(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

Oh dear - looks like more babies are unwell
Brought Ems for a review at the PD this morning - just to check whether I could stop the meds she's been on and to receive an all-clear so that I could bring her for JG - and the entire waiting room was full of babies with upper respiratory tract infections. Everyone had the same cough!! Dreadful bug going around.

We had another tough day at home - my granny and helper got into a tiff. Granny is accusing my helper of being rude and granny is storming around the house being very upset and grumpy. Helper's eyes are red etc. I tried to facilitate an apology but it didn't really work. I need to speak to both of them abt what happened but I soooo don't need this right now!

Oh no! So so sorry to hear about XY, my favourite clapping baby! Bronchiolitis means the infection has gone into the lungs? What is nebulising? I hope she'll get well soon, and I'm sure she's very grateful that she's got her super mummy taking such great care of her. Take care babe.

thanks so much gal for all your effort in getting the paints for us! you da best.

epidural and backache
As most of you know, I am quite anti-epidural, and I didn't have one. However, I still have a backache (probably from earlier injuries) so I can't blame an epidural for mine!!

glad to hear you're back is on the mend. yes, don't overstrain too soon yah? best to let your back heal completely before lifting heavy objects (haha, shayne: aunty yolk sac just called you an "object"!)

Hey, thanks for the tips about the porridge! Eh did you get my email? Sent to your bedebe x 2 account. Eeeks, that's not good news abt SCJK - I mean, I've heard that most kids do get sick when they first start at playgroup/pre-sch, but to allow green mucus types to attend school...that's very out of line! At JG they are quite careful - they check for HFMD rashes and take each kid's temperature and we were specifically told that if a kid has coloured mucus, he/she will be asked to leave immediately. That said, I definitely think Ems must have picked up her bug from there! The only other possibility was that she got it from me/hb as we were ill a good 1-2 weeks before her, but my PD says it's unlikely for breastfed bbs to pick up mum's germs, so I can probably blame JG lah. The only kid I noticed who was vaguely ill last term was a certain boy who coughed once near Ems - sigh, lethal bug!!

How's LM? Any better? Do update us when you can. Argh, I hate that all our bubs are sick.

sorry to hear matt is still coughing - are u gonna try the TCM remedies? btw, I sent an email to your MOE address, not sure if you received it?

Hey everyone! We're at the hospital now and thank goodness for wireless connections! Ally is a happy little bunny, strange girl seems to like being in hospital!
I went a bit overboard and brought ALL her things here.... she even has her bumper from home on her hospital cot. But I think it has made her feel more comfortable.

Jules: so sorry to hear about XY. Very nasty bugs going around. Hope she recovers soon. Oh yes, I have taken over the pantry fridge, thanks for letting me know about that!

Will let you guys know how Ally is once I get the chance. Her op is schedule for about 10am tomorrow.
All the best babe! Good to hear Ally's so comfortable at the hospital, she's gonna do great, she's such a little trooper! Update us when you can. *HUGS*
Thanks cheok/nana/jillian/yolksac/yvonne/pita/claire/poppy pop for the well wishes!!

yvonne, ya so scary right.. have the nebulizer machine with me at home now. she hates the stupid face mask!!

cheok, constipation is terrible too so i totally understand ur pains!!

claire, bronchiolitis was diagnosed based on clinical examination of xy.. she had wheezing and a lot of phlegm in her lungs. hence the diagnosis was made. she had only been coughing for abt 3 days prior to this, and only developed fever last night. her cough became very phlegmy only yesterday. guess the infection spread quite quickly. so much for my breastfeeding her

pita, PD just said to ensure adequate fluid intake. xy's not too keen on her meals.. took barely 6 small spoons of her dinner (porridge) b4 rejecting everything else. so i just breastfed her and she drank a moderate amt. not complaining as long as she still wants her milk.

as for the trip, not sure wat to do.. may either cut short the trip and bring her along, or leave her behind with my parents (but i cant bear to!!!! boohoohoo...)

yolksac, tell me abt it!! today the whole clinic was filled with kids and babies coughing the same phlegmy cough!! scary!! ya.. bronchiolitis means that the small airways in the lunghave been infected (ie, LOWER respiratory tract infection, as opposed to the run of the mill UPPER respiratory tract infection). nebulising is a form of treatment whereby the medications are vaporised by a machine and inhaled via a face mask.

are u and ems better already?

jillian, no problem
glad to be of SOME help! keeping all fingers and toes and hairs crossed for ally... she will be totally fine ok!!
<font color="0000ff">Jules</font>,

Oh no! XY has broncholitis..same like R in Dec. It really terrible. R had to be admitted as her fever was high and her nose was totally blocked. Plus alot of phlegm and she vomited as its choking her. The most heart pain part is when they try to find her vein to put in the plug..and the twice daily suction where they have to tie her up, and use a small tube to go into her nose and throat to suck the phlegm..she cried like hell......gives me the chudders now thinking of it. YOU have to take care of yourself too. Its v contagious..you cannot afford to fall ill yeah...booast up your vits! I suggest you cancel HK..anyway they having flu problem there as well...better not travel when XY is sick lah...

no the one I brought to Bambina is my old maid. She is honest and simple minded. The new one I never bring out.

Have decided to change the new maid already. I cannot tolerate someone whom I cannot trust to be in my home. And non of my family members like her. All feel she is sneaky from their own experiences with her.

<font color="ff6000">Yolk</font>
opps Cold war going on at home huh? urrr...first of all: WHY IS YOUR HELPER HAVING A TIFF WITH GRAND? Thats disrespectful isnt it? For our house rules, one of them is DO NOT TALK BACK. May seem harsh but I dont need a maid that will argue with me...

<font color="aa00aa">Jillian</font>
Glad to hear 1st day is good for Ally &amp; You! Stay cheerful and have faith that all will go smoothly tmr! I will be sending you lots of <font color="119911">Healing Thoughts &amp; Prayers</font> for Ally &amp; yourself!

Ok gonna go pack for KL tmr...will see if I can login when I am in KL.
wow.. took me ages to read everything..

susu... aiyohh babe. hang in there..

so many bubs sick...

i'm gonna say prayerss of rotection n healing over aallour bubs!

Jillian BIG HUGS!!!!
pls keep us updated. i've been thinking abt Ally a lot today. She is sucha a normal and happy child. theres really nothing seriously wrong with her!
today Ash did soo many jerks.. many. and we were out in paragon n one of the mums was looking at her weird. and i felt conscious all of a sudden. thn i thought, wht the heck am i worried for? this is MY child. MINE. all MINE. and she's GORGEOUS!
we are all very blessed. very blessed.
we have such normal beautiful children!

Jillian, we will all be thinking of you both an praying tmr!

poppy!??!!! Hand foot and mouth??
oh no!! are you ok? bb how?
have you got anything fr it?
are you in pain?

nebulizer every few hrs is painful! my cous had to do tht with her son too... she was miserable. hang in there!

poulinea! 28hr labour?!
i kow tow to you oh shi fuu mama!
i had a C under GA!
i went to sleep.... 10mins later Ash saw her daddy.
so funny... my hb saw my gyne park his car and enter the OR, 12 mins later they handed him his daughter! (they counted!)

easiyo!! everyone has to buy it! it's the most amazing yoghurt ive ever eaten!

speaking of food.. Ash is dropping her last milk feed before bed.. she s just so tired..
or maybe full..
am gonna try to drop her dinner feed or perhaps give her a lot less solids.

am nackered

night everyone!

ohh bcube.. did mushroms tonight for my sis. whole dish GONE!

Jillian, pls let us know abt Ally as son as you can.. we're all waiting t hear the good news!
Yolk: sorry to hear about the cold war going on at home. I know you have lots on your plate at the moment, hang in there, things will get better.

Bcube: Have a good trip!

Cheok: How's your back? Are you feeling better today?

I really want to thank everyone for their concern for Ally. She's one lucky girl to have so many people praying for her. Actually she has been so good today that I'm a lot less stressed. In fact she's fast asleep right now despite the noise going on in the ward.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day, will log in when I can to give updates. Glad that KK has finally gotten wireless connection!
Yes I understand, babies when they fall sick, they get very poor appetite. Thats right, plenty of fluid! Just feed her whatever she is most comfortable with, even that means to stop solids these few days. Start them again once she gets better. I'm sure XY will recover very soon bcos she is getting BM from you. Meanwhile, if you could, speak to the travel agency to see the possibility of cancellation and get partial refund (if you can't bear to leave XY in Sg) or ask for a postponement for the trip.

Glad to hear from you! Continue to stay positive
Ally is gonna be fine!

Yay! Ems is fine now! It must be so stressful for you, dealing with your sickness, granny &amp; maid disgreements. Maid not willing to apologise? Sometimes I wonder why. Maids are suppose to be of help to us, but sometimes they just make our life worse. That is why I am working towards a maidless home. Someday it will be. Have a good night sleep and tomorrow will be a better day!
aii.. sick babies!

Aisey! Babies are so vulnerable lately, damn the flu bug!

<font color="0000ff">JULES</font> - hope XY's bronchiolitis will clear up soon with the nebuliser. I can imagine how stressed out you are, my friend and cousin have to administer it at home for their kids too previously, and it's no picnic for anyone. Just solider on, it must be done.

Your travel plans are now in a limbo, I imagine. If you can postpone even for a short while, to allow XY to get stronger, that would be good. You must have been planning for it for awhile, so good luck on this decision.

<font color="aa00aa">Bcube</font>
Change maids is probably best thing to do. I wouldn't want someone I don't trust living under the same roof as me too!

Have a good trip to KL, enjoy the trip and catching up with your gf!

<font color="0000ff">Poppy Pop</font>
Sorry to hear about the BF ban. If that's what is recommended by the Dr, best to follow for now so it doesn't affect baby.

Try to keep up with pumping so your supply continues and you can resume once you get this out of the way and given the all clear to bf again. You'll just have to pump &amp; dump for now, so that you may continue BF soon.

<font color="119911">Celeb!</font>
Aii!!! You're truly in a worse pickle now with this unnecessary maid issue. I remember you saying your MIL doesn't quite like your maid either? If the maid's rubbing people the wrong way, perhaps you'll have to have a chat with her about her attitude?

Hope your HB is getting home earlier this week from work and at least just being there for you.

<font color="ff0000">Claire</font>
I hope your SPG Platinum gets revoked soon! Hope Matt gets a good night sleep.. sounds like his flu is still lingering and surfacing when you least suspect it. Let's hope this is the case, and he'll return to his usual sleep patterns soon.

<font color="ff6000">Amber</font>
Maybe Ash is just not well, possible teething (damn this reason again!!), which explains her dropping her last milk feed?

You said she woke up last night screaming? Did she miss her last feed as well last night and she just woke up hungry?

You can try experimenting and giving her less solids at dins and see how. Good luck!

<font color="0000ff">Jillian</font>
Yay! Wireless! Try to get a good night's sleep if you can - Ally is! That trooper of yours!
We'll be praying for her and your family!

<font color="ff0000">LM's Update</font>
Thanks for asking after LM everyone. Brought him to the PD - so many sick kids!
His fever is still yo-yoing, his appetite is practically zero. Couldn't even eat his favourite pumpkin and barley cereal, which says a lot!

I'm "force-BF", shoving boobie medicine into his mouth every 2 hours or so! Esp since he's not really interested in water either. I just don't want him to end up dehydrated!

He's got a whole load of meds concoction to take for his sore throat and runny nose and fever. Sigh. Breaks my heart, breaks my heart!!!

The pair of us are like Siamese twins today, I just couldn't leave his sight and side! Partly because he wouldn't allow me, and partly I just wanted to sayang him as much as I humanly can!

I pray everyone and their babies get well soon.. this thread is turning rather gloomy with this flu cloud overhanging us!

Take care everyone!
<font color="ff6000">Amber!</font>
Don't worry about people staring! I think sometimes we just have to look at it fr the other person's point of view.

Perhaps the other mum was just shocked, being naive and not having heard/seen this before.

You have the upperhand of knowledge AND YOU KNOW ASH IS FINE!!!!!! That's more important and it doesn't matter if there are ignorant people out there.

All our babies are beautiful gifts to us, precious and absolutely perfect!!
<font color="0000ff">Gugi!!</font>
harlow.. are you there?

Just thinking about you and hoping Charlotte's doing well back home now, handling the stress better.

Did anyone from IBU KL get back to you about their activities?

Take care!
PD says Ems can stop taking all her medicine, but PD prescribed some decongesting nose drops for her since Ems sounds like a snorting pig sometimes during BF sessions. PD gave her an all-clear for JG but warned me that she may get sick again by picking up a bug from there. Sigh. XY has lost her appetite for solids? Yes, I found that when Ems was ill, she cut back on her solids and wanted more milk. Interesting huh? Thie nebulising thing sounds tough. Hang in there babe! Everyone is right - make sure you take care of yourself too! Drink loads of water (nag nag nag). I've lost my soreness in the throat but it's still very itchy and I have a slightly phlegnmy cough. Met a lady at the PD office today - her bb and her family have been sick for 6 weeks (they keep passing the bug back and forth) - argh. Poor thing!

Helper was apparently snappish at granny, but has since apologised and had a long talk with granny and promised not to do it again. Granny says all is forgiven. (Ed's Note: FOR NOW!)
my girl also sick

Jillian - be strong ok! You &amp; Ally are in my prayer list. May the Lord's presence &amp; protection be with you &amp; Ally! Would you please give Ally a hug for me?
Poppy: Oh no! HFMD.... I had it over christmas and so did Ally. Its HORRIBLE but will clear in about a week. Did you doc ask you to stop BFing? I kept giving Ally EBM while we were both down with it....

Amber: Ash is beautiful, I know its hard to ignore the stares of others but to hell with them. We are all extremely lucky to have our beautiful babies.

Alright, I'm going to try and catch some sleep now. Catch you all tomorrow, NIGHT!
Jules, I am so sorry to hear that xy has bronchiolitis. It must be tough on you and also on her. Zachy is also down with fever, cough and runny nose when we first came back. But he is alright now. Are you still planning to go Hong Kong? Just take extra precautions e.g let XY wear a mask if possible. Try to avoid taking the MTR cos' it is super crowded!

Katgirl, aiya... I am at NW of China, Qinghai Province. Actually there are quite alot of Singaporeans in Chengdu. I know of a few over there.

Jillian, praying for Ally! You are one strong mum. Press on.
jillian so sweet of you to ask. my back is recovering faster than i thought! PRaise the Lord!
hey, catch some good sleep! Keeping you and ally in my prayers!

poopy hang in there dear. Maybe things are not so bad! Will say a prayer for you too! HUUUGS!!

Seems that there has been a wave of bad news in our thread hor? Babies falling ill, mother's ill, back aching and what nots! OK, this shall end NOOOOW!! No more bad news, We'll all be reporting good news from now on!!
Hi mummies! So many sick babies and that is the last thing we want it to happen!!! Kaizer is having his phlegmy cough again....arrgggh...but not so serious as prevously. He has got it from his cousin again after playing with her. His cousin goes to infant care and that's why it's hard for her to recover from her cough after so long. I went to see doc for my cough today also, don't want to pass my virus to Kaizer as to make his cough worse.

Jules: Kaizer also puked milk whenever he's having cough. It's not fun at all.....He usually puke at night after I dreamfeed him. Can you imagine me cleaning him and changing bedsheet under a dim light (cos don't want to startle him with the bright light). Hope xy will be fine soon!

Jillian: Glad to know that Ally is doing well at the hospital. It's a good start!

Oh, I fully agreed with Susu that "All our babies are beautiful gifts to us, precious and absolutely perfect!!" They are our angel
hello.. so many posts, so little time.. i'm a tired dragon.. worked late and only reached at 9-ish pm.. played with the girls a bit and talk them into sleeping early.

i can't believe that so many of us mommies and babies are sick these couple of days/weeks.. the bugs been camping over at my place; jumping from Lis to Wairah and to me.. nearly jump to my helper too but luckily she's one strong army of good bacteria so far she's the one the bugs fail to conquer. i told her to keep taking vit C and supplements i gave to keep strong. can't imagine how its like if my helper is sick..

<font color="0000ff">I pray for all of us here to be better each passing hour and get well very soon</font>

<font size="+2">HUGSSS everyone</font>

<font color="ff0000">Jillian &amp; Ally</font>
i was thinking of you the whole day at work; only manage to read part of the morning posts via my lurking device- Nokia N95.. can't post thou.. my thoughts and prayers for you both. ALL WILL BE FINE. AMEN.

getting some sleep soon.. night all!
Ems up at 6am!! And there was no one to entertain her as the whole house was asleep. Sigh. Guess I shouldn't complain as she slept at 6:45pm (dream feed at 10ish).

irene: looks good! what are your charges?
maybe I shld take the lazy way out, haha
lotsa prayer going on.. nice!

susu.. thanks babe.. silly lah i know.
must learn not to let it bother me.

i'm thinking of Ally. 9am... coming up soon.

irene!! gorgeous! soo gorgeous!
Morning everyone, Ally has been an absolute ANGEL. She slept well and even though she has been fasting she has not cried at all this morning. I'm so proud of her.
Will let you guys know when she's out from her operation.

Ally in her bed watching TV


She didn't even notice when I put her toy on her head

susu: Thanks. Matt slept better last night. Took him to the doc's again as we suspected that he's got sore throat as his voice has gone coarse. The doc confirmed that he's got a very bad throat - liver red. I guess that's why he hasn't been sleeping well. He has to be on antibiotic now and after taking the medicine, it probably makes him better. Do you know that anitbiotic is so yucky. We put it in his milk and he refused it. Hub tasted it and spat out. It is so bitter. Poor bb will have to take it for 7 days. Doc said to play safe in case he develops fever.

Yolksac: We did try TCM. For a while, he seems better but then we are not sure why the sore throat came and his cough became worse. Any, we stop TCM as Tampines is too far for us to travel to for further review and our PD is nearer here.

BTW, I didn't receive your e-mail. did u send to [email protected].

Glad to hear that Ems is well. But better be careful as I think the virus around is quite "powerful". Six of my pupils succumbed to it yesterday and another one down today.

BTW, your little "story" about how Matt got the Learn-around playground have me in stitches! Poor grandma indeed! ;)

Maid issues:

They are forever a problem. Bcube, you've lost another gamble. I've lose twice. So difficult to win the bet.

Yolksac: My MIL is always having disputes with my maid. Now, I learn to listen only. That's nothing much I can do. I can't sack her at the moment as we need her service. Still hunting for one.

Jillian and Ally: God is good and watching you. Amen

Irene: The letters are pretty. Is this going to be your new found biz.

Hahah...Anyone wants to start a tai-tai biz with me? Working is such a dread...
hehehe no la.. not my new found biz.. but i be happy to do some part time if anybody interested.. hahahaha

thanks for all the compliments... trying my best to please the customers... boys are quite a challenge hahahaha... Too used to doing gals art stuff..
Yeah...I am really worried that she'll get sick again, esp since her resistance is probably a bit low now. Oh well. What to do? Just have to do what we can. Going to try to get Ems to take some echinacea goldseal and multi-vitamins to boost her immunity. Hmmm...Matt's on antibiotics? Wonder why that was not recommended for Ems.

I'll come over to your place today at around 3pm - is that ok?

Wow, you sure know how to make a hospital bed a fun place! Lucky Ally
Guess the op is going on now? Just said a prayer for Ally and her surgeons. Sending hugely good thoughts and over to you and Ally.
<font color="0000ff">JILLIAN</font>
I love how you've made the cot homely for Ally! Prayed for the surgery to go well, with good medical hands on deck!

<font color="119911">RENZ</font>
Oh, no! Your too! Hope it's nothing too serious!

<font color="0000ff">CHEOK</font>
Glad to hear your back is getting better now, just don't get all excited and forget to take it easy for awhile!

<font color="ff0000">LM'S scare!</font>
Last night, at 1.30, LM's fever hit <font color="ff0000">39.5</font>! Woke Big Man up and I decided we should go down to the hospital right away. Decided to go to TMC, after reading about Pita waiting 4 hours at KK for her blood results.

We were there by 1.45, blood test at 2.15 and we were back indoors by 3.15am. Thankfully, the results just show a viral infection and nothing more serious.

At TMC's Lab, results are out by 30-45 minutes, esp in the middle of the night. Doctor on call was just a regular GP, but good enough to interpret results.

What a scare! I cried in the lift going down to the Taxi, consumed by worry! He was burning hot despite taking paracetomol just 4 hrs before.

Aiii!!! A complete zombie now, and poor Big Man, who has to troop on to the office. LM's super manja today, understandably. Lots of cuddles and sayang for both my boys today!

Let's pray for Ally &amp; Jillian, and all our other babies for quick healing!
hi claire, amber &amp; cheok

thanks!yes, the doc sort of confirmed i have the hfmd virus!!!!i'm screaming and very confusingly sad cos i've been emphasising much hygience and cleanliness at home and outside and i got it.sign........ feel like its a tight slap across my face.

doc told me to wear a mask. the second doc i went told me i could still bf but wear mask! hahah sounds so funnie. cos he said the bf will not have the hfmd virus in it.

i'm all aching, having low grade fever, uclers at the mouth and throat and i'm super conscious with my sneezes! i've been washing my hands multiple muliple of times since morning already. so sad ;-(

jillian, so proud of you.. you really made the hospital bed seems such like a fun place to be in. ally looks happy watching tv - so engrossed hehe... be praying for your....

jules - while at the mask, maybe can be cuddling xy, sing songs, talk to her, give her the favourite toy... may help to distract her for that few minutes.. it helps for my boy ;-)

take care all mummies and babies.....
morning everyone! thanks for the well wishes.. keeping fingers crossed that xy's fever stays down. her last dose of panadol was at 6 pm yesterday.. no need for anymore so far. touch wood!! last night wasnt too bad.. she just woke up at 6am for her milk cos last feed was at 9pm, and decided to POO!! had to change her pjs, bedsheets in the dark. so much washing to do these days!!

bcube, oic.. yes the old maid does seem rather dependable with R. R had bronchiolitis in Dec?? oh so thats what she was admitted for. gosh.. so poor thing.. cant imagine having to tie xy down.. heart pain!! as it is, everytime she has to be nebulised, we have to hold her arms down and use all sorts of means to distract her. the 5 min seems like an eternity!

pita, thanks
am looking into the options of either cutting my trip short and leaving her behind, or just staying 2n in macau and bring her along. see how she does this wk lor..

yolksac, where do u get the echinecea supplements for ems? wld like to let xy have some too..now she is only on vit c and multivits. wanna boost her immunity in case we end up bringing her next wk.

susu, i know exactly how u must be feeling now.. had to feed xy 4 types of medicines at diff intervals throughout the day and she hates everyone of them!! does LM take his medicines willingly?

lilac, will definitely not be going to hk anymore. how to make xy wear a mask?? shudder to think of how she will react..

ok time to go relieve mil now.. xy is whining away in the background again.. dunno what she wants!!
<font size="+2">cheokolate</font> hugs to all mummies and babies. It so sad to hear soo many of us down. Healing has already began in all us, hang in there mummies!!

jillian ally's bed look sooo cosy! you've done a great job! hahahha, the penguin on her head looks farnee! U remind me of myself, i luuuurve to make fun of shayne that way too! You both are in my thoughts today, i said a prayer over ally's operation, it shall be perfect and a sucess!

susu sorry to hear about your trip to TMC. I can imagine your anxiety! Poor BM too! You must be tired as well! Oh dear, i hope LM gets better soon!!

poppy HUGS HUGS HUGS!!! I know you must be feeling horrid but try not to dwell too much ok? Just focus on your recovery. Are u going to continue bf?
Hi mommies,

Sorry to intrude. I am planning to buy a 6-panel play yard with 2 activities for my child. So need someone to share (meaning to buy the other 6-panel play yard with 2 doors).

Total Cost will be $180

If you are interested please call cheong Choon at 6532 3855.


thanks! i need hugs!! hahah.. now then i realise i have been taking for granted kissing, cuddling, taking care of my boy.. now that i try to stay far away from him, its really heartpain cos once he sees me he will cry ......

yes, i'm still bfing ;-)
just had time to read thru the posts properly.. yesterday only skim thru nia.

poppy pop, is it confirm HFMD? oh dear.. must be very very uncomfortable! cant imagine not being able to touch my bb for a wk.. hang in there ok? u might wanna consider wearing gloves at home for additional protection.

i do cuddle my girl and sing/shake her fav toys/etc... even tried dancing in front of her but well, she seems to know that all these are just ploys to distract her! that said, she does settle down in a rather resigned manner after the first 1-2 min of protesting.. hahhaa

jillian, ally looks so engrossed in the tv!! what is she watching?? her cot looks real comfy too.. really worth all ur trouble lugging everything to hospital! the op shld be over by now right?? hope everything is fine!

susu, gosh LM's fever was so high!! poor fellow! both of u must be resting after the tough night now. load up on vit c and water ok?? am doing the same here..
hi jules

xy is smart! she knows protesting no use ;-) gradually she would protest lesser and lesser. my gal also like that. but my hb has this special cuddling for her which i can't seem to do it. just cuddle and hold her, sing softly her favourite song, it really helps us to settle down very superb fast!!

ya, doc said i carried it does seems i carry the virus of hfmd!! sob sob sob.... really don't feel like eating! can really understand how the kids would feel. whole day no drink and eat also ok hahaha.. yes, feel hungry but just very hard to swallow. cos the ulcers are at the starting of the throat. doc said i got 3 huge ones!! in mouth has 2. thank god is one big and one small in mouth else i can't speak. cos is on top and other bottom lips.

susu, fever for kids tend to go high at night.. take care cos virus fever will take a few days to go off..
Yolksac + Jillian: was browsing the facebook and could only recognise both of you. Would you mind if I add both of you in my facebook?
Sending healthing thoughts to Ally!

yeah I was v lucky that my 1st maid i hired is good. Was hoping 2nd time lucky...haha..no such luck! Am thinking of changing to my old maid's sister who wants to work in SG. Not sure if its a good idea to have 2 sisters working in the same house? I mean they will be definitely happier and get along better right?

oh babe..sorry to hear abt LM high fever. Yeah i totall know how you feel. When R was sick and while driving to hospital, i was so worried that it was more serious than it looks. Dun worry overly now that the diagnosis is out. Just cuddle hime lots and let him have BM all the time. they do get better faster that way! Hope he recovers in time for your KL trp!
good to hear Ems is better babe...but keep her away from children for awhile till she builds up her resistance? Are you planning to get multi-vits for Ems from PD? Coz I know the store bought ones are not recommended for children under 18 months.
yeah R had broncholitis (wrong spelling!) and was damn jia-luck lor..while doing neubaliser, hospital didnt require me to strap on the mask to her. Just holding the mask near her nostril, while she watches tv works...or the best is, I latch her on, and place the mask near her while she suckles. I told the nurse to time it such that it coincides with her feed. But now that they are older, might be difficult huh?

Ally's op is over and they have just got back to the ward. Ally looks great and the surgery went well.

bcube, thats a gd idea.. will resort to nebing her when she is feeding if she fights too much. the poor girl actually fell asleep during the neb i just gave her.. so this was the most peaceful nebulisation i've done for her so far!!

re multivits - i got appeton multivitamin infant drops from the PD - they are esp for babies from 0 - 12mths. am sure u can get this from any pharma.
Hi Ladies..

Long time din post already..

So sorry to hear tt so many babies r down with the virus..GET WELL SOON YA!!!

I think we shoul try to avoid crowded places now cos we wont know who is sick n just recovered..Poor darlings have to go thru all these..
Sorry, just excited that the op is over. My little girl did so well, she was so brave and is now sleeping comfortably in Daddy's arms. Thank you all for your support and well wishes. There was no way we could have gotten through it without you guys.

Tomorrow she might be a lot more cranky cos the pain meds would have worn off but we'll deal with that when it happens. Going to get some rest, didn't manage to sleep last night. *Big hugs to everyone*
jillian!!!! im so happy for you &amp; ALly! Great job baby Ally, you're a brave girl! Well done! I'll pray that tomorrow will be a breeze for you and ally!

So so pleased and happy to hear the good news! It's so heartening to know that Ally's been so brave through all this, but then again, we all knew that already
Go get some rest now. Let us know if you need anything!

Got the echinacea drops from Supernature at Park House. They have a whole organic baby section an I chanced upon the drops there. They come in orange and strawberry flavours.

Yup, pls add me!

Got Ems' multivits from the PD. Yeah am definitely worried that she'll get sick again, but trying to be positive and take precautions (eg: warm clothing, etc). I think hiring N's sis is a good idea - they'll get along better and I think N will help you train her etc. My cousin has two sister helpers and it's been a very good arrangement for them. When are you sending the new one home?

Oh no! What a stressful night! How is LM doing now? Did you manage to get some rest today? So sorry to hear abt this babe
hope he recovers soon! What meds is he on?

Gotta go feed Ems now. bye!
