(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

<font color="aa00aa">bedebe</font>
I doubt i will ever grow out of it..
My hubby always say shd ever i'm not so crazy about HK, i will be a very rich woman!

<font color="aa00aa">Irene</font>
Welcome back! Lol. Missing you ah..
Did i tell you i only left 1 bottle of gerbers?? My goodness!!

<font color="ff6000">Drinking from straw</font>
Thanks for the all the tips. I will try them out with megan.
Find that she's too old to still drink from milk bottle.
She can drink from the cup but very messy!

irene hee, i enjoy reading your post on K's feeding so funny; i can visualised the dogs panting at her feet! hahaha, take picture and share lei! Oh i read somewhere that one reason kids refused to eat is because they want to feed themselves. think tat's the reason for K's low appetite?

BEDEBE!!!! arrrg! I just had a meal battle with Shayne this noon. Made me sooooo angry! He just stuffs the food in his mouth but wont swallow and yet, opens his mouth with his bloated cheeks for me to feed him more. *SLAPS HEAD* ANGRRRRY!! Oh great work VEVE! im terrible, i dread the cleaning up, i dont dare to intro self feeding to shayne. hee hee, but i know i need to start soon...SIGH
Great place to put the portable DVD player!! But Krissa dun watch DVD in the car, she entertains herself by watching the cars, drivers, traffic lights etc...in fact, I lug the DVD player out juz so she may be quiet and sit still when we dine if she gets restless. Like Megan, Krissa still prefers to drink from her bottle. She knows how to use the sippy cup but we realised that she does not drink as much water compared to the bottle. I have also failed in my attempt to get her on the straw. Actually, I think a foolproof way would be to teach her using a packet of soft drink..hahah!!! Of coz joking nia...my hubby told me she'll eventually figure out how to use a straw, so no need to rush things. Think bedebe's method is good...shall try her method and hopefully it'll yield result
BTW, ur mooncakes looked so fab!!! Flavors?? Surprised to find Doraemon beside HK!! KK called me today that stocks hav arrived for HK &amp; Winnie-the-Pooh egg moulds..will go get it soon...me will quote ur membership number, ok? Thanx in advance!!!

Krissa is definitely ready for self-feed...been trying to snatch my spoon when I feed her but lazy mummy here has been putting it off coz the thot of cleaning up makes me so sianzzz...but I've decided to let her try this weekend coz I've juz gotten a huge vinyl mat from overseas spree...should be a breeze cleaning up.

Like u, I was not too game in letting my girl try outside food. However, after knowing how Nor &amp; Irene let their girls experiment with different types of food, I decided to be more bold in my approach and let Krissa try abit of what we eat except honey, chilli, peanuts etc. Of coz she's very happy and when she's happy, we are happy too coz we can eat in peace..hahah!! Her favourite is Tofu &amp; Chawanmushi. We oso ordered kiddy meals for her but she would not be able to finish much. In general, she would eat more at home than in restaurant. Krissa sleeps around 9+pm but would start rubbing her eyes around 8pm. Nowadays, she dun nap much and for long. Juz yesterday, she only napped for 5 mins from the time she wakes up at 7am!!! Whenever we are outside, she would not nap unless she's very, very tired. If we were to get home late, she would sleep in the car...somehow the car has a lulling effect on her and wakes up when we've reached home. We would shower her before she sleeps and if its past her norm bedtime, she would doze off quite immediately after her milk.

GD - Yup, they've moved...juz behind la...ask the chicken rice stall and they'll guide u. I've been to both workshops and twice, not many pple lei. Me oso bought 3 sets..English, Chinese &amp; Math...as I'm a FTWM, me can only flash 2 sets of each subject &amp; read san(3) zi(4) jing(1) to her nitely.
wow eliz! HK mooncakes! my sis will go crazy if she sees it..haa she's another fan of HK.

thanks nor for the advice. going to try pasta on S soon hee.

i understand how u feel.. i also have curfew on S' naps, bedtime n food she eats. i cook n bring her porridge out when we r out. we normally reach home by 6+/-pm so that she has time to relax n get ready for bed. Yes, my other frens with bub r in fact amazed that S can sleep so early - usually 7-8+pm depending on the day's activities. i feel its just for this 1st few years so never mind if others question/laughs at me. I dun mind. As they grow older, their sleep duration will change. (There's a time for everything) So dun feel stress abt it okay! Do it your way as long as u deem it best for your son.
<font color="119911">Tinsel</font>
Doreamon is my hubby's fav character mah so make for him too. Hee.
Krissa so guai! Megan will get restles and wail to come out if no "wheels on the bus" to distract her.
Meal time no problem coz she loves her food! Haa..
Go ahead and quote my membership no. Buy somemore and soon can be member liao!

<font color="119911">ichigo07</font>
Realy alot HK fan everywhere! Haa..
I just got an "order" from colleague to get for his wife's frd. Lol.
Say no need taste good, as long looks nice! *Fainted*

Re: Self Feed
Looks like Megan is always one of the last..
I have yet to even let her eat finger food! Just eat her gerbers etc herself.
Must try this wkend!
morning mummies....

cheok, my boy oso like shayne. but think my boy more noti. besides stuffing food in his mouth but wont swallow and yet, opens his mouth for another feed, he stil give mi the vomiting face. (understand?) sometimes feel like beating him sia...keke...

tinsel, so,aft the workshop, wat have u know? can share abit coz they stil nv get back to mi when is the nez available time slot. i m oso a FTWM, but normally i flash once for the english onli s when i leave for work, he have nt wake up. if my hubby got time, he will flash to him.
eliz : hahahaha i still have about 5 bottles of gerber... havent feed her so far....

cheok : will do.. later!!! hehehe i shall take a pic of her MESSY meal and the 3 Forever Waiting Dogs!

Bedebe: WOah.. Veve is a pro already..K hardly get anything but the empty spoon into her mouth! hehehe

veve hairstyle : hehe i realise most of the gals here have the same hairstyle now!! very short fringe hehehehe....

WL : hehe if you cant fight it.. Join it! hehehe laugh along... it makes us feel better also... i mean we angry also they going to eat that long... so.. i learn to let it go.. as long she eats...i happier hehehe
No, no, no...me not going to kena HK poison, thank you...hahahha!!! Sometimes, I do think abt making those kawai lunch bentos for Krissa when she gets older...so wants to stock up on nice moulds, lunch boxes etc. Realised I didn't save ur membership number...can sms me again? Thanx!!! Megan oso loves Wheels on The Bus? Krissa too!! She doesn't like anything else, not even Barney, Carebears etc. On self-feed and drinking from straw, no worries la...Megan's got Krissa for company..hahah!!! I'll oso start Krissa this weekend but only when at home. Dining outside wise, still had better feed her till she gets the hang of it.

Poor customer service? Try looking for Lawrence or Darryl...they've been very prompt in replying so far. I always flash at nite, 2 sessions per nite. Since u have bought GD's materials, its best if u can attend their workshop. They can oso clear watever doubts u may have. 2nd workshop touches on more complex equations i.e. equation involving different operators, play games wif ur child using the cards, make ur own books etc. I may want to go for the 2nd workshop again to refresh my memory 'coz due to my misunderstanding, I attended the 2nd workshop way too early.
wl ya, got what you mean..i also know the urge to beat when they do that. Its very very annoying. arrrg.

tinsel oh. you reminded me..i actually tested shayne on the packet drink! And that was how he learnt how to drink from a straw! hahahhaa so viola! now he's drinking from his mag mag using the straw.
<font color="aa00aa">Bedebe</font>
Just saw the clip. My my!! Veve is good!!

<font color="aa00aa">Tinsel</font>
Haa.. Try harder ya.. Once kena hk poison, deep deep one. Lol
Sms u my membership no. later ya..

<font color="aa00aa">Irene</font>
Megan's hair not enough to have the cute baby doll hairstyle..
Any way to hasten the process? Haaa..
nana mama forgot to answer you about the maths cards from mylittleones. Erm, im not sure if there are equations at the back of the cards, i didnt get it. I also have got the GD Maths cards ahahaha...SO WL this is one thing you need to note if you decide to purchase their maths cards.
well Irene, mayb my patience nt like urs, so gd...i cannot tahan leh...keke...must ask u for some tips on hw to learn to let it go.

Cheok, hw u handle the situation of eating too long? for the maths card frm mylittleones, do they come wif instructions on hw to go abt doing or teaching?

Tinsel, i reply to Darryl, but no response..sob sob..i must really find a way to get them..when u intend to go for the 2nd workshop again?
Hi all! Busy morning for me..

Also a bit sleepy and no mood to work.. feel like sleeping liao..
This is the point I dream about being a SAHM!!

Can’t wait to take my power nap during lunch.
mummies....taken ur lunch?

nor...have ur power nap? keke....

like to ask, i went for a talk. it says tat no need to bring kids to attend any enrichment class so early. wait for the kids themselves to request for it. any comment on it?
I'm on leave today but no power nap, busy making mooncakes. Haa!!!

Really? The talk say wait for the kids to request? Hmm...
I didn’t have my power nap after all..
was about to get into the mood when one of the QC guys came to my lab to use the phone..
he left and I thought still got chance as its only 1215. Then another sales guy came to look for some old results. Then I decide not to sleep.. sian already..
these ppl don’t understand sia, I off the lab lights and lock the door still come and disturb.. I even hinted its lunch time; equivalent to rest time.. sian chi pua..
Eliz...take leave make mooncake...doing moonlighting ar? keke...
Really, tat 1 is i went wif a colleague to attend 1..is a talk given by professor. then there is 1 more on public parenting, it says children r nt passive learner. can no need start so early.
Eliz, at least u stil can make it for family n friends...mi? hw to start i oso dunoe. simply lazy...keke...my hobby...sleep although nw difficult...

aiyo, i dun like those dunoe hw to "auto" ppl. lunch time stil disturb...if is mi, i reject their request, ask them come aft lunch. keke...
ok ladies, me going off early for medical chk up.
catch up tonight or maybe tmr if i'm busy.
Ta for now!
Hmm.. i think u shd be refering to the Pink one.. From FoxBB

Yes, sleep is something i have very little of after Megan came along!
Actually i wana prove to hubby the HK bakeware i bought aren't white elephants..
haha....Eliz...well done...guys like to say we buy things but dun use or wat...prove them wrong! keke...
little sleep, but stil worth it when u see them happy rite...keke...
wow! veve is doing great! i let S tried self feeding last week but she refused to do it after 2 days sigh...now she's back to playing w spoon after her mealtimes.

wow! wow! ur HK mooncake is such a cutie! brightens up one's day! u r good isn't it, can make snowskin from scratch. can even find time out to bake.
yup! sleep has become so deprived since bb came along.
thanks <font color="ff6000">pita, cheok, irene, eliz, ichigo</font> for your compliments on veve

i've actually not been consistent on letting veve self-feed herself. it's actly always one of the last resorts/tricks to get her to eat.

i was actly v surprised tt she fed herself so well on that occasion. before filming, i was steering the spoon from bowl to mouth with her holding onto the spoon. then i thought maybe i should let go and let's just see :p yest was not so good...she and dad wrestled with the spoon and her porridge skimmed her hair and flew onto my clean floor behind us :| any more messy self-feeding and i'll need a live-in maid!

dun worry abt your babes not self-feeding yet...my fren just tod me her son at 3.5y is still too lazy to learn to feed himself. and mummies...i'm sahm...so have more time to waste with veve on such strenuous exercise...so dun feel like you need to rush your babes into it...take your time...let them gather their own pace

ichigo...her bib is from ikea...cheap and good! dries fast too!

cheok...oh dear...shayne the hammie is hoarding food in the mouth :| keep cool keep cool....remember just keep a rod nearby...dun use the hand to threaten him k? hand is for showing love....hang on in there!

pita...how's paris? i'm still lost in the sea of too small and super ex accomodation! where did you stay? any travel tips/advice? t.i.a.

wl...i guess it very much depends what kind of enrichment classes we're talking about. if say music lessons such as piano...yes perhaps i'll sign veve up if she shows interest and asks for it, instead of being forced to pick it up like yours truly. but at this young age, i dun think they know what and how to tell us what they like. some parents thus think it's a good idea to expose the little ones to a variety of programmes to cultivate interest. for myself, i feel that now they're really little and do not have the power to make good decisions for themselves (LOL) it's up to the discretion (and often bias) of the parents to guide them. i for one am very happy to have veve attend gymboree. she's learnt a lot through physical play e.g. social skills, packing her toys, sharing toys with others, focus, knocking on doors. just my ho.

eliz...haha...lucky you have a hubs with an equal weakness. mine no have so my weapon is always "veve likes/wants kitty so we must get it!" cos veve is his biggest weakness...haha

irene...haha...ain't motherhood great :p patience is a virtue....oohm :p
Sorry to disturb.
Anyone uses Bliss confinement agency before? Any feedback? Appreciate with sharing ur experience with me. Pls PM me. Thanks!
hi bedebe, thanks for ur advice...my main purpose is to let them mix ard coz he everyday face my in laws n us onli. hence, sometimes he c many ppl, he seems scare. i oso know force is nt a wise choice, but i really confused s wat i should do..
after reading all the post, feel that i the most bo chap mummy. :p

Basically my gal eat whatever we eat, this means that if we eat out, she will eat outside food as well. Of cos if it's too oily stuff, we try to give minimum.

N we do bring her out at nite.. no curfew..
karen , pls don't use. I kana bluff by the them.

Tinsel - ur gal go for music class on sun what x? Cos im starting her this weekend at 4pm
hey mommies..

was on leave cos woke up late and then no mood to rush to work so took urgent leave.

sent Lis to bus pick up point and on the way we see a cat breast-feeding her kitten, got so engrossed that we missed school transport!
then i have to sent Lis by cab with Wairah..
i let Wairah sit in her class for 5 mins and she really enjoyed the singing and dancing!
maybe i should consider sending her to weekend playgroup..

then afternoon went to a massage and then bought some delicacies for break fast.
Paris was good, the french people are friendlier than I thought, most of them do speak English now. We stayed at Pullman Hotel - La Defense situated in the centre of Paris, this is a company incentive trip (air ticket and accomodation all paid for), no idea how much it would have cost per night. Shopping at Champ Elysees were great, you can find the flagship store of LV there (boy! this is huge), Chanel, Cartier and alot other brands. And yes, we brought Gayle to Disneyland, just 40 mins away from the centre of Paris via subway. So transport was convenient, no hassle!

We extended our holiday to London and Liverpool. Hubby is a true fan of the LFC and thus we drove up to Anfield to see the stadium and musuem. As compared to Paris, London is a much baby friendly place, you could find baby changing room in most shops. Furthermore in London, there are more places of attractions too. You can just hop onto the open top buses and they bring you to tour around London, easy!! Plus there's Leicester Sq (Chinatown) where you can find delicious HK/ Chinese food, yummy!! We stayed at Marriott hotels in London/ Liverpool, we've got a friend who is working at Marriott and got us very good rates (ranging from 80-150 pounds per night). So on accomodation, we saved quite abit. In time to come, we will want to re-visit London again!

When are you planning for your trip? I'm sure you enjoy veve's company
Have fun planning!
thanks bedebe n tinsel abt the bibs. wat was i lookin at when i was at ikea n mothercare...hmm...didn't spot it.

eliz: u have wonderwoman hands is it ;p hee...

nor: wow so shiok right..massage.. i miss it man ;p
Nor: Massage...hmmm...u got me aching for it

pita: really? french friendly? when i was there a couple of years back, i find the old &amp; aged french friendlier, the young ones, even waiters, are quite snobbish!!

lingling: u mean kindermusik? krissa attends class on sun @ 1p.m. under a new teacher named ying wei.

wl: understand where ur coming from...that's oso one of the reasons i put krissa in gym class....dunwan her to get scared of seeing strangers or too many pple. dun worry if ur boy cries during lesson, its norm especially if he ain't comfortable wif seeing so many strangers. give him a chance, he'll soon settle into the routine. i've seen some kids who are reserved initially but turned very sociable in both my girl's gym &amp; kindermusik class. for me, hahah!!! i wish krissa would be more reserved, quieter and more ladylike!!!
<font color="aa00aa">WL/Ichigo07</font>
Your compliments making me go PINK *Blush* Hee..

<font color="aa00aa">Nor</font>
Good siah, late so take leave. Idea! Next time i shall do that.
No point rushing.. after that the whole day just terrible.
How's the massage??
The massage was indeed a much needed one!
I actually didn’t plan for it but as I rummage thru my handbag (amidst the crumpled receipts, tissue, some cash and snacks) I saw my voucher for the massage which I bought last month!
It’s a discounted price of $58 for a full body massage! I called to ask if there is a slot available and heng ah they happen to have one – its meant for me!! Muahahah!!

Feels so good to be given a rub down!
And the best thing is that they did not push hard to sell me the package.

They merely told me they have this package blah blah blah and when I said I have no budget to sign up for package, they say ok (very politely) and ask me to come back for ala carte if I want. So happy!
hey pita...thanks for the info
we'll actly be going to london first then to paris then to amsterdam for wedding...doing trip in reverse cos hubs switching jobs :| accomodation in paris is madness to me...super ex- the ones tt hubs will tolerate are easily 150euros per nite...and the rooms are tiny-16-18 sqm is the norm...and there're lots of little hotels...so dunno what kind of standard...now if only budget isn't an issue :p

for london, hubs wants to stay off oxford st for shopping convenience...so ex! but lucky pound is low now.

jewel!!! where're the good places to shop for veve? is there mothercare, next, elc along oxford?

wl...yup...understand where you're coming from. it's good to expose the little ones to people so tt they dun get too shy. but i suspect some babies are naturally not as outgoing...so putting them in a class may cause unnecessary stress. maybe you can start by bringing your boy to walk ard the neighbourhood to expose him to people and things and noises...to basically arouse his curiosity.

nor...wey...you wanna trade places with me? i dun think i've ever managed to nap in the day lor. and i lagi envy how you can urgent leave and go massage :| so shiok you!
Hi mummies...
Sorry, busy in the morning...
i oso wake up late tis morning, hw i wish can be like Nor, take leave. haiz...keke...

Tinsel, krissa more out going mah, which is gd..slowly when they get older, they will know hw to b more ladylike etc 1..u dun have to worry..my hubby dun wan put him in a gym class coz he says our boy veri active already, put him there, wait become hyper active. keke

Bedebe,my in law got bring him go walk walk leh..but stil the same. unless he c ball, then he is ok wif any1, anywhere...haiz...

Eliz, u really indeed gd in it..like wat Ichigo07 says, u got wonderwoman hand? keke..
ey, ey you all don't envy me leh.. not free leave ok.. and cannot do so often, if not the "urgent leave" will lose its credential.. heheh..

your turn to wake up late ah.. why never apply urgent leave and go for massage? heehee..
haha...true true...urgent leave cannot use often... mi ar, haiz...dun have alot of leave leh..trying to save leave..in case wan quit, got money take. wahaha...

my company diff leave policy.. must clear all leave every year and cannot bring fwd to following year. sian ah.. cannot plan for long hols. so i might as well use my leave lor.
