at the clinic.
Thanks for your concern, Javier ok liao

So paisey for being so blunt to call u shopping queen
but indeed u are cos u admit spending alot of time in BP thread...

I like Shannon fairness, unlike Javier pretty dark!

When the nurse took Javier's weight, she told me he's 8.2kg! My mum & i got a shock , har, u mean my son lose 300g??? Aiya, the needle of the scale haywire lah, the nurse re-adjust back & Javier now weigh 8.7kg but never take his height lah cos its not his routine checkup.

Which PD u seeing? Dr Tan or Dr Lim? We seeing Dr Tan but she on urgent call, so that day we see Dr Lim instead

Javier super talkative hor? Keep wanting to "jio" Shannon to play & talk man! Cheeky fellow!
chatty: thanx, but pple still guess she's a boy.. haha
yesterday spent $20 for her haircut, not much diff but neater bah.. haha
an_gal, jete,
The float I got it from Mums & Babes. I think its about 20++ or less.

Tricia sure knows how to pose for photos. She looks pretty in the photo.
Alsie: Thanx! Sometimes we have gotta say a little something dat makes her go smiling.. it's a little trick. Just yesterday she found the word 'booboo' funny..
Ok I will try to find that ice-cube when I go giant coming weekend.

I think now Isetan has sales? Maybe I just checkout the prices and compare first before comitting to buy. Must save as much as possible.
