(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

nana mama is lucas better? feeding still a struggle? how much weight did he loose? Aaaah but my shayne is only 7.8kg hor...so lucas is still much weighty as compared to my monkey! hahaha i also have people commenting that shayne looks like a girl! But i agree with them..shayne does look like a girl with his long eyelashes..

GD erm, is it really necessary to attend the class? I find reading & keeping the book sufficient enough. The book is quite detailed but then again after you get a hang of it, the book just collects dust on the shelf!

wl you can try purchasing the maths dot cards from this website. http://www.mylittleones.com.sg/ if im not wrong the size of their cards are in accordance to GD's recommendations. the ones in popluar may not be big enough, i think. Hope this helps.

nana...u bought 3 sets at 1 go? wow...i dun dare buy so many s i scare my boy dun wan...waste $$..i m always finding means n ways to make him read nw.

Hi cheok...thanks, i have check it out...;-) but i got some questions, i think GD's card r in dots, the 1 u recommend is in numbers. any diff?
o, nana...i dun think they have shifted...coz when i email them, they onli tel mi the time for the talk, but nv says they have shifted...so i assume no change in place. wat makes u say tat they moved?
Lucas sounds so cute, I can imagine him patting his tummy when he’s full.
Wait till he knows how to talk more.. hehehe

Shayne is such a cutie la.. so petite but its fine as long as he’s healthy yah.

Wairah on eating
Seems to be the stage where she’s starting to be picky on food.. she still eats her fair share of meals but being so active means her weight hasn’t been on her and she’s stil ~9kg.
thanks tpt for the link! wow i really didn't know can cook porridge. n i think i have it at my mum's place. hope its the correct model mcw series u mention then no need to buy.

oh yes, same question as eliz, put raw rice grains in it with hot boiling water?

nor: same same here, i dress S up all in pink, dress some more, but still pple ask boy ah .. aiyo answer till i sianzz man.. S also has little hair n look just like daddy so no choice lo look like boy :|
Sian hor! the last time an auntie in the train asked me if Wairah is a girl- when she was in hues of pink (dress and all), I told her “I think so” and the auntie just smiled an awkward smile. I think these ppl know she’s a girl but just want to make a conversation.. but what kind of talk is that??
On porridge and small meals
I past that stage many months ago when Wairah refuse to eat it and has been having rice with soup/ curry and the works. I think its easier to feed Wairah than Lis cos Lis is so picky on food and she dare not eat anything reddish for fear it’ll be spicy! Even if its just tomato sauce!
Wairah is indeed the opposite of Lis – the adventurous one, tried all sorts of food and loves spicy stuff. I try to curb her on the spicy stuff, in case her tummy can’t handle it but she would wail the house down and I end up feeding her what she wants.. haiz..
Thanks for the compliment. Now her longer abit longer, looks more girl girl.
But when i dress her in colours other than pink, still will kena the " gal or boy? " question!

Last time i used to let Megan wear those girlie headbands / hats.
Told my hubby if any idiot still ask me boy huh?
I'll ask the person: are you blind!!???
Very mean hor me? But luckily nobody asked.. Hee..

Hey, where's Irene???????
its amazing how the thread did not move since the last time i posted during lunch time!

where is everybody??
nor aww thanks for the nice words. yeah, i have given up worrying about his weight and resent to the fact that he is just small! er..i think the oldies have turned lurkers...muahahaha...

tiger jar er, while it can cook the rice but i think someone tried cooking meat in the jar...the outcome was that it was not too cooked...KTH mama correct?

WL oh i do mean its cheaper to buy from mylittleones than GD! but i think u got my message...glad to know i could be of some help.
din manage to log in today... regarding cooking porridge in the food jar, just need to put raw rice in and pour hot boiling water. when i put in the broccoli to cook at the same time, it didn't turn yellow. and yes, i wouldn't recommend putting meat in.

you may want to experiment first before you travel though =)
Hellooo, I am here after seeing my name....I am one of the lurkers that Cheok mentioned haha..

To answer Cheok's query about the cooking meat in the jar , the meat & fish were cooked together with the porridge (if i remember correctly) when I did the experiment. They were cooked within 2 hrs somemore. But I don't recommend putting the meat, think fish is alrite.
haa, being "called up" ah.

cheok mamaa,
lucas doesn't even wanna sit down for meals. i think he's ard 10kg when i weigh him the other time. haa, hey we both have "pretty" boys eh, with long eyelashes too!
regarding the GD talk, hee, coz it's the after sales service that comes with purchasing the sets mah, then they summarise and provide a schedule.
great deal you've got there, are there equations behind the maths cards??

ya, hubby says might as well buy all 3 sets, luckily there's hanyu pinyin for chinese words, and haa, when i think of the price, i will try harder to flash. think my hubby's cousin says she has received an email on shifting from them.
nor, eliz
*high 5* man! funny pple out there, wonder y they didn't see properly before asking ;p
yes! headband is great n looks super sweet when on their heads. but now S will pull off anything on her head
so headbands also b'com white elephant sigh.

n all mummies whose bb r eating lesser than usual: i'm also 'suffering' the same fate now 'cos S started to cry badly halfway thru her meal (just 2 days ago) and refuse to eat. she'll purse her lips so tight i can't force the spoon in lor. heartache to see her eat less than 2/3 of a bowl. watsmore she's on the 25% percentile, only 8.6kg since the last time at 12mths weigh at PD lor. can't imagine if her weight drops. all my efforts to feed her will be gone sob sob..
Yes, alot such pple out there! Sigh..

Thanks for the tip. I will definately try it out!

Today brought Megan to Chinese Garden but too bad heavy downpour not long after!!
ya now that the todd are bigger, they need more attention so guess a lot of us are becoming lurkers..

next time if anyone ask me again if wairah is a girl or boy, i will take off her diaper and show! hahah! kidding la..

must be a dream come true for you to have the HK theme lantern fest!

i was at Autobacs Bt Batok the other day and i saw lots of HK car accesories.. you will love it but not sure if you hubb would approve.. heheh..
wairah is also eating lesser than previously.. my mom told me her appetite decreased when i travel and now getting slightly better.

i know she loves noodles so i try to feed her small portion of rice and another portion of noodles just so she would eat.

maybe you can also try other type/ texture of food for your baby to explore.
oh my god, Eliz, i think i saw u yesterday (sat right?) at Chinese garden! I was making my way out (cos started to drizzle) with my hb and kids and saw a little girl with a hello kitty clippy! of course i hv nt seen u before, but i recognise the clip and what Megan was wearing!

Oh it started pouring heavily aft u bearly reached right?
Yes, it started to rain soon after! Both Megan and myself was so upset!!
She wanted to come out of the pram to walk and see see but i couldn't let her.
Worse, we forgot the umbrella! *Fainted*

Yes, a dream come true but was dampened by the rain

Hubby was saying to go back again.

Tell me abt it. My hubby was shocked when i told him i wanna go to Autoback.
He realised his mistake once he walked in. Lol.
hahahah! what did you get from Autobacs? quite a nice range of HK stuff huh..
i was looking for third brake lights and pass by that section and i instantly thought of you and Megan.
Eliz, no worry, stil got time. can go back again...
n shall i come across any HK things, i let u know...

haha, nana, i oso...think of the price, i try harder to flash. but lately been flashing once a day onli.

Cheok, i catch wat u mean. really appreciate ur help.

all mummies, my boy oso dun eat much. but s long s they r healthy & well, i think is stil ok. they themselves will know hw much they need.
hey mummies, ask you hor, now that your babies are over one year old, what time do you let them sleep?
and, do you bring them out at nights? if you do, then dinner how? eat outside ar?

dunno lei, cos i am paranoid about letting son eat outside food. i only occassionally let him eat fish congee or something from outside but that is only for lunch. dinner is always home cooked porridge and with such, we don't go out after 6pm. cos he eats at home then play a while then sleep at about 9pm.
but my cousins and everyone else in the world keep laughing at my hubby and i, saying we got curfew and things like that.
sigh, i also want to go out and enjoy nice dinner but my son is very comfortable with his bedtime routine and i dun wan to sacrifice that just so i can eat out and meet friends.

any opinions from you mummies? how do you usually handle?
<font color="aa00aa">Nor</font>
I just bought the HK Food tray.
Hubby's car is more on Doreamon theme. He won't allow HK to invade much. Keke..
Time to get my own set of wheels and make it into HK car! Lol.

<font color="aa00aa">WL</font>
Abit tight lor.. This weekend i got wedding to attend.
Next week might be going up to KL for a short trip.
Oh no, u all are feeding my HK poison!! Lol.

<font color="aa00aa">Hi myboyjovan</font>
After Megan has turned 1yrs old, i'm more "easy-going" on what she eats and when she sleeps.
Now her bed time, if we are home is ard 10pm. If we are out, she will sleep when she's tired. Haaa..
As for food, i do let her eat outside food but she usually doesn't eat as much.
If on holiday, she will drink more milk than solid.
My motto: She can always eat more when she gets home
Made these moonies today. Let Megan tried abit as i didn't add alot sugar

She loved them! But mummy has cheated lar coz Megan has yet to try those professional hotel ones so cldn't compare. Lol.

my son is 13mths old and we have a routine for him. Kids need a predictable routine &amp; I believe sleep/nap times are very important for growth so we always put him to bed at about 8:30pm everyday. But the range is from 8 to 9pm...depending on whether we were out &amp; what time he woke up from his afternoon nap. And he naps 2x a day for about 1-2.5hr each time.

We face exactly the same 'problem' of not being able to stay out late because of his early sleeping hour but I see it as a (small) price to pay. ...although many times I envy friends with older kids with babysitters. :p Alternatively, get a babysitter for a romantic night out with your s.o! ;)

As for food, I'm slightly more relaxed after he turned 1 but only with respect to potential allergies. I'll let him try most foods without chili but since he still eats all his meals at home, what he eats when he's out with us is mostly a 'snack' while we eat. It gets very messy while he plays/eats by himself but it buys us some time while we try to finish to the meal.
<font color="0000ff">myboyjovan</font>
On outside food
I don really have a strict rule on eating, but normally I will feed the girls with rice before I go out. Then at least when we are out I am pretty comfortable with them eating other food like noodles or pasta. I let wairah (14mths) try what ever Lis (4+yo) eats and so far no problem. As mentioned before, Wairah is more adventurous than Lis so she can eat fried rice, bee hoon soup or even fried kway tiao. Of course some parents are not comfortable with my way but well, different people sure have different ways on raising and feeding their kiddos.

On Sleep
Most of the time if we’re out in the afternoon, Wairah will nap in her stroller, as she did during the last Fidgets outing with the July bubs! And when I decide to go out til late she will just sleep when its time, usually when its on the way home.
High five! Megan has started to snack on my fried rice etc.
My oldies are worried of indigestion but so far so good..
Though ofcoz i don't let her eat in big qty.
lovely mooncakes! so Megan like them ah..
i've not let Wairah tried as she's having sore throat now. Lis don't like it, lucky for me..heheh

I went to Jurong Point to get my mooncakes yesterday! Yummers!!
Not much choices for me as only 2 stalls are carrying Halal mooncakes.
Got my fav – pure lotus with single yolk, and also another – white lotus with single yolk.
yah must let them try out more varieties of food now that they are over a year..
if not they might end up being choosy eaters.
I think now the girls are more of a terror than the boys!
Wairah will also wail when she can't get something that she wants. Bad huh?!

The other day I visited my sis and her newborn, Wairah want to bring the baby back.
She keep pointing to the door when i carried the baby on one hand and Wairah on the other.
I tried to calm her and told her its not a doll.
She cried even louder and it took sometime for me to pacify her.

My nephew told her "ask mommy to have another baby lah"
Eliz...lovely mooncakes...if my cousin saw it, she sure loves it s she oso gana HK poison. haha...
myboyjovan, i bring home cooked food out for my boy. for sleep, my booy wil sleep when time is up. if he wan play, then i juz let him, the most nez day he will sleep til 9+ then wake up. is nt a everyday thing, should be ok ba
myboyjovan i can understand what you mean. Like you, i try to stay home at night because SHayne is a sensitive sleeper. If he takes his bedtime outside, by the time we transfer him from our arms or stroller to the bed, he would wake up &amp; its difficult to settle him back to sleep.

For dinner, i'd also try to have him take it at home. Shayne gets distracted outside so his meals will be greatly affected if taken outside. But if need be, i'd prepare his meals in advance for him to eat out. I try to avoid feeding his meals with outside food because it usually has salt in them.

But really, like Nor said, it boils down to your parenting preference. I know how it feels to get mocked by others (even my own mom does not understand why i have to avoid night outings). But they probably dont understand because they have different values.You gotta stick to your own parenting goals and not be affected by them; you just have to do what you got to do.
I AM BACK LADIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! erm.. for a while.. to be exact til 1 pm hehehe..

laptop was confiscated back by my bil... sob2.. so no chance to log in ...

K has started to eat Noodles! and Udons! and pasta...

hai.. this little bugger... Doesnt wan mummy to feed her anymore!!!
She wants to use her fingers to eat!!!!!!!!!! so now every meal time.. is a feast for my dogs... they will wait patiently underneath K's Booster seat!

i really dunno how to make her WANT me to feed her again! hai... i dread meal times now! hauhuahauha

imagine... she doesnt even wan to eat from the bowl! she wants all her food on the tray!!!!! PENGZ rite!!!
<font color="aa00aa">WL</font>
Your cousin like me, HK Poison deep deep huh? Haa..
Polar got sell HK moonies ley.. Their much nicer!

<font color="aa00aa">Irene</font>
Go where?? MIA so long!!
K has started to feed herself? That's fast!

<font color="ff6000">Problem:</font>
Megan still cannot drink using a straw ah?
How to train huh? Or she will know how to when she's ready??
o...no! cant imagine my boy dun wan to be fed...then i wil faint...messy all over...but i think no choice oso s tis is hw they learn to eat themselves.

Eliz, my cousin ar, hrmm...abit deep. her hse oso alot of HK things. especially soft toys. haha...home make mooncake stil taste better...
s for ur prob on training to drink using straw, i feel is they know by themselves ba. we oso nv teach my boy, but realise he can sip abit when my sis gave him packet drink..or mayb he greedy wan drink ba..keke
Truly agree on not to be pushed to a corner and let others dictate how you should raise your own.
Sometimes these ppl think that they are more mature, more experienced and have gone thru many growing children to give advice. But at the end of the day, its still our children we’re dealing with.
Most of the time I try to be polite and listen but I will only follow what I think is applicable to be and my girls.

Babe sorry abt yesterday.. I was running after wairah to feed her and I forgot we were chatting.
By time I got back I saw your goodbye msg.. sorry again!

Don’t worry too much about Megan not knowing how to use straw.
Lis didn’t know how to use straw til she was 18 months I think.. whereas Wairah starting at 6-7 months.
I didn’t teach her how to use it, she just discover it herself.
Just my 2-cents worth: you’d be thankful that she’s not sipping up her straw yet, else she’d be drinking more than eating! I live to tell.. haiz
on not wanting to be fed, wairah do that to finger foods and chicken drumstick but not with rice/ noodles and pasta..
what i did is i prep 2 bowls - she play and self-feed with one, i feed her with the other.
End result - stil messy but at least the food gets to where its supposed to. Good luck!
oh my, thanks so much for your advice and your listening ear.
eliz, those mooncakes are lovely!
my son also eats more when at home than outside.
katgrrl, same same here. your son and my son got same sleeping time and nap duration. my relatives always comment say they dun need to sleep so much now but if i dun let him nap, he dozes off, sometimes while sitting on those supermarket trolleys! so it means he is sleepy and needs his nap still.
cheok, same thing. my son is super light sleeper too. my mum always ask me to put my son in stroller and let him sleep but sometimes when i transfer from arms to stroller he wakes up and refuses to sleep liao and will become super cranky. they always say like very easy.
nor, you give rice usually how much? cos my son when eating rice, it gets very messy and i can't gauge the amount he eats.
he doesn't really self feed, only finger food he will. but if gvie him spoon to scoop rice, he throws the spoon and bowl and whatever's on the table to the floor.
i read that this age should be able to self feed lei, hmm, guesss different babies different rate ba.
I’m not sure how else to better describe the amount but if you put both hands together and make like a bowl, the rice could fit in it.
Normally I would make potato soup with some vege or eggs to go with chicken or fish.
I seldom give meat but she has tried mutton and beef without any problem.
Oh she tried satay too and I think she loves it!

Again, this is my way, no hard and fast rules to follow and whatever others do, there isn’t a wrong or right way, just preference.

I think for self-feeding, personally I will not encourage for rice and noodles/pasta as I would want them to eat at a faster speed and this can only be accomplished by mommy-feeding.
I need Wairah and Lis to understd that when we’re dining outside, we can’t sit back and relax all the time.
Of course with finger food its fine for them to self feed. I even allow them to munch when we're on the move.
nor : ya.. i prefer that i feed also when it comes to meal!!.. BUT after her one month strike on food... BEGGARS DUN CHOOSE u see!!! hauahuahua

now her meal time can stretch to 1 hr! but at least she is eating... rather than she clamp her mouth and refuse to eat ... hai...

nowadays i just cook pasta or noodle.. green pea... edamame... corn.. chicken also strips! those that she can hold herself... put rice back to the shelf for a while...

But on a happier note!! she knows how to Scoop her own food... THOUGH my dogs get to get most of it.. hauhuahauha everytime i say SCOOP! she will do the notion... then the food FLIES! hauauhaa ...

u gals should see how she hold her CORN cob.. and munch on it! EXPERT!!!! and that day i pass her drumstick.. huahauhuahaha CLASSIC!!! super adorable!

Eliz : didnt go anywhere.... hehe just slacking... hai.. better Buck up and finish my Letter orders before my customers complain huahuhauahuah...
Another maid story
My fren who is a baker had an Indo maid who finished her 2 years contract.
During her stay, my fren taught her to bake and cook.
And the last few days before she was supposed to fly off, she requested to bake something to bring back and my fren let her bake and keep in the fridge.
Then on the day itself, they went to the airport and suddenly the maid told her madam that she forgot to take the cake from the fridge.
My fren suggested to buy something from the airport as its to rush to her flight.
But her maid looked so disappointed and crying and insist on going back to take the cake.
My fren, who was so nice asked her hubb to drive home to pick up the cake but the time was too rush so her hubb did not.
After seeing the maid off they went home and didn't think much of the cake.
Next day, she wanted to eat the cake so she took it out of the fridge, she found that the cake was extremely heavy than usual.
But she open the cake box and found nothing but the cake. Then her instinct told her to drop it and she did.
To her horror, her maid had actually hide her gold jewelry in the cake and baked it inside! No wonder she wanted the cake badly!
hello mummies

miss fairy gigi is in my house too! veve's not been eating well and been waking up crying many times at night

ichigo...i know what you mean! veve was also in 25% for weight at her 12m health check (but 90% for height) so i've been feeding her non-stop to plump her up. alas stupid tooth fairy strikes again...veve's been eating so little

cheok...it's back to porridge dumping days
i wish i wish for the appetite to reappear! oh...i know how it's like/you feel abt people trying to force their parenting ideas on you. listen on with a smile but it doesn't mean you have to practice it. but some well meaning advice do work....

irene...haha...veve also likes to feed herself sometimes...last sat she fed herself q a bit of cereals! so glad she din make a mess of the house!

see here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zhesWLBplI

eliz...just yest...my brit uncle was asking if i/we girls (in general) ever outgrow HK cos he has little nieces in uk at the threshold of puberty still hoarding HK stuff. i tod him...well we never...in fact the legacy gets passed on! veve will always giggle and point her way to the sanrio corner at taka much to her dad's dismay!

abt drinking from straw. i shared much much earlier on how i taught veve to drink from straw. i got a normal straw and cut it real short so that she can use it with her combi cup. i took the straw and placed it close to my lips and then did a v exaggerated suck. the demo was somewhat like those inflight ones on how to inflate the lifejacket. veve got it within a few repetitions...the sucking concept. then i placed the straw into the cup full of water and let her try. other mums have tried leaving a cup with their babes to explore and learn on their own. actly megan may very well skip this step and go straight to drinking from cup...so dun worry!

nor...haha...i just went to my shoe cabinet to check on veve's shoe collection to take out her next pairs to wear :p so scared i'll forget abt them...

jules...where is your 1yo pix huh? we are waiting :p i was actly gonna ask you to post your own pix. XY is such a mini-you!

about baby and outside food. as veve has food sensitivies, i'm very careful abt what she consumes. so far i've only given her plain rice and hard bread (no eggs ma) outside. otw, i'll prepare her food and lug them all out.

about napping. veve's an inconsistent napper. it all depends how tired/full she is. btw MOZART is a huge lifesaver! sometimes she can be lulled into a rare 2h nap in the middle of the day...leaving me time for myself
if we've been out all day and she's not napped much, she'll auto KO in the car ard 9ish. but as she has a bath before bedtime, we'll still wake her up for her bath when we're home.

mummies...hw u al get ur toddler to feed themselves? i tried teaching my boy, but after holding his hand to scoope the porridge n put into his mouth for 1 or 2 times then he will b veri lazy n dun even wan take the spoon.
wat a lazy boy...anyway to teach?
irene, my boy oso lor, can eat for 1 or worse 2 hrs...sometimes i m so fedup...
hw u cope wif it?
