(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

I got worried and called my agent last night too.
She also assured me no problem.
Really hope so ah!! Too much to lose!!

<font color="ff0000">Fake Milk Formula </font>
you all read about the fake milk formula in China?

so so angry to read about it!

all the poor babies have to suffer because of these people!
<font color="0000ff">Eliz</font>
I was a little worried, that why i contacted my agent too..

The news give the impression that AIG Singapore is safe.. just hope all is good!
bedebe : Koala will always be a koala!!! hahahaha so far now is better than before actually.Last time the Sec Daddy Carry.. She Scream her lungs out!.. now... have to catch her Mood lor.. if once she is in a happy mood... i "dump" K to hb! hahahaha thats the only time i can rest my back!!

Now at least she wants to play with daddy...i think bonding is really important.. i now insist that daddy bath her in the evening... i think kaelyn's attitude towards daddy improve since i make him bath her hehehe...

sorry gals.. really MIA coz my coy doing stock take.. and i had to run about to assist :p and at home... no laptop at the moment... so have to "snatch" with my hubby hehehe...

ON a Good NOte!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I GOT MYSELF A FLAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! resale... huahauhauha couldnt be bothered with ballot anymore!...

WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehe... but my in law was so negative about it...
<font color="aa00aa">irene</font>

i'm so happy for you on your newly acquired property! so where's your flat? Bedok?
irene, congrads.. freedom at last.. hehe.. :p

nor, ya lor, the babies so poor things.. when i read the news n look at the photos, my eyes swell..
bedebe, oh so you're tagging along with veve on your hb's biz trip to London tis time round? Aiyah, if biz trip there are LOADS of other hotel choices! I recommend http://www.mandeville.co.uk/

Very nice boutique hotel just behind Oxford Street.

Oh ya, forgot to recommend to ya our all time favourite Jap sushi place..Its called Atari-ya. If you crave sushi, this IS the place to go. Mostly a take-away joint for lunch crowd, but if you go off peak, they have 2 tables for sit-in. This will be the cheapest place and of cos the BEST sushi you can find in London. (they are the suppliers of fresh fish to the likes of Nobu!) Else just tapow and have it in your hotel! So near!

I used to bring Ashley there in her pram for lunch all the time!!

Location: Along Oxford Street, just after the standalone GAP store , pass it and turn left into the little lane that's lined with restaurants and little shops. Its after Starbucks I think!!

irene....so happy for you!
this jus means you'll be rather MIA here cos preparing your new home will take a lot of time. have fun decorating!

irene and nana...when i watch the ch8 9pm drama...i think of your monsters-in-law...think i'll go mad if i'd to put up with such nonsense...hang on in there nana!

jewel...thanks for your recommendations. this time round we'll be on our own enroute to wedding in holland...so wanna stay cheap but comfyly...a bit tough eh

sigh...since veve's allergic to fish...i cannot take any fish or seafood
(still bfing her)...you make me feel like sushi now!!!

abt tainted milk fr china...so poor thing the babes
a couple of weeks ago, a promoter was trying to get me to sample the yogurt that has since been pulled off the shelves here...instinctively when i heard it was china-made, i was like erm no thanks! china ain't known for its dairy produce...dun wanna risk it!
Congrats!!! So happy for you.. Inlaws woes wld be over soon..

Check this out! Nice hor? I'm hoping to get for Megan..
Cute HK stuff.. where are you getting them from?
I shopped at H&amp;M when I was in Dortmund and Dusseldorf, saw some HK clothings too – and its cheap!! Didn’t think of getting cos I’m not HK fan.
Aiyo.. Too bad I didn't know, or wld have asked u to help me buy.. Cheap somemore? sad sad.
I'm buying from some online shop. The Jacket is selling at $16.
yah, I didn’t know your obsession and also didn’t know I’d find stuff like that there.
If I remember correctly, most of the clothes are about Euros10 to 15 for a set – most comes in a set. So your $16 is considered ok la.
any mummies bought tickets for SSO Babies Prom 2008? sistic's webby showed "sold out" for all categories and dates. luckily i called SSO direct....they can spare me 2 tix!!! but nothing more than 2 lo...FOC for kids under 2yrs coz can sit on parent's lap.
eliz, Ashley has the HK sleepsuit shown above. If i recalled correctly, I bot it from H&amp;M in london.. quite thick though. def not for sgp wear!
jewel: really? in air-con room, ok?

eliz: i wanna bang head liaoz...juz saw the new HK cookware BP...heng, only slightly cheaper than kk.
Paddington? Not really.. Just down the road from Edgware Road.. If Are you taking a train from the airport to the hotel? If you need a car pick up I can recommend a minicab guy to you. He's a HK'ie and he served us very well for the last 4.5yrs that we were there!
bedebe, I've just PM'ed you his contact. With veve going along, it will be more convenient taking a minicab. Besides, the damn train ticket isnt exactly small change?!?
Lately i have been good and not really buying as much ley.. Hee.
Thanks for the link. Know the mummy very well. Haaa!
<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">yolk sac, bcube, jillian, amber, peck, jules, pita, banquez_suez, irene, dorami and the rest of you July mommies</font></font>

<font color="aa00aa">hope you momies and todds are doing great, been quite a while since you contribute to the thread. Miss you all!!!</font>

<font color="aa00aa">the thread don’t seem to move much these days and I am also quite tight up to keep in touch via FB/ msn except for the few mins here and there where I can drop by here</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Anyways, take care, hope to see more of you in here soon
hiyee nor
tried the link u put up - its fun &amp; farny

re: AIA
i actually cashed out one policy which was already matured alrdy but boy was there a long queue @ the AIA building. another lady was telling me she was there day before &amp; it took AIA guys 130am to get to her queue number!

we are thinking of signing up bilingual @ Evans but after family hol come Mid Oct lah. say, did you &amp; Ash sign on with the Marsden Swim Classes in e end?

enjoy your upcoming trip ...
other than Elle starting to run around everywhere herslf (and its so tiring for me running after her) i find travelling much easier now.
Hello hello!

I kena summoned by Nor so I thought I'd better pop in and say hello! HELLO EVERYONE!

Sorry I've been MIA. Really busy with work and spending time with Ems. Really having so much fun with her at this age!

I also lost 8kg so I'm very pleased. Feeling a lot healthier (and slimmer - haha!).

Hope you've all been well.
Hi hi!

My turn to say hi after Ms NOR has paged for everyone

Been busy with work as well, and have not been able to catch up with the posts... and unfortunately, I seem to be putting on wt instead!! argh!!

Well done Yolksac!! 8kg in a few mths is amazing!!! the bbs are really fun at this age huh? more like little kids than babies!

btw, am really fretting about my upcoming trip wrt the flight, and sleeping arrangements. As we are following a tour group, I have requested for a baby cot for all the hotels we are staying in, but as usual, was told no promises. I guess we can all bunk into a double bed, but that means i wont be able to sleep well as xy is a very very messy sleeper and goes all over the place in her sleep.

Considering bringing along a travel cot, eg pack and play. anyone knows if the side of the pack and play can be lowered so that i can join it to the double bed like a co-sleeper? Or does anybody have any other recommendations on this?

<font color="0000ff">banquez_suez</font>
so you’re one of those who queue at the AIA bldg huh? I heard on the radio that those who cash out can re-instate their policies within 14 days if they have change of mind.
Well, after braving the mad queue, I reckon you wouldn’t lah!

Eh post pics of your yearbookyourself lah.. I’d probably post in FB.. heheh!

<font color="119911">yolk sac</font>
finally show "face" here!

woohoo! 8kg down ah!! What slimming method did you take up? Can’t be the one I shared with you and Jillian when we were at Fidgets?? Hahahahah!
<font color="ff0000">Jules!!!</font>
wah! my calling is heard!!

Yeah the todds are really fun to play with at this age.. and traveling is definitely something interesting too.

i can loan you my mini co-sleeper if you want.
nor...well said! where's everyone? oh hi yolk and jules :D

banquez suez...thanks! i'm just thinking about how veve will want to explore every nook and cranny of the hotel rooms and i feel faint already :p enjoy your trip too!

jules...when're you leaving? for our trips, when they place a cot in our rooms, we actly ask them to remove it...1. some are really gritty- you may wanna bring your own cot sheets, 2. room too small. you may wanna try asking your agency if they can put you in a triple room so tt hubs can have his own bed and not sleep on the floor. i've not considered a travel cot cos i think it's really too heavy to lug ard...but shud be ok if you've transport to everywhere.

i'm also worried abt our flight to london. hubs just did the same flight on wednesday and he said it was tough for him :| (and he's used to flying to US le) hmmmm...is there anything the babes can take to sedate them for the flight?

jules...v impt to ask for bassinette row seats even if XY can't fit in...you'll definitely appreciate the extra leg room.

yolk...well done! you've been marathoning?
<font color="0000ff">bedebe</font>
I was on Air France to Paris and there are quite a number of babies traveling in the economy class.
I was unable to sleep much as the seats are cramp and not comfy.

Surprisingly for much of the journey I did not hear much crying/ whining from the babies and they were about 4-5 seats in front of me. They only started to get a little cranky during the last 2 hours of the flight.
And mind you, we were flying for a good 11 hours already!
nor, ur face very 'big' ma hehehe
must send out such callings more often so the lurkers all feel guilty! oh ya u have a mini co-sleeper right? u mean the bbs can still fit in it now? is it easily portable? so sweet of u to offer!
really tempting!

Bedebe, hello!! tell me abt the fears for the trip.. xy has been digging in all corners and surfaces of the house, and i dont even want to think abt her doin that in a foreign environment. oh so for your past trips, u always just bunk in with veve and hbs? isnt it kinda squeezy even if its a king size bed?

have definitely asked for bassinet row seats already.. just hope they will give it to us and that there arent other babies flying on the same flight. xy is 78cm now, and the stupid bassinet is only 75cm! why cant they make it bigger??

re sedation... hahahah i'm surprised that u wld consider it!! at first, i was super agst the idea. hb was going on at me to just sedate her on the flight cos i was freaking out abt how she wld wail and scream when she realises she cant flip and turn as she likes. just cldnt bring myself to 'drug' my baby!! but after thinking it thru, have decided to just give her a bit of piriton/chloramine to tide her over the plane ride. very very safe, and that way, we can all get some rest and start the trip on a gd note.
nor...11h is good! i think most of them think 11h is the golden no. of hours for baby beauty sleep cos veve also officially wakes up after 11h...hmmm we'll see if she's gonna be good at it :p

jules...it's my hubs idea the sedation bit...i think it's a guy thing! i'm not so sadistic :| i also can't bring myself to drug veve...already she wails and screams whenever we try to give her good-for-you liquids...even considered giving her turkey which we learnt contains natural sedatives when we tried to sedate our dog to clip his nails (unfortunately turkey din work for him :| and neither did the drug the vet gave)

jewel...thanks thanks! you're my fave gem! kekeke
jules...extend your prayer to not having any other noisy nocturnal kids onboard! last trip there was a toddler in the bassinet across the aisle who refused to sleep and will cry and fuss every half hour. it was a wonder veve actly slept thru most of the flight!

btw do we need a prescription for piriton/chloramine?
bedebe, wow veve is a gd girl.. she doesnt toss or turn during that 11 hrs, or wake up for water? xy still does, but i'm not complaining! she also sleeps abt 10+ hrs only.. rarely hits 11 hrs of night sleep.

turkey?? really? wow.. just wondering how sedative it can be since its a natural sedative hehe. But worth a shot!
bedebe, oh ya u are right!! didnt think abt that. oh shucks.. if there's some other crying baby on board, xy will definitely join in the cacophony cos she doesnt sleep well in a noisy environment.

hmm.. i think u need a prescription for that. I actually got it from my PD during the last time she was sick. any other anti-histamines shld work equally well too. but i think chloramine is like the most commonly used, and hence shld be the safest (since it's been 'tested' by so many kiddos already) - my own opinion la. hehe
Hey gals

Thank you for your kind words! Actually it was 8kg in a matter of six weeks. Just by cutting back portion size, eating limited amt of carbs each day etc.

Hoping to lose another 6kg!

Jules: What worked for us on the flight was letting Ems have her favourite DVD on her portable DVD player. She just sat there in her bassinet and watched!

Bedebe is right - best to bring your own cot sheets and if XY has a favourite stuffed animal, pillow, blanket etc, bring that as well. So it's semi-familiar surroundings and encourages sleep. Ems had no probs sleeping in Tokyo cos she was so tired out from all the sightseeing each day.
hi nor!!
wow! have missed out so much here ;p
yup! the china milk powder is horrible. the bubs are such poor things. they r innocent lo..

hi eliz, can share w me where to get the HK clothes u posted? it sounds like a bargain :)
<font color="0000ff">yolk sac</font>
8kg down in 6 weeks is GREAT! I did not lose much (only 1.5-2kg) despite only having one decent meal a day now that it’s the fasting month.
Thanks to SOMEONE who says she’s craving for ayam percik and also made sago gula melaka and then post in FB!
<font color="aa00aa">Eliz</font>
I know what you mean..
In Star Wars term, it would be turn to the dark side! hahahahah!!
<font color="aa00aa">Jules</font>
sorry I missed your Qs. The mini co-sleeper is very compact, easy to carry around and pretty light weight. Downside – you can’t bring it down to any other position except the std bed level. As for the length, it can accommodate up to 86cm.
Do let me know again if you’re interested.

yolksac, wow 8kg in 6 wks is super fast! now u can go shopping for a whole new wardrobe ya? my most drastic wt loss was only 12kg in 1 yr! But that was eons ago la..

at least ems likes to watch her dvds.. xy doesnt like tv at all. She'll watch for the most 1min? whatever dvd/shows are on she doesnt watch any longer than that. I really have a very odd kid. Thot all children like to watch tv!
