(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

so envy... worried... my gal's hair is very little and fine. most ppl thought that she is a baby boy. i heard ppl says that after shaving the hair.. it will grow faster. but my hubby refuses to as he says baby gal botak very ugly.


wear hairband when u bring her out?

Jaeden is only 4.5mths looks very steady already. I think mine is the first baby in aug, but slow learner. Flip only can flip one side, cannot flip back. Sit also cannot sit properly.

Hopefully he can stay handsome throughout and attract more girls..hahaa bad mummy
she's fine lah...bad tempered girl lor...wan to slp means wan to slp..cud be y'day when i went to bbsitter to pick her up, she's sleeping liao..so when bbsitter passed to me, she woke up..so not enuff slp and she's like tat....after she cried for 5mins, pat her for a few mins, she slept..if she doesnt cry, wud haf to pat for abt 15mins or more..

she's like tat one....shua pi qi lor...if she cries, i m not so scared. wat i m scared of is she cry and vomitted the milk tat she drank a few hrs ago...scared she choke to death...even thou i learn CPR before but tink cant perform when comes to the situation!

Where did you bought the combi Enjoyme R-1 chair?
How much does it cost?

Bundle of Joy

My boy born on the 1st of Aug
oh talking about choking, does your babies get choked while drinking milk? My boy always kena choked when he drinks too fast. Is it because of the teat size? Using M currently and when he is choked, i will just pat his back, is this enough?
Gold Piggy, if the PD recommended that you start at 6 mth, why don't you hold on first. I would actually, just that my boy's weight is on the low side and lately he's not eating well.

Alsie, Aidan don't react much to peek-a-boo game too. He only react to us making funny face and acting silly.....

cin, thanks for concern, am feeling much much better now. The swim sounds like fun. Thanks for the number and have just called them, spoke to Marie, have booked Aidan for the trial class next week. But Marie don't encourage me to start the class till Aidan is 6 mth. Anyway, will decide after the trial class.

Wow, sounds like trouble to bath the bb huh. But I have a deflatable ducky bathtub, it's light but bulky though. Will see how I can arrange then.

Oh yes, you mentioned that we mummies hve to be in the pool too right. So, which means must wear swimwear, oh dear, need to go buy one, only hve got bikinis and 2 pcs, now must wear one piece swimsuit to cover the tummy.

cin, you bf to save money, ha...ha... I cannot leh, not enough milk....

bliss, cin is right, just concentrate on the road, if bb gets too cranky, just find a road pocket or carpark to park the car and then attend to your bb. But must make sure wherever you stop the car is safe for you too. So far, for me, the furthest I've travel alone with Aidan is frm Serangoon to Clementi. One time he got cranky halfway, so I sang and talk to him during the whole journey.

chatty, you can get the swimsuit frm any shopping centres. I got Aidan's frm Taka.

cola, your gal's name is Megan. My hub was saying the other day, if our 2nd bb is a gal, will name her Megan Ashley Koh....ke....ke....Hoping for a bb gal.
RE splashabout swimwear
my fren already submitted the BP thread, waiting for approval. so the BP should be soon.

No problem. We stay so near, can meet up and I can drive to Jang's place to play with the jumperoo. Hubby failed his practical lesson, car is still mine.. hahaa.. gee I am so bad.
zhuzhu, woof, mic, Alsie,

rented for $38/month. no delivery charge. if he can still use after a month, i'll extend it for another month. feel free to come visit.


cannot buy. because its already at the highest setting. he might outgrow it soon.

My boy dun even react to funny faces leh. How to make him laugh? I felt silly doing all the funny faces and he gave me a look as if his mummy is crazy

the first time Jaeden flipped, i announced to everyone here. in the end, its only that one time. after a few days/weeks later, he flipped again. occasionally when he is not lazy, he'll flip. unlike some babies here who flip every night in their sleep. hehe..

as long as they are feeding and sleeping well, i guess there's nothing to worry abt.
wow, what did you buy?? must be quite a lot of items right? that's a lot of money for shipping. i think ours turned out to be about $200 for shipping.
since i'm the youngest in the family (and the generation), they tend to be over protective. grandma is still in the hospital.
re: leappad

i also ordered in early dec, my stuff not here yet too! it seems that the organisers have trouble matching the invoices, especially those with multiple orders.

oic... don't worry abt hair growing, i believe hair will grow as she grows up! Jaeden was born with a head full with hair, so i dunno how to advise on growing hair. its probably genetics, both hubby and i have thick, black hair! But now, i am dropping hair like mad and having receding hairline. yucks!

Yr Jaeden looks like a little boy, not infant leh...!! He is 3 weeks younger thn Chloe, but so big size worrh...but he is boy, so its ok to be big size...marcho next time...kekeke...


I use those soft tip spoon, got a few types, I have one or 2 that can check on the temperature of the food/cereal, if too hot the tip will change color. Will go back and check on the brand.
hope u can go to hospie and maybe even bring Paige along.. babies bring the best out of people, your grandma may just lighten up..

I have the same yellow roanju, very useful.. Ike when he's a good boy, will sit together with us when we're working at the dining table, he will also have his semi solid in his roanju..

not xiao-cha bo?? kekekekeekekek.. I cannot believe that there's such person sabo own spouse kekekeke...
jialak, seems me and rc_cola name missing in the gathering list..

Venue:Globetrotters Restaurant (United Square)
Date: waiting confirmation, Feb/Mar weekend
Timing:3.30pm-5.30pm or 12nn-2pm (anything)
for 3.30-5.30
-minimum 30pax(children under 2years old are not charged) at $14.90++/pax
-additional cost of $120 for room

for 12-2
-minimum expenditure $1000 or $200 room charge

2. zhuzhu07 (2pax)
3. jang (2pax)
4. wiselyn (2pax)
5. Adeline(minnie the mouse)-2pax.
Maid will tact along to help but nt eating
6. Mel (2pax) *but depends on which date u all decide on*
7. an_gal (2pax)
8. bliss (1 pax cos hubby overseas!)
9. woof (2pax)
10. Chattypheyling (2 pax)
11. Muddypie (2 pax)
12. ytanhn (1 pax)
13. pst (2 pax)(depends on date also)
14. Gold..piggy(1pax and depend on date)
15. Pooh_Astro (2pax)(maid coming along but not eating)
16. Lyn_baby-Sherlyn (1 Pax)
17. Alsie (2 pax)
18. Ivy (2pax)
19. rc_cola(2 pax)
20. xman(2 pax)

Chloe also hv lots of hair, but recently, I start dropping hair, she also start dropping at the back of her head...hope that it will stop dropping, if not botak at the back, so urgly...yucks...!!
i think ok deal lah. cos i compared it to a BP that closed already and her prices are lower. and i followed the link to amazon, quite comparable. since i dont want to order myself from amazon and deal with vpost again, just order! :p

the 2nd time i trimmed his hair, i found one round balding patch at the back of his head, freaks me out! after that time, i dun dare to trim too much..
Jang , Adeline,

my gals dropping hair too... all over. esp the back too! as for me... my hair drops too. went sasa to buy some hair tonic from USA. hopefully it will help for my new hair to grow faster!
i think both baby and i are bored. talk to her, play with toys, read books, visit the house zoo, and watch some dvd. soon we'll try to venture out of the house to go walk in the gardens.
jete, good to hear that your grandma is ok after the procedure. Maybe your brother just didn't want you to worry, as you have Paige to tend to. Don't worry too much. You can pop by tonight, if you didn't want Paige to be in the hospital, then, you and hub can take turn to go in.

cin, I agree abt the meeting, we can have a little picnic at the park. That'll be fun. Maybe start off at Jang's place first.

Pooh, I bought the swimsuit and swim diaper too. The lady told us that we can let bb wear that as a diaper and then the swimsuit. Better to wear swimsuit cause may be too cold for bb.

Alsie, maybe you shld try calling aquaduck again, I called first time and got through alrdy.

jete, thanks, I'm feeling much better now. Wow, the 12 tins of milk can really cover the fee. ke...ke....

I tried feeding Aidan with rice cereals these 2 days, but he didn't like it, uses his tongue to push it out and then started whining.

Wow, your hub works in biopolis, that's quite a distant, esp the ERP, hve you guys thought of moving then?? How I wish my hub's office is there, then can find excuse to move to that area which is nearer to my mum's.

anybaby, I walk my boy ard the house, show him some flashcards, play with his toys with him, sing to him, watch tv with him and at times, take a walk to nearby mall.

bliss, yah, I noticed that bb loves to sleep in the car, maybe they like the motion, like rocking.

jang, glad to hear that jaeden enjoys the jumperoo, hope Aidan likes it too.

wow, today the thread move so fast, can't keep up alrdy. Aidan is awake now, gotta go.
Jete, ya.. i am SAHM. really nothing to do at home.
when i on the TV. my gal watch with me.... she simply loves watching TV. esp pretty faces on the TV. but i thought it is not too good for eyes develoment. Really dont know to help her develop better. ... at times will bring her down to the pool for a stroll. but sometime abit lazy. wanted to bring her to nearby shopping but no kakis very sian.
sure... been using it for two weeks. i used their hairloss shampoo too. sure see the results. very scare will bcome botak. my house floor, sofa, bed and toliet traps are full of my hair.... everywhere... really scary.
cannot move until hit 5 years and can sell the hdb flat. doubt we'll move immediately, will stay for a while and see where paige is going to school then eventually find another place closer to her school.

Venue:Globetrotters Restaurant (United Square)
Date: waiting confirmation, Feb/Mar weekend
Timing:3.30pm-5.30pm or 12nn-2pm (anything)
for 3.30-5.30
-minimum 30pax(children under 2years old are not charged) at $14.90++/pax
-additional cost of $120 for room

for 12-2
-minimum expenditure $1000 or $200 room charge

2. zhuzhu07 (2pax)
3. jang (2pax)
4. wiselyn (2pax)
5. Adeline(minnie the mouse)-2pax.
Maid will tact along to help but nt eating
6. Mel (2pax) *but depends on which date u all decide on*
7. an_gal (2pax)
8. bliss (1 pax cos hubby overseas!)
9. woof (2pax)
10. Chattypheyling (2 pax)
11. Muddypie (2 pax)
12. ytanhn (1 pax)
13. pst (2 pax)(depends on date also)
14. Gold..piggy(1pax and depend on date)
15. Pooh_Astro (2pax)(maid coming along but not eating)
16. Lyn_baby-Sherlyn (1 Pax)
17. Alsie (2 pax)
18. Ivy (2pax)
19. rc_cola(2 pax)
20. xman(2 pax)
21. jete (2 pax)
