(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

it's $1.50 for the one for Ike, its butter cream with edible image. If the fondant figurine like the one we got for the gathering, its $2. Cake was like 2 Kg for S$60.. so price wise is a little cheaper compared to market for cake which is ard S$40 / kg .

she always gives me free cuppies for all my orders hahahaha.. for Ike's bday I ordred 45 cuppies she gave me 50 instead, and for the 2nd bday bash ordered 51 she gave me 58 cuppies.. I like that she's not very calculative and reliable. Somemore she's easy to deal with hehehe.. she doesnt ask for down payment.. just COD..
Aunty Yochana also very nice and gimme freebies of macaroons hahaha.. I llllllllllllllooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvveeee them!! ate 3 oredi!! she gave me like 10 pcs..

I think those at supermarket / kiddy palace etc have fluoride in them, u gotta check.. if no fluoride OK.. they can start using with fluride once they can spit, if not the fluoride will affect their teeth colour..

Ike also kena push like that.. he will cry or sulk and run to us .. THe other day I saw a boy tried to push him off the thomas ride cos his mom won't put a coin into his ride, I told him "take turn!" and the parents pretend not to hear.. the ride has space for 2 kids, if he was nice I can offer the seat to him but since he's nasty I was the same kekeke.. if his parents not gonna correct him on the spot I can volunteer and that will be quite embarrassing for them I suppose.. but some ppl are v thick skin!!!

hows the taste of the agar agar...

i love all her agar agar design but the thought of so many colouring sorts of puts me off a bit
haha P & L really know how to cooperate with each other to form 100% keke..

hahaha u r so funny.. ur experience was totally diff from jete..

wow, u r her regular customer already.. i tink the next time if hav chance for me to order frm aunty yochana will be next yr already hehehe
first teeth I think is too mild for our todds cos they have eaten adult food already.. maybe that is why melcolm's teeth not as pearlie white as well, cos he's been eating all sort of your food hahahaha.. Ike's teeth also not as pearly as before but still whiter than mine and hubby's.. the dentist said it's the food he eats..
ya.. hubby oso commented first teeth not veri useful.. after i finish the current tube wont b getting anymore.. going to try Oraljel, hope is better hee
HI mummies,
I jus came back after rishi's bday party. Had a long and tiring day.

An gal,
my experience is different from Jete but my story was more abt they way some parents behave. Like as if we bring up kids with silly habits and attitudes and like they know best. I was so taken aback by her body language. Smile in the lift also she jus sulk.

the bad thing is that when other kids push her/grab her toy,ruoxi wont cry and just stun stun stand there like too shock, so make me more worry.

for the kids ride, there's always such kids lor, sometimes ruoxi rides on the barney, we inserted $$ then some other kid just come and want to get on and push ruoxi, their parent just said dont do that, but the kids still try to climb up and push ruoxi,if i were the parent i will be very paisei and bring my kid leave the place then teach him/her.
happy 2nd bday to Rishi

don think abt other ppl's comment, like what jete say.. don 1 2 mix around with them hehe.. so long u know u did right for rishi, tats most impt.
Hi mummies,

Wow...so many happenings hor...




Congrats to you too...!!


Nice cakes and cuppies...!! Looks yummy..!!


P seems to be the petite type, but as long as she is eating and growing well...should be ok...no worries... I just weight Chloe on her 2nd birthday and she is 13.5kg and 92cm tall...she has officially outgrown her C6/7 Crocs shoes and now already wearing C8/9, she still eat a lot as usual and drink a lot too...not sure if 3-4 feed(240mls/feed) is normal for her age besides her 3 main meals + a snack??


Chloe has been using orajel, seems not bad, last time she use to use the first teeth.


Happy Birthday to Rishi...
please pm me regarding photos for mcd party. you dont accept pm. thanks.

mommies who opt for photography service at the mcd party, you should have received a msg from me in FB or by email if you're not in FB.
happy blated bday for rishi!

my boy also like that but he will run to us few seconds after that looking for consolation..
hey nining,
u attend the cupcake workshop b4 who is the same baker of our cupcakes party? after i ate the cake at mac aug party, i suddenly so tempted to learn hw to make them. There is a workshop at 29 aug.still thinking to sign up a not.
no lah, I am too lazy kekekeke.. I like the taste of her buttercream I think she put some cinnamon, got diff taste than other butter cream that I ever taste..

the agar taste not bad, got some bitter taste at some layer, perhaps due to the colour.. I reckon since only eat small slice, OK lah a little colouring in life kekekeke.. I am naughty mom!

better pics of Ike's agar in Aunty Yochana's blog.. the dibo cookies also made for my colleague's daughter who is turning 3 this week.. I collected them myself along with the thomas agar.. very very cute lolly cookies!
I think the S$38 paid is for workmanship hahaha.. raw materials for agar not so much, but this definetely take a lot of time and workmanship

Chloe is so tall, ruoxi just upgrade to crocs 6/7 and there's still a lot margin.
Chloe ate well too, ruoxi only drink 1-2 times 200ml perday, and the 3 meals also she eat very little.but she's like her dad, eat a lot junk food nowadays, and drink vetagin 1~2 bottles per day plus apple juice(those bottle one).this gal totally been spoiled liao.


Ike really thomas fan hor, ruoxi is fans of sesame street, she just start play puzzle, and kept ask me to buy elmo and zoe puzzle for her, dont know where can get such puzzle, later go to search online see if there's any.
Hello mummies,
Finally got time to login to forum. So tiring over the weekends, got to adjust with #2, same time got to entertain Ivan. #2 has no name yet...hahahh.

Went for routine gynae checkup on Wed (12th) morning, gynae asked me abt bb moving, i said less than usual. Then he check here and there and asked me am i coming alone. He said must go hospital and give birth straight coz water level v v low and he saw bb passed motion. I told him i have not ready anything and wanted to go home first since staying nearby. He allowed!
Called hb and he took cab back fr office while I did a final check on hospital bag. Grab camera and hp, reached hospital at 12pm. On CTG and realised I am actually in labour with 6min contraction apart. Gynae came, did VE, 2cm dilated then he broke my water bag. Went to labour ward and on drip. Told nurse no epi!
Fr 1.45pm to 4pm, no dilation at all. Midwife let me drained urine to make more space for bb. Only dilated to 4cm at ard 7pm. Drip increased to 70+. Within 1 hr, 9cm dilated. Gynae came to checked me at 8pm, he gave me 1 more hr to see how. 8.10pm, told midwife I want to push liao, midwife cehcked already 10cm, they guided me for pushing since bb head is still high. When bb head is very low, they stop me fr further pushing and gave me Oxygen. Gynae came, bb was out within 2 pushes.

I kept screaming all the way during labour pain. May be #2 liao, not pai sheh anymore.

Ivan is very jeolous over #2. He pushed bb away when he saw me bf the didi; asked my mum to carry didi away, etc. Can see his face turn black if I am carry #2. HB and I have not much sleep on Day1 and 2. Last night was better. Can hav a few hrs sleep.

My #2 also has the same problem, day time sleep and night time wake up. He cried v hard when want to poo poo or change diaper. He reserved most of his poo poo to do it through midnight.

wow, dear, u r so brave, without epi and tahan the pain for 6 hours.

dont worry, the first few days is like that, my gal already normal liao, the first few days she also poo a lot at night, now quite normal, night poo 1 to 2 times, day time poo 2 to 3 times. she also cry when she poo and request for change diaper immediately. but as i latch on most of the time, so at night she can't sleep long, nromally after latch on she only sleep for 2 hours then wake up for latch on again, quite tiring, but popian, if i pump i can't pump out a lot milk sure not enough for her.
hi Loh, congrates, your #2 also handsome leh..can see the 'boy' features liao! Your Ivan still goes nanny's place during daytime right ... at least you got time to take care #2 for time being, hope Ivan get used to didi soon. Take care & rest well.

Wow...Chloe is so tall. My son's height like stagnant, still standing at 86cm for a few months liao.
ur #2 is so adorable! =D

why cannot pump out a lot? tot the supply there u pump sure to come out? i have been pumping exclusively since the 5th day coz my gal simply too sleepy. doc say maybe premature so she sleeps on the job. pumping saves SOOOO much time coz i only need to sit there for 30 min as compared to latching her for 1hr. =P
heard from my CL tat my gal keeps pooping at night too. dunno how to cope after the CL leaves...haiz
Loh, congrats!! Didi looks exactly like Ivan huh?? hahahaha.. he jealous ya.. must be tough! I guess now need to let him learn talking to didi.. ask him to help u etc..
in Jurong Point got 1 shop selling just puzzle.. I will check if got kiddy puzzle with elmo n zoe.. u know the cuppies for the 2nd bday bash got zoe! hahaha..
yeah, totally agree

1 day can drink 1-2 bottles of vitagen at their age, not consider alot ah?

ur #2 so cute.. so long nv see newborn pics in aug thread liaoz hahaha.. seems like talking to #1 abt arrival of #2 early doesn't help much hor.. i believe u had been talking to Ivan abt tat.. at the moment just rest well pa.. rem to tell us ur #2 name hehe, btw, does the present tingy help? Did u tell Ivan didi bought a present for him, mayb that will make him happier n less jealous..
Your #2 looks like Ivan!!
Jealousy huh? It takes time for Ivan to accept the new addition.. this is just a phase, he will finally accept and love the didi..
Wah..Ike's cake and cuppies look so yummy!! haha!

laughed when I read abt what u said abt L and P's weight.haha!!

Re: 2yr old assesment
I didnt even know there was such an assessment! hah! Now I know..maybe should bring Mathias for it...last month he was 90cm and 14kg...His crocs 8/9 is just nice..need to upgrade soon..

Ruoxi drink 2 bottles of vitagen a day never has diarrhea? Mathias cant take more than one bottle..if he does next day the shit sure watery..hahah!! How's life now with 2 kids in the house??

#2 look like Ivan hor?? haha!! Wah..if I kena like u so last minute have to give birth I sure stress..I have not packed my hospital bag yet.I better pack by end of this week. wait next week I see my gynae he also tell me to give birth..hahah!! Last week I saw my gynae he say maybe less movement cos bb is sleeping more and there's lesser space to move around cos she is growing...then he say my fluid level is ok so will see me in another 2 weeks but he ask me to register for the delivery and make payment liao.Last week baby's weight was 3kg..Now I have a new prob..as of last Fri my pubic area very pain. My Gynae say my pubic bone is seperating..so need to get more bedrest..now I can walk properly,can't even move when I lie down, can't wear pants standing up cos the bone at the vagina there will hurt like hell...
nining, nice cake and cuppies..i also got agar agar thomas - but got it from Mr James...but Ike's one look better with name even.

loh, congrats! yr #2 cutie

an_gal, my boy drinks yakult (same with vitagen) every morning...at times 1x in the afternoon...should be ok I guess
mil saw some programs on TV that at their age is too young to give the whole bottle as scared the stomach cannot take it so i don dare to giv the whole bottle, kiasi.. haha but if ur boy is ok shld b fine..
An_gal / Jessel,
Ike takes yakult 1 bottle at one go but sporadically, not periodically, cos I lazy buy kekekeke..

post steve's agar here laaah.. beauty is at the eye of the beholder whaat.. hehehe..

Now Ike's bday celeb done, I get headache for hubby's bday what to do huh?
