(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

nana: I think it was the running over the last few weeks actually. Thought I'd train for the half-mara to get back in shape but my disc is acting up again, and I really don't want injuries to prevent me from looking after Ems (carrying her, picking her up, etc) so I have more or less decided not to run anymore. Will just have to cut back on food intake (argh). Sigh.

irene: haha what a cute nick - Kaelyn the Koala!
Love it! Ems is very sticky to. My granny loves to tease her by saying "come, let great-grandma carry you" while I'm holding her and she will twist her body in the opposite direction to indicate "no". My granny then runs to the other side and repeats the procedure, and Ems will twist back to the other side again. Hilarious!

renz: great verse!

gugi: thanks for sharing - yes, I think your method works well too. The basic idea is to empower our bbs to self-soothe, whatever the method. And yes, PU/PD is hell on the back. Ouch.

bedebe: wow, clever Veve! thanks for the description of how you taught her - when you demonstrated the sucking in, did you actually use her straw to drink water from her cup, or just suck in air obviously?

jules: thanks for the tip re bras basah - so cute that your in-laws like to go there, they must be very scholarly! I really shld make my way down there soon. I'm quite pleased with the Julia Gabriel CD so far, but more songs wld be good.

susu: yup that sounds like a good description of PU/Pd - btw, are you getting the Beco sling after Ash's demo last week?

I bought the Earth's Best toothpaste from Vitakids. It's strawberry and banana flavour.

Not very cheap (forgot price) but the instructions say to use a pea-sized amt, which i assume is for toddlers with almost full set of teeth.
So I use less and so far I'm still on my first tube! I use one small squeeze for upper teeth and again for lower, cos she likes to suck the toothpaste. If I put enough for all the teeth at one shot, it'll be gone b4 I can brush!
(That's another reason why I dun want to use First Teeth, cos I dun want her to suck all that propylene glycol!)
KatGrr: Thanks for letting me know about the Healthy Times online store. I placed an order and it was efficiently delivered to my home less than 48 hrs later, with complimentary jar food to boot! I'm so pleased. The teething biscuits I wanted to buy were not available at two supermarkets I went to, so this way, I was able to get them delivered directly to me.
Hi mummies!!!

I m so happy!!! Today Alicia said so many words!! She said "Hair", "Nitenite" & "Byebye"!! I m estatic!! I talk to her everyday and didnt realise that she was catching it all so fast! WOW! Me and hubby are so pleased!
Wow, very well done, Alicia!
That's so cool and very advanced. There are 15 month old toddlers at Playnest who can't really talk yet.
well, it cld be becos i talked to her alot b4 she was born and also after she was born. Hahaha- i think I m a chatterbox so alicia is just like mummy
I try to teach her words every week...like concentrate on 2 words and use it thru out the day.
Yolk_sac: 15 mths stil cannot talk? I gues every child has diff development stages-some faster, some slower. Some mothers I know are so kiasu and do everything + anything to ensure their kid learns faster than his/her peers but end up pressurizing the child. I hv a friend who kept pressurizing her son and u know wat? At 2, he had to be taken to see a psychatrist at KK!! For me, I teach Alicia but if i sense its too much for her, i stop and let her play with her toys or bring her for walks nearby my place.
haha- the toddlers there very notti ah? If u dun mind mind me asking, is it exp at playnest? how often do u go?
Yes, I've read that every child places different priorities on different developmental milestones. An early walker may not be an early talker and vice versa. Very interesting, don't you think? Even at this young age, their different personalities, different brains, different environments are already making a difference to how they learn and behave!

Oh dear, sorry to hear about your friend's son. The good thing is that he is getting early attention to resolve his issues. Hope he gets better soon.
Mum06: Haha, well they are normal toddlers lah, which means they are toddling everywhere, making noise and crashing into poor little Ems indiscriminately. But I say "pesky" affectionately! I know that in a few months, it'll be MY toddler crashing into some poor baby, so I better not call anyone names, haha.

Yes, Playnest is expensive - $978 per term of 10 weeks; there are three classes per week, 1.5 hrs each time. It's a great programme though, well-worth the money as the teacher:kid ratio is 1:4.5 and it works out to $20 per hour.
by the way, i cant quite remember, are u a SAHM? I am one so I prefer to pre-school my Alicia at home. One of my church mates self- taught her daughter at home and you will be amazed at how smart her little one turned out!! At 2, she could name the planets! Now, she is one of those of skipped her O levels and went on straight to A levels!! I guess all her hard wrk has paid off. She has given me some tips (she is a mother of 4, by the way) so i m using her methods to try out on Alicia...
Mum06: I'm a SAHM for now but am heading back to work in July.

Yes, I believe in the benefits of homeschooling! A friend is homeschooling their kids and they are amazing kids - for me, it's not so much about how brilliant they become, whether they can list things off the top of their head etc, but homeschooling has given these kids an amazing spread of knowledge and exposure about a wide variety of topics and I think that's really empowering and amazing. My friend has managed to weave in moral education as well, which is sadly lacking in some mainstream schools these days. Plus homeschooling gives each child a 1:1 teacher:child ratio which is better than EtonHouse!
And the kids have so much free time to play, go on excursions, have fun, develop spiritually, learn the bible, etc. What a lovely way to learn!

I think it's fantastic that you're homeschooling Alicia until Primary 1. Who knows? When the time comes, maybe you'll continue to homeschool until PSLE!
YOLK: i just realise bellamy's teething biscuits cost $5.90 at ntuc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! vitakids is 6.30 rite!!

just realise : kaelyn love to eat rockmelon/honeydew n papaya... by the pieces!!!!!!!!! not puree... she love to bite the fruit pieces... hehe... now thats her desert every meal... n i realise she love varities in her meals now... no longer content to one item a meal!!!
Irene: Yeah Vitakids is expensive! Probably only worth it if we have a VIP card but I have yet to buy enough (I think you have to spend a certain amt in a single receipt). I would like to start feeding small pieces of fruit to Ems too. They serve her fruit like that at Playnest so it'd be good to give her some practice at home. But I'm worried about choking!! What measures are you taking to safeguard against that? How large are the pieces you offer her? Can you give me approx dimension (eg: 2 x 1cm) please!
Na, I am looking to go back to wrk once Alicia starts Primary 1. I married young so by the time i head back to the wrk force, I will be 31.....still enuff time to catch up.....
wow u are one young mummy! good lah..i kept telling my friends now..better have kids early! SO TIRING!!!!

Homeschooling is really beneficial if the mother have the patience of a saint!!! haha...usually when u teach your own child, you end up yelling..but then again thats the conventional way of doing things!

Collected my GD style cards!! Am excited! Cant wait to start with R!

bcube: where did u make those cards!!..

yolk: erm... i normally cut 3cm by 4cm... ard there.. sometimes smaller... but at the moment i hold the fruit for her... in case she greedy n put the whole pc inside her mouth..i just ensure she dun bite off too big a pc...if not i fish it out hahah... but so far so good...

normally bigger pcs i let her hold... but honeydew/papaya n rockmelon can be quite slippery so harder for them to hold... i think apple would be a good option ...
Not sure about the carrier yet. They look good though. One of my gf bought it so waiting for her feedback. Anyway, Ashley didn't have any prints I fancied - they were all too "girlie"! Not sure if my son will have a complex down the road! haha!

Btw, where do you go online to buy the HT stuff, if you don't mind sharing?

A POO PARTY! Jack finally kaka! (that's Tamil for poo! learnt from my niece, who's dad's an Indian!). Big Man and myself were soo excited, I think we scared Jack with our enthusiastic cheering and clapping!

It's not a great deal of poo, but beggars can't be choosers, I'll take some poo to no poo!
Consistency very dry, but not hard or lumpy, thankfully.

And once again, I'm volunteering more information than some of you need to know! Sooooreeee!

I did Infant Massage on him, focussing on his belly this afternoon and did prune puree + water for lunch and dinner. I swear the massage helps, the prunes couldn't have worked so fast!

Jack absolutely detested the prune mix, it took forever to feed him 6 teaspoons + water. Kept curling his nose up at the sight of the spoon and turning his head away. I'm not a big fan of prunes, so I can understand!

Is my maiden pureeing attempt. Bought pumpkin after BCube's advice and going to puree it for Jack (Yolk - I even went out to get the ice cube trays from Isetan as you recommended).

Wish me luck!
irene: thanks for the info! might try papaya pieces tomorrow. my helper seemed quite disappointed that ems didn't love the papaya today (her first try); i think papaya is a much-loved first food in the philippines!

susu: enjoy the pureeing (and the poo - haha)! It's www.healthytimes.sg. hmm, do update us when you get the feedback from your friend abt the sling
mummies, i was just wandering...i havent started giving my girl ORGANIC food....but do u mummies plan to feed yr kids on organic food for long? How long?
bedebe, think i saw the bed rail teethers at jl marina. but dont kill me if i remembered wrongly! :p

susu, btw, its not necessary to puree pumpkin cos its super super soft after steaming! just scrape it off the skin, and mash with a fork! add water/BM to thin it.

bcube, nice cards!! much much better looking than my own handmade ones! struggling with xy for the past few days though.. she has no interest in either the dot/word cards! keeps turning away.. hmm.. think will shelve it for the time being and reintroduce it later.

yolksac, did u pay any delivery charges for the HT stuff? how much worth of stuff did u get?
Susu: looks like you're as enthusiastic as poo as I am! Ally poos maybe once every 3-4 days and is often constipated. So whenever she does a poo, there is joy and celebration all round!

Yolk: I bought some little finger foods to let Ally try and self feed. She picks them up alright but can't seem to get them in her mouth and ends up crushing them in her fists. Its quite funny for us to watch but not so fun for her. Wanted to try and give her some fresh fruit but decided to shelve that idea till after her op cos we're afraid she gets it stuck in her palate. ( which has happened with the teething biscuits) so for now, only foods that can easily dissolve.

Oh btw, replied your mail but just realised that I sent it to a diff email add cos I just clicked my reply button. Hope you received it.

Just a little something to share with everyone: Ally had a MAJOR meltdown today while we were out. She was tired and there was a lot going on in the shopping centre so I guess she was over stimulated as well. Not a good combination. She screamed and cried like there was no tomorrow, I bet Gugi in Malaysia could have heard her as well! Of course everyone stared and looked at me like I was the worst mother in the world. I've gotten quite use to those looks but at times it still irritates the hell out of me. Pushed her pram super fast to try and find a nice quiet area to calm her down. Finally found a place and sat down next to this auntie. Auntie stared at us for a while and then asked me in mandarin if I was an unwed mother! Didn't know if I should laugh or cry or give auntie a punch in the face ....
She was trying to tell me that I shouldn't have kids so young if I wasn't married.

Mum06: As you can see from above, I got married young as well, met my husband when I was 17 and we got married 6 years later. Ally was our post-honeymoon baby!
Hi Jillian- yes, me met my hubby at 17 too! Same poly! I get that 'unwed' mother thingy all the time. It doesnt help that I am small built so I naturally get mistaken for one! Plus, my hubby looks young too so more often than not, we get aot of stares frm kaypoh aunties wandering if we are bf and gf! hahha
Hi mummies, update from me. No time to come in and read the posts.

My girls were sick again lor. all 3 have fever and cough for more than a week and now they still not yet recover. Me also kana the virus from them and still coughing. Hope the cough will go away from us soon.

BTW i am going to bring my 2nd girl to TMC to see whether her health will get better bcos she is prone to sickness like cough, flu and fever so hope the chinese herbs will make her more strong. Anyone got any recommendations? I saw one in mag and there is one at people's park centre so maybe will go and try.

Last sun was Cheylssa's baptism daym and she is the only one with pacifier during the ceremony and somemore it was her sleepy time so the more she want her pacifier. But everything went well

Got to go liao. Sleepy mummy want to sleep liao

nite nite
Mum06: Dunno man, haven't really thought about it...maybe until she turns 1? I guess HB and I will try to feed her organic stuff, as far as possible, for as long as possible. But if we can't find organic sources (eg: for peas - the Waitrose organic peas have been sold out for so long - so we just bght Watties peas), then I'm happy to go non-organic

Jules: Free delivery. I needed to order $80 to get free delivery so I spent $80.63 - basically stocked up on the cereals she likes, bought some jar stuff to feed her when we're out and abt (tho I've been carrying homemade stuff with me these days) and loads of teething biscuits because Ems gets thru quite a few each day (as most end up being fed to my dogs!)
jillian, omg ur post abt the unwed mother bit made me laugh!! take it in a positive light.. she probably means that u look YOUNG!
when i was preg with xy, the office cleaner actually asked me if i had a husband. not surprising since i look a lot younger than my actual age.. so wasnt really offended la.

re finger foods.. i tried to give xy apple slices, but it was also too slippery for her to hold on to. like ally, xy ends up crushing her teethers and throwing them onto the ground instead of eating them! so much for self feeding!
hey, jillian & mum06,

me too married early ( at age 25) if u do considered that age as early. dat was in year 2001. but only manage to conceive my son in year 2004 (3 yrs later), gave birth in 2005 apr & then my girl in year 2006, gave birth in 2007 july.

err... met my then bf, now hb at age 21 (1997). haha...so u mummies can work out hw old i am now.
hi Susu,Renz & nana
thanks for your warm welcome

here is a recipe fm "Feeding your Baby & Toddler" by Annabel Karmel

1) Juicy pear & prune puree (make 2 portions, suitable for freezing)
- 2 ripe pears, peeled,cored and chopped
- 2 stoned prunes, chopped
- 1 tbsp baby rice

simmer the fruit in a saucepan with a little water for 5 mins, puree to the desired consistency, using as much cooking water as needed. Sieve to get rid of the tough prune skins. Stir in the baby rice while warm.
Hi mummies,

I'm posting on behalf of Mok, co-owner of this place. They are having FREE TRIAL


Date: Saturday, 1 Mar 2006
Time: 12-1245pm


Date: Tuesday, 4 Mar 2006
Time: 1045-1130am

(between St. Regis & Orchard Parade Hotel - NOT TANGLIN MALL !)
19 Tanglin Road
Tel : 6887 5123 / Mok's hp: 9737 2008

We are keeping each group small, max of 8 children per session. Would appreciate it if interested parents can email me their child's name, dob, parent's name, contact and email address so that I can reserve them a place.

Mok's e-mail addr: [email protected]
yolksac, i see.. wow i dont think i can chalk up $80 worth of orders! have u tried the teething biscuits yet? is it hard and impossible to break off if the baby has no teeth yet? dun wanna be the one fishing out the bits and pieces if it breaks off in xy's mouth while she gnaws on it!

yvonne, same here.. married relatively early when i was 24.. luckily had 2 yrs of er ren shi jie b4 baby came along at age 26.. somehow still dont think its enough couple time leh.
hey everyone, i'm keeping this short cos i'm very tired and lacking of vitamin S

Lis has been better but not fully recovered. Still running a temperature and a bit of runny nose so i din let her attend school on monday & tuesday. Its Lis birthday today and we went to her school to celebrate with her classmates. She's happy and mommy's glad

Meaning to take her to Science Centre which is only a road across her school but she seems weak so we had lunch and head home instead. took a nap with her and din do much. Poor birthday gal!

Amber, we're all praying for Ash & you, keep it together aite..

i don quite finish reading all the post as its moving at Subaru WRX speed... will catch up again.. nite all!
jules: yes, xy will still be able to break the biscuits even if she doesnt hv any teeth....i think the biscuits are meant to be able to dissolve with the baby's saliva so as xy 'sucks' on it more, the biscuit kinda becomes soft n will eventually dissolve..so dun worry abt teeth...Alicia doesnt hv many at the moment but she is handling her biscuits just fine

Wow, so many mummies here also married young ah
I think me and my hubby didnt hv much couple time also la...wat to do.. :p
Highchair: nicole is using combi highchair at home while using ikea one at my inlaws place... both are ok,we are practising no toys no tv during meal time... she seems to finish her meal faster with no distraction.. usually finish within 10 minutes.. her 180ml milk, she can finish it less than 5 minutes... have to ask her to slow down, hehe

hi yolk,

can you tell me more about aquaducks class? i am interested sending nicole for the class, but nicole seems doesn't like water getting into her eyes, I am worried she's just like me, i will close my eyes all the way while showering .. a poor swimmer too .. tat's why I want hb to bring her to the class during weekend.
mum06, alamak.. think xy wont have the patience to suck on it.. the poor biscuit will prob just end up on the ground! any idea where to get the HT teether biscuits? cant seem to find in the supermarkets i frequent.

btw, xy has NO teeth yet!!
gd news: ems slept thru from 7pm to 6:30am; had to wake her up at midnight for diaper change and dream feed - she went straight back to bed! if only every night was like this!

bad news: I'm down with a sore throat and cold, no fun

novem: Aquaducks - it's a really really good class! We enjoy the classes tremendously. It's usually a nice cosy group - no more than 5-6 pairs of baby + mummies. The classes comprise fun activities which boost confidence in the water. One of the first activities involved is usually guiding the babies through the water to pick up rubber ducks, balls and other toys which the instructor flings into the pool. There are other activities which he does with the babies, like a "swoosh" - basically allowing the babies to feel the water rush past their ears. The heated pool at St James is a huge plus, in my view - no need to worry if baby will catch a cold. So overall, a good way to get babies to develop water confidence skills. There is a one-time registration fee of $25, and each term of
12 weeks is $210 per term.

jules: hmm, I think I only started giving Ems teething biscuits after she cut her two teeth, but I think Mum06 is right - the biscuit dissolves slowly and shld be quite safe. as for the min spend, maybe you and some of the gals who live near you (elyn? BPC?) can share an order to save on shipping costs

Jillian: Yes, I got your email, thanks!
Oh gosh, that comment from that auntie in the shopping centre is soo sooo sooooo random. Who would have thought that?!?! You must look really youthful lah - that's the bright side to all of this.
Jules, Novem
Thanks for the tip & recipe on the pumpkin!

Yes, my life revolves around anal activity... and don't you ladies start getting funny ideas!
My mum said I was born with constipation issues and I've been labelled with IBS. So, whenever my routine is off, I can't go.
I just pray that Jack didn't inherit my "piping"!

Anyway, Jillian, have you tried Infant Massage on Ally? Tummy massage does help - if you want, I can meet up with you to show you how.
(I wished I can get a tummy massage everyday..also to help melt away the baby fat!)

And your reaction about the autie truly made me laugh! Hiliarious!

Glad to hear Lis is feeling better!

You two are still in our thoughts. Let us know how things get on.
hi yolk good morning!!! you are early today

great for em to sleep thru!!!

you need to drink more water ya!!oh.. can you sms me your addy *wink*

for the aquduck, will you wanna sign em up for the next term? is the activities the same everyweek?

oh ya.. for those who have the IKEA CHAIR- PLEASE TAKE NOTE - one bb from the other thread has fall down from the chair with the buckle still intact on the chair... and has skull fractured!! Please becareful with ur bb in it...
Sorry to hear about your flu-y state. I feel the all too familiar itchiness at the back of my throat coming back too. And to think I just recovered from the worst flu in a long time!

Yay on the sleep!

Jack woke up at midnight for what I assume is Ems "dream feed"... only he wakes himself up almost like clockwork. Hmm... maybe I should wake him up just before I retire for the day. Most nights, he wakes me up an hour into my sleep, so difficult to drag myself out of bed then!

Unfortunately, he woke up again at 4.30am and suckled as if there was no tomorrow!

He's not the best feeder in the mornings (we're on direct BF the whole time). As if he's snacking on the breast! If only he tanks up in the morning, I'm guessing he wont' need to at night.... but he just can't seem to BF efficiently in the mornings! URGH!

yolksac, take care..ya..drink more water & down more vitamin C pills.

jules, haha...dun worry abt bb nt having teeth yet...i kenna "bitten" by rach heaps of times liao...so not having teeth yet is a blessing?

this few nights, rach wld wake up twice every nite for feeding. dunno wat happen leh...usually she wld only wake up once or even sleep thru but this past few nights, she will defintely wake up at 2.30am & 5.30am (fixed timing). normally if she wakes up, she will js gup down water, rolled over & sleep again BUT....nw she WANTS milk at each waking. no amt of water can she be satisfied with. haiz....
goody morn mummies!

wah, that aunty made that comment at the wrong timing somemore. hee, think positively, thank her for the compliment! can understand those uncontrollable screaming for nothing! lucas did that the other day at the supermarket, and yes, got hard stares from everyone!

take care ya! i've lost my voice! argh.
yes yes, btr stop ur run first to prevent any injury again. i felt so helpless and upset not being able to carry lucas, etc the other time too.

you've collected the cards from your printer? the cards are great!

have a good rest with lis. birthday hug for lis!
good morning mummies

hee....it's thursday...so weekend's near...yeah yeah yeah

peck...that's scary! which thread is it...i wanna kpoh :p

yolksac...i refrain from putting veve's stuff into my mouth (altho we kiss a lot...ah duh :p) anyway, i jus placed the straw outside my lips...a bit like those air stewardess doing the life jacket demo :p

oh...you take care ya? hubs has been having a cold tt comes and goes...so far we're both fine. and it's such great news that ems slept thru the night! but do you find that with ems sleeping so early, daddy doesn't have much time with his darling?

irene...aiyo...if we compete based on how much water is displaced, then maybe veve got chance to win. the total amt of water drunk is questionable sometimes :p eh she can only qualify for amateur category :p

jillian...thanks for the info
haha...some SGeans can be downright rude ya? sometimes i'd like to think that if i encounter such kpohs i'll spin them a wonderful incredulous tale that'll make them fall off their nosey butts :p

to all the young mummies...ENVY ENVY! haiz...i've bade the 20s farewell

nana...ya...it was q an ordeal for my boss. yes, we should always treat our helpers nicely like how we'd like to be treated but honestly, there are those scheming foreigners with ambitious agenda which even the kindest employers cannot satisfy or accomodate. hope you've found a good helper.

abt teething bix. i gave veve one toothie pegs yest and she found it hard/was disinterested. so i soaked it a bit in juice and it softened a little , enuf for her to chip abit off. think she took like 0.01% of the entire bix. so this mummy ever not wasteful when it comes to food decided to try it...and it's the HARDEST (was scared my pearlies might break) and blandest bix i'd ever taken...cannot imagine why she'd like it :p anyway i decided to hold off till her teeth grow out more.

jules...no worry...i'll go JL marina check out and shop ard...so near hubs office anyway. oh dun worry abt XY having no teeth yet. it can be q painful when bf...when she decides to be cheeky and stop sucking and bite instead
thanks everyone for the concern! drank a lemsip this morning (Vit C plus paracetemol), hope this passes soon!

bedebe: ah suntec - thanks for the tip! I wish everything we needed for our babies was housed under one roof, so we didn't need to go to one place for Healthy Times teethers, another place for organic pears, another place for organic peas etc. Now that's a business idea! The Bellamys are completely tasteless and oh, so hard! The Healthy Times ones are better, but they are sweetened so some mummies may not be happy abt that. Thanks for the tip re straw training - haha, LOVE your flight attendant analogy, hilarious!

nana: thanks! how is your injury now?

yvonne: sounds like a growth spurt to me, esp if rach took a good feed at all the times she woke up.

susu: yes, I think you shld try waking Jack a bit earlier on (b4 you sleep) and doing the dream feed then. Last night at midnight, HB and I were wondering whether to just let her sleep or do a dream-feed and HB said, better dream feed, otherwise, we'll have to feed her in the middle of the night! for habitual waking at a particular time, have you read Baby Whisperer's method of waking bb up before the usual waking time? Apparently that might work too. Can't remember the exact mechanics though (it's in the book - do you have it?)

peck: addy sent over!
aiyoh that Ikea chair thing is kinda scary.

Morning all..
Few days not much time to log in, my peditrician here needs o do some test to my gal. He suspects my gal kena environment stress.. is anyone of your bb got this before? can share? i read bout it before, but dunnow how to fix it.. sigh.. i'm so sad n tired. She sleeps through e nite again last nite, but in e day time she'd v jumpy n keep shocking me.. if its really is a environment stress, anyone can advise anything to fix it? thanks.
