(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

its a quiet sunday.. i just got back from Jurong Point with Lis. left Wairah with my helper cos she stil having runny nose and its no fun to have to run after her nose outdoors (okay lame..)

anyways, JL having sales but prices were like DUH!. bought panties for Lis; she said she's running out of panties to wear! girls.. oh i bought a few too.. too pretty to resist..

oh ya want to share with you abt this auntie promoter who was very pushy. she asked if i need help and i politely said i'll help myself. and she just stood right beside me and stare at what i was choosing. i ignored her at first and was choosing between 2 colors. THEN she have to ask this ALOUD: "wah you wear 75D hor? so big ah" wah kali kong! i was so pissed man.. i din bother to look if ppl turned to see. i looked at her and cooly said "yes auntie; you want to see?" my gosh! can't these aunties ever leave you alone in shopping centre?

i wanted to leave but since i finally found a D cup size i have to get it!
<font color="0000ff">irene, dear</font> please do inform me if you do chance upon places selling D cup bras. Thanks in advance!

<font color="aa00aa">bcube</font>
oh dear; how did you find out abt the $$ thingy? i hope your helpers are not a tag team in this. better monitor and take action if you can get concrete proof.

<font color="ff6000">Amber</font>
give Ash a kiss from me; poor girl.

<font color="0000ff">Jillian</font>
i should've took mine without my parents knowledge but i was a kwai girl lah; always ask for permission before i embark on a mission.

<font color="119911">Susu</font>
where are you today? LM not too well ah?
Wah, are you a Dolly Parton D Cup?! Impressive woman!! Especially considering how wonderfully slim and petite you are. That auntie must have got a real shock - not many Ds running around Singapore, you know!

Oh no! Sorry to hear about your helper suspicions. I think it's time to set some traps/tests like what Amber said. When the $ disappears, then you gotta interrogate them one by one, I guess. Installing those mobile phone cameras we talked about isn't really going to help much unless you get someone to monitor the phone 24/7 but every time you call thru, I think you have to pay extra, so not really worth it.

Where did you buy the Easiyo? Phoon Huat or elsewhere? I love how Ash sleeps more to deal with teething discomfort, what an angel she is! One of the few positive things abt Ems' slow-growth rate is that she actually saves as lots of $. She gets lots of wearing out of her clothes! And her car seat will last her for lots of time yet, whereas my friend's fully breastfed baby outgrew hers in < 6 months, can you imagine!! Potty-training is going well. I do think they are ready to be "potty-encouraged" at this age, so you might want to consider introducing Ash to her potty. I put Ems on hers after her afternoon nap today and she squirmed off at first so I didn't push it. One minute later, I put her back on again and voila! Loads of pee! Then we went to the VeeBee to play and five minutes later, she made her usual indications that she wanted to poo (i.e. she said "umph" twice), and I brought the potty out again and voila! Two big lumps of poo in the potty. When she's done, she'll stand up to signal that she has no more "contributions" for the potty, so we take her off to wipe her butt. I'd say we catch about 80-90% of her poos and maybe half of the pee. Am thinking abt switching her to cloth diapers while she's at home - apparently babies who wear cloth are potty trained a full year earlier than those who are always in disposables - but still researching the topic lah.

Oh no! Poor LM! Has the fever subsided? It could be teething - I think a low-grade fever is par for the course sometimes. Hope he'll be ok soon.

Yeah man! Totally agree! My poor hb's back in the office again. Poor guy is so tired. But he's a gem lah. Last night, Ems got up at 1am and 4am and both times, hb went to her room and settled her back to sleep.

thanks again for all the help and the email last night - I needed it!!
haha the hungry ghost thing is funny. My wedding was two weeks shy of the hungry ghost period. I remember suggesting to my dad that we do it during the festival itself to leverage on better deals etc, and he was like, "but then you'll have to set aside four extra tables for the ghosts!!" haha.
Nor: You should have said " Wah Auntie, you wear 75AA ah, so small!" Some people just don't think before they speak lah....

Yolk: Thanks for the email, was packing Ally's stuff for her hospital stay ,looks like we're all set!
my understding of the 3 tier system is tat unless all 3 tiers has stg in em, the warming system will not be as efficient. so for instance if u only fill one container then perhaps in order to avoid having empty top &amp; bottom tier u can consider putting some hot water in em? e main functn of porridge cooker (e other one) is really to cook porridge on e go
frankly, i m not sure if 3 tier keeps warm longer but aunty at Tiger counter said one tier food jar can "easily keep food hot for 10-12 hours"

i suppose maryann cant do e shots anymore being pregnant &amp; all. she is giving birth in june so it may not be easy4her. however ashley seems to have done a good job shooting ally &amp; ally seemed to be havin a whale of a time

i also signed on for Gymboree. went for a trial class day before. the package i signed for was $308 for 12 classes ($40 discount). $50 for membership but they threw in 2 free music classes. i must say tho' most bubs in my class could crawl real well! gosh, some could even scale the steps to the slides!!

loved e photos! quite artistically done. considering Hart shot in your home, the lighting seemed adequate &amp; not too dark

hope u r feelin beta!
i hve a query abt porridge - when u fed Kaizer, did e soft grains of rice pose a hindrance to swallowing? i mashed porridge up &amp; porridge was soft but still L occassionally "choked" on them - duno if i m doin anythg wrong or is it too early to give her porridge *confused*
sooo tired.. so this is short..

yolk, got easiyo frm phoon huat at toa payoh.

made mango yoghurt (hb fav) and it turned out amaziiing! i added a tbsp of sugar tho whn i made it.. and it's just nice with it..

banquez, gymboree level 2?
i'm supposed to do tuesdays.. 330pm.. but this tues i cant.. so hoping to catch another class.. maybe fri.
eh.. how comes you get two free music classes? and me no have?! hmm..

easiyo is yummest!

yolk HUGZ

Jillian, i'm thinking of you and Ally and will be praying for her. She will do very well.. God is with her every min!
trust in Him and tell Him exactly wht you want and how you want things to go. And i'm sure he will bless you abundantly!
His love is unfailing.
<font color="0000ff">yolk sac</font>
i was C+ but since preg with wairah and BFg made me a D. now that i have stopped BFg since 3-4 months ago, i thought my boobs wil go back to C but it seems that they're happy to remain this way.. i don't know to be happy or sad - all my C cup bras can't seem to fulfil my current assets; or should i call them mu liabilities??

<font color="119911">Jillian</font>
yah i think some ppl are just blunt.. but she was so loud it seems like the whole JL heard her.. Grrrrr...

<font color="ff6000">banquez_suez</font>
i am pleased with the turn out of the pics. it was cloudy and Hart did it so naturally and was a pro with kids. but his style may not suit some mommies who like studio effects lah.

<font color="ff0000">Amber</font>
wowwee! mango yogs.. thats sounds so sedappp.. now you tempt me into getting the easiyo thingy.. see if i can drop by the Jurong East branch this week. oh can you share how long it takes to make a serving?
susu poor LM! No no, i mean HEALTHY LM! He shalled be healed in Jesus name! You must be tired, take care of yourself please! Burnt apricot never mind la, as long as LM is fine!

nor jeeeez, some PEEEEEOPLE ah! Im very intolerant of such remarks.

backache guys, please please take care of yourselves, your back especially! Last night, while picking up shayne, i felt a bad sprained at my lower back, it hurt so bad that i immediately 'dropped' shayne (thank God i was on the bed!). I shivered quite badly and couldnt moved for awhile. Went to see a dr, thank God its just inflammed muscle but im immobile now. I can't do much, have difficulty walking and bedridden most of the time. Poor hubster has to run around and take care of me and shayne. But he's doing a great job- i feel loved! very sian now, i dont have an alternative caregiver for Shayne lei. It's been tough. So SAHM who has no other help, please please take care of yourself! NO JOKE!
yolk: I am also thinking of potty trained Kaizer. Just a question, did u let Ems wear pull-up diaper or the normal diaper when u start potty trained her?

banquez: Kaizer sometimes will show me his puking face when I fed him porridge. I am also not sure if he's choked or had enough of the porridge. But I always feed him water cos sometimes the porridge may be too dry for them.

cheok: you scare me leh as I am a SAHM w/o helper. But thanks for the warning and I will try to take extra care of my back. Actually, my back has been aching since giving birth. Thanks to the extensive carrying of Kaizer &amp; doing of the houseworks. So is your hb taking leave to take care of u &amp; Shayne? Hope you will recover fast fast.

Bcube/Amber: May I know how much is the Easiyo maker?
oh no! So sorry to hear you hurt your back! Its terrible..my HB is still recovering from slipped disc and its been 3 months already....yeah all mummies pls be careful, especially now our babies are getting heavy....and we are getting old!

The easiyo maker is very cheap and I think its just under $40? Amber reconfirm yeah? But each packet of Yogurt powder is just abt $4.20 to make 1 litre. Much cheaper than the supermarket ones and like what Amber said, its YUMMY YUMMY!!

can get the easiyo from Phoon Huat in Holland Village. I think that might be the most convenient for you.
jillian: what time do you check in tmrrow? praying long and hard for you and ally tonight and tomorrow, babe. she's gonna do great! big big hugs from me for you both!

kth: Ems is still wearing normal (Pampers) diapers for now, but yes, it can be a real pain to take them off and put her on the potty. But I think the main pt of the pull-up diapers is to make it easy for the baby/toddler himself to go to the potty - ie he can just pull down his own diapers and sit on the potty when he needs to go. Ems is clearly not initiating her potty visits right now, so I may not go the pull-up route just yet.

cheok: oh no!! ouchhhhhhh!! so sorry to hear abt your injury, gal
was the doc able to give you any meds to soothe the inflammation? aiyoh - I am the queen of backache so my heart really goes out to you babe. take care ok? let HB pamper you more! and more! and more! (now, I sound like an Eveready battery ad)

nor: ASSETS lah! how can you say liabilities? they are only liabilities if you are trying to complete a marathon cos they will certainly make you less aerodynamic!!

banquez: sometimes if I feed Ems a bit too quickly, she seems to "choke" a bit - I just slow down and that takes the problem away. And KTH is right, quickly pass bb the sippy cup and the water will help the grains wash down. always works for Ems with her purees (we still haven't done rice grains yet)
was just thinking of you &amp; Ally so dropping a line to wish her a smooth surgery followed by a quick recovery. Will be sending Ally &amp; yourself Healing Thoughts daily!
<font color="aa00aa">Dear ALLY</font>
"May God's protective shield surround you. May his loving angels sing you sweet lullaby to comfort you.

May God's great Miracle heal you.

For you are a <font color="aa00aa">gift</font> to your family and to the world. Of which God wants you to grow up to be a special loving part of this world.

I pray you will get well soon. To be blessed with your family to be able to love you, hold you and bring you home well and safe soon."

By Arlene R.Szynal
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">MAID</font></font>
Ok here's how I "found out". My 1st maid was telling my mum that she saw m new maid taking spare change from my pile of coins on the side table, and when she asked her, the new maid said she is just "exchanging" coins to break up the spare change. So anyway, not wanting to believe based on what my 1st maid said, I decided to conduct an honesty test. I folded a $2 note and placed it in my jeans pocket. and with a few other garment, I gave them to my new maid this morning, and instructed her to wash it and get it ready by this evening. She proceeded to do the laundry using the washing machine. I waited for her to come to me to return the cash....no sight of her. SO I waited. When the washing cycle was done, she was upstairs cleaning, so I went to the machine to check, thinking MAYBE she didnt check the pockets. Well..the $2 wasnt there..I thought maybe it dropped out of the pocket during the wash..took every single piece of garment out, shake them, look into the washing machine..no sight of the $2. Well....so I thought, maybe she took it out and forgotten to tell me. So I decided to wait...and wait..and now the laundry is done and there is no sight of the $2 note. She didnt mention anything as well. And the most interesting point was, I casually reminded BOTH my maids to make sure to check all pockets b4 doing laundry as Hb has a habit of not taking things out. New Maid said she dont check when she do laundry.
nor: hahaha D cup bra? GOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT marks n spencer saw some E cup also haahaha

die i think i really window shop too much...
so now I either have a dishonest maid or the $2 dissolved during the wash cycle....and its definitely got nothing to do with the old one as she was occupied the entire time with R.

Sigh....why like that lah....and to think i treat her so well...

yolk , jules , peck , amber : gals... i bought these 8 colours..

strawberries &amp; cream
Rose Petal
funkyvintage -chartreuse

the ones that i currently have...

school bus
red wagon
grass stains
eat your carrot

hehe... hope the colours suits u gals...i tried my best ... went to 2 stores... those 8 colours are the best i can find.. hehe
<font color="aa00aa">Lilac</font>, I'm in Chengdu, SW of China. Pls tell me u're in Chengdu as well?
Haven't met any Singaporeans here so far...

<font color="ff0000">cheok</font>, backache is no joke man...my hubby also has occasional backpains and it's really crippling
( pls take care... lift with your knees bent and not your back. Perhaps u may wanna consider yoga, pilates or Body Pump to strengthen back muscles?

Btw, someone asked about a baby carrier? Unfortunately, I think BB Bjorn is the only 1 that lets the baby faces out. However, that doesn't have hip support which means that there's a limit on the weight of the baby that u can carry without breaking your back. The only 1 that allows u to carry your baby even up till 4 or 5 (or so it claims) is Ergo Baby Carrier. I did my research on their pros &amp; cons when I bought mine. In the end, I went with Ergo because it has hip support. The other day, I carried my nearly 8kg baby for 2 hours without feeling a strain.
Oh yah, Bcube &amp; Amber, u can save on the yoghurt starter packs if u just use 2 tbsp of the previous batch of yoghurt u made for every quart of milk (Super Baby Food). That will be your starter.. The starter yoghurt however has to be fresh for the bacteria culture to be alive.
<font color="119911">amber</font>
How is Ashley doing today? Hope the more frequent jerk is just a transient. God bless you and Ash. My boy has no jerk yesterday. Thx for offering the PD. I am currently in Beijing, so it's a bit far.

<font color="119911">backache</font>
Stretching and exercise works for me. I had stiff back and was not able to walk properly after the child birth. I joined the morning exercise group at the Botanic Garden. It starts at 6.45am daily at the ring near the orchid garden, lasts for an hr. It’s easy to follow. I feel more energetic after each session and my back has improved since.
Morning everyone, thank you so much for your prayers and well wishes. It means a lot to our family.
Ally will be going in at 2pm today and her operation should be around 9 tomorrow morning. As I was packing her toys, I think the whole situation finally hit me and I was starting to get quite emotional. But I've got to keep it together for her sake so happy , positive thoughts only!!

Susu: I hope LM is feeling better and you managed to get some rest.
<font color="0000ff">Jillian</font>

Got up and thought about you and Ally first thing this morning! Sending positive energies your way, towards KK!

We pray for a smooth operation, good doctors and nurses, a speedy recovery and strength for you and your family during the post-op.

Do let us know how the surgery goes when you get a chance. Hope you are holding up well, you great Mom!
<font color="119911">LM's health report</font>

Thanks everyone for asking after LM and myself. He's still got a fever, it keeps going up and down, probably due to the panadol. I'm bringing him to the Paeds as soon as he wakes up.

Bundled him into bed with us last night and I could barely sleep! I just kept waking up to check on him, taking temperature, sponging him, checking if he's breathing well (shallow quick breaths are a bad sign!).

He must be so out of it, that he didn't even bother getting up to suckle! <font color="0000ff">Cheok!</font>, I had to get up and pump my breasts at 5am this morning!

<font color="119911">Nor</font>, that's why I was barely here yesterday, plus we had guests over the weekend staying us with us and we ran around alot getting more crap for the house!

Damn. Got a stiff neck now from sleeping only on one side, so I can look at LM through the night. Argh!

Hope this weeks unfurls to be a better one for everyone!

Take care girls!
<font color="0000ff">Banquez</font>

Thanks for clarifying about the tiger jars! I think I'm not so densed about it now! Looks like the "porridge-cooker" is the one to go for!

<font color="119911">Nor</font>
Alamak.. the usual Aunties at the mall and their stupid comments!

The No.1 stupid hard-sell from sales people in shops are "We've got sizes, you can try".

<font color="ff0000">HUH??</font> Does that mean they think I can't fit into a small size and need bigger sizes! Sooo insulting!

Or, when you walk in and you can clearly see ALL the colours on display, and they go "Oh, we have x,y, z colours". I'm not colour blind eh!

<font color="ff6000">Amber</font>
Sounds yummy man the yogurt! Hope Ash continues to sleep through her teething!

<font color="aa00aa">Bcube!</font>
Oh no! So Maid 2 failed your test! How now? Are you going to put her through more random tests before deciding?

Geez... I'm really sorry you're in this situation on top of all that's going with R!

Sigh.. another reason why I'm so hesitant about employing a maid, having to deal with issues like you!

And $2 notes don't dissolve in the machine just like that.. I should know... domestic-havoc queen here, salvaged quite a few notes myself (when not trying to burn the flat down)!

Haha.. and like you, at 6.45, breathing is about all I can muster!

<font color="0000ff">Cheok!</font>
Aii!!!! Sorry to hear about your back! I know what you mean! I carried LM the other day off the floor and my left shoulder went ziinggg and there's been a nagging pain there since! LM is 10kg at 7 months!

Will hubs be able to take off for a couple of days so you have some time to rest proper? Just bring Shayne into bed with you and hang out there, if you can, or on a mattress on the floor.
cheok-kolate hugs to you!
<font color="ff6000">good morning mummies</font>

jillian...you and ally are in our prayers. may God's strength be with you in this time of weakness. ally's gonna be fine
and bfing directly or not doesn't make you less of a great mum...you've done a swell job so now dun tear yourself down and stress yourself over it ya? take care!

abt porridge and food jars.
i fed veve the porridge in whitebait stock (cooked for 3h after 5mins on the stove) at grandma's and grandma kept complaining that the porridge was no good! not soft...not smooth...not easy to eat...and the list goes on.

so, my conclusion is this. i will only use my foogo to store porridge when i go out or when i cook excess and need to keep the porridge warm somewhere.

having said that, i do not advise storing porridge in the flask for long hours. 1. the food changes colour. e.g. the spinach turned brownish. 2. my foogo is supposed to keep the food warm for 6h so if you're out longer, expect the food to start cooling. it's fine for veve cos she doesn't demand piping hot food. 3. the food can stain the container. the lid of my foogo sports orangey marks that the dam carrots have left. 4. porridge gets too runny and watery after some time.

personally for porridge, i'll prepare porridge base with stock (it's whitebait for now) separately and the other ingredients i'll steam separately prior to serving and mix it in. this goes for planning meals on the go. i will fix up everything just before leaving house. this hopefully helps the porridge to last longer.


about backpain
yes yes i agree all of us esp SAHM need to take good care of ourselves. do you ever wonder if epidural has caused your pain? my fren believes that's the cause of her pain. for me, i get these nerves thingy on my left side that originates ard my left knee. that momentary twitch can sometimes paralyse me for a few seconds :|

about maids
bcube...sorry to sound ever skeptical about maids but we really cannot assume they are able to appreciate how well we treat them. you know sometimes the most honest people cannot resist pinching some of the valuables lying ard so it's really a good idea to keep your stuff away and not lead them to temptation. do check on all your expensive stuff and make sure she hasn't already taken them and sent them off via some other maids or helpers to pawn etc

oh yes...the foogo is what i used to prepare the porridge. it works!

nor...lovely pix
haha...i hate those promoter aunties too esp those at guardians that really follow you ard and try to spring on you their sales pitch. last time i was at guardian, this aunty approached this middle-aged man behind me in the cashier queue and loudly explained to him that he NEEDS her treatment products for his BALDING problem....faint! i din dare look at the guy's face man...if i were him, i wished there and then a hole would open up and swallow me whole.

susu...oooh...poor LM...hope he's better now. this time it really sounds the tooth fairy is wreaking havoc. feel his gums...you may start to feel his teeth emerging.

oh...when i plan to stay out for veve's 2 solid meal times, i plan to bring one meal of porridge and the other cereal and puree. we'll consume porridge first. as for puree, i bring it out in its frozen state, kept in the thermos flask. by the time its meal time, it's suitably softened. we can gently reheat it by immersing it in a bit of hot water.

yolk...hope you're feeling better too. fyi, my fren took her son out of SJCK after 10 days of pre-nursery cos they both kept falling ill. it din help that she saw kids going to sch with green gunk dripping off their noses
perhaps ems and you caught the bug at one of her classes?
hello.. a quick post b4 i head to the PD's.. my dear girl is sick too. has fever, runny nose and a super chesty cough. whats worse is that we are going overseas next wed!!argh.. bloody flu bug!!

jillian, was thinking of u last night as i was sponging xy and worrying abt her. u and ally are in my prayers too.. hang in there ok?

bcube, ur maid doesnt seem very honest leh. is it the one u brought along to bambini? think its time to talk to her, or go to ur agent cos u never know when she will start getting greedy and taking bigger items!!

bedebe, i do the same as u.. bring porridge for lunch and cereal + puree(frozen) for dinner. but have no idea how to manage this when i am overseas!!

irene, oooh such pretty colours!! feel so paiseh to make u run to 2 shops!! somemore u dun need to do any painting urself! paiseh paiseh...
jules : hehe its ok la.. i bought something for my album too... (Excuse) hahahaha hope u gals like the colours le..coz the others are either too dull.. or too bright... not nice!...but not much collection actually..

oh... since i bought 2 places.. sob2... wheelock is cheaper by 0.05 cents... ya... i buy 4 tubs at each place...
I pray that Ally's operation will be a smooth and successful one, with God's blessings. And may He give you strength and positive energy to take care of Ally after the op. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

I have been busy taking care of my little girl ever since she started to crawl and stand with support. I am so paranoid she will hit and bang into something, the fact that our home are not child-friendly. How did u mummies overcome this?

Sadly, she is down with high fever last week, had to rush her down to KK A&amp;E, since it was midnight, no PD around, her fever had hit over 39degrees! Waited for almost 4 hours!!! Did blood test and urine test to determine cause of fever, turned out its viral infection. Nothing we could do except to continue giving her paracetamol and sponging her when her temp rose. Took her 4 days before fever subsided and she developed rashes on her face and body immediately. Called up PD immediately, was told that some babies will have false measles after an episode of high fever, which also means the end of virus infection. Thankfully she is well now.

With so many babies falling sick recently, I pray that God keep our babies all well and healthy
Jillian: Be strong and we'll be here giving you moral support. Will keep you in my prayer. Heavenly father, I pray for you to be with Jillian to give her the strength she needs today and tomorrow. We also ask for your guardian angels to be with Ally to comfort her and take away all pain and discomfort her. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
SPC Platinum Membership

susu: Mine is still platinum. Yesterday night was terrible. Matt cried almost every hour. Hub and I really feel like a zombie when we woke up. Not sure why this has happened. He was doing so well before we set off for M'sia. He was almost sleeping thru and waking up once. What has gone wrong. MIL said that he also cried alot the second night he was away. Is this teething again? Hiaz... when is this going to end?

Yolk: Hope you and ems are feeling better.

Matt is still coughing though the runny nose has stopped. Guess the flu bug is quite resillient this time round.
Jillian: Would like to wish Ally a speedy recovery! She will be fine, don't worry
Remember positive thoughts ya! Keep us updated of Ally if you have the time. Take care!

Yolk: Thanks for your reply. Will stick to the normal diaper &amp; c how it goes. Luckily, mine is Dryers as it's not so expensive.

Bcube: Thanks for the price of the easiyo maker!
harlo mummies!

sabo sabo! i din ask i din ask! hwhahaha!!
hey nice pixs! lis like model sia

haiyoo tell that aunty yes yes it's a D D D!!!

hope everything will go smooth for ally and u.
take good care. and yes, ally looks sweet in the pixs too.

hope all the babies will recover real soon!

oh man, do more tests on itchy hands maid?
yeah no way the $2 note can disappear like this

oh dear!! better take good care and hope u get well real soon! can understand those immobile momments! yesh, a positive way that it's inflammed muscles only, so prevent!yes mummies muz really take care of their backs! we can unknowingly hurt our backs. coz of the wrong posture that we have when carrying babies up.

my gynae tells me nothing to do with epidiral, but it's those strain on the back during preggie, and from carrying babies. haiyo, do a check up?
jillian Arrg, im too late! You should be in the hospital by now. Im definately keeping you in my prayers! Ally's operation will be a suceess! May God give you the strength and wisdom in taking of her. Please take care of yourself too!

backache thanks guys for your well wishes! Im much better but still walking with an awkward posture and can't quite carry Shayne yet. Im thinking tommorrow will be better!

The weird thing is i never have a history of backpain nor was there any signs to show a 'breakdown'. WOrst, when it happened, i was picking up SHayne with the correct posture! SO im baffled as to why i got it!

This made me realise that its a blessing being able to carry shayne, be on all fours with him, run to him when he cries etc. So mums, with or without existing backpains, please watch yourself!

susu tough, having guests and juggling with LM's fever. I hope he's better today. RE: sleeping through the night aka pumping, what an irony isn't it?! I'll take interrupted sleep anytime in this case! Anyway, because of my backache, i couldnt change sides at night, so i woke up with engorged boobies again (!!!!) but not so bad as the last time. Got rid of it pretty quickly.

bcube oh dear! i hope your hubs gets better soon!! And your maid! WHat's your next course of action?
<font color="ff6000">exercise at 6.45am</font>
I was very desperate then… was limping as my left sole was numb after the birth. Blame the epidural and my 28hrs labour. During those time, I went acupuncture at Zhonghua hospital 4 times a week and woke up at 4am to pump, fed my boy and headed for botanic garden ard 6am. Group exercise kept me going for a while. Thanks god, I am able to walk normally after 2 months of hard work. Now I hardly carry my boy who is 9.4kg at 5.5months. Don’t want to strain my back further. Luckily, he is not a demanding boy. Most of the time he explores around the house in his walker happily.

<font color="119911">food for outing</font>
I prefer to bring fruits like apple or banana for outing, just scrape using a spoon directly from the fruit. Light and neat. My boy has big appetite. He can finish 1 apple and ¾ banana per meal.

<font color="0000ff">Jillian,</font>
Wish everything goes smoothly. Hope Ally has a quick recovery.
hi guys, back from PD. xy has bronchiolitis and i have to nebulise her 4 hrly for the next 3 days. sigh sigh sigh.. really bad news cos i dunno how we can travel next wk as it will take 2-3 wks for her to recover completely. at 3pm, she puked out her lunch and most of her morning milk feed. after i had bathed and fed her, she puked again cos she coughed so much and now her hair is coated with vomited milk. my bedsheets are a goner too. . so heart pain man..
hi all,

jillian: rachel's wishing ally a 100% successful operation &amp; a speedy rcovery. HUGS!

jules: oh dear... wat happen? my fren's son also kenna. it took him almost 1 month to fully &amp; he was admitted to hospital twice for difficulty in breathing. the parents hv to rent the neubalise after he was discharged. so scary.

here's wishing xy a full recovery soon too. dun worry...she will be fine.
cheok: hang in there. u are nt alone. my backache's acting up too. and i dun tink its a case of epidural side effects cos i din take any. wat i do to ease off the pain is to take a really hot shower (let the water really hit your back) &amp; if possible, curl up like a fried prawn whenever i sleep. sort of helps.
jules oh dear! poor xy
It must be painful for you, i know. Shayne's constipation episode already got me quite upset what more about this! Don't think too much, just focus on taking care of xy. Things will naturally iron out for you!

pita sorry to hear about gayle's infection. i wouldn't know looking at the pictures you posted on FB, Im glad to hear she's well now- that's most important!
re: backache

i also have backache.. since teenage years... these two days been really bad. went to doc and was told i got stones!! either in kidney or bladder!!!!


so mummies, just a note, if the backache is really irritating or affecting you, pls go see doc early ;-(
oh dear..poor thing. hope that xy will get well real soon and get back to her cheery self again.
take care of yourself too.
Jules: Oh no, I hope xy will be better soon. Where are you taking her to? Mmm... If she's not feeling better, I think it's better not to take her along. I think babies will feel worse if they are exposed to a different environment and different types of viruses in other countries.

by the way, how did the doc diagnose xy with bronchiolitis? Matt is still coughing too.

poppy: sounds serious. you might want to get a different opinion.
thanks claire ;-) i'm still at a state of shock cos the doc also told me i'm suspected of hfmd!!!! cos i got ulcers! i'm still bf. the doc was asking me to stop bf NOW!!!

i'm so speechlessly sad

claire, usually bronchiolities is lots of cough with flam (flam could be from running nose or the black flow of muscus. very chesty cough in a long time.

jules take care of yourself too...
btw. as i was scanning thru the previous posts, I realise that many of you are experimenting with porridge. as for me, my MIL uses a mini slow cooker and put the rice grains in early in the morning and usually, by noon time, the porridge will be soft and smooth. There's no need to watch the fire. Just have to make sure there is water and let it cook slowly. The porridge will then be consumed for two meals. She usually will put the rice grains first then the meat later.

Hope this little info is valuable to u.
poppy pop: that doesn't sound too good. Is this your usual doc? Mmm... think it's good to see another doc. Guess, just play safe and stop bfing for a while. Drink lots of water and take vit c.

Jules, must be so hard for you and XY to go through that. Am so sad &amp; heartpain to hear that! Did the doctor mentioned about stopping solids at the moment and give milk? What about the trip then? Is it possible to postpone it? Will keep you and XY in my prayer.Do stay strong for your little girl.
