(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

anyone knows where to get small size agar? preferably small individual sizes in shape like thomas (again!!)
hi bliss,
specially 4 u... don 4get to keep 1 rock bun for me if u bake wahahaha

100gm self raising flour
a pinch of salt
50gm margarine
50gm sugar
1 egg (beaten)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 tablespoon mixed fruit

1) Sift the flour, salt into a bowl.
2) Cut the margarine into small pieces and rub with the fingertips until the mixture looks like breadcrumbs.
3) Add the sugar and fruit.
4) Add the beaten egg, vanilla essence and mix to a stiff consistency.
5) Place spoonful of the mixture onto a greased baking tin or baking sheet.
6) Bake at 190 - 200 degrees for 15 to 20mins until golden brown.
7) Cool on a wire rack.
8) Serve on a plate.

After typing the above, i am hungry wahahha
goodmorning mummies

choco, love the princess cuppies from the site. the agar-agar are nice as well..i wonder how they make those different colours for the butterfly wings? are they done via airbrush?

jojo, you might want to check ebay.sg for face painting supplies. I suggest you get Snazaroo face paint, they are non-toxic and not harmful for kids. Check their site for face painting ideas : http://www.snazaroo.com/

selvi, wow seems big celebration for yr son's 2nd bday, goodluck and enjoy the preps!

Thank you so much for the recipe!
Appreciate it!

how can I give you just one piece? unless it's for Melcolm only hehe...
bo pian hahaha...

hahaha I hoep I can find!

anyone wanna order cakes from ecreactive also? I am asking them to give us bulk discount..

1) Nining - for Ike
2) Nining - for 2nd Aug 07 kiddos bash
hi mommies

i just back from Carter's sales, nothing much for boys but alot for girls(mostly winter stuff!) Alot of ppl buy like cartons loads of stuff, am thinking issit to setup BP here...heeeheee! I only manage to grab a short for Sam and bought some girls stuff to give away as birthday pressies for my friends'kids.

If anyone keen to go this eveing or tomorrow. I would like worth to drop by if you are staying/working nearby or looking for winterwear for girls.

Location : 10 Raeburn Park #04-08 Singapore 088702 (former Gan Eng Seng school near Spottiswoode Park)
Date : 16 & 17 July
Time : 1 to 2pm (lunch hour) / 6 to 8pm
nining, i might be able to make it for the aug07 bday bash...intially i though i was on standby for that weekend, but then it is not me =) if the party is on 9th Aug. pls count me in.

Time: tentatively 9th Aug lunch time 11 am - 12.30pm
Venue: MAc D - King Albert Park
Cost: TBA (cake & Mac D party pack S$9 / kid - 12 kids min)

kids party pack include :

kiddy meal - can choose on that day
party hat
2 x games
goodie bags for kids
1x gift for the birthday child --> not exchangeable so we will draw it and the winner will take it..

1. Nining (2)+ 1
2. Jete (2)+ 1 (prefer 9th but ok both day)
3. Mel -- (2)+1 - edd 16 Sept
4. Loh - (2)+1 - edd 27 aug
5. COla (2) + 1
6. Jang (2)+ 1
7. Ivy (2) + 1
8. Chatty (2)+1
9. Muddypie (2)+1
10. Choco (1)+1
11. Zhuzhu (2)+1
12. Selvi bundle_of_joy (2)+1
13. Cin Cen (2)+1
14. puppygal (2) +1
15. jessel (2) + 1 ?

Bday Bash Photography:

Interested in sharing the 2nd bday bash proff photography:

a) Tomato : S$550 including 20 pcs of 5R and soft copies - we can share the 20 pcs so each mommy picks her own choice of pics (if all 10 mommies OK that means each mommy got 2 prints + soft copies)

b) Cheersntears: S$399 incl 120 pcs of 4R and soft copies - as above can share 120 divided among mommies who agree

c) Benjamin Loo: S$340 incl soft copies and dvd slide show (no printed copies)

1) Nining
2) jete
3) Loh
4) rc_cola
5) Chattypheyling
6) Muddypie
7) choco
8) Selvi BUndle_of_joy
9)Cin Cen
nining, yes, 2adults + 1kid. is it confirmed McD?
mummies - want to try gymboree birthday party? my son is a member I can ask them how much they charge for bday party and what's the package.
yes its' confirmed Mc D at King Albert Park as I've made the booking and paid $15 to reserve the slot.

If all mommies wanna move to gymbore I dont mind loosing the $15 but then I will pass the torch to you for making all the arrangements ya hehe.. I am tied up with classes and work as it is..
nining, if that is the case, i think we stick to Mc D =) seems it will be cheaper if just $9/kid. i guess gymboree will be around $200++ and that only for the venue food not included - expensive!

can I suggest another one? (hehehe, sorry for so many suggestions) since it will be celebration of our kiddos, why not each kid bring a gift (mummies suggest price range), then on the day itself, we number all the gifts, and we have same numbers written in paper folded/rolled (just ensure number written will not be seen) and each will draw a number from a fish bowl (or box) and that number will be the gift for the kid. like doing exchange gift but it will be surprise for everyone...so each kid will have a gift to unwrap during the party. just ensure that the gift you buy can be both for boys and girls.
Hiya Jessel
yes gift exchange is part of the program
Jete is the volunteer mommy to organize on that day.. Each kid should bring ard S$10-12 worth of gift minimum, of course more is welcomed at own expense hehehe..

Time: tentatively 9th Aug lunch time 11 am - 12.30pm
Venue: MAc D - King Albert Park
Cost: TBA (cake & Mac D party pack S$9 / kid - 12 kids min)

CAKE - from E-creative, 2 Kg cake approx S$80


ADDED PROGRAM - GIFT EXCHANGE - unisex gift, value at least $10-12; more is welcomed. Jete will coordinate on the day.

kids party pack include :

kiddy meal - can choose on that day
party hat
2 x games
goodie bags for kids
1x gift for the birthday child --> not exchangeable so we will draw it and the winner will take it..

1. Nining (2)+ 1
2. Jete (2)+ 1 (prefer 9th but ok both day)
3. Mel -- (2)+1 - edd 16 Sept
4. Loh - (2)+1 - edd 27 aug
5. COla (2) + 1
6. Jang (2)+ 1
7. Ivy (2) + 1
8. Chatty (2)+1
9. Muddypie (2)+1
10. Choco (1)+1
11. Zhuzhu (2)+1
12. Selvi bundle_of_joy (2)+1
13. Cin Cen (2)+1
14. puppygal (2) +1
15. jessel (2) + 1 ?

Bday Bash Photography:

Interested in sharing the 2nd bday bash proff photography:

a) Tomato : S$550 including 20 pcs of 5R and soft copies - we can share the 20 pcs so each mommy picks her own choice of pics (if all 10 mommies OK that means each mommy got 2 prints + soft copies)

b) Cheersntears: S$399 incl 120 pcs of 4R and soft copies - as above can share 120 divided among mommies who agree

c) Benjamin Loo: S$340 incl soft copies and dvd slide show (no printed copies)

1) Nining
2) jete
3) Loh
4) rc_cola
5) Chattypheyling
6) Muddypie
7) choco
8) Selvi BUndle_of_joy
9)Cin Cen
Ya that bit was not consolidated into the party posting.. I've updated it above so every mommy can refer much easier..
thanks for infor on hardboil eggs. i mite try the quail egg option. its worth a go

unfortunately scrambled eggs are not taken too very well either. i like it myslf but somehow my girl doesnt like it. not sure if its taste or texture.

your boy likes yolk? wah, then my girl must sit beside your boy & they can work on one egg together with no wastage
at all

papaya was her fave until only recently dont know what happen, the little one keep spitting it out saying its not nice. so i have decided to reintro it again, maybe in another few weeks time


some promo on thomas & friends wooden big buddies (not sure what they are) but fyi
actually though i have a daughter but she is also a thomas fan. just not as big a fan as she only knows & is only fond of Thomas & Percy

by the way on e birthday bash, when is the latest to confirm attendence. i would like to come along but my plans are looking a little effy at the moment so cant confirm.

also are there actually 3 sets of photographers? pei seh, a little confused ..
i happen to scroll to earlier post & saw a pic of your daughter & yr newborn. who did e pic for u? the one in which Lynn was lying on Daddy's hand? its quite a nice photo

btw your daughter Paige looks very familiar, is she attending JG @ Evans?
thanks for the info for thomas :D

You can let me know as late as 1 Aug , how bout that?

there are 3 photographers shortlisted by Jete who is handling this effort.. she is currently negotiating and booking with either one of them..
anyone wanna order cakes from ecreactive also? I am asking them to give us bulk discount.. Last year we got 15% off for at least 6 orders. I am trying to negotiate same discount..

1) Nining - for Ike
2) Nining - for 2nd Aug 07 kiddos bash
your boy got cool bday pressie!! hahahahah..

my mistake of not including the detail into the bday bash info.. now I think its quite complete..
wow, thats a gd one.. at least they no need to fight who eat which part of the egg hehe.. actually now i'm like nining, abit thomas freak already.. been influenced by son wahaha but i tink nining is still the winner hahaha :p
No prob, just let me know if your schedule change..

U can buy both and let them share hahahaha.. but the rocker will be avail in the UK on 17th july (tmr).. shipping is ex..
Happy 2nd Birthday to Doren ! Wish him good health, wealth and happiness. Doren must be a good boy to mummy, daddy, grandpa n grandma ok
don dare to buy anymore thomas stuff already if not my house will become thomas house haha..

btw, the cake I ordered from PG was 2kg, the price depends on the flavours u chose ranging from $33 to $36 per kg.. they charge $18 for customization of that cake.
My house is already full of kids' stuffs.. not just thomas.. but all sorts! yesterday just loaned one of my colleagues both of Ike's walkers hahaahah..
The other night I went to pasar malam at boon lay, got 3 thomas shirts for $10 kekekek cheap skate!! I thot shirts for home no need expensive ones, he will stain it in few days..

I think it runs in the blood of them.. My PIL loves making train models and he actually has a room for him to work on making trains, and he has like 150 x 150 cm table for the train tracks and all sorts, such as station, fountain etc.. Hubby was drawn into it also.. and now its' Ike.. worse part is , Ike passed the love onto my nephew in jakarta and now he's a thomas freak too!!
