(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

Jete, can share exactly where did your sis got the story book type of stickers? I bought 2 earlier this yr at popular fair but can't find it anymore.

it was huge. even at home now i look around for spider, going nuts. very scare one or two came home with us. my hb just left it alone since we were checking out of the room already.

the resort we went to was indigo pearl, currently rank #2 in phuket on trip advisor.

i also can't find. she went for lunch and came back with a whole bunch of books including the sticker books. i ask her where and she said she forgot, walk by after lunch, saw and buy.

find some resort and just go veg there for a few days. it's manageable. ;)


have a good weekend.

Perhaps I should look for some sticker books also..

Thanks for the resort name. we decided to go back to samui again hehe.. now with 2 babies in tow no more hiking.. but more of relaxing, sand playing, and swimming..
yes ex, compared to the one sold at the giant / carrefour.. but hubby said YES to that one, NO to the ones we saw in shops..
Ike's swim classmate is same age as him, height wise same as Ike too.. I think for boys can start earlier for this scooter.. for girls depending on the height ya.. Ike is now almost 90cm (oops gotta buy ezlink oredi!!)

If hubby said yes, then just buy.. I am looking for little tike ride (3 wheelers).. anybody has it let me know k..
Actually I dunno if this would be useful.. but I want Meg to have a feel of riding a 3 wheels bike hehe..

Meg is also almost 90cm.. next time when I bring her to sch, dunno if I need to buy her a card.. I dun think so lar hehehe coz she looks petite mah :p
that 3 wheeler tikes I think got in BP :D but if u buy new also almost same price as the micro leeh.. Ike's school has one so I dont bother buy him those car ride ons.. no space..
Hi All,

Long time never come here...hows everyone??


Congrats!! U give birth at TMC?? Sinkor also give birth to a baby gal on 21 Oct at TMC but pass midnight, so consider 22 Oct, her gal is born 2.87kg and 48cm, I visited her last saturday, didnt visit the thread, otherwise should have pop by to visit you as well....

morning mummies,

just to check if any one remembers the mummy/website that sells the right brain products like the linking memory products, photo memory etc?

Best Regards
Long time no log in already, hope all mummies are doing well. Juz a little update that Constance has a meimei who is 5 mths now..busy with 2 kids lo, thats why hardly log in nowadays
zhuzhu: for those CC with chains/branches, it's hard to generalise which is good. Spoke to a bus driver for Carpe Diem, he mentioned that not all branches are good, so it boils down to the educators in that branch i think.

Been busy with office move and finally settled in my new office, still in tg. pagar. My new seat is just outside boss room, surrounded by HODs, so not convenient to login forum. MSN is still official and acceptable in our company, toted as cost saving! haahaha
Hi all,
Super long time din come to this thread.
Buzy doing online shopping.

How's everyone? Jus wonder, have anyone send ur little one for any enrichment classes or going to pre-nursey next year? Am now looking for one cos my gal seemed to dun like reading.
hey Ocean, are u the one doing leapfrog spree lately eh? I want to get the leapfrog goes to sch dvd but too late to order, got any spare?

An_gal: heehee..can't help it, IT coy and consultants mostly at customer sites, to contact them is easier and when my boss travels, he said msn is cheaper than phone calls! he is 24/7 online, haahaa!
long time no see you online! how's everything?


how are you doing?

me also kiasu!!
An gal : currently got a bp on the leapfrog , can go n check.

Oceans: still busy with online shopping ah? my gal nw enjoys the learning resources phonics books tt i bot from you keke.
Nining : Thanks !

Anger management. - I always tell myself to count 1 to 5 when i get frustrated. To cool down first before reason with Constance. Guess now they terror 2...everything must try hehe. Just to check with mummies if your kids manage to sleep thr the nite? Constance still wakes up 1 or 2 times for milk lei. Any solutions? My second gal alr zz thr from 10pm till 6 am
morning mummies

i am back at work...had been on leave for the past 3 days...

thats great...tricia now has a didi to play with

my boy also wakes up for mil 1-2 times a night..i have give up hope trying to make him sleep thru..haha..now already used to it
Choco : really ah...actually I also used to it. Now will wait till 12 plus for her milk feed. then wake up again around 4am for her next feed.
Ze still wakes up twice.. hm.. guess that my boy would have that kind of patterns too hehe he only slept thru once ever since he was born hahaha! I am get used to the timing already.. tho my Meg sometimes wakes up at nite, but she never disturbs us.. she will drink her water, and then sleeps again by herself.. so I didn’t really bother about meg waking up or not..

Sanq, Choco
Guess every kid is different.. so long as yr kids are healthy and happy, that is the most important!!

ur boy may not have that pattern lah...

i remember ze manage to sleep thru before but it started again when he is sick and is not drinking milk in the day time...then this habit just continue..duh

Having a combi of girl-boy is definitely a joyful event, at least u can experience cleaning birdie haha..
Anyway just hope that all babies are happy and healthy.. that is the most crucial thing

Haha of course I hope my boy can be like Meg, but it depends on every kid rite? Hopefully as he grows up he wont be asking for milk at nite..
Tho If he drinks milk, means I got my auto pump to empty my Bs hehehe..

I wanna share sth..
That day my boss talked to me regarding my plan to quit.. he was like psychoing me not to leave by telling me:
“U have qualification, what for you quit.. If u quit, every day at home you will be nagging nagging and nagging.. so wasteful..
If not nagging, what else you can do when the kids all go to school..
Teaching them? Nowadays kids cant be taught by their parents.. the knowledge that you have might be outdated to teach them already..
If you cannot teach them, u gotta send them for tuitions also.. so whats’ the point of staying at home..”

The more I think of his words, the more angry I feel.. how can he said those rite..

He even told me that I can employ a maid for my FIL so that he can stil continue to help me with the 2 kids.. er.. I know that is one solution, but the problem here is not with maid or without maid, it is me who wanna spend time with my kids when they are young.. He kept saying I should work, or else it will be very difficult for me to find a job next time say if I wanna come back after 1 or 2 years!!

Now I feel very very very very very sianz!

i half agree half disagree with what ur boss say.
look at snowy, she so enjoy her time at home.
the risk abt not able to find job is there but not 100% wat.

remember, no one is indispensable in the company.
but i would think that u r a big help to him, help his life easier hence he wants u to stay.

in my view since ur boss so want u to stay which means u are in a very good bargaining position.

used it to ask for part time with a good salary package and good/flexible timing :p

if the part time dun work out then fully resign.
i agree with choco, part time is a gd choice if ur boss allows and package is gd..

i finally collected the T&F tickets.. kpo go ask the staff check for me still anymore seats left, the staff said left all the lousy seats already..

Yes, he did tell me that if I quit it is bad for him coz he will need to look for someone else to help him..
I asked him, then how about arrangement of flexible working hour? He is not agreeable to it…
But I have not sounded this to my head (boss’s boss) coz I help him partially too on some other accounts..

Yeah I agree with you that finding job is ever easy but then this is the risk that we gotta take.
I can’t afford to “de zui” him tho, just in case next time if I want a job, I can reapproach him again. In my line of work, experience counts a lot..

This meg has been telling me daily: Mummy, dun go to work.. Mummy, u stay at home k.. or Mummy, let ama go and work..
This morning she didn’t let me change my clothes, and told me to bathe her hoo hoo.. guess she is yearning for a mummy at home keke..
I told her when I am at home I always scold her, guess what she told me “It’s okay mummy. Mummy loves Megan mah..”
IMHO if you wanna quit, it's internal decision between u and hubby, ur boss should not be counted into making the decision or affect your feeling looor.. everyone got their agendas and you shouldnt be thinking about what they think.. live is too tough oredi hahaha why worry bout others!

see that's what I was afraid off hahaha.. hubby said the space used for the show is small, and there are too many thomas fans and it's last till kids like 7-9 yo, so sure got sold out!

meg is so sweet!!

ur boss not agreeable to felxible hr ah..then u will have to weigh whats ur desire to stay at home le.

find a good opportunity to talk to ur boss's boss. dun let ur boss feel u bypass him.

but dun end up that going to work is just so that u will not 'de zui' ur boss.

chinese say "fish and bear palm, cannot own together"

talk to ur hb and think carefully bah
Nining, choco

Yeah.. I know shouldn’t be influence by what ppl think, it’s what we think it’s the best for us and the family.
Hubby told me to drop an email to him saying that I am now firmed with my decision so that he can forward to my head and see what my head says.

We wont know what will happen tomorrow, so given a choice (by hubby), I would certainly want to spend my time with kids at home coz that is the time I can truly mould them into what I want them to be.

T&F show is so popular ar? Maybe next time I will like it coz my boy likes it? :p
Now I am so into Barney and Hi5 coz meg likes it haha.. so there is a probability of me liking T&F, Cars coz my Kea will (hopefully) like it in the future keke!!

Meg is full of mischief, she tends to memorize things and uses it when appropriate..
My MIL sometimes scolds her when she did things that made her angry (like dab lotsa lotions and smear it onto her own face)… my mil will ask her “Li si siao liao yo? (hokkian) = are you crazy?”
Then just yesterday, I cant remember what I told her, she told me back “Li si siao liao yo” I almost faint hahaahahahha..
Really cannot anyhow say things, now she knows boy boy means got birdie hahahahahahaha (naughty mummy teached her lor).. coz out of sudden she told me “didi got birdie papa got birdie” kekekekekek!
hi mummies

today not feeling well so resting at home...

my boy on wed nite fever till 39 degree, yest brought him to see doc, throat infection...
insert the tablet into his buttock but today fever still hovering ard 38.5-39 degree...

haiz...mil keep saying fever so high how can, cannot...duh...but the doc actually say if his behavious is ok then its fine.

so who is correct?

an another note, just now went for check up, gynae says its 80% ger!!
does anyknow after the tablet insert into the buttock, is the fever suppose to go to normal or just come down a bit?

i forgot to ask the PD
Hi everyone!

Its been awhile..very bz with Mikayla cos she has colic..cries non-stop for 6hrs a day!! Luckily I never jump down the building yet. Taking care of 2 kids all by myself really no joke..If Mikayla dont cry so much still nevermind...its her non-stop crying thats making it very hard..actually Mathias used to be ok..now also still ok..very loving towards Mikayla but only thing is that nowadays he cry silent tears once in awhile when I scold him when Im trying to pacify Mikayla and he come and disturb me or want me to play with him etc..everytime after I scold him I feel so bad..but its just that at that moment in time I have one crying..another one keep on calling me and pulling my shorts..*sigh* worst part is that Mikayla's crying hours are when hubby is at work so Im really ALONE!! Now seriously contemplating getting a maid...hubby trying his best to psycho me..he say I very poor thing cos he works 7 days a week so he's hardly home..furthermore next Feb I going back to work full-time already and next year he plan to study so he'll be home even lesser...anyone have any advise or opinion about maid? I personally dont like having a stranger in my house and I have problem trusting the maid..but I know that it depends on luck also..*headache*

Since u decide to quit just quit..dont need ot listen to what your boss say..these bosses are like that one lah..that time when I wanted to take unpaid for 1 year my boss also try to psycho me say alot of things but I already decided to I just one ear in, one ear out and stand firm to my decision and in the end they offer me part-time schedule for 1 year then after that when I wanted to extend for another year she also say alot of things but I just dont listen...

Choco, ZZ,
Looks like both of you are like me and cola..have "hao"..Congrats!

have you tried giving your girl water when she wakes up for milk?

congras.. i still have to wait till next mth then c whether my #2 got open legs for me to c or not..

i'm also considering getting a maid next yr but same like u.. don like a stranger staying in my house... haiz.. temporary i will be using the part time cleaner c how it goes next yr.. y not u get a part time cleaner to help 1st?
